Gou Becomes a Boss in the Fairy World

Chapter 419: Bandit Suppression (Continuation 5)

While writing the letter in charge of the account, the lone wolf, or Wang Chen, was mingling with the bustling crowd.

Two days ago, he cleared out a nest of bandits by fishing, and dug up a mission clue.

The bandit leader Heimiansha still tried to get away with it, but under Wang Chen's soul-searching technique, he revealed everything about spying on village widows taking a bath when he was a teenager.

Following the clues he got, Wang Chen found Loose Cultivator Lone Wolf.

He forced out a channel to contact the horse thief from Lone Wolf, and finally found here.

The white tent just now was the stolen goods sales point set up by the Xuanyi horse bandit in Liumaji. In addition to selling the stolen goods obtained from the looting, it also bought supplies and cultivation materials.

Because of its importance, Zhang Zhang is the confidant of Taoist Xuanyi.

Originally, Wang Chen planned to capture him and force him to find out the whereabouts of the mission target.

But when he thought about it carefully, Taoist Xuanyi couldn't have put this person here without precautions and means.

It's easy to take down the opponent, but if you startle the snake, it will be difficult to complete the task in a short time.

So Wang Chen decided to lure the snake out of its hole.

He disguised himself as a lone wolf, and used Jindan Cave as a bait to seduce Taoist Xuanyi.

In order to win the trust of Zhang Zhang, Wang Chen revealed the good fortune of life.

It's a heavy bait.

The effect can be said to be very good, just now he could see the flash of greed in the opponent's eyes.

The probability that Taoist Xuanyi will take the bait is at least 90%!

The other 10% depends on luck, after all, there is always the possibility of unexpected situations.

Wang Chen walked around the market in a leisurely manner.

His current appearance is quite different, but in this Liuma Ji, he is nothing.

The people here are very complicated, including local herdsmen, foreign business travelers, and all kinds of casual cultivators. There are many people with strong backs and strong waists, and there are many people who are more vicious than Wang Chen.

Wang Chen mixed in, not eye-catching at all.

He went around the whole market and bought some local specialties.

For example, black beef, kumiss, cheese, etc., have unique characteristics and flavors, and the price is quite cheap.

You can buy a whole bunch of them for one drop.

Wang Chen swept a few thousand catties of goods and put them in the storage bag. Anyway, his main storage bag has a huge capacity now, and it is empty if it is empty. It is not bad to buy something to eat and go back.

When it was dark, piles of bonfires were set up inside and outside the market, and the blazing flames illuminated all directions, and the herdsmen who were good at singing and dancing began to rejoice around the fire.

Wang Chen sat down in a white tent similar to a wine shop, and ordered a barbecue platter and a jug of kumiss.

Enjoy singing and dancing while eating and drinking.

That night, he lived in Liumaji.

At noon on the second day after arriving at Liumaji, Wang Chen received a letter from the crane from Zhang Zhang.

He was not in a hurry, and after slowly eating a hearty lunch, he calmly came to the other party's tent.

Seeing Wang Chen, Zhang Zhang, who was obviously waiting anxiously, breathed a sigh of relief, and said impatiently: "My lord promised to see you, so you can come with me."

As he spoke, he took out a flying magic weapon.


Wang Chen reached out to stop him and said, "I don't intend to see your master."


The fat face in charge of the account suddenly turned purple: "Are you kidding me?"

"I dare not."

Wang Chen said with a smile: "Your master is the master of Zifu, how dare I offend you."

He said these few words in a weird way, and almost choked to death on the account: "What do you want?"

"Since your master agreed to meet..."

Wang Chen said as a matter of course: "I will decide the meeting place."

Zhang Zhang took a deep breath and suppressed the roiling anger in his heart.

His city is very deep, but being led by the nose by Wang Chen like this, I feel really aggrieved.

But Zhang Zhang couldn't turn against Wang Chen right now, otherwise he would ruin this big deal, and he wouldn't be able to pay for it if he boiled all his fat and sold it.

He said aggrievedly: "I have to ask my lord for instructions!"

Wang Chen hehe: "Then ask for instructions."

The accountant asked, "Where is it?"

"It's right here, Liumaji!"

Wang Chen said in a deep voice: "I'll say it again, don't play tricks, otherwise..."

Otherwise, Wang Chen didn't say anything, but his confidence and determination can be seen in the account!

The account manager silently took out a piece of talisman paper, quickly wrote a letter and sent it out.

Wang Chen sat down unhurriedly, and poured himself a cup of tea.

After nearly half an hour, a falcon letter flew back.

The accountant took it over, opened it, and said, "My lord has agreed, and I will be there in two hours."

"very good."

Wang Chen nodded: "See you then."

He threw another letter crane to the other party: "I will tell you the exact location to meet when the person comes."

At this time, the account manager had no temper at all, so he took over Xinhe and nodded.

But deep in his eyes, there was a hint of indescribable cruelty hidden.

Wang Chen left the white tent, came to the only real restaurant in Liumaji, took out spirit stones to wrap up the top floor.

Wait for the big fish to come to your door!

At sunset and dusk, he received a crane letter from Zhang Zhang.

Wang Chen wrote back.

He was sitting by the window, looking at the endlessly flowing Lanqiang River not far away.

At this time, the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the big river called the mother by the herdsmen, with thousands of golden scales appearing, and flying birds fly by from time to time, the scene is too beautiful to behold.

"Brother Lone Wolf is really in a good mood."

A deep voice suddenly entered Wang Chen's ears.

He looked back and saw three people appearing at the top of the stairs, the leader was a middle-aged monk with a peaceful face and fair skin wearing a blue Taoist robe.

With a faint smile on his face, the monk clasped his fists at Wang Chen and said, "I am mysterious."

"Are you Xuanyi?"

Wang Chen frowned, and his face suddenly sank: "Get out! If you are Xuanyi, I will be Qingxu Zhenxian!"

True Immortal Qingxu is the Supreme Elder of the Xihai Sect, who has been famous in the Xihai Lingyu for hundreds of years, and is also one of the Xihai Sanqing.

Although Wang Chen, or the lone wolf he pretended to be, had never met Xuanyi himself, the middle-aged monk who called himself Xuanyi also exuded the aura of a Zifu monk.

However, Wang Chen could tell at a glance that the other party was a Xibei product.

He is neither a Xuanyi Taoist nor a cultivator of the Zifu, and in all likelihood, he used some kind of magic weapon to disguise himself!

The middle-aged monk's face froze and he was a little at a loss, probably because he didn't expect that he would be spotted as soon as he showed up.

The account holder next to him said in astonishment: "Fellow Daoist Lone Wolf, did you misunderstand something, this one is..."


At this moment, a calm voice came to everyone's ears: "Both of you back down."


The middle-aged monk and the head accountant all bowed and saluted, and retreated to the lower floor.

Only one man dressed as an entourage remained.

He smiled slightly at Wang Chen: "Brother Lone Wolf has good eyesight, I am Xuanyi!"


The second one is delivered.

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