Gossip King

Chapter 921: The game is set, always catch the turtle

"This, this..." The manager snapped his teeth and looked at Zhang Chao with knots. What the ordinary people don’t understand, but the word "gang" is always scary, and suddenly some Liushen Wuzhu said : "If they knew this..."

"How is it possible to know, if you don't tell me, no one will know." When Zhang Chao heard that his tone was relaxed, he held the pot of spring water and tons of tofu on the table and looked around again, from his hip pocket. He took out the professional tape and touched the small radio to the bottom of the pot, then put the pot of vegetables on it, spreading his hands: "Brother, look, it's easy to make 50,000 yuan, right? People can't see it. It won’t affect their meals, just bring the pot of vegetables to their table."

"Nana, fire..."

"Ignite! It's okay!" Zhang Chao pointed to the little thing: "This thing is top-notch, made in Germany, one hundred thousand one. We do big things, and the equipment is fine!" The words were extremely arrogant. But what I said was true. This time I came out to follow the filming equation. This equation can be regarded as enjoying the top-level treatment of Xingsheng Magazine's equipment. All night vision goggles have been used.

I don't know which face he has in his life, so he deserves this treatment...

Even the matter about him and his wife was seen, but the time was a bit short.

The hotel manager's face was flushed red because of nervousness, fear, or excitement. He looked at the money on the table, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

"I have to report to my elder brother, brother, my life is in your hands." Zhang Chao took out his phone and shook it: "If I can't complete this task today, I will die." A fierce look on his face, although he was a little bit childish and a little bit aggressive, he got to the hotel manager at this moment.

I'm dead, you didn't have a good life, Zhang Chao's brutal face told the hotel manager this subtext.

"Then if they didn't order this dish..." the hotel manager reached out and grabbed the money.

"Then you can find a way to get them to order this dish, or go directly, just say what the hotel can do?" Seeing that his consciousness became loose, Zhang Chao quickly pointed to the table where the wine bottle was placed: "You hide the money Then, come and get it later."

With that said, Zhang Chao picked up the iPad again and ordered more than a dozen dishes: "Don't worry, brother, I will still order this dish, and no one will find you."

The hotel manager nodded and gritted his teeth.

"By the way, my eldest brother is next door, don't play tricks, there are a dozen people in there." Zhang Chao handed the iPad who ordered the food to the hotel manager: "Okay, I'm ready, let's serve it. I Go find my big brother."

"Yes, yes, yes. Go slowly, boss." The hotel manager panicked and stuffed fifty thousand yuan under the wine cooler. After seeing Zhang Chao went out, he took a quick look and saw that he had entered the VIP room of the "side of the water". He slammed the door shut again and covered his chest, a sweat burst out of his head.

"Really? It's the Dongbang?" The hotel manager rushed to the wine cabinet and took out a piece of money and held it up and looked at it, then took out several pieces and looked at it: "The money is real..."

As he said, he stood up abruptly and walked out the door hurriedly and walked directly to the "Shuifang" private room, and opened the door slightly to see that there was a large circle of people inside, and the whole round table was full.

"Manager, what's the matter?" the waiter at the door asked in surprise.

"No, nothing." The hotel manager pretended to be calm.

"Then why are your legs shaking like this." The waiter pointed to his legs that were shaking like dice.

"Oh... this..." He Zhiju, he saw the "Eastern Gang" full of people in the room, and he was almost frightened out of peeing. He held the wall to stabilize and asked, "Did they order food?" ?"

"Are you on the water side?" The waiter flipped through the IPAD: "This house is so lavish. I ordered more than 50,000 yuan for food. They are all close to the top. They even said 1888 bottle of wine. Not good enough."

"On the water side" is this high cold room.

There are so many little things. It seems that the people here are not small. Seeing this level of consumption, the hotel manager did not say much, and did not hesitate to walk straight to the outside of their box and flip through their order menu. , There is no tofu stewed in spring water.

"Okay, let me serve the food." The hotel manager nodded towards the little girl who delivered the dish: "The guests in this house are important. Don't mess with the soup on the table. Go, and tidy up the dishes in Room A. , The guests from Room A will be here soon."

After leaving the food delivery girl, the hotel manager immediately returned to the room and brought out Zhang Chao's pot of vegetables. As soon as he came out, he saw Zhang Chao standing at the door of "On the Water" and smiling at him.

This is the most terrible smile this hotel manager has ever seen in his life. He sweated all over his body, nodded respectfully at Zhang Chao, and brought the food into the equation room.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw Secretary Fang smiling and not smiling. He was talking about something, but when the hotel manager came in, he stopped talking. Mr. Zhao's expression on the side was not very good. He was holding a wine glass and looked respectful, while one was wearing school uniform. The appearance of the high school girl at this dinner is particularly abrupt. She drank a glass of juice and stared at the table full of good dishes.

"Is the food not ready yet?" Mr. Zhao frowned.

"The signature dishes are good." The hotel manager smiled and put the dishes aside, and pushed it to the position of Secretary Fang. At the dinner, the new dishes should be served to the most important people first, the hotel The manager knows the truth.

"Did you order this dish?" Mr. Zhao muttered without saying much. They would not care about such a small matter.

"The real handmade tofu stewed in wild spring water, please use it." The hotel manager smiled and exited the room. When the door closed, he saw the pot of spring water stewed tofu quietly on the dinner table with the small radio inside. It's really a good thing, unconsciously.

"Five thousand are in hand, take my wife to eat delicious food after get off work!" The hotel manager sighed with relief. The first time he did something bad, he felt terrified, but it was more exciting. He walked to the water side. He opened the door to Zhang Chao's room and nodded towards Zhang Chao.

Zhang Chao stood up and walked to the door to pat his shoulder: "Brother, you get off work later."

"Huh?" The hotel manager's expression changed.

"Don't be afraid." Zhang Chao laughed and lowered his voice: "Remove these waiters, and you help us guard at the door. When the food over there is finished, I got the radio and I have twenty thousand."

At 70,000 yuan, the hotel manager's eyes lit up and he nodded with a smile.

"Let’s do bad things, I’m afraid that for the first time, after the first step is taken, I’m not afraid. What’s more, the hotel manager at this moment thinks that he is doing bad things, but in fact he is doing harm to the people. Later, in his long years, when he was drinking with friends and bragging with friends, this story will be repeatedly mentioned by him: Back then, I helped a gang do a big deal! My God, as soon as labor and management came in. , Good fellow! A dozen people took out their phones and pointed them at my head! They asked me to give me a pot of spring water to stew tofu..."

"A dozen people took out their phones and pointed them at your head?!"

"No, no, it's a pistol! A black pistol!!"

You can imagine how his friends would look at him with envy.

Exaggeration of words and plot is inevitable, bragging.

"Boss, after a while when they leave with the surname Fang, shall we stop working after taking the radio?" a young reporter asked, full of regrets on his face: "The first time I went out to work with the boss, it was really not enough. "

"No." Gao Leng shook his head: "Don't get drunk. We will play a big one later."

The game is set, always catch the turtle.

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