Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 245 Memory of flesh and blood? Cultivate monsters!


"Still failed!"

The lost ghost is different from the previous parasitic ghost flower. It was originally thought that after grinding the flesh and blood into powder, adding materials can be mixed into spiritual ink.

As a result... no matter how finely the Lost Slayer's flesh and blood is cut into pieces, it will all come together again, reorganizing its flesh and blood at an astonishing speed, returning to its previous appearance.

Monsters are different from monsters, flesh and blood seem to have ‘memory’. No matter how much the injury is, even if the Evil-Destroying Demon-Slaying Sword is chopped into pieces, the recovery speed will only be slowed down.

As long as there are similar flesh and blood nearby, they will slowly gather together and return to their previous appearance.

The flesh and blood of the Lost Ink cannot be made into the Lost Ink, so how can it be possible to make the Lost Talisman?

Monsters are different from monsters.

Strange objects are more like... products that are affected and contaminated by strange power, and belong to the strange category of 'treasures of heaven, material and earth'.

Tricks are easier to use, and Jia Ren didn't spend too much time and energy to create the treacherous notes and the parasitic treacherous whip respectively.

It is much more difficult to refine monsters into treasures.

He tried many methods and finally solved the problem.

Under the influence of the magic weapon for suppressing magic, the flesh and blood of lost monsters will enter a deep sleep state, and the flesh and blood of monsters will not gather.

I thought it would be a smooth road ahead, but as a result, there was another problem with the preparation of the spiritual ink, and the material could not be integrated with the flesh and blood of the lost monster...

No one can blend with it. The elixir and the strange flesh and blood seem to be two distinct entities, remaining independent.

Jia Ren took out all the existing materials and experimented, but the results were unchanged and none of them could be integrated with it.

The parasitic trick flower will not work either. The two conflict and the experiment fails.

There may be materials in the world that can be fused with Lost Strange, but the problem is that he doesn't have it...

The materials cannot be blended together, and it is impossible for the lost ghost to make talismans. It is also impossible to make magic weapons and elixirs.

"Failed again..."

Weird flesh and blood cannot be integrated with known materials, which is the biggest problem.

This means that monsters cannot be made into treasures...

If you cannot solve the problem, there will be no possibility of success in your life.

"There is no experience to draw from..."

The guile alliance's guile weapons, guile formations and guile elixirs may seem successful, but in fact they are just scratching the surface.

The flesh and blood that seals weird things is stimulated by breaking the seal, releasing the weird flesh and blood that seals weird things. The core of the three is exactly the same as the Artifact, Artifact Formation and Artifact Pill.

The weird things released are uncontrollable. On the surface, they are called weird treasures. In fact, they do not have much technical content and have no reference value for the study of weird talismans.

My ideas were limited, I couldn't find a breakthrough, and I couldn't make the weird talismans I wanted.

"Alas...I wasted my time in vain."

Jia Ren couldn't help but shook his head and was about to give up making the Lost Talisman.

He had a strong reluctance in his heart and did not want to give up...

"Why can't weird things be made into treasures?"

"Obviously the parasitic trick flower has been successful?"

"What's the difference between a monster and a monster?"

He thought of strange things like parasitic flowers.

How were strange things born?

Can it be nurtured?

Can you use monsters to cultivate... Talisman-making materials?

"There are no tricks, create your own tricks!"

Jia Ren's eyes are bright. This is a breakthrough. Whether it can succeed depends on experiments.

He transplanted a batch of young elixirs from the elixir garden and used them as experimental products.

Next, dilute the stray blood mixed with water, and water each elixir.

Looking again the next day, 90% of the elixirs were dead, only a few dozen were still alive, and most of them were dying.

He recorded these dozens of elixirs and continued to pour the diluted blood of the stray.

On the seventh day, the number of dead elixirs increased, and only three were left barely alive and in poor condition.

In the following time, water the blood regularly every day and observe the status.

They changed more and more, and in six months, only one of the three elixir plants survived, and the other two did not survive a month and died.

This elixir is called Path Seeking Grass. After being contaminated by the strange blood of Lost Way, its appearance has completely changed.

The color of the path-finding grass is no longer green, but cyan. It has a vague and strange aura, and anyone who sees it will suspect that it is a strange thing.

Have artificially cultivated monsters succeeded?

"Let's call you Mischief Grass!"

The Mysterious Grass is very different from the Parasitic Flower. It is not really a strange thing. It does not have strange abilities. It is just contaminated with some of the characteristics of the strange.

After a long period of growth, it may mutate into a real monster.

Jia Ren didn't want to wait for a long time, and couldn't wait to experiment with the newly obtained mysterious grass. Can it be made into talisman?

"The flesh and blood of Lost and Strange can finally be fused..."

Added the Mysterious Grass that was cultivated and mutated by the Lost Blood, and mixed it with the mutated elixir. The other materials were gradually integrated, and finally the first step towards success was taken.

In the following time, Jia Ren continued to improve the Lost Ink and build the structure of the Lost Talisman.

Time flies by, and it has been a year since the first trial production of the Lost Talisman. After countless failures, the Lost Talisman and the usable rune pattern structure were finally produced.

The talisman pen was stained with the talisman ink, and Jia Ren skillfully drew the talisman. The whole movement was smooth and smooth. During the tea time, the talisman was completed.

He looked at his work with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Finally it worked!"

"Find a place to experiment!"

Jia Ren held the Lost Talisman with a satisfied smile on his face. He had just arrived at the sea area, but before he could find the sea monster for experiments, his expression changed drastically.

The Lost Ink on the Lost Talisman squirmed like a living thing, slowly gathered, and gradually returned to the Lost Ink's appearance.

Lost and weird rebounded? !

The lost and strange ink sealed in Shanhe Bag also experienced this change.

The mutation time of Mystery Grass is too short?

Or does it only enable short-lived integration?

Can't guarantee the long-term stability of the Lost Talisman?

"Failed again?!"

After more than a year of hard work and effort, I thought success was just around the corner.

Unexpectedly, it still failed?

The lost ink cannot be stable for a long time, and the talismans cannot be preserved for a long time.

You can't just concoct the Lost Ink and make the Lost Talisman on the spot while fighting the enemy, right?

The enemy will not give you time. He would have died a thousand and eight hundred times before the talisman was made.

what to do?

This is a headache.

"That's right! The magic weapon to suppress magic! Fuwan!"

Jia Ren thought of a solution and created a magic weapon-style talisman pill!

The monsters of the cult monks all have similar seals. When activated, the seals will be broken and their power will be triggered.

This point can be copied to the production of the Lost Talisman.

The talisman pills are inscribed with the magic spell to form a magic weapon to suppress the changes in the lost magic talismans and maintain a stable state.

Just wait until you deal with the enemy, trigger the talisman pill, and activate the lost talisman inside.

The idea works!

The only drawback is...the cost is too high!

The Talisman Pill becomes a consumable magic weapon to suppress evil spirits, and the simplified version will also consume a large amount of precious Xuanming Stones.

Jia Ren mined a vein, and the vast majority of the minerals obtained were Yunmaite ore, with Xuanmingite ore accounting for no more than one-tenth.

A large amount of Xuanming Stone was used to create the evil-repelling full-body armor, evil-repelling magic weapon, and evil-suppressing talisman. The new magic-suppressing talisman pill magic weapon must be very expensive.

Not only that, the successful production of the lost monsters means that the monsters have the potential to be used as materials.

The weird talismans produced in the future are not limited to lost monsters. In the future, more weird talismans will join the experimental army and become materials on the talisman table.

If you want to make magic talismans from monsters into talismans stably for a long time without any accidents, a series of processes must be coordinated with a talisman-suppressing weapon. It is best to build a... talisman-suppressing room.

The process of talisman ink, drawing and sealing must ensure that the strange materials will not mutate and are safe and stable.

Not all creeps are as harmless as the lost creep.

If one day the Splinter Artifact is sent to the experimental platform, Jia Ren does not want the body parts to escape during the process of making the talisman, and he has to chase the escaped body.

Prepare in advance and be prepared.

"This will be a big expense for Xuanming Stone..."

No matter how many Xuanming Stones there are, they can't withstand this kind of consumption.

"Can we try the plan first?!"

Jia Ren built three different magic tools to suppress magic, namely the ink grinding table for mixing talisman ink, the talisman painting table for drawing talisman, and the magic sealing table to suppress the abnormal movement of the finished talisman.

The combination of three magic tools for suppressing magic is a brand-new magic charm making platform.

The bodies of the lost monsters were chopped into pieces. They kept squirming, trying to return to their original state. The inscriptions on the ink grinding platform flashed to suppress the abnormal flesh and blood of the monsters.

Prepare the Lost Ink to take shape, come to the talisman drawing table, and draw the Lost Ink.

Twelve stray talismans were placed on the Demon-Sealing Table, stuffed into the Xuanming Stone, and sealed with second-level talisman pills inscribed with the magic-suppressing and witch-sealing inscriptions.

A series of operations will be affected by the magic weapon to ensure that the monsters will not run wild and harm themselves.

"Finally it worked!"

Jia Ren was not completely relieved, so he put the Lost Guifu Pill in a place and observed it carefully.

Three days!

Seven days!

One month!

The lost and mysterious talisman pill in the Zhengui talisman pill has been in a deep sleep state without any abnormality.

Lost and Guifu Pills are stable, so there is no need to worry about internal troubles.

"Although the talisman is good, the cost is a bit high..."

The research and creation of the Lost Talisman took a little longer, and the cultivation of the Lost Talisman also took some time.

The overall cost is not high.

In comparison, the most expensive thing is the Fuwan itself...

The magic weapon that seals magic has always been synonymous with expensiveness, and the price of a high-grade magic weapon that seals magic is even higher than that of a top-quality defensive magic weapon.

Jia Ren simplified the materials of the talisman pill and reduced the production cost, so that the cost will not be too cheap.

The Xuanming Stone is used less and less, so it is destined that the Lost Talisman cannot be made and used in large quantities.

You can't buy this thing even with spiritual stones...

Once the Xuan Ming Stone is consumed, he will not be able to make usable Lost Talisman Pills.

"I wonder if I can find a replacement..."

The known materials for sealing monsters include Xuanming Stone and Xuanming Essence Stone. Thunder Rhinoceros Horn, Xuanyang Jade, and Phoenix Flame Tail are evil-proof materials and cannot seal monsters...

The solution is nothing more than increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

I am afraid that open source will not work, so we can only reduce expenditure.

Reduce the cost of Xuanming Stone and reduce the number of lost magic symbols.

"How about the effect of trying it first?"

"I hope you don't disappoint me!"

Jia Ren took out the newly made Lost Magic Pill and couldn't wait to test the effect.

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