The old man was buried in the tomb.

Forty years later,

The towering Xuanyin Peak is always shrouded in clouds and mist, making it difficult for birds to fly over.

In the morning, before dawn, Ji Ling in a cave had already gotten up. After washing up, he woke up his friend Ye Han next door and walked towards the tall ancient pine tree on the top of the cliff.

Ji Ling and Ye Han were both promoted to the immortals at the Ascension Ceremony forty years ago.

Both of them have excellent qualifications, one has a natural spiritual root, and the other has a double spiritual root. Now they have both reached the initial stage of cultivation and become inner disciples.

On the first and last day of every month, inner disciples can go under the ancient pine tree to listen to a fellow disciple in the Jindan stage teach and answer questions.

Sometimes, even the elder Li Yinqiu, who is a Yuanying cultivator, or the head of the sect Qin Feng, will occasionally appear.

However, such opportunities are very rare, and they are rare to come once in ten years.

When Ji Ling and Ye Han came under the ancient pine tree, they each found a cushion to sit down. Soon, more and more people began to gather from all directions.

Ye Han looked around and said in his heart:

"Huh, this evil demon sect is so prosperous?"

It turned out that the current Ye Han was actually a cultivator of Wuchen Temple. The real Ye Han had actually met with an accident.

Today's Xuanyin Sect is becoming increasingly powerful, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

As the largest Taoist force closest to the Netherworld Mountains, Wuchen Temple naturally intended to plant nails in the Xuanyin Sect.

However, Xuanyin Sect basically does not accept independent practitioners, so it is not easy for Wuchen Temple to plant a nail, but it is definitely not without opportunities. Ye Han is a loner, and he has basically no friends in Xuanyin Sect except for his neighbor Ji Ling. Even Ji Ling, due to years of hard work and practice, actually has a very limited understanding of Ye Han. So, when the original Ye Han went out to travel one day ten years ago, he was targeted by Wuchen Temple. After killing him, he was replaced by someone who looked 70% like him.

In the past ten years, after the current Ye Han "returned with serious injuries", he basically stayed indoors on the pretext of healing.

Until he had practiced the Xuanyin Sect's skills and basically understood all the relationships of the original owner in the Xuanyin Sect, he began to come out frequently...

After a while, except for some people who were out, practicing in seclusion, and performing sect tasks, almost all the inner disciples of the Xuanyin Sect had arrived.

Ye Han looked around and saw that there were as many as two or three hundred people present!

"The small Xuanyin Demon Sect actually has hundreds of disciples in the Tao Entry Stage?"

Ye Han was greatly surprised. While he was wondering, he suddenly saw a dazzling golden light flying in the distance.

"It's Brother Luo Rucai!"

"Brother Luo has the cultivation level of the middle stage of the Golden Core, and has studied the "Nine Nether Demonic Art" very deeply. Those who practice this art are blessed!"

"Greetings, Brother Luo!"

After everyone bowed and saluted, Luo Rucai, who was always serious, said in a deep voice:

"All brothers, please sit down."

After he glanced at everyone, he said:

"I see that there are many brothers here who have only been promoted to the Tao Entry Stage in recent years. In the future, they will travel more in the world of cultivation. It is inevitable that they will encounter many rumors and disturb their Tao hearts.

Then today, I will not talk about the secrets of the art, but first talk about the teachings of our sect..."

When Ye Han heard this, he snorted in his heart:

"Evil and crooked Dao... I want to hear what he can say!"

Only Luo Rucai said slowly:

"There are 76 levels of immortals, Buddhas and demons in the 32 heavens of Buddhism and Taoism, good and evil sects.

However, both Buddhism and Taoism take no desire, no desire and no emotion as the foundation of the great way.

In fact, the four words "no desire and no desire" are difficult to understand.

Let me ask: If you want to become an immortal or a Buddha, do you have desires and desires?

If we talk about the true emptiness of everything, why do we need me?

As long as the life span ends, everything will naturally be empty and annihilated, so why bother to learn to be an immortal and seek Buddha?

It can be seen that if people exist in the world, they will have desires and desires!

And the pursuit of immortals and Buddhas in Buddhism and Taoism is just the desire of the greater! "


When Ye Han heard this, his thoughts suddenly became a little confused.

Although he wanted to rebuke Luo Rucai in his heart, he was speechless for a while and didn't know how to refute it.

Luo Rucai continued:

“…People are born with seven emotions and six desires. This is a gift. Since we have it, we should enjoy it.

Then use my own Taoist skills to resist hundreds of enemies and prevent them from being invaded. I will be free and easy. As long as the Taoist skills are

, and they can live forever.

In this way, isn't it a hundred times more interesting than the immortal Buddhas who claim to be free from desires, undemanding, and heartless, like stones?

In short, the teachings of our sect are to act at will and live forever, so there are many people with temperament in our sect, and there is no hypocrite.

What is casual?

When you are out and see someone being bullied, you can save them if you want to, and you can choose not to save them if you don't want to.

If you save them, you are not a saint, and if you don't save them, you are not heartless... This is casual. "

"It's ridiculous! "

Ye Han was immediately furious, but just like before, he always felt that what Luo Rucai said was wrong, but he had no way to refute it.

Finally, he sneered silently:

"I was secretly wondering before, although the Xuanyin Sect practices magic, it seems that the disciples in the sect don't do much evil, why is it classified as a major demon sect,

Now I finally understand that this sect is full of heresy that confuses people, and its intentions are probably more sinister than ordinary demon sects!"

Although he said so, Ye Han himself may not have realized that he actually partially agreed with what Luo Rucai said just now in his heart...

When Luo Rucai taught and left, Ye Han was about to return to the cave to practice, but Ji Ling suddenly stopped him:

"Brother Ye, how much merit do you still need for the sect this year? Do you want to go to receive the task together? "

Ji Ling is the pride of the new generation of Xuanyin Sect. There are many benefits to making friends with him.

Now that Ji Ling intends to invite him to do sect tasks together, Ye Han will not refuse:

"I just need a little more than 100 points for this year's sect merit."

So the two of them took off and headed for the General Affairs Hall halfway up the mountain.

As soon as they landed in the small square in front of the General Affairs Hall, they heard a burst of noisy voices coming from all around:

"The five-man team has captured the three-eyed ghost vulture in the Quail Ridge of the Nether Mountain Range. We are short of a water spirit root who is proficient in the secret art of healing! "

"Explore the third floor of the Abyss Demon Cave. Two people who know sword skills are here. There is a long-legged beauty sister in the team! ”

“Is there any kind brother who can help me complete the sect mission of killing zombies, 嘤嘤嘤…”

After receiving the sect mission, many people will come out to this square to recruit people to form a team if they are unable to complete it alone.

If there are people who have received the same mission, they can complete it together, which naturally has a higher chance of winning than going it alone.

If there are no people who have received the same mission, they can only use their own methods. Some recruit people with spirit stones, and some promise rewards after the task is completed.

Of course, some try to act cute or use beauty tricks, which can be said to be a hundred methods.

Therefore, this place has become the most lively place in the entire Xuanyin Sect...

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