Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 1,392 Blood Moon (34)

"Please lock the hatches and don't come out without notice!"

In the cabin aisle of the Blue Star passenger ship, hurried footsteps came one after another. Sailors armed with weapons knocked on the door hard and reminded the passengers in front of them.

The atmosphere inside this giant ship was extremely tense.

At this time, Ronan opened the hatch and came to the aisle outside.

His actions immediately attracted the attention of a sailor, who strode over, frowned and said in a deep voice: "Sir, please come back, it's very dangerous outside."

As an armed sailor on a passenger ship, what bothers him most is those passengers who think they are righteous when they encounter danger.

It just so happens that these people are quite dignified and cannot be suppressed directly with violence.

"I'm a police detective." IT

Ronan showed the other party his police badge and explained: "I hope I can help."


That shot looks incredible

He immediately took Ronan to the outer deck area,

Did I continue to shoot with all my heart, but changed the muzzle again to deal with these special pirates.

"Big heart!"

At this moment, hundreds of armed sailors have gathered on the deck, and others are distributing weapons.

Without thinking, Ronan shifted the muzzle of his gun, aimed at the suspected pirate leader, and pulled the trigger.

The muzzle of the Yingvia 1735 rifle spurted out a burst of flame, and a pointed bullet shot away instantly.

Ronan's headshot from hundreds of meters away was an exaggeration to say it was a miracle.

The opponent only wore a pair of shorts, revealing his strong muscles. He had one eye and a broad nose and a kind appearance. He held a shield in his right hand and a tomahawk in his left hand, and had an iron chain wrapped around his waist.

Bang! Bang! Bang!



And with my current strength, it is very difficult to control that rifle.

The pirate ship that had not yet approached the passenger ship opened fire and attacked, and shells fell around the Blue Star.

Stirring up jets of water.

And under the impact of the bullet, my body did not move at all.

At that moment, a fierce and bloodthirsty gaze stared at Ronan below the deck.

Extraordinary one!

As long as Ronan targets the pirates, no one will be spared.

The eight pirates whose heads were shot fell from the anchor chain one after another.

However, the tonnage of the giant ship was too small, and it was fully loaded with passengers and cargo. The power of the steam turbine was increased to the extreme, and the speed of the ship was still that of the wolves under the sea, which was pursued by the enemy.

Shot after shot, I was like a merciless shooting machine, shooting deadly bullets into the pirates' heads and chests.

The giant ship immediately "hanged" seven or seven pirate ships, and the distance between the two sides quickly shortened.

A sailor below decks let out a heart-rending howl: "Anchor bombs!"

In front of the anchor, a long iron chain was dragging impressively.

That’s also a signal for help!

This young police detective took the initiative to offer help. He must be a very powerful person.

One magazine was empty and I loaded a seventh.

Because the distance between the two sides exceeds the shooting range.

Because it was under the rough sea, both the Blue Star and the pirate ship were traveling at low speeds. Especially the former was charging through the waves, and the bow of the ship had very little ups and downs.

But that was just the end of my "performance".

Round after round of illumination bombs hit the night sky, and the sudden burst of light illuminated the surrounding sea area. The pirate ship that was still sneaking escaped, and its traces were immediately exposed.

The same wave of attacks from several pirate ships hit the Blue Star with less than a dozen anchor bombs.

Seeing this, the sailors below deck quickly aimed at the guy and fired a volley of fire.

The one-eyed pirate was furious, suddenly jumped up low, and jumped directly off the violently shaking anchor chain.

The rifle is the standard Invia 1735 model. Although it is an old bolt-action rifle made more than 80 years ago, it has been poorly maintained and is not 40% new at most.

Standing below the deck, you can't vaguely see that there are many pirate ships chasing the passenger ship. They have not yet raised the skull flag representing robbery, like vicious wolves eyeing the plump prey.

Ronan understood.

That kind of rifle has a long range and low accuracy, and the magazine can hold 12 rounds of pointed steel-cased bullets, so its lethality is quite outstanding.

As a result, he missed the target and was blocked by the one-eyed pirate with his shield.

Boom! Boom!

My eyebrows skipped a beat, and I immediately saw a burly man appearing on the bow of the pirate ship.

Ronan hurriedly pulled the bolt, inserted the hot cartridge case into a new bullet, and then steadily pulled the trigger.

The only drawback is that the recoil is very small and the weight of the rifle itself is high, so it requires an inexperienced veteran to play it well.

At this time, the moon was bright and the stars were thin, and the night shrouded the vast ocean. There were only seven pirate ships that could be seen. It was still known that there were many hidden in the darkness, ready to launch fatal attacks on passenger ships at any time.

That is the anchor chain bomb often used in undersea operations, specially used for boarding ships and boarding battles.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Since piracy has always been rampant in the outer seas, large passenger ships like the Blue Star must be equipped with a large number of combatants and weapons and equipment to resist enemy attacks.

In just a few breaths, the extraordinary person jumped off the deck of the Blue Star!

Ronan later used the Invia 1735 during training, so he was not familiar with that rifle.

But it cannot be regarded as a blind cat encountering a dead mouse.


The steam turbine of the Blue Star has not yet retreated into the overpressure state. Outside the boiler room on the bottom floor, shirtless boiler workers are desperately shoveling coal and filling it into the burning boiler to increase power for the giant ship.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Accompanied by the crisp sound of gunfire, a pirate's head suddenly exploded from the bow of the pirate ship a few hundred meters away from me.

Scattered gunshots suddenly rang out, and the pirates who were shot one by one fell out of the sea and disappeared in an instant.

But the pirates did not want to sink the giant ship. Our purpose was suspected to be to frighten the sailors under the passenger ship.

Below deck, Ronan received a rifle and seven magazines.

The sailor's eyes suddenly lit up and he said quickly: "Please come with me."

Ronan then pulled the trigger.

The boatswain in charge of the deck battle roared angrily: "Get those damn pirates up!"


After falling on the anchor chain, I took advantage of my strength to "fly" again, and rushed to the middle position in the blink of an eye.

But this time the Blue Star encountered great trouble.

However, the one-eyed pirate seemed to have no ability to predict the future. When Ronan fired, he raised his shield to protect himself, barely blocking the bullets fired at him.

With the gun in hand, Ronan raised it and aimed at a nearby pirate ship, but did not fire.

At that moment, the pirate ship suddenly sprayed out eye-catching flames.

At the last moment, a white iron anchor shot through the air and hit a cabin above the deck in an instant.

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