Chapter 1078 Cosmic Tides

 Fire Feather Star.

 Deep in the core of the earth.

Horrid pressure spreads all around, millions of times greater than the surface.

The blazing heat seems to melt everything.

Fang Xi sat cross-legged, her whole body wrapped in a layer of bright blue light, completely ignoring these terrifying surroundings.


He looked inside his dantian and saw the dark star that he had formed into his dantian. After fine-tuning, it turned out to be somewhat similar to the Fire Feather Star.

"let's start!"

Fang Xi murmured, and under the action of countless engines, the planet's rotation suddenly accelerated.

 “Gravity well! Ignite the fire!”

 Then, a huge sci-fi machine beneath him began to roar.

 A majestic gravitational force emerged, firmly binding everything on the planet.

Not only that, the terrifying gravity is bursting out in all directions, attracting all dark matter and dark energy in the universe.

 “The small Dantian of the human body, the great Dantian of the universe…”

 At this moment, Fang Xi seemed to have a subtle connection with the planet.

He is located in the core of the star, like the golden elixir of the planet, and the planet is located in the universe, like the golden elixir of the universe...

Every time the Fire Feather Star rotates, terrifying dark energy is absorbed and enters Fang Xi’s limbs and bones.


In Fang Xi’s dantian, a piece of ‘subspace crystal’ burst out with brilliant brilliance, helping him infiltrate the dark energy into his limbs and bones, and began to break through!

 “Planetary level! It’s done!”

I don’t know how much time passed, but as if things were coming naturally, Fang Xi opened her eyes.

At this time, he felt that this 'Fire Feather Star' had completely become his own. He could control its rotation with his thoughts and emit strong or weak gravity.

With each rotation of the planet, the speed at which it absorbs dark energy exceeds that of satellites by thousands of times!

“The method of cultivation in this world, every time you break through a major realm, the energy will increase exponentially!”

 After breaking through to the planetary level, Fang Xi still sat cross-legged, letting the planets rotate silently and swallowing the energy of the universe.

 “Wenger…I’m going to stay in seclusion here for a while…”

Although Fang Xi was able to put the Fire Feather Star into the dantian subspace at this time, she still made it release its gravitational force and accelerate her cultivation.

Thinking of what was happening on the Emperor Planet, he immediately prepared to practice cultivation here for a period of time.

“Your Highness, please rest assured, I will personally protect you.”

In the spaceship, Wenger's firm voice came out: "No one will bother His Highness..."

"very good."

Fang Xi turned off the communication device, and then rubbed it casually with her fingers.

 Threads of red silk threads appeared around him, carrying the power of the fire attribute law.

If Wenger saw this scene, his eyes would definitely stare down.

 Because this is the power of the concept of flame!

It is very difficult to condense concepts in this world. Generally speaking, to achieve the level of Fang Xi, it is only possible to achieve it by a red giant-level immortal with the help of secret techniques!

 But for Fang Xi, exerting the power of law is as simple as eating and drinking.

 He is still the illusory true spirit of a Taoist king!

Even, under Fang Xi's thoughts, the Tao of the law of fire emerged, faintly integrated with the core of the planet, making the surrounding temperature even higher.

“Generally speaking, ordinary planets cannot become red giants.”

“The next step in planetary level training is to constantly transform one’s own planet, and finally ‘ignite’ it…”

“If you understand the concept of ‘flame’ in advance, the probability of a successful breakthrough in the future will increase by at least 30%!”

“If you understand other laws, or what is called the power of concepts in this world, it will be almost 100%!”

This is the key to Fang Xi’s daring to enter the ‘Gaia system’.

 What if the breakthrough success rate is low?

 As long as the minimum requirements are met, with his understanding of the law, the success rate of breakthrough is 100%!

 Even the neutron star immortals in the future will be like this!

 As for the Black Hole Fairy?

“At least, I can obtain the ‘concept of time and space’ in advance...adding 20% ​​hope for a breakthrough..."

“Sato said he is a genius, what is the probability of being promoted to Black Hole Immortal? One in a thousand?”

"Although I am promoted like this, I will most likely be a weakling in the same level... But if I crush the satellite level at the planet level, defeat the planet level at the red giant level, and then compete with a bunch of red giants and white dwarfs at the neutron level... it won't be a big problem. "

After practicing for a while, Fang Xi couldn't help but feel very satisfied when she felt that the planetary level was much faster than the satellite level. She started to log on to the Internet again and placed an order to purchase the red giant level resources of the 'Gaia system'...


 Lanikenian Empire.



 In the universe, supernovae explode one after another, bringing dazzling light.

Infinite flames and energy rays annihilated a Zerg army.

This Zerg army is all green, shaped like a beetle, and has sickle-like forelimbs. It is the "green sickle bug", the lowest combat unit among the Zerg.


This is an extremely special group of people in the universe. It is controlled by the ‘Mother Queens of the Insect Swarm’. Within the group, a strict binary pyramid structure is implemented.

 Among a group of people, there is only one supreme ruler, the queen, and the rest of the Zerg group are slaves and warriors. What's more, these Zerg queens possess extremely powerful psychic power, can easily control every Zerg in a precise manner, and can also set off a psychic storm that subverts a cosmic fleet, resulting in the Zerg's combat effectiveness being astonishing. Coupled with the terrifying reproductive power, they have always been In this cosmic domain, they are entangled with the Imperial Army of Lanikania, and they win or lose.

“Captain, these supernova bombs are powerful enough...”

I don’t know how far away, various cheers came from the channel of a space fleet.

 “Keep up the good work and crush those disgusting Zergs to death...”

“After finishing this job, we can go back to our hometown to open a company...”

 Amid the cheers, a mechanical voice without any emotion suddenly sounded:

“Alarm, alarm... High-risk psychic field fluctuations have been detected!”

“High-risk psychic field? No, is it the Queen of the Insect Swarm?”

The commander of this warship's expression changed drastically: "The psychic defense mechanism on the ship is fully activated, don't worry about energy, hurry up!"

In an instant, a bright purple protective shield appeared, quietly covering the entire fleet.

 In the universe not far from the fleet, the void distorted and a ‘planet’ emerged!

 Looking carefully, I realized that it was not a planet, but something like a spherical honeycomb.

 Sacred Soldier Ants, Quantum Bees, Red Tiger Insects…

Hyperzoids of all kinds crawl in and out of this honeycomb-structured planet.

Deep in the planet, there is a female creature that is difficult to describe, but extremely beautiful regardless of the aesthetic concepts of all races. She opens her purple eyes, and an indescribable charm overflows.


 A storm swept across the fleet, but there was no sign of it in the universe.

 —Psychic storm!

The fleet fell silent for a moment, and all the soldiers and lieutenants of the Lanikainian Empire seemed to be sleeping, falling on their respective workstations.

 “Ah! I can’t die!”

 A silver stream of light emerged, directly separated from the fleet, and retreated quickly to the rear.

 This is the captain of this fleet, a ‘neutron star’ immortal!

 He ​​was very fast and left the battlefield at the speed of light. It didn't take long for him to return to the first fortification in the northern frontier of the Lanikenian Empire, the Star Gate Base Camp.

Here, not only are there guarded by the Imperial Marshal of the Black Hole Immortal level, but there are also countless high-tech weapons and densely packed armies.

 Through the Star Gate, this wartime base camp can receive assistance from the empire at any time.

 In the base camp, dense permanent fortifications were built.

It can be said that with this kind of preparation, even the Zerg Mother Queen at the level of Black Hole Immortal can never even think about it...

  This neutron-star immortal was feeling lucky to have survived the disaster, when suddenly his expression changed.

 Behind him, it was as if two super galaxy clusters were colliding with each other, releasing a terrifying energy shock wave!

The scope of this shock wave is at the cosmic level, directly setting off a whirlpool several light years high, sweeping toward the Northern Xinjiang base camp like a tidal wave...

 Era of Fire in the Imperial Calendar, 88932.

 Northern Fortress, fallen!


Fang Xi was immersed in practicing in the star core, almost forgetting the passage of time in the outside world.

I don’t know if several years, decades, or hundreds of years have passed.

A vibration came from high in the sky, waking him up.

"This is?"

 A trace of confusion flashed in Fang Xi's eyes, and then a thought came to her mind.


The Fire Feather Star disappeared instantly and seemed to come to the center of his Dantian, slowly turning.

With the help of this planet, every punch and palm of his hand now carries power that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

  Not to mention the efficiency of extracting the dark energy of the universe...

  ‘Is this a planetary level? It is indeed powerful in all aspects...'

Fang Xi shook his sleeves and saw Wenger standing in the void. He pressed his chest and saluted: "Your Highness Kaya, I'm very sorry. If it hadn't been for an emergency, I wouldn't have woken you up..."

Wenger looked at Fang Xi at this time, and a strange thought flashed in his mind.

Although he only followed the most popular promotion route, for some reason, when His Royal Highness Prince Kaya stood in front of him, it almost made his heart tremble!

‘Obviously I am a red star level immortal, why do I feel the slightest bit of oppression? ’

 Wenger was extremely puzzled.

 He didn’t know that after Fang Xi was promoted to the ‘planetary level’, the fastest improvement was not in strength, but in understanding the law!

At present, with the power of its own planet, it has been able to leverage most of the laws, and it is almost certain to be promoted to the red giant level in the future.

Such a high concentration of conceptual power naturally made Wenger feel a little nervous.

 In fact, this is also the case in real fighting. Although the base number is very low, the multiplier of the rule is too high.

Fang Xi estimated that Wenger was no longer his opponent.

“What on earth could have happened that would allow you to interrupt my retreat?”

 He asked with a hint of displeasure.

Wenger suddenly felt awe-inspiring in his heart, and quickly bowed and replied: "The northern military camp has been destroyed, the empire has been defeated...a new round of conscription is underway."

 “Is Northern Xinjiang actually defeated?”

Fang Xi murmured, and then said: "What does this have to do with me? The ten thousand year deadline has not yet arrived, right?"

  There will be no update tonight



 (End of this chapter)

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