Gossip King

Chapter 990: Happy cooperation and wait and see!

50% off plus 10% permanent shares, this girl's appetite is really big enough, Gao Leng thought, but he didn't think Su Su was too cold-blooded and ruthless. Looking at her who closed his eyes and raised the corners of her mouth with confidence and cold-blooded her, Gao Leng was tight. He tightened his mouth, holding back a faint smile.

"Public is public, private is private. You make money by cooperating with me." Su Su opened his eyes. "It's like doing business with me. I think I'm profitable. This is also good for Huantai. I just I will put forward my terms. If you agree, I will take the shot. As long as I take the shot from Huantai, when you negotiate with OMSAS, you can at least reduce the shares to 20%, let alone triple the profit. It’s possible to ask them to withdraw, right?"

The investment company’s pressure was reduced to 20%, and Su Su’s side gave out 10%, which is 10% less than the 40% previously requested by OMSAS. It changed from 40% to 30%, and changed from ten times the profit. From this point of view, Gao Leng really lost a lot less, at least 10% less shares.

"Moreover, it can be stated in the contract that my shares cannot be resold to others. If I don't want them, I can only sell them to you, so that you don't have to worry about your shares being diluted in the future and you have no right to speak." Su Su said. A strand of loose hair slipped from her shoulders. She washed her makeup before the massage. She has loose hair, which is very different from the usual makeup with red lips. At this moment, she looks extremely feminine, at least in high cold. In the eyes of Su Su, she was extremely feminine, even if she had the cold look that she was used to in shopping malls at the time, Gao Cooling still thought she was feminine.

Damn, this moved the heart of the world, and the feeling of seeing people is different. This girl is obviously killing me, why do I still feel so comfortable? Gao Leng thought.

"Think about it, you can contact me at any time, continue doing SPA, it's not finished yet." Su Su lay down again, stretched out his hand to press the button next to it, and when that button was pressed, he waited for the technician outside the door The reminder of will prompt them to come in and continue to massage the guests. As she said, she looked at Gao Leng inadvertently, but carefully observed the expression on his face.

Let him think about it. He should also know that 10% of the shares are my starting price, and I can talk about it. I can accept 6% of the shares, but he should give me 8% of the shares at most, which is not bad. Yes, buy 8% for 200 million yuan, and there is a 50% discount on purchases, Su Su wanted to be slightly proud.

The 50% off purchase advantage can provide her high-end clubhouse with such good ingredients. This is a big profit. As for 8% of the shares, it is a piece of raw jade. Now green agriculture is at a loss, but once it is really done Up, that 8% is a lot of money, far more than the 200 million invested.

Well, I agree with 6% of the shares. He pressed it to 8%. I can ask someone to draw up the contract now. Su Su has made up his mind.

"You don't need to ask them to come in now." Gao Leng reached out and grabbed her hand that was about to press the button, shook her hand, and moved with emotion in her heart: This woman really needs maintenance, and her hand after finishing the essential oil SPA is extremely tender. A squeeze made the man's heart surge.

"Huh?" Su Su's eyes lit up: "Have you thought about it?"

"It's been considered." Gao Leng grabbed her hand and was a little reluctant to let it go, so he changed to a handshake: "I agree."

"Huh?" Su Su, who thought Gao Leng would suppress the price, was stunned: "Is that agreed?"

"It's hard to come by if you can make a move. Of course I agree." Gao Lengzui said, "President Su, waiting for me to lower the price?"

In a word, he broke Su Su's skills again.

Su Su looked awkwardly embarrassed, and for a while let Gao Leng hold her hand and stay on the bed.

"Not only will I not keep the price down, but the two billion will be counted as I borrowed from you, and I will return it to you soon. Of course, the shares and discounts you mentioned are correct." Gao Leng said, holding Su Su's His hands tightened, and he felt more and more that those tender little hands seemed to be pinched out of the water by him and pinched into the flesh.

"Borrow?" I can only use surprise to describe President Su at this moment.

Not only doesn't keep the price down, but also doesn't need money. Where is this fool.

"I'm not used to asking women for money, especially yours." Gao Leng smiled meaningfully, without breaking, suddenly his brows frowned slightly: "It's just..."

I knew he would definitely not be so generous, so I lent him 200 million, and he gave me shares and discounts for nothing? There is no such case in the business district, Su Su thought to herself, Gao Leng's sentence "just" with a twist made her instinctively vigilant.

Often after these two words are spoken, it is the true intention of the other party.

"It's just that these two hundred million won't be invested in green agriculture. I have used it for other purposes. Of course, it is said that you, Mr. Su, have invested in it. If you don't go into details, others don't know where you invested.

"Don't invest in green agriculture?" Su Su was puzzled: "As long as you give me shares and discounts, you can spend the money as you like, but you have a green agriculture in your hands. Are you investing in the Gouzi Village project?"

"No." Gao Leng shook his head: "Gouzi Village gives the bulk of his head to Brother Biao. He needs such a project to enter the mainland. I want 49% of the shares in Houzi Village to be enough. If you add another 200 million, I'm afraid Brother Biao Think more."

"Then what do you do with two hundred million? Mu Zhengtang only needs tens of millions to plug him up with corruption." Su Su was very curious and sat up again, slipping his hands from the cold hands to the bed. , Attentively waiting for Gao Leng's reply.

"I want to spend it on Xingsheng."

"Xingsheng?! This is not your company." Su Su's voice suddenly became louder, and she immediately shook her head negatively: "You can't receive much of Xingsheng's shares if you want 200 million yuan, Xingsheng There are four or five senior shareholders in Sheng. Except for Lu Yajun who also manages Dian Xing Sheng, everyone else is pensioned with shares. It is absolutely impossible for them to sell shares to you, and even if they sell them to you, it will be a sky-high price. How many shares can you receive for 200 million? With this amount of shares plus the gift from President Lu, you are still a minority shareholder of Xingsheng and have no decision-making power."

Su Su’s denial is not unreasonable. There are only five people on the board of directors of Xingsheng Magazine. Mr. Lu gave a share of Gao Leng. If you buy 200 million, you can buy at most 5%, and these shareholders may not necessarily sell him.

"Even if you smash it to Xingsheng Magazine to make it bigger, the profit is divided among the five people above them, and the rest is you. Although 200 million is not a big deal to me, it is right. For you, it’s a big sum. Two hundred million is so cold. You’re better off smashing other people’s companies than yourself. Listen to me. Although I am only two years older than you, I have experienced a lot in business circles. Lu Yajun’s gift of your shares is affectionate. That's right, but affection is unreliable. It's really reliable to really make your own company bigger."

When she said this, she paused and seemed a little excited. She took a deep breath: "Look at me Huantai, after my parents died, those uncles, uncles, seven aunts and eight aunts all came out to grab the ring. The resources of the Thai group, these people are my father who has been living well. They have no ability but they can always eat the high salary of Huantai. That is my father and my mother wanting to have a good life for their relatives. ,The results of it?"

Su Su's eyes were slightly red, and she turned her head to the side to stabilize her emotions, but within a few seconds, when she turned her head, she calmed down: "The family relationship is unreliable, and the growth of her company is the most reliable."

Gao Leng reached out and touched her head with compassion.

"What do you do." Su Su was unaccustomed to knocking out his hand.

"Nothing." Gao Leng smiled a little regretfully. This thorny rose will always keep a certain distance from people. It is not so easy to take off. He shook his head: "Thank you for your reminder. I have considered all this. I have my idea. I want to vote for Xingsheng for 200 million yuan. As for how to vote to avoid what you said, I know in my heart, and I also have my way."

Gao Leng stopped at this point, but Su Su became curious. She didn't know what the method she could not even think of was, and she looked at Gao Leng with a little more admiration.

The strong will always cheer for another strong.

"Then, happy cooperation." Su Su took the initiative to stretch out his hand: "How to spend these two billion with you, wait and see."

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