The sky was full of stars, and the sky was full of stars.

A flash of white light passed by, and Qin Feng stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

After looking carefully, he saw that he appeared in a courtyard. There were attics stacked in the distance, which was the scene of Feilei Xianfu that he was familiar with!

Qin Feng was puzzled.

There was no teleportation array around this courtyard. How did he get here?

However, before Qin Feng had time to think about it, he was attracted by a piece of bamboo in the courtyard.

"These bamboos are..."

He immediately took out a piece of bamboo that looked like a fire stick from his storage ring.

This was a piece of thousand-year-old Tianlei bamboo, which Qin Feng exchanged for a silver lung grass from Chiyu Shanren at the Worry-free Island Fairy Fruit Conference.

Although this bamboo can be refined into various magic weapons that emit thunder, after all, there is only a small piece, and it will be gone after it is used up. Qin Feng has never thought about what to use it to refine.

And the bamboo in the courtyard in front of him is the extremely precious thunder bamboo!

However, these bamboos seem to have grown only in the past few hundred years, and none of them are more than a thousand years old, so their use is much worse.

Qin Feng didn't care so much, and immediately rubbed his hands, waved the hoe, and dug up all the thunder bamboos that were more than a hundred years old and put them into the storage ring.

The bamboo forest, which was originally beautiful, instantly became a bare piece...

After the work was done, Qin Feng rested for a while, and suddenly heard a fight outside the yard.

After a while, after a few screams, the fighting gradually subsided, and someone began to work hard to break the restrictions around the courtyard.

Qin Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

He originally thought that after recovering his strength, he would break the ban and leave, but someone came to help him, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Qin Feng secretly observed for a while,

Finally, he estimated that with the speed of the person who broke the ban, it would take at least two days to come in.

So he relaxed, adjusted his breath for a long time, and then slowly got up and pushed open a door in the middle of the courtyard.

In the room, there were four desks and a stone table. There was no decoration. The layout was quite cold. It didn't look like a place for people to live, but there was a wooden couch.

There were some objects on the stone table, which were dim and without brilliance. They didn't look like magic weapons.

When he walked over and took a look, he saw an iron ruler engraved with ancient seal characters, a white jade flute, two copper coins several inches long connected by red lines, and three black jade chains.

The shapes are extremely simple. Even if they are not magic weapons, they are probably antiques.

Especially those red copper coins, which seem to reveal a little bit of Yang evil spirit. Perhaps they can be refined into copper coin swords specifically for dealing with Yin evil things.

So Qin Feng put all these four "antiques" into his pocket, and searched the room again. Finally, he found a dark-colored token-shaped thing on the bed.

The material of this token feels like neither gold nor stone. At first glance, it seems a little ordinary.

But after staring at it for a long time, I suddenly feel that the strange light in the card is contained, which makes people unconsciously fall into it, and soon I feel dizzy.

So Qin Feng concentrated on it for a long time before he finally saw one side of the token clearly. There were some wind, clouds, water and fire painted on it, and there was a faint flow.

And the back of the token was painted with many obscure and mysterious talismans.

Qin Feng was amazed for a while, knowing that this token should be the first rare treasure he had obtained since entering Feilei Xianfu. He happily put it into the storage ring and would study it slowly after returning.

After that, he visited other houses, but in the end he found nothing, so he sat on the bed and closed his eyes to practice.

Three days later, there was a loud bang outside, followed by some men and women cheering excitedly, which should be the end of breaking the ban.

"It took longer than I expected, it's too bad!"

Qin Feng complained a little dissatisfied, stretched his waist, and walked out.

When the Qinglian Sword Sect, led by Jiang Xuejun and Liang Xing, rushed into the courtyard with smiles on their faces,

they saw Qin Feng, who seemed to have just woken up, yawning and walking out of the room, and then gently spread the linen flag and fled into the distance like a meteor.

The smiles on the faces of the people in the Qinglian Sword Sect seemed to freeze in an instant. It was not until Qin Feng disappeared that they realized, "Oh no, all the treasures have been looted by that person... He even took the bamboo shoots of the Tianlei Bamboo. He is too cruel!" Jiang Xuejun, who had broken through the Nascent Soul stage, had a cold face and gritted his teeth and said word by word:

Lust! Devil! Qin! Feng! "


In the next few days, Qin Feng, like other cultivators in the Immortal Mansion, seriously broke the ban and searched for various magic weapons and elixirs.

Unfortunately, after a few days, he only got a few bottles of poor quality elixirs and three or two old and useless magic tools.

It seems that good luck has not always favored him.

At this time, Qin Feng estimated that it was almost time to leave the mansion, so he did not break the ban again and walked in a sparsely populated plum forest.

This plum forest was much smaller than the one encountered in Xiangxue Cave Heaven, but all of them looked like they had grown for thousands of years, as if they were planted at the same time.

Qin Feng had already dug up a lot of thousand-year-old plum trees in Xiangxue Cave Heaven, and planned to transplant them back to Xuanyin Peak to plant them, so he would not do anything here.

"Chirp! "

Suddenly, the silver swallow in his sleeve called twice, as if he wanted to come out.

Qin Feng then removed the Qi from his sleeve, and the silver swallow immediately flew away, and in the blink of an eye flew to the depths of the plum forest.

Qin Feng did not care. Seeing that there were no treasures in this plum forest, but the spiritual energy was extremely abundant, he simply sat cross-legged under a plum tree and practiced breathing.

The path of cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

Since he has made up his mind not to look for treasures anymore, he will seize the time to improve his cultivation as much as possible.

After an unknown period of time, the calls of the silver swallows rang out.

Qin Feng, who was under the plum tree, opened his eyes and saw that the silver swallow had brought back a branch, which was full of yellow fruits the size of beans.

Little As if afraid that Qin Feng would snatch its food, the creature landed on a tree in front of it, and looked at Qin Feng every time it ate.

It didn't fly to Qin Feng until it had less than one-third of the food left, holding a branch in its mouth.

Qin Feng picked a fruit and took a bite, and felt that it was extremely sweet, but it couldn't increase his cultivation like the previous vermilion fruit.

After Qin Feng ate only a few, he picked them all and fed them to the five chicks in the bird's nest.

Suddenly, a woman holding a sika deer walked out of the plum forest. Her skin was as white as jade, her eyes were bright, but her facial features were distorted and her face was extremely ugly.

"So this Yan'er is yours, can you sell it to me? I... I'm willing to pay ten fourth-level spirit stones."

The voice was very lively and pleasant,

Qin Feng shook his head and flatly refused:

"Sorry, no."

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