When Wang Chen finished the killing, the street in front of the restaurant was already full of corpses.

None of the corpses was complete, or they were decapitated, or broken in two. The blood pooled on the ground paved with bluestone to form a stream, and the air was filled with a smell that flies liked.

Wang Chen recalled the Chiyan Sword and landed on the ground.

With him as the center, the voice of a living person cannot be heard within a range of hundreds of steps.

The originally bustling market seemed to have turned into an endless ghost!

Everyone was obviously terrified by the brutal killing.

Taoist Xuanyi brought a large number of men to the meeting, which can be regarded as cautious.

But this cultivator on the fifth floor of the Purple Mansion has no calculations, and he can't count that he will be planted here today and miss Qingqing's life.

Even a group of brave horse thieves were harvested by Wang Chen.

He reached out and took the storage bags hanging from the corpse into his palms one by one.

Tigers are fat, and flies are meat even though they are small. Wang Chen doesn't have the burden of being a "Master of the Purple Mansion", and he doesn't mind picking up some bits and pieces of spoils at all.

What if loot is opened in these "blind boxes"!

Wang Chen never forgot that he got his Qianji Transformation and Tianluo Zhuxie Net from a Qi training monk.

Xiaoxiu may not have a big treasure on him!

"This fellow Taoist..."

Wang Chen had just finished cleaning the battlefield when an old voice suddenly reached his ears: "Can you explain why so many people are killed here?"


Wang Chen sneered: "Why does Chen need to explain to others what he is doing!"

He sacrificed the Yaoguang sword, and the human sword merged into the sky, disappearing in an instant.

After a while, a helpless sigh sounded in the market.

Yu Jian flew into the air, and Wang Chen, who left Liumaji far behind, didn't care about the episode before the end.

The guy who hides his head and shows his tail and dare not show up is also a cultivator of the Purple Mansion, and should be a character in Liuma Jili town.

But the opponent is very old, and his voice is full of old age. Even if he has profound skills, he has already lost the will to fight, and has no intention of fighting to the death with Wang Chen, the "butcher".

The old Zifu actually begged Wang Chen to leave tactfully—people were killed and things were taken, so go back.

Wang Chen was about to leave, so he should give the other party a face.

He drove the Yao Guangjian all the way with lightning speed, and soon returned to Beiwang City.

Of course, he sneaked back to his residence through the tunnel.

This time, Wang Chen had been out for several days, and there was no sign of the door restriction in the practice quiet room being touched.

It is very normal for monks to retreat for three to five days, or even longer.

He had specifically explained in advance that unless something serious happened, no one would bother him rashly.

Taking off the mask of Thousand Machine Transformation and the camouflage of the lone wolf, Wang Chen replaced the deity and began to take stock of the gains of this trip.

The first is his Tiangong points, which once again broke through the thousand point mark.

This meant that Wang Chen could add points to himself again.

However, because the two most important attributes, root and understanding, have been added four times, plus 10,000 celestial skills are required, so only physique and spirit can be added.

Wang Chen hesitated for a moment, but did not choose to add points immediately.

He planned to go back to Xihaizong to talk about it.

The second is the large number of storage bags seized, counting as many as forty-seven.

In fact, the number of horse thieves and bandits killed by Wang Chen far exceeded this number, but some storage bags were damaged in the battle, and some poor beeps did not have storage bags.

There were also some storage bags that were so rotten that he wasn't even interested in picking them up.

Of the forty-seven storage bags that Wang Chen got, two of them belonged to Taoist Xuanyi, and they were obviously used by the horse thief leader to deceive others.

You must know that the Sumeru Ring is the standard equipment of Jindan real people, and it is a luxury equipment for very few local tyrants.

It is easy to attract the covetousness of others.

The process of opening the "blind box" was lackluster, and Wang Chen didn't get many surprises. The total value of all the contents in the storage bags was around 200,000 to 300,000 souls.

It must be explained that the two storage bags belonging to Taoist Xuanyi accounted for at least half of the things opened.

This is actually quite normal. Horse thieves and bandits rob houses and rob houses. They seem to be at ease, but they are actually living a precarious life. If they are unlucky enough to encounter a stubble, or are used by sect disciples to gain combat experience, the probability of being buried in a dead ditch is very high. .

Under such circumstances, most of the thieves will get drunk tonight and leave no money until tomorrow.

Those who are a little bit ambitious and ideal, use it to buy cultivation resources, or items such as magic tools, talismans, and medicines.

It can be said that Wang Chen can scrape so much, which is not bad.

He didn't care about it either, and focused on the Sumeru ring of Taoist Xuanyi.

Wang Chen didn't do anything to Xu Mijie immediately, but placed it on the case table, and took out the body of Taoist Xuanyi from the storage bag.


He pinched the magic formula with his hand, and suddenly pointed at Xuanyi's corpse.

The latter was shocked and jumped up suddenly!

It's not that the master of the Zifu cheated on the corpse, but that Wang Chen just performed the "corpse control technique".

Corpse Control is a Qi training level spell. After a monk masters it, he injects his own mana into the corpse for manipulation.

The rank of this spell is not high, and it is good for playing tricks, but it is not very suitable for combat.

Wang Chen also learned this spell after reading a book written by his predecessors.

Under Wang Chen's "remote control", Xuanyi's corpse walked up to the desk unsteadily, spread his stiff five fingers, and held the ring that originally belonged to him in his hand.

Using this corpse as a medium, Wang Chen's mana was injected into the Sumeru Precepts.

At this time, Wang Chen had already blessed himself with a light shield!

Be careful when sailing for thousands of years, Wang Chen is greedy for things in Xumijie, a mysterious Taoist, and he must also guard against possible traps.

Other people's things, especially the storage equipment of high-ranking monks, are not so easy to move.

However, Wang Chen manipulated the corpse to "open the box". Once there was a problem, the corpse would bear it first.

His heavy light shield armor has been cultivated to the realm of the master level, and the high-level Zifu's attacks can also withstand one or two attacks, which is completely guaranteed to be foolproof.

With the infusion of Wang Chen's mana, the Sumeru Ring flashed with light in an instant.

It fell from Xuanyi's corpse.

However, before the treasure landed, it was photographed by Wang Chen's probe.

He has already tested it clearly, this Sumeru ring does set a restriction, but it is not a means of demonic or evil cultivators, it is just a blessing of a "door lock".

Although Wang Chen doesn't have a key, he can rely on his own magic power to erase this restriction bit by bit.

It is nothing more than a matter of time.

The current Wang Chen has enough patience.

It only took him about two hours to open the Xumi Ring of Taoist Xuanyi.

And the things stored inside made Wang Chen's eyes brighten.

Get rich! ——

I have been too busy in the past few days, please forgive me for the poor update, and the normal update will resume tomorrow.

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