Gossip King

Chapter 948: The cuteness of women...

It is certainly not his reason to make these people's wind turn so firmly to Gao Leng's side. There is definitely interest in this.

Gao Leng smiled mysteriously and raised his wine glass: "Huantai Group may not participate in my summit."

Su Su was taken aback.

"Anyway, you bet with me first. I will take the hook village. You have to let me kiss." Gao Leng held a smile and started to calculate the bet with the queen of the mall: "Later you said to come to my summit. , To offset the bet, I agree. Now since you don’t want to come, I regret it too, you just don’t come, let me kiss it better."


Su Su’s face turned red slightly, she blocked her shyness with a wine glass, took a sip and cast a cold eye: "Don’t worry, even if I go to the summit of Fengxing Magazine, I will send a team to your side. Accept defeat, I, Huantai Group, will definitely participate in your summit, don't mention the kiss of me in the future, remember?"

"Okay, remember." Gao Leng nodded in agreement: "Then don't bet with me in the future, don't underestimate me, remember? Otherwise, you will suffer."


This counterattack made Su Su a little depressed.

"Also, I think you will definitely come to the summit of Xingsheng Magazine, not Fengxing Magazine." Gao Leng put down his wine glass and approached Su Su, looking at her wise and wary eyes: "It has nothing to do with stakes, but with strength. ."

"Strength?" Su Su sneered: "You are too arrogant. The strengths of your two magazines are the same, and you are doing exactly the same summits. Isn't the comparison between the contacts? On the contacts, he is Yang Lao 30 After the foundation of the year, will you be afraid of you?"

As she said, she looked at Gao Leng curiously: "What is the trump card in your hand?"

Gao Leng smiled mysteriously, stretched out his finger and hooked it: "You lean over and I will tell you."

"Rogue." Su Su, who knows many women in Gao Leng, rolled his eyes vigilantly and instinctively: "Just say what you like, don't talk about it."

"Then I won't talk about it." Gao Leng picked up his plate and stood up: "You go to the summit of Fengxing Magazine, or you can ask others what my trump card is."


Su Su Leng looked at Gao Leng so arrogantly and nonchalantly that she went to the food folder to eat, and went directly to the summit of Fengxing Magazine? Su Su looked at the big guys in the distance. Since they all stated that they were going to the cold summit, there must be a reason.

But ask them what trump card Gao Leng has?

That's too shameful...

Everyone saw her talking to Gao Leng for so long, but she didn’t even know about it...

Su Su gritted his teeth and looked at Gao Leng’s back, and Yu Guang saw Yu Zhi standing there like an elegant queen toasting with others, but did his eyes look at Gao Leng, and said angrily: “Such annoying man, I don’t know what Uzhi likes him! I don’t know how to pull him down, won’t I just slap others sideways?


Uzhi went to high cold.

"How about it, it's a gain." Yuzhi stood up in front of Gao Leng, his jaw slightly raised, and raised his wine glass with a graceful smile. Gao Leng quickly picked up a glass of new wine from the bar and touched Yuzhi: " I’ll talk to a few people later. I estimate that at least seven companies will be harvested tonight, and they are all big companies. Thank you for this."

"You are welcome, they are all friends." Uzhi took a sip of wine gracefully, lowered his eyes, and his heartbeat speeded up. I don't know whether it was the stimulation of alcohol or the man's breath from the cold body. A bit shy.

Do you want to wink at him? Yu Zhixin thought.

Women are very strange creatures. Almost all women have had the experience of secretly winking in the mirror in the bathroom, especially when a girl has a love for a man in her heart, all kinds of fantasy come.

If you say Yu Zhi Mensao, then it can be said that every woman with affection in her heart is Mensao.

They will look carefully at their body when taking a bath, whether their legs are long enough, whether the bumps are moving enough, whether their skin is smooth enough, look in the mirror, look at themselves, whether holding them up will excite each other, and even pinch them by themselves. Squeeze your **** to see if the touch feels satisfying.

This has nothing to do with this woman's sorrow or not, this is a woman's instinct: women are always dedicated, and they always yearn for a man who can dedicate everything, so they look at the mirror and practice in the mirror. Winking, smiling affectionately.

Will imagine.

This is also the cuteness of women.

And Yu Zhiben is not a girl, and her fantasy in this aspect will come more directly after experiencing personnel affairs. She lowered her eyes and subconsciously fell under the cold lower abdomen, remembering Lin Zhi's desire for immortality that night. With a dying voice, his ears turned red, and his heart beat faster.

Would it be too straightforward to wink like this? What should I do if it turns him off? Uzhi bit her lip, and stood with her legs crossed instinctively. She felt her lower body warmed, her body betrayed her dignity, and her pants were a little wet instinctively.

She hurriedly stood up, and the wetter she was, the more elegant she appeared to cover up.

"I have to toast you a glass. You rarely go to parties. This time you have a private party. It's too much." Gao Leng took a full glass and drank it.

"It's up to you to be polite." Yuzhi quickly took a full glass and planned to raise his head, Gao Leng quickly blocked the glass with one hand: "I'm doing it, you can do whatever you want."

The big thick hand touched Uzhi's soft hand, which had never done any rough work. Uzhi only felt that there was an electric current flowing from the hand, straight to the lower body, the stamina of the wine seemed to come up, and she took a deep breath. Sigh, tighten the legs more and more.

How can I hint him? I can't be as direct as Lin Zhi, it's too dignified, Yu Zhixin thought, the hand holding the wine glass rubbed the bottom of the wine glass, she hesitated for a moment, raised her eyes and looked at Gao Leng: "You don't have to be so polite , I do so much for you...I do, willingly."

Speaking implicitly, but the meaning is very clear: I do so much for you, it is selfish.

Gao Leng's face changed, and his smiling face stiffened.

This should be the third time he felt Uzhi's enthusiasm. If he always felt that Uzhi was a little weird the first two times, then this time Uzhi's words confirmed his previous thoughts.

It seems that Yuzhi is really interesting to me. Having such a big private party and using such a heavy network, this will be a confession, this can be a big game, Gao Leng thought.

"You...do you think I'm not good?" Uzhijian Gao Leng's face changed a bit, a little embarrassed and anxious.

"I..." Gao Leng looked a little embarrassed. He looked up and down at Yu Zhifan. In his impression, Yu Zhi had always been aloof. The beautiful woman in front of him who has a good figure but does not even show many cleavage in her evening dress. Star, but the first-line actress of the Empire, there are many first-line actresses in the Empire, but uncles like her are well-known military backgrounds but countless.

This person is different from Lin Zhi. Lin Zhi has long known that she doesn't need a status, but adults comfort each other, but who is Yuzhi? Such a woman can't just get away and leave just for fun.

"After the summit is completed, my girlfriend and I will visit the door in person. Thank you for taking this action." Gao Leng blurted out almost without thinking. The three words "girlfriend" were of course deliberate and told Yuzhi implicitly: I have a girlfriend.

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