Chapter 871 Picking Peach

 This yin fire is not the fire of ghost cultivators.

Its nature is soft and almost transparent, with only the void slightly distorted.

Even so, it can dissipate cultivation and refine Yuanying. It is one of the several types of flames that monks fear most.

Furthermore, the Yin Fire arises directly from inside the monk's body and cannot be resisted at all, so he can only bear it.

Chang Qingzi's complexion changed, and the Mahayana aura quickly became weak under the burning of Yin Fire.

At this moment, the armor on his body flashed with light, and fiery red lines lit up, which seemed to be some kind of secret seal of the Immortal Mansion.


A layer of red flames rose up, and countless runes rolled inside, entangled with the Yin Fire.

The Yin Fire then takes on wisps of bright red color.

Seeing this scene, Chang Qingzi's face lit up with joy, he quickly recited a few spells, and then threw out a wooden doll.

This doll seems to be made of wooden heart, and its facial features are lifelike, very similar to Changqingzi.

 When Chang Qingzi threw the puppet, the flames on his body fell off like clothes, and then wrapped around the wooden puppet.

 ‘The Yin Fire will never escape from the monks. This rare treasure that Chang Qingzi found from nowhere can actually confuse the power of the Yin Fire, and then use the technique of a dead puppet to lure the Yin Fire away...'

 Fang Xi nodded repeatedly.

Chang Qingzi is worthy of being one of the five human beings, and he is quite well prepared for the many catastrophes of the Mahayana.

Especially this calamity of Yin Fire, which can be described as a catastrophe for monks with wood-attribute skills, but they can escape easily.


 The next moment, the heaven and earth shook, and a fierce force of heaven descended.

Even the combined monks seemed to be unable to withstand such heavenly power. They did not dare to control the air and flew into the air, and were forced to land on the ground.

Although Fang Xi can hold on, it is meaningless, and it falls and disappears with the flow.

He raised his head and saw rolling thunder clouds, countless electric snakes dancing wildly, the void was wide open, and countless electric currents shot out from it, as if the thunder from the entire earthly and immortal world had been gathered here.

 In the void, five colors gather together, carrying the power of powerful laws!

“The combined monk is a two-color thunder tribulation of gold and silver, and the Mahayana immortal thunder tribulation is a gathering of five colors...for the law of immortal thunder!”

When Fang Xi saw this scene, her face couldn't help but look solemn.

His true self will definitely be able to break through the Mahayana period, but how he survives the tribulation after the Mahayana period is his own business.

He was somewhat sure of the previous two calamities of wind and fire.

 But now, seeing the power of the Mahayana Immortal Thunder Tribulation, do you feel that the preparations I have made are not sufficient?


Accompanied by a thunder that seemed to shatter the souls of low-level monks, a purple thunder suddenly fell!

There is a circle of colored light surrounding the purple thunder, which turns into five colors: black, white, red, yellow and blue!

 “Thunder of the Law!”

Fang Xi couldn't take his eyes away, looking at the cyan figure whose aura was slightly weak after the Yin Fire Tribulation.

Chang Qingzi saw this scene, a light flashed in his hand, and a green jade umbrella appeared.

With the injection of his Mahayana-level immortal energy, the green jade umbrella roared, and its body instantly expanded, covering him inside.

 This is obviously a treasure that can transform thunder!

 The function is somewhat similar to the ‘Hunyuan Tianluo Umbrella’ that Fang Xi once obtained, but the grade is undoubtedly far higher, at least quasi-eighth grade!


The green jade umbrella roared, and streams of light appeared on the surface. A large number of runes flashed, weaving together, turning into layers of defense, facing the five-color immortal thunder.

In an instant, the power of the immortal thunder seemed to be weakened by one or two percent, and it bombarded directly on the jade umbrella.

 Thunder sounded!

A big hole was opened in the jade umbrella, and a much weakened five-color fairy thunder struck Chang Qingzi's protective light shield, and countless electric arcs spilled out.

Chang Qingzi was currently surrounded by a defense formed by several circles of green leaves. There were six simple tortoise shell shields floating around him. He also held a few talismans in his hand and was staring nervously at the sky.

 Seeing the first thunder dissipate, there was no joy in his eyes, only solemnity.

This ‘Ten Thousand Transformations Jade Umbrella’ is the treasure of transforming thunder that he obtained through great difficulty.

 The original plan was to deal with the first three levels of the Mahayana Immortal Thunder Tribulation.

But I never thought that just the first level of Immortal Thunder Tribulation would be easily destroyed...

Thunder Tribulation will not give Chang Qingzi time, and the second five-color thunder suddenly fell.

Chang Qingzi let out a clear whistle, and six tortoise-shell shields flew out around him. The Xuanwu blood on them was extremely rich. They seemed to be made of sixth- and seventh-level black tortoise shells, making them an excellent defensive treasure...

The low-level monks in the whirling twin cities saw Changqingzi using the treasures to avoid disasters one after another, combined with the top-level wood-attribute skills and secret techniques. In the blink of an eye, the thunder passed through the sixth level. It's a sign of hope.

 Only Fang Xi and the tall lady looked a little solemn.

 ‘Chang Qingzi’s preparations are not inadequate...however...'


The sky and the earth shook, and the seventh five-color thunder calamity crashed down with the power of law!

Chang Qingzi threw out a talisman.

Countless gold and silver seal characters flashed on this talisman, turning into a huge light shield. It seemed to be a rumored secret talisman of the immortal family.

 The five-color thunder tribulation tore through the light shield, and then fell on Chang Qingzi's body-protecting spiritual light.

That ray of cyan light was drowned by the thunder...and then extinguished!

Seeing this scene, all the monks finally changed their expressions.

 “Want to kill me? Dreaming!”

After the five-color fairy thunder erupted, a flash of blue light appeared on the spot, and Chang Qingzi's figure suddenly emerged.

Only half of his robe was damaged, and the green leaves were all scorched black, and even a lot of them were destroyed... Not only that, his chest was scorched black, and a terrifying wound appeared.

Chang Qingzi took a deep breath and a green light flashed on his chest.

Threads of emerald light flashed through his muscles and bones, repairing his internal organs and returning them to their original state in an instant.

His skin is as crystal clear as jade and his appearance is delicate. He really looks like a carefree immortal.

 “Eternal evergreen body?”

Feeling the breath of a similar spirit, Fang Xi couldn't help but shrink her pupils: "This Changqingzi is really good..."

Before he could continue to observe, the eighth celestial thunder calamity rolled down.

 This time, Chang Qingzi's expression really changed.

He made a clasp with his hands and kept chanting mantras in his mouth.

The whirling twin trees rustled, and a large number of leaves fell, becoming withered in an instant.

 The terrifying wood-attribute spiritual energy gathered and lingered around Chang Qingzi.

He instantly transformed into a green wood **** general wearing cyan armor, holding a huge wooden shield and a spear!

Even the breath is better than the previous one!

 “No, Lord of the City…”

The branches of the whirling twin trees withered, and the monk's cave built on them collapsed.

 The high-level monks were okay, but some low-level monks were unable to escape and died immediately.

For a time, the two whirling cities seemed to have turned into purgatory, with countless monks running around and crying, with hatred in their eyes.

 ‘This Changqingzi is indeed the incarnation of the betrayal…’

  ‘For the sake of selfish desires, I am not afraid of destroying everything…’

Fang Xi saw the green wood **** general rising into the sky holding a wooden spear.

The pattern on the wooden spear was clear, and suddenly it roared and turned into a green dragon, facing the eighth immortal thunder!

 There was a loud thunder and the green dragon cried blood!

Threads of lightning not only destroyed the green dragon, but also fell on the huge Aoki God General.

That green wooden shield could not withstand the thunder, and exploded into pieces, and soon the entire body of the divine general was revealed!


The thunder light fell, and the jade crown on Chang Qingzi's head exploded. His hair was disheveled, and tears of blood flowed from his eyes: "No!"

 His seals changed again, and he frantically extracted the inspiration from the whirling twin trees.

At this moment, Fang Xi seemed to hear the whining of the twin trees.

This spiritual root of heaven and earth seems to have been extracted to the point of being on the verge of destruction!

Even so, due to excessive losses before, only strands of vitality gathered together, barely strengthening it into a huge green skeleton.

And the last five-color thunder of the Immortal Thunder Tribulation suddenly fell at this moment!


The dazzling lightning made almost all the monks close their eyes and burned their consciousness...

After the thunder and dark clouds dissipated, Fang Xi opened her eyes and saw that all the leaves of the whirling twin trees were gone, most of the tree crowns were broken, and even the thick tree body left a huge trace of lightning strike.

In the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, the sky was filled with chaos, and there was no such person as 'Chang Qingzi'!

 There are only a few broken treasures and formation flags that are shining brightly, still floating and flying around the edge.

 “Chang Qingzi... died after overcoming the tribulation?!”

Many monks were like sculptures. After a long time, a monk who returned to the void murmured.


The crowd was in an uproar, and suddenly there was a ray of light that silently flew towards the location of the broken treasures.

 His whole body is full of magic power, and he is actually a great monk in the early stage of integration!

 “Chang Qingzi is dead and robbed of his legacy…”

 An old cultivator roared with a ferocious face.

Then, many monks seemed to have some thoughts!

 Fang Xi couldn't help but be speechless when she saw this scene.

“No matter how well Chang Qingzi managed before, just because he frantically extracted the essence of the Whirling Twin Trees this time in order to survive the Immortal Thunder Tribulation, and almost had a whole city of monks buried with him...his reputation is ruined. ’

‘It’s really not unusual at all to encounter something like this after death. ’

 ‘Of course, he may not care. ’

 But at this moment, he sighed and paused.

With a flash of magic light, his speed was astonishing. He actually surpassed the early-stage integration monk and came to the edge of chaos. He held a half-broken cyan token in his hand.


The monk in the early stage of integration was furious, and a dark Zen staff appeared in his hand, exploding with astonishing spiritual pressure and sweeping towards him.

Fang Xi's hand flashed with colorful light, and the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan appeared, and she flapped lightly.


Accompanied by the cries of the luan and the phoenix, a true flame phoenix flapped its wings and flew out, followed by countless fire birds, its wings burning with colorful flames, turning this dark Zen staff into molten iron...

In the early stage of integration, the monk suddenly spat out a large mouthful of essence and blood. Only then did he feel the fluctuation of Fang Xi’s mana in the later stage of integration, and his expression changed greatly: "You are..."

“I, Qinghezi, are you going to betray the human race?”

Fang Xi stood with his hands behind his hands. The mana fluctuations in the late stage of integration swept across the entire field, and a pavilion appeared in his hands, which was the 'Yuntian Pavilion'!

As soon as the light of this cave treasure flashed, Zhaixingzi flew out with Li Ruling and other subordinates. When they saw the scene outside, they were all expressionless and confused.

“You and others immediately take over the Whirling Twin Cities, seal the treasury, and maintain order.”

Fang Xi gave the order calmly and started picking peaches as expected!

 (End of this chapter)

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