Three months later,

Inside the quiet room, an ancient bronze oil lamp illuminated the room.

Qin Feng sat facing the wall, on which hung a calligraphy piece obtained from the Bronze Temple, which read:

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and treat all things as straw dogs. Saints are not benevolent, and treat the people as straw dogs."

The meaning of these twenty words is not important.

What is important is that every stroke of these words seems to be written with some kind of sword formula, which makes Qin Feng gain different things every time he meditates.

And this oil lamp, which was also obtained from the Bronze Temple, Qin Feng also discovered an effect of it, which can make people clear their minds and concentrate when practicing and meditating, and not be disturbed by external things.

Qin Feng was in seclusion for three months this time. In addition to daily breathing exercises, he devoted himself to comprehending this calligraphy, in an attempt to uncover the profound sword techniques hidden in it.

On this day, after Qin Feng had been looking at it for a long time, the true energy in his body suddenly boiled like soup, and the whole person seemed to have entered a certain realm.

The strokes and sword edges that had been reflected in his mind for three months also became a figure wielding a sword at this moment, jumping onto the paper, dancing with a clear shadow, and the sword light dazzled people's eyes.

After an unknown period of time, when Qin Feng was looking at it in a trance, the true energy in his body suddenly returned to calm, and he instantly came out of that strange state, and the figure on the paper disappeared.

Qin Feng sighed, walked out of the quiet room, came to the edge of a cliff, waved the Firefly Sword, and practiced the sword tactics he had just learned from the calligraphy and painting...

As the sun set, Qin Feng returned from sword practice, and Lu Tingbin came over with a little excitement,

"Master, the two bird eggs you asked me to look after have hatched!"

After hearing this, Qin Feng immediately followed Lu Tingbin to a cave with interest,

Soon, Qin Feng saw two furry birds with their eyes closed in a bird's nest.

Qin Feng frowned and said:

"This bird... doesn't seem to be anything strange."

Lu Tingbin said: "Master, look, they only have one leg!"

After Lu Tingbin reminded him, Qin Feng realized that the two chicks did have only one leg,

But other than that, he couldn't see anything for the time being.

Qin Feng then told Lu Tingbin,

"Take good care of these two chicks. If anything happens, let me know immediately."


Lu Tingbin immediately responded.

He naturally likes dealing with monsters.

Except for Qin Feng, most of the disciples of Xuanyin Sect cannot get close to fierce beasts such as ice-winged bears and double-winged red-scaled pythons.

Lu Tingbin is one of the few people who can get close to these fierce beasts, except for Qin Feng. He usually feeds them and can even ride them to fight the enemy.

Therefore, it will be no problem for him to raise these two chicks now.

Who would have thought that more than a month later, when Qin Feng came back from outside, Lu Tingbin came to him to complain:

"Master, those two birds have a big appetite, they eat more than Xiao Hei!"

Qin Feng said in disbelief,

"They are just two little birds, how much food can they eat?"

After a while, the little bird he was talking about had grown to the size of an adult rooster, with pale blue feathers all over its body, very beautiful, except for a tuft of inverted triangle white feathers on its forehead.

At this time, Lu Tingbin kept them by a pond, and they made loud calls from time to time.

Suddenly, one of the birds spread its wings and flew up, grabbed a fat fish from the water with its sharp claws on one foot, opened its mouth, sprayed white ice flames, roasted the fat fish, and swallowed it into its stomach in one bite.

Qin Feng was stunned for a while,

"This bird... can actually spit out ice flames?"

"Yes, its appetite is very picky. Not only does it only eat fresh fish, it doesn't even want dead fish, it can also spit out fire to roast them and eat them."

Lu Tingbin continued to complain:

"It's only over a month old, but it eats at least ten fat fish every day. I can't even imagine what its appetite will be like in a few years!"

After all, Lu Tingbin also needs to practice, and it is impossible for him to waste time every day to catch so many fish for these two birds.

So Qin Feng asked him:

"Do you have a solution?"

Lu Tingbin obviously thought about it, and immediately said:

"The 800-li Baimang Mountain is full of jackals, tigers, leopards, poisonous insects and pythons. Mortals can't survive without the protection of cultivation.

Since our Xuanyin Sect was founded in Fuyun Cave, hundreds of villages have gathered here. Many of them live in the river valley and make a living by fishing.

I want to spend some money to choose a reliable fisherman to transport fat fish every day..."

Qin Feng waved his hand, not wanting to listen to these trivial matters any more.

"Since we have a plan, let's implement it. Just ask the general affairs chief to withdraw the money you need."

After hearing this, Lu Tingbin happily said goodbye and left.

Qin Feng took out a few books from his storage ring. While reading, he looked up at the characteristics of the two birds in front of him, wondering what kind of birds they were.

One-legged, green feathers, can spray ice flames...

After looking around, there is no one that completely matches.

There is only one "Bifang Divine Bird" that is as famous as the Qingluan Divine Beast. It also has one leg and can spray various kinds of flames. It is somewhat similar.

But the legendary Bifang Divine Bird has a crane beak and a human face, and its feathers are green with flame-like red spots.

And the two birds in front of me look like ordinary roosters, which are far from the image of the Bifang Divine Bird with a crane beak and a human face...

"No matter, since it looks a bit like the Bifang Divine Bird and it was obtained from the Divine Bird Platform, let's call it the Bifang Divine Bird."

Qin Feng was too lazy to check it out, so he just decided happily to let these two be the Bifang Divine Birds!

From this point of view, although the previous trip to the Immortal Coffin Mountain did not find the Baicao Jiuzhuan Pill as expected, it was indeed a fruitful harvest.

Bronze lamp, sword art calligraphy and painting, Ruyi Shenspear, Bifang Shennv...

There are also forbidden methods obtained from the back of the stone turtle, which have now been compiled by Qin Feng into a book named "Stone Turtle Diagram Forbidden", which is as mysterious as "Thirty-six Forbidden Methods of the Big and Small Heavens".

In addition, there is a black dagger that Qin Feng has refined into a hidden weapon. I don’t know what it is for now, but it will definitely be very useful. Nine Heavens Mysterious Magnetism,

By the way, there is also a Taoist robe obtained from Qingyangzi, the fifth generation head of Lingxiao Sect.

Qin Feng only discovered a few days ago that this Taoist robe is not only made of special materials, but also has amazing defense.

There are actually a few lines of small characters written inside the lining of the Taoist robe, which seems to be some kind of cultivation method, but it is incoherent, making people completely confused and unable to practice.

Even so, Qin Feng still asked Shen Sanniang to help him slightly modify the robe, erase the mark of Lingxiao Sect, and put it on, which gave him an extra layer of protection for his life!

Of course, external objects are external objects after all, and the greatest guarantee for one's own safety is still cultivation.

Therefore, since the end of the trip to the secret realm of Xianguan Mountain, Qin Feng has resumed his previous life of almost daily hard practice, trying to break through to the late stage of Jindan as soon as possible...

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