Gossip King

Chapter 924: Equation, you are incontinent...

"Why is it strange?" The equation driving the car looked at the left and right sides. The two vans on the left and right have been driving closely next to him. After driving for a while, he noticed something was wrong and rolled down the car window and glanced. I saw that the vans on the left and right were the most common white vans, and the driver in the car was looking at the front with sunglasses, and the window was covered with a protective film that could not be seen inside.

The equation deliberately stepped on the accelerator and moved faster.

The two vans also stepped on the accelerator and drove faster at the same time.

The old face of the equation trembled, and quickly let go of the accelerator, and the car slowed down.

The two vans were also full at the same time, next to the equation car.

It’s not a follow-up shot, it’s like putting the equation as a sandwich sandwiched in the middle. It’s tight, cough, and cool.

The fat on the old face that was clamped so coolly tugged, Ben relaxed his hands holding the steering wheel and became tense. He wiped a hand on his clothes and looked at it again in horror. The vans on the left and right immediately rolled up the windows.

"Be tracked." The equation shook his hands and countless thoughts popped out in his mind: Hold it? Want to shoot? robbery? It can't be rape...

Suddenly, a van drove to the front, the window rolled down and a hand was shot in the direction of the equation. A young man poked his head out, wearing sunglasses and a mask, "Bang!" he said. The sound of a gunshot was made, and although the equation could not be heard through the window, it was as if being hit.

As soon as the steering wheel slipped, the car twisted greatly on the road. He quickly stepped on the brake to the end, and the sound of an emergency brake came from the car behind.

"I'm sick! What kind of ghost car was driving!" The man behind was startled and rolled down the car window and cursed: "If you are mentally retarded, don't drive out! Fuck! Almost rear-end!"

"Shoot, someone is going to shoot me!" Equation's heart beat fiercely. He quickly touched the phone with one hand and wanted to make a call. Suddenly his hand stopped, and the guy who used his hand as a gun suddenly took out from behind. Several thick stacks of renminbi were scattered suddenly when a traffic light was about to arrive.

The red renminbi flying all over the sky slowed down the vehicles that were about to rush past the traffic lights and stopped.

The van holding him tightly whizzed past the traffic lights, while other cars stopped at the zebra crossing. Some car owners ran down to pick up money with laughter, and pedestrians who were planning to cross the road rushed over with their eyes lightened. Grab the money on the ground.

Equation’s face was pale and he couldn’t move at all when the car was parked in the middle. He thought he would be shot and his desire to survive made him instinctively want to open the door and run away. Fleeing, his legs trembled frantically. The weather was cool but he was sweaty. He suddenly turned on the air conditioner and turned it on to the maximum. It couldn't stop the sweat.

Boom boom boom, suddenly, someone knocked on the window of the equation twice. He turned his head in horror and saw a young man wearing a hat and mask raised his middle finger...

This should be the first time that the Deputy Secretary of Zhonghai City has met someone who doesn’t dare to go mad when facing him with his middle finger. He looked at him tremblingly, leaning back instinctively, as the young man walked. The scent of urine filled the trouser pockets.

Scared to pee.

The secretary of this equation may need to practice his control skills. Playing chicks on weekdays relies on drugs. This is the end, right?

The young man took out a mobile phone from his pocket, and his heart beating madly fell down. His pale face looked at the phone in surprise, and when the boy turned the phone screen to him, a smell of **** came out. ...

The equation didn’t know that he was scared of urinary incontinence. He stared blankly at a photo on the screen. It was his profile, and his side, even his naked body, was pressed against Xiaoxue’s body, and Xiaoxue was lying on the desk. I can't see my face when I look too far. The focus of the lens is all on the face that enjoys the equation.

He giggled, so silent that he could only hear Equation's heartbeat, the inside of the car thought of his uncontrollable tooth collision. The feeling of privacy being photographed like this is incredible.

The boy stretched out his hand and scratched the screen, and another photo appeared: his wife wearing a hat was standing by the lake in Houzi Village, and a cart was pushing down his well-built villa.

"You are...who are you, why, why..." The voice of the equation was weak and murmured. The boy raised his **** again and turned around and left happily. The equation quickly looked at the car and saw that the car was still following. A van exactly like the two before.

Buzzing, the equation only felt that his head started to ring, and a burst of fearful tinnitus came over. He didn't even know that the red light turned to green. There was a horn urging him to drive, but the one in the back was originally The van whizzed past and disappeared.

Without a trace.


"Hahahahaha, you don't know how the equation was scared by us!" As soon as he got into the car, Zhang Chao couldn't help but laugh and took off his sunglasses and mask, his eyes bursting with pride and accomplishment. I couldn't help but laugh at a glance.

They followed the equation for so many days and saw how lustful the equation was, and they knew that this was a corrupt official.

It's really cool to scare corrupt officials into such a feeling.

"Boss, this equation is sure to be overthrown by you! Corrupt officials!" A young reporter was excited: "If my dad knew that I had brought down the corrupt officials, he would definitely set off a dozen firecrackers!"

"Don't tell me now, President Jane ordered that no one can say about this action." Another person quickly reminded, and after speaking, he grabbed Zhang Chao's arm excitedly: "Quickly tell, that equation What do you look like after seeing those two photos! Fuck it! This must be a terrible pee!"

"Yeah, I also saw you put your **** at him! Ahahahaha, I really want to go down, and I really want to put my **** at the big corrupt official, the deputy secretary of Zhonghai City!"

There was a boil in the car, Gao Leng also laughed and raised his hand, the car immediately became quiet: "Tell the brothers in other cars, no one is allowed to talk about this matter, hand in all the communication equipment on his body, tomorrow Before, everyone didn’t get out of the hotel."

Harmfulness is inevitable, and defensiveness is indispensable. Although the people who have been audited by the simple review are certainly okay, it is also afraid that these excited young men want to show off too much and talk about it. This is one aspect. On the other hand, I was afraid that the equation would suddenly come back and hurt them.

Tomorrow, it should be fine tomorrow.

The people in the car nodded immediately and followed Gao Leng to play the ticket. They admired them and turned in their mobile phones one after another. The other people in the car did the same after receiving the order. Everyone's face was full of excitement. , Proud and curious.

They are curious about what Gao Leng will do next.

And the deputy secretary of Zhonghai City was about to fall in front of them, and this great joy made these young men presumably unable to sleep tonight.

Gao Leng sat in the co-pilot and saw that the car was far away from the car. He smiled and took off his sunglasses and mask, and rolled down the window. It was late autumn, and the wind was blowing into the car with a bitter smell.

Biting, Gao sneered.

The good days of Equation are over at the moment you see the screen of your phone.

In the future, he will only experience a bitter life.

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