Gossip King

Chapter 936: The wider sky, the curtain is opened!

The wider sky, the curtain is opened!

"Boss, do we all quit and go to the hook village project to make a fortune?!" The fat man's eyes lit up and he lay on the table: "Wuchuan Province is great, there are many beautiful women in Wuchuan! The beautiful women over there are petite and fair-skinned. Hold it up and press it up..." A drop of saliva fell as he said.

"Wipe your saliva." Gao Leng couldn't help but smiled and shook his head: "Biao, the project of Gouzi Village, is the main project, and the green agriculture project Hua and Jianzong are carrying them."

"What about you?" Lao Diao was obviously surprised: "You don't care? Are you still doing it in Xingsheng?"

"Yes, I'm still doing it in Xingsheng." Gao Leng nodded, "Brother Biao can take most of the things over there. I will arrange for people to do the media propaganda and government mediation."

"Then Houzi Village, did you get out like this?!" The old hanging still couldn't walk out of his incomprehension: "Boss, such a big project is hundreds of millions! You just gave the rights to others?"

"I own 50% of the shares." Gao Leng disagreed. It seemed that a few hundred million was equivalent to a few hundred yuan: "Besides, most of the green agriculture is in my own hands. Jianzong and Hua Ge are mine. what."

"But such a big project should be better than what you did in Xingsheng?" Fatty also expressed his incomprehension.

"No." Gao Leng smiled slightly, sat on the sofa and stretched out: "If it is just for a little money in this life, then the hook village project is more than enough. There is Biao brother to keep it, and you are here to do things, Shu Comfortable for a lifetime, but I have my ideals to realize, and my career domain is much larger than that of a tourist attraction in Gouzi Village. Besides, once the project is started, Brother Biao’s strength in this area is far beyond me. I It's a supporting role."

Lao Hang and Fatty nodded. Brother Ren Biao has been playing for so many years, and he has also opened a physical casino and Cordyceps shop. This kind of project is like a fish in water for him. If it is implemented in specific operations, Brother Biao is indeed better than Gao Leng must be sophisticated.

"Besides, being in the media is the best business to accumulate contacts. You should know this."

Lao Diao and Fatty nodded again. This is true. A reporter can accumulate a large number of contacts, let alone the general manager of Xingsheng Magazine. There are so many interviews with each other. The reporter is The uncrowned king, and as the general manager of a media, how many companies want to make friends with?

"Our sky should be wider." Gao Leng turned around and poured three glasses of water, the old hanging and the fat man raised one cup each: "Houzi Village can be used as our rear base. Who said I don't care about Houzi Village anymore? Me. Don’t you still divide the money every year? The new journey is here. Two brothers, replacing wine with tea. Today, I am very cold and thank you for helping us. Our three brothers are about to fight a tough battle next!"

"Okay! Boss, do whatever you say!" The fat man had no trouble thinking, so he drank the water, anyway, Gao Leng said he would just hit it.

"Boss, you arrange, I will do things." The old hanger appeared to be a lot more stable. He pondered slightly and said something coldly, and his face showed a kind of aggressiveness. This is an aggressiveness with unlimited hope for the future, which makes people happy and easy. Happy, the old hanging drank the water as soon as he raised his head.

"I said you three." A provocative voice came from behind: "Forget me?"

Turning his head to see, it turned out to be a simple one, looking at these few with a dissatisfaction on his hips, his eyes fell on the pile of bank cards on the table and shook his head: "You don't know the boss. I was not fooled by him. He lacks money and can say that in his circle of friends?"

The one who knows Gao Leng best is still simple.

"Okay, it's finished, boss, tell me about your next step." Jian Xiaodan walked over with a serious face.

"Mr. Jian, your job is like a tigress... I think you..." Before the fat man finished speaking, Jian Xiao singled out, and he closed his mouth immediately.

"The next step, we are going to annex Fengxing Magazine." Gao Leng walked to the newspaper column and pulled out the magazine from Fengxing Magazine and threw it on the coffee table, slamming it into the hearts of several people.

"Swallow?" Jian Xiaodan's eyes lighted up slightly.

"Yes, annex." Gao Leng held out two fingers: "Within two months, we will annex this magazine that is on par with us."

"Two months!" Even the simple voice that has always been calm is eight decibels higher: "Then what are we going to do now?"

"If you want to attack the city, naturally you have to recruit troops." Gao Leng turned to look at the old man and the fat man: "Do you know how many MBA student positions Xingsheng has taken at China Europe Business School? You both go there to study. "

"Read, read, read?!" The fat man shook his head abruptly: "I hate reading anymore. If I don't go, you can find someone else."

"I heard that Xin Xiaohuadan is called? What is Ruoyi or Ruoyun? She is also studying there. The EMBA class is right next to you."

"Go!" The fat man shook his head and immediately changed to a slap on the thighs. After slaps the thighs and pats his chest, his breastbone was smashed. "The boss arranged it. Huh? That was the one that played the most popular costume drama recently, and was selected as the most promising newcomer last year. She is in the EBMA class?!"

With that said, those two fat eyes exude a fascinating light. This Ruoyi is Fatty’s favorite female star. To be precise, it is his favorite recently...

The EMBA class of China Europe Business School is the president class. Every year, the president class is positive and negative. There are few female presidents. For balance and a gimmick, EMBA will invite some well-known female artists, hosts or beauties in other fields for free It's not surprising that a new Xiaohuadan is inside.

EMBA only offers two classes a year, but MBA Master of Business Administration offers ten classes. Lao Diao and Fatty are in one of these ten classes.

"Murong Yuyan is also here." The old man who knew the inside story made a supplementary sentence. When talking about the CEIBS students before, Murong Yuyan said that she was there.

"The other places will be released. China Europe Business School will start this week, and I will go too." Gao Leng waved his hand: "Okay, let's go work."

"Boss, are you going to take an EMBA? You didn't have a project in Gouzi Village before. People want you to study EMBA to save face. Now that you have a project, reading EBMA is a matter of course." Old Diao asked.

"Let's take a look." Gao Leng sat at the desk: "I will arrange for the secretary to contact them and see how they arrange it. In short, all the employees of Xingsheng who go to MBA in this wave are to focus on training, you two Which one is to learn knowledge? Secondly, the most important thing for you is to recruit and make friends. This MBA from China Europe Business School has a well-deserved reputation. Every year, it gathers the most potential employees from the most high-end companies in the empire. There are also a large number of elite media staff, Fatty. I will leave this job to you. You have to keep your eyes open, and get me the star."

"I'm the best at making friends!" The fat man patted his chest and winked his eyes: "Maybe I can dig you one or two beautiful reporters..."

Lao Diao scratched his head into a chicken nest with a look of embarrassment. When it comes to studying, he didn't graduate from junior high school. What kind of MBA is he going to study? What a master's degree... and still study with the top working elites in the Imperial Capital...

"Don't worry, CEIBS will also start classes on the weekend." Gao Leng calmed down seeing the progress of Lao Diao: "You will treat it as an eye-opener, and show your courage. You have Jian Zong and Hua Ge, and you have greens on hand. Agriculture, your goal is to dig some talents for my green agriculture project."

"Boss, I recruit the soldiers of Xingsheng, and I buy a horse for green agriculture, what about you?" the fat man asked.

"Me?" Gao Leng smiled strangely: "I naturally have my business."

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