The sky was full of clouds, and the sky was full of mist.

Clouds rose and fell on Xuanyin Peak, and it had been a hundred years of mist and rain.

At noon that day, Chen Changgeng was practicing in a plum blossom forest on the top of the peak.

This plum blossom forest was planted by his master a hundred years ago. All the trees are more than a thousand years old. Whenever the plum blossoms are in full bloom, there is a fragrant snow and a pleasant scenery.

Suddenly, Chen Changgeng heard a hurried sound of footsteps in the forest.

He opened his eyes and saw that it was his junior brother Zhang Dai, who had always had a good relationship with him.

However, Zhang Dai was originally a handsome and powerful man, but at this time, it seemed that one of his ears had been cut off, making his whole body bloody and extremely embarrassed.

Chen Changgeng was shocked and angry, and hurriedly stood up and asked:

"Junior brother, who did it?"

Zhang Dai said bitterly:

"It was Xiao Wu, the 'Eight-handed Arrow' of Linghua Sect.

I was not careful near Xunxianfang, and was ambushed by Xiao Wu and several Jindan cultivators of Linghua Sect. They subdued me, humiliated me in every way, and cut off my ears.

Xiao Wu also asked me to bring a message to my senior brother, saying that 'Jade-faced Young Master' Liu Mengsheng asked you to go to Tianlang Mountain to fight on the Double Ninth Festival this year..."

After hearing this, Chen Changgeng was furious, and immediately drew his sword and split the boulder in front of him in half with one sword.

"It's this dog thief from Linghua Sect again. I can't coexist with them!"

The feud between Xuanyin Sect and Linghua Sect originated from the banks of the Black River more than 120 years ago.

At that time, Zhang Dai got a Seven Illusion Green Spirit Saliva, "Eight "Hand arrow" Xiao Wu was greedy, intending to reverse right and wrong and forcibly occupy it, which led to the first tense confrontation between the two factions.

Although Linghua Sect gave in later because the overall combat power of Xuanyin Sect was stronger at the time, it was still unwilling to accept it.

Over the past 100 years, whenever the disciples of the two factions met outside, Linghua Sect would always press forward arrogantly.

The Xuanyin Sect adhered to the principle of "I will not offend others if others do not offend me, but I will offend others if others offend me", so it would not give in.

As time went by, the two sides clashed constantly, and even suffered casualties on both sides, gradually forming a blood feud.

At present, the disciples of the two factions are at loggerheads, and they basically fight when they meet, but many people don't know where this hatred came from...

Zhang Dai asked Chen Changgeng:

"Brother, are you going to the appointment at Tianlang Mountain?"

Chen Changgeng proudly Ran said: "Of course I have to go. If I don't go, won't it bring down the prestige of my Xuanyin Sect?

Besides, in the past hundred years, when has Liu Mengsheng ever gotten any advantage from me?"

Zhang Dai hesitated a little:

"Liu Mengsheng knew that he was no match for my senior brother, but he arranged Xiao Wu and others to ambush me, humiliate me, cut off my ears, and asked me to bring you a letter... I'm afraid there is some conspiracy in this."

After hearing this, Chen Changgeng also felt that Zhang Dai's suspicion was not unreasonable.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Changgeng gradually made up his mind.

"What Liu Mengsheng can do is nothing more than secretly ambush some masters of Linghua Sect to besiege me. Am I alone?"

Zhang Dai asked: "Senior brother, do you want to report this to the headmaster?"

Chen Changgeng waved his hand and snorted.

"We can solve the fight between children by ourselves. Why do we need to You want the master to help? You have no ambition! "

He then instructed Zhang Dai,

"You and I will act separately. You go back to Fuyun Cave to find my two junior brothers Lu and Sang, and I will go to Huanxian Pool to find Senior Sister Le..."

After receiving the order, Zhang Dai was about to leave, but Chen Changgeng stopped him again:

"Junior brother, did you get your broken ear back? Sister Shen has the immortal ganoderma ointment made from Tusita Immortal Ganoderma, which should be able to reattach the broken ear."

Zhang Dai shook his head with a gloomy look,

"After Xiao Wu cut off the broken ear, he fed it to the dog in front of me... I'm afraid I will have this disability in my life."

After hearing this, Chen Changgeng silently clenched his fists, and the anger in his heart burned like a raging fire...

After Chen and Zhang parted, Zhang Dai returned to Fuyun Cave, asked someone about it, and went straight to the back mountain.

There is a sycamore forest in the back mountain, where groups of fire crows live all year round.

When Zhang Dai arrived at the sycamore forest, he saw no one except the fire crows flying all over the sky.

So Zhang Dai shouted:

"Is Senior Brother Lu here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, groups of fire crows, like clouds of fire, floated over from the top of the forest.

After reaching Zhang Dai's head, the fire crows scattered and a monk wearing a fire-patterned Taoist robe appeared. It was Lu Tingbin, the fifth disciple of the Xuanyin Sect's headmaster!

Lu Tingbin laughed heartily: "Junior Brother Zhang, I'm here to find you.

What do I want to ask?"

"Brother Lu, you have practiced the "Fire Crow Divine Art" to perfection."

Zhang Dai praised him and then told him about the battle at Tianlang Mountain.

After hearing this, Lu Tingbin immediately said angrily:

"This is really outrageous. Does the Linghua Sect really think that our Xuanyin Sect is easy to bully?

If the Linghua Sect fights one-on-one this time, it will be fine. If they dare to bully the minority with their numbers, I will make sure they never return! "

After hearing this, Zhang Dai secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

A hundred years ago, Lu Youwei, the head of the general affairs sect, came back from Feilei Xianfu. He did not get the elixir he wanted to advance to the Nascent Soul stage, but he got a copy of "Fire Crow Magic".

To practice this "Fire Crow Magic", the conditions are quite harsh.

First, you need to have fire spiritual roots, second, you need to raise a group of extremely rare ancient fire crows, and finally, the practitioner must be loved by the fire crows and have a strong spiritual consciousness.

Therefore, Lu Youwei could not practice this method at all, so he contributed it to the Xiantian Pavilion of the sect. In the end, in the entire sect, only Lu Youwei's son, Lu Tingbin, the fifth disciple of the headmaster, practiced it, and it was amazingly powerful.

Over the years, Lu Tingbin, who was originally a little mediocre, has become famous in the world of cultivation with this "Fire Crow Magic" and has also been given the name of "Fire Crow Taoist".

With his joining , Zhang Dai finally felt a little relieved about the battle at Tianlang Mountain this time...

Chen Changgeng also arrived at Jinzhiling Huanxian Pool at this time.

The main mountain gate of the current Xuanyin Sect had moved back to Xuanyin Peak thirty years ago, and there are two other palaces, Fuyun Cave and Huanxian Cave Mansion.

Fuyun Cave is guarded by two great Jindan masters, Lei Peng and Lu Tingbin, all year round, while Huanxian Pool is mainly cultivated by female cultivators led by Le Yao.

This is because the previous owner of the five caves at the bottom of Huanxian Pool should be a woman, and she extremely hates men.

Many of the forbidden arrays in the palace, and even the four beasts guarding the caves, seem to be extremely hostile to male cultivators and are very unfriendly...

When Chen Changgeng appeared at the bottom of the beautiful Huanxian Pool, the two yawning gatekeepers immediately perked up and stepped forward to salute respectfully:

"Meet Fourth Uncle."

Chen Changgeng nodded,

"Is your master in the palace? "

The gatekeeper Taoist boy said:

"Master is in the Zhongdong Huixian Palace, entertaining the four fairies of Wuyouhai Piaomiao Palace, 'Yufei Laifeng'. Uncle Master will be able to find them when he goes there..."

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