What Wang Chen played was the Suppressing Evil Talisman.

Although he activated nearly thirty evil-suppressing talismans at the same time, it was obviously impossible to suppress this black grudge-level evil monster.

The evil monster just froze for a moment, and the light of the Suppressing Evil Talisman on his body quickly dimmed.

However, what Wang Chen wants is this opportunity!

Accompanied by the sound of rolling thunder, the Chiyan sword pierced through the head of this evil monster in an instant.


The huge body of the evil monster shook violently and let out a painful roar.

A big hole was opened in its head, and countless black smoke came out of its head. The entire face was completely distorted due to the heavy trauma, but it didn't fall down because of it.

The evil monster suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and sprayed out countless black flying insects.

Overwhelmingly coming towards Wang Chen!

Wang Chen was about to make up his sword, and when he saw such a situation, he decisively recalled the flying sword, and performed the mysterious fire flying crow technique with his hand pinching formula.

Karma! Karma! Karma!

Fire crows appeared out of thin air, fluttered their wings and flew high, facing the overwhelming flying insects.

These black flying insects collided with the fire crow, and were immediately ignited and exploded, making endless crackling sounds.


Wang Chen made a sword finger in his hand, and suddenly stabbed towards the evil monster not far away.

The Chiyan sword that had just returned to his side suddenly shot out like an arrow from the string, passing hundreds of steps in an instant, piercing through the left knee of the evil monster.


The evil monster's left calf was broken and fell off.

Its huge body suddenly lost its balance and fell heavily to the ground.


The body of the evil monster was torn apart under the violent impact, bloody balls popped out from under the thick fur, and rolled towards all directions.

want to run?

Wang Chen immediately threw out the net of killing evil.


The gigantic net that unfolded in the air instantly produced a powerful suction force, and the blood cells rolling around on the ground flew up one after another and fell into the evil net.

The sound of sizzling was endless, and the blood cells emitted gray smoke, shrinking rapidly in size.

Wang Chen, holding the net rope in his hand, felt that the amount and quality of the evil power sucked by the evil net this time greatly exceeded the previous one, and the transformed spiritual power was surging like a tide.

It took him thirty breaths of time to completely deal with this ferocious monster.

At this time, the dark clouds over the deserted village quickly dissipated, and the original gray sky was restored. The remaining evil spirits fled and disappeared, restoring the tranquility of this area.

Wang Chen took a long breath.

He retracted the evil net and fixed it on his arm, then went to grab the fur of the evil monster that fell on the ground.

This evil monster is more than ten feet tall, and the area of ​​its peeled skin can be imagined, and it weighs at least a thousand catties.

It's just that it exudes a strong stench, and the evil spirit remaining in the hair makes people sick.

Maybe it would be a good material after processing, but Wang Chen didn't want to contaminate his storage bag with it.

So he tossed it aside.

As a result, a bead the size of a fist and emitting a radiant light rolled out.


Wang Chen was a little surprised, and reached out to take the bead into his palm.

Yin Qi beads!

He recognized the origin of the bead at a glance, but this was the first time he had seized such a large Yin Qi bead.

And if you observe carefully, you can see countless blood threads lingering in the bead, making it look pale pink.

The rank of this yin qi bead is undoubtedly quite high.

It is also a good harvest.

Wang Chen put the beads away, and then found another house in the village that was in good condition to live in.

After a rest, he resumed his journey.

In the next few days, Wang Chen discovered more deserted villages.

There used to be a large number of villagers living in these villages, but they obviously suffered some kind of irresistible disaster, and all of them were wiped out.

Countless ghosts and resentful spirits wander in the deserted village, besieging any intruding creatures.

In addition to a large number of low-level evil spirits, he also encountered a lot of resentment-level evil spirits, and he shot more and more Yin Qi beads.

The "explosion rate" of Yin Qi beads here is obviously much higher than that on the surface, which makes Wang Chen feel soft when he picks it up.

At the beginning, he still had the excitement and excitement of playing treasure.

Later it gradually became numb.

Due to the large number of evil spirits, Wang Chen simply used these guys as a tool for gaining skill experience points.

Mainly Xuanhuo Flying Crow, Yuan Geng Finger and Tianlong Vajra Palm.

Without endangering his own safety, he tried his best to use spells to destroy evil spirits, and he did not easily use the evil net.

And the large amount of spiritual power accumulated by Zhuxie.com provided Wang Chen with a steady stream of energy for his monster spawning action.

Beginner, proficient, small success...

Without relying on the addition of human virtues, the two purple mansion-level spells, as well as the Tianlong King Kong palm technique, were brushed up by Wang Chen level by level, and they were integrated to improve their combat power.

Fighting all the way like this, it took more than half a month to trek, and I don't know how many evil spirits I killed and how far I traveled.

When Wang Chen's soul inevitably showed a trace of fatigue, he finally walked out of the hilly area.

A city standing on the edge of the plain appeared in Wang Chen's sight.

Standing on a high hill, Wang Chen overlooked the city ahead.

The scale of this city is not very large, just like a local county town. It is surrounded by high walls, and the houses in the city are row upon row, showing the prosperity and excitement of the past.

But the open city gates and dilapidated city towers are silently telling the catastrophe it has encountered.

Wang Chen frowned.

He passed through more than a dozen villages back and forth, and now he found a city, which shows that a long time ago, there were a large number of human races living in the second floor of the Nine Dragons Underground Palace.

It is even possible to establish a city-state or even a kingdom!

This huge secret realm is obviously not just a simple place for the disciples of the ancient immortal sect to practice.

The question is, who are the people living here?

Why did they perish?

Wang Chen felt that this huge underground palace seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist, and what he could see so far was only the tip of the iceberg.

Of course, Wang Chen didn't intend to reveal its secret.

What he thought about was whether he could still find his way back.

Up to now, Wang Chen is still wandering in the unknown area, unable to get the "Nine Dragons Underground Map".

And he didn't meet a living person either!

I don't know if the county in front of me will let me discover something.

Wang Chen's gaze suddenly froze.

He discovered that in a temple-like building in the southeastern area of ​​the city, there was a faint fire!

Due to the distance and the special environment of the underground palace, Wang Chen couldn't see clearly.

But the flickering flames were still obvious.

Is there someone in the city?

With a thought in his heart, he immediately took note of the location, and then flew towards the city in front of him.


The second one is delivered.

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