Gossip King

Chapter 983: Su Su, come to Room 6969A

As soon as Gao Leng got in the car and was about to drive, he received a call from President Li: "Little Gao, I helped you contact the School of Media of the school where I worked before. I am very familiar with the Dean of the School of Media. He is me. The students who are brought out with one hand, if you want to recruit some good seedlings from Xingsheng Magazine in the future, go directly to Dean Wu and say that I introduced them, and he will arrange key recommendations for you."

The school where Principal Li works is a first-class institution in China. There are some ways to recruit in such a top school. To put it simply, good companies will give special sessions, and it is the first batch of recruits. Teachers will also be in class from time to time. Tell students: you can choose this company in the future. This invisibly makes good seedlings go to good companies.

Obviously, President Li is not very clear about Xingsheng’s status in the arena. In his eyes Xingsheng is just a self-employed magazine. Although Gao Leng is a very powerful person, in the end there are too many powerful media in China, just the provincial capital. There are only a bunch of TV stations, and the students of this kind of higher education are yearning for the big media of the national nature.

What he didn’t know was that every year in this school, Principal Li had top students squeezing their heads to come to Xingsheng, especially those who had no background at home. You have to know that in the empire, you need to enter a national platform. It's related, go in? That is rare. For those students who have no background at home or have ambitions for the market, Xingsheng is definitely the top three media in the magazine that are vying to enter.

Principal Li's busy schedule is a bit tasteless to Gao Leng. What's more, his Xing Sheng is now unstoppable.

Although he said it was tasteless, Gao Leng was still very surprised to thank Principal Li: "Thank you for the kindness of the principal. It is really an honor to be able to recruit with the relationship of the principal."

"It should be, the teacher should help the students." Principal Li looked extraordinarily happy, and he was deeply relieved: "You don't know, after I retired, I never found a student who needs a teacher. This kind of feeling, don’t think I have worked in CEIBS for so long after retirement, and helped various entrepreneurs solve many problems, but it is not the feeling of teachers helping students, but just finishing the work."

As a teacher, especially a teacher with ethics, he is very happy to help his students.

"How come? Many people read CEIBS for your brand." Gao Leng's words raised Principal Li a bit, not for his brand, but CEIBS must at least have his status. Someone will serve as the principal.

"Although I have helped many companies solve a lot of talent problems in CEIBS, I don't feel the kind of friendship between teachers and students." President Li sighed deeply and realized that he had said too much. He quickly stopped: "Thank you very much for giving me a gift today. I am very touched. If there is anything I need to help in the future, the teacher will definitely help."

A principal who used to be a high-ranking principal came to work in a company. Although he was a high-level post, there were many unpleasant ones. You have a distinguished position in the school. When you come to the company, the company is not that easy to talk about. The EMBA students here are all big guys. It’s hard to say that you help them solve the talent problem. People may think it should be: because you are hired by CEIBS, you are here to solve these problems. This is also CEIBS. One of the selling points.

"Thank you, Principal Li." Gao Leng seemed to understand and understand the loss and touch of Principal Li, but he only maintained the respect he should have to the teacher. From giving gifts to Gao Leng calling Principal Li specifically, these were not for him to be able in the future. What you do with President Li is not for the sake of any relationship, just because he admires.

In his previous life, he did not have the opportunity to go to university for further studies. This was the first time he saw the president of a first-rate university in the empire. This kind of worship and respect for the teacher came from the heart, and this kind of heartfelt worship and respect touched President Li's heart. Love strings.

What Gao Leng didn't know was that the relationship between this President Li and him would have a long history and deep roots.

Fate, sometimes just between thoughts and emotions, you will be friends for life.

Throughout the afternoon, Gao Leng did not attend any meetings of Xingsheng, even if the managers were worried about it, even if it took Fengxing Magazine only one afternoon to finalize the live video company, and there are already several front-line companies. The artist opened a 30-minute live video broadcast of raising funds to assist the inland summit, even if the top five Weibo searches are all summits of Fengxing Magazine.

"Can you win?" Jian Xiaodan was very worried, walked into his office, stood in front of him, looked at him, and asked.

"Yes." Gao Leng replied affirmatively: "Before I was fully confident that I could win, and now that VCs are looking for us, I'm even more sure."

"It's your green agriculture?" Jian Xiao single-faced wondered: "What does this have to do with our summit?"

"They vote, and I have a better chance of winning the summit. If they don't vote, I will win steadily. Don't worry, go and go." Gao Leng no longer explained and pointed to the computer. He simply took a look at the desktop. The financial analysis curve of Xingsheng Magazine, and a stack of some important documents of Xingsheng these years, a stack of green agriculture information, and a stack of venture capital information are placed on the table.

Throughout the afternoon, Gao Leng had been looking through the information in the office, and he didn't even wake up once, and he ate a bite for dinner until nine o'clock in the evening.

He raised his wrist to check the time. It was time to set off to the pre-ordered high-end Chinese medicine massage club. This club was well-known in the imperial capital. The seven chains were full every night. It was similar to the blind massages that ordinary people went to, except for their decoration. It is more luxurious, with stricter security, and the high price naturally rejects diaosi. Technicians from all over the world are invited. Oriental technicians such as famous Thai technicians and Korean technicians who specialize in acupuncture can be found here.

The first-class massage masters of the empire coupled with several Chinese medicine practitioners who have practiced medicine for many years have made this place an endless stream of distinguished customers.

In the Empire, many people in your circle would come here for a massage after finishing their work. After the massage, they would fall asleep here and sleep till dawn. Jian Xiaoshan booked one of the best rooms for Gao Leng and Su Su: a separate room with two massage beds.

Just like the double standard room in the hotel, just take a bath in a special bathing area. After the bath, wear their uniform light clothing to massage and keep healthy. The room is smaller than the hotel room and the light is very dim.

Massage and rest, the lights are too bright.

Gao Leng came early, took a shower and lay down on the bed. He ordered a Korean technician but didn't take acupuncture. He didn't have any major problems with his body. Just press it at will. The technician is really beautiful. The Korean girl has white legs and long legs. This is a regular place that doesn't sell pornography. After the girl nodded towards Gao Leng, she put on a mask and began to press his feet. Gao Leng closed her eyes to rest.

"Hey, are you here?" While he was massaging, Gao Leng's phone rang. As soon as he answered, Su Su's voice came over: "I'm at the door, let me take a shower first, you send me the room number."

This makes Gao Leng a little fanciful. Why does it feel like opening a house? He quickly stopped thinking: "I'm in room 6969A."

As soon as this room number...

Even more imaginative.

"Okay, I'll take a shower first, wait for me." Su Su obviously didn't hear the secret of this number, and hung up the phone.

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