Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 122 Earth Fire Alchemy! Dragon bloodline

"How about trying the earth fire elixir?"

Jia Ren has been using Huoyang Wood to make elixirs, and used this method to raise his proficiency level in Xuanshui Dan to the master level.

This is a miracle that has never happened before in the history of alchemy.

It's not like Jia Ren hasn't tried earth fire elixir before.

However... the earth fire is too violent, and there is no fire control elixir, so it is impossible to accurately control the temperature of the flame. I tried several times but ended in failure.

The efficiency of elixir refining with Fire Sun Wood is too low, so add Fire Sun Wood accurately. A slight mistake will affect the quality of the elixir, or it may result in a useless elixir.

With the fire control method in hand, you can say goodbye to the backward method and use earth fire to make elixirs.

Jia Ren returned to his residence, fed the spiritual fish bait, and went straight to the cave.

Delivered the spirit stone and rented the Jiazi Cave Mansion with underground fire.

The price is twice as expensive as the previous rented caves, with two spiritual stones per day.

The space of the Jiazi cave is wider than that of ordinary caves, and the most important thing is that it has a special underground fire room.

In the earth fire room, there are nine dragon head statues. Each dragon head corresponds to the earth fire below. Entering the magic formula can control and induce the earth fire.

Jia Ren placed the alchemy furnace in the center and skillfully played the magic formula.

The eyes of the left dragon head lit up, and the raging earth fire was no longer restricted, falling along the fire path and falling under the alchemy furnace.

The ground fire was hot and violent, and the temperature in the room rose rapidly, making people's faces turn red.

Jia Ren opened the spiritual shield to protect himself from the flames and high temperatures, and stared at the alchemy furnace intently.

Not long after, the alchemy furnace turned red.

Fire Yang Wood needs half a cup of tea to warm up, while Earth Fire takes dozens of breaths to warm up, and the difference in efficiency is obvious.

Jia Ren skillfully took out the medicinal materials required for Xuanshui Dan, put them into the alchemy furnace one by one, and sealed the furnace lid.

The spiritual eye technique is activated, observing the changes in the internal medicinal materials, and inserting elixirs from time to time to accelerate the fusion of the medicinal materials.

"The temperature is too high!"

Jia Ren used the Fire Control Pill to control the temperature of the earth fire and control it within a precise range.

The raging ground fire kept deforming, like a beast that was unwilling to be tamed, trying its best to break free.

The Fire Control Pill is like a yoke on the neck of a ferocious beast, making it submit and use it for your own use.

Controlling it again and again, the fire control went from unfamiliar to proficient, and gradually became docile.

Half an hour later, there was a faint fragrance of Dan from the furnace.

Jia Ren's face showed joy, and he had to admit that the efficiency of the earth fire alchemy was very fast. The alchemy that used to take more than an hour was reduced to half an hour.

This is because I am not familiar with earth fire alchemy, otherwise, the speed of alchemy can be increased.

When the fragrance of the elixir is the strongest, turn off the ground fire, use the magic formula to open the furnace lid, and put away the five Xuanshui elixirs inside.


The quality of the five Xuanshui Pills is average, far lower than the finished products that are normally refined.

Jia Ren was very pleased that this furnace of Xuanshui Dan could be produced.

The proficiency in the fire control elixir is not high, and the temperature difference changes too much. If Xuanshui Dan hadn't reached the master level and saved it several times, this furnace of elixir would have been useless long ago.

With successful experience, alchemy becomes extremely smooth.

Xuanshui pills are constantly coming out, each pot is of better quality than the last pot, and the number of pills has increased from five at the beginning to seven at the end.

The Fire Control Pill Technique grew at an astonishing speed, reaching the proficiency level in a short period of time.

"No wonder alchemists like to use earth fire to make elixirs. It is very efficient and of high quality."

Without contrast, there is no harm.

The Xuanshui Pill and the Fire Control Pill, which are both at the master level, combined with the Earth Fire, are 10% higher in quality.

After refining seven furnaces in a row, Jia Ren was exhausted and left the cave in a hurry.

The Yunluo Illusion Formation at his residence is even better than the Cave Mansion Array. What's more important is that he still has most of his wealth in the Cave Mansion, so he can't feel at ease when he's not at home.

Jia Ren walked through Fangshi along the way, looking for the insect eggs, Xuanshui and Gale Mantis he was looking for.

Especially for the latter, he asked the stalls he had cooperated with several times to be willing to buy it at a high price, just to refine the mutant spiritual insect Black Wind Mantis as soon as possible.

Xuanshui is a weapon refiner for the true solution of water refining. He failed to formally refine the weapon because he was stuck in the most important link.

True water and xuan water are equivalent to the earth fire and fire sun wood used in alchemy. Without these substances, magic weapons cannot be refined.

There is not much water in the wilderness, and the difficulty of purchasing it is no less difficult than finding turtle monsters. Three months have passed and nothing has been found.

"Fellow Daoist Shi, these are the Gale Mantis eggs that were just discovered outside the wilderness. Please inspect the goods first."

Twelve bluish-colored Gale Mantis eggs were placed in front of Jia Ren. He carefully identified them and determined that they were the Gale Mantis eggs he wanted.

"This is the spiritual stone I promised."

Jia Ren confirmed that none of the twelve insect eggs were dead, and took out one hundred and twenty spiritual stones and handed them to the stall owner.

Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men.

A piece of Gale Mantis egg was offered at a high price of ten spirit stones, and indeed he got what he wanted.

After hatching the Gale Mantis, you can start refining the mutated spiritual insect Black Wind Mantis.

The stall owner happily took it and replied quickly: "If we continue to cooperate in the future, I will collect spirit insect eggs for you."

I have good luck today, good things come one after another.

Jia Ren bought the Gale Mantis eggs and left in no hurry.

More and more casual cultivators are joining the inner city of Dahuangfang City, and the quality of the treasures sold at the stalls has been visibly improved.

The magic weapon has strong sect characteristics. It is unknown whether it is the product of killing the monks of the sect, or whether the monks who set up stalls come from other sect forces.

Dahuangfang City is a mixed bag, and who knows how many of the newly added monks come from sects.

Jia Ren walked around the stalls a few more times, but unfortunately he didn't find the Xuanshui he wanted.

After returning to the residence smoothly, I looked outside the residence from a distance and saw a monk with a strange face and a neighbor named Li talking to each other.

"Young Daoist Shi, you are finally back."

"Fellow Daoist Luo has something to do with you."

Jia Ren took a few glances at the monk surnamed Luo. This man was an eighth-level Qi Refining monk. His robes were of good quality and his temperament was extraordinary.

The arrogance inadvertently revealed during the conversation proved that this person had an extraordinary background and was most likely a monk from the sect.

"I won't disturb you two." The casual cultivator surnamed Li left knowingly.

"Fellow Taoist, do you have something to do with me?"

He carefully confirmed that he had never seen the other party before.

"Fellow Daoist Shi, Luo has been looking for a creature with dragon bloodline. He used the dragon-seeking technique to track it and sensed that there should be a monster with dragon bloodline in your residence. Fellow Taoist, are you willing to part with your love and sell it to me?"

Searching for the dragon?

Dragon bloodline monster?

Jia Ren immediately understood why the monk surnamed Luo came to the door.

Spirit fish!

Jia Ren bought a lot of spiritual fish from the Ming family not long ago, with a large number and variety. Green-scaled crucian carp, white jade carp, black dragon loach, blackhead trout...

They bought all the existing spirit fish in the Ming family, not only to try to lure the spirit fish to feed on the ancestral spirit fish, but also to satisfy their appetite.

In order to know the difference between food bait and spirit bait, different baits were fed and cross-compared.

The effect of the bait is weak, and it is only effective on unqualified spiritual fish, so there is a possibility of failure.

The advanced version of the spirit bait has a stronger effect. It is not only effective for low-grade spiritual fish, but also for high-grade spiritual fish to return to their ancestors, but the effect will be weakened to a certain extent.

Compared with lure bait, the success rate of returning to ancestors has been qualitatively improved.

Although it may look like a level difference, it is actually a world of difference.

The spirit bait held by Jia Ren is exactly the ultimate version that the Five Elements Sect and the Jade Cauldron Sect are striving for.

Within half a month, all the spirit fish's bloodlines had returned to their ancestors.

The outstanding one is the black dragon loach, which grows dragon scales and whiskers, and transforms into an unknown spiritual fish that looks like a dragon.

This is a kind of dragon fish that has never been seen before. For some reason, it has become extinct.

Jia Ren was still thinking about whether it would be steamed or braised in a few days, and he didn't know how to process the ingredients to increase the taste.

It had only been a few days before someone came to my door using the Dragon-Seeking Technique.

There are indeed many secret techniques in the world of immortality, which are difficult to guard against.

The residence is protected by the Yunluo Illusion Array, which is still intact, which means that the other party has not forced in.

The Xunlong Jue can feel the dragon's bloodline. I wonder what kind of secret technique it is?

"I don't have a dragon bloodline monster?"

Jia Ren doesn't know whether the spiritual fish after returning to their ancestors are extinct, and he doesn't want to get into trouble for no reason just to earn spiritual stones.

"Fellow Taoist, I am willing to pay a thousand spiritual stones to buy it. This beast is precious. I can increase the price until you are satisfied."

Any monster with dragon bloodline is unusual. They have extraordinary talents, pure bloodline abilities, and higher value.

Typically, extremely difficult to find.

He found something unexpectedly in Dahuangfang City, and that's why he came to visit her.

"Your secret technique induction is wrong, how can I have a monster with dragon bloodline?"

"Fellow Taoist, if you have nothing else to do, please come back!"

Jia Ren decisively refused.

Although the spirit stone was good, he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

Once the secret of the spirit fish's bloodline returning to its ancestors is exposed, things will change again.

"Fellow Taoist, won't you invite me to come in and sit down?"

This person was not easily persuaded by Jia Ren's words and refused to give up.

Monsters with the dragon's bloodline are hard to find. Once you encounter them, you can't miss them no matter what.

"If nothing happens, fellow Taoist, please leave!"

After Jia Ren finished speaking, he ignored the other party's reaction and went straight back to his residence.

Yunluo's illusion array is activated, and he doesn't worry about the other party forcing his way in.

He immediately went straight to the location of the fish pond and stared at the spiritual fish swimming inside.

The black jade crucian carp comes from the bloodline of the green-scaled crucian carp.

The first-grade middle-grade spiritual fish, the blood jade carp, is a descendant of the bloodline of the first-grade spiritual fish, the white jade carp.

After the bloodline of the black dragon loach returned to its ancestors, it was named the black dragon fish, and its grade was as high as the first-level top grade.

A black trout that has returned to its ancestors.

A golden bone fish that has returned to its ancestral lineage.

The spirit fish are constantly moving in the pond. They are full of spirituality. They sense the arrival of humans feeding them and gather here one after another.

The black dragon fish is the most domineering, with an inexplicable aura hidden in it. If it forces other spirit fish to retreat, it must first enjoy the spirit-inducing bait that comes.

"You're the one who caused it!"

"I'll burn you first!"

A piece of bait was taken out, and the black dragon fish came over eagerly. Before he could even open his mouth to enjoy the delicious soul-inducing bait, a ray of black gold light had already penetrated his head.

The other spirit fish that came over to beg for food were frightened and dived to the bottom of the pond, not daring to show their heads.

"Today I'll be extravagant. How about the taste of the spiritual fish with dragon bloodline first?"

Jia Ren lifted the black dragon fish weighing nearly four kilograms with one hand and collected its scales that could be used to refine magical weapons.

Set up a large pot and braise the black arowana.

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