Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 335 The real body! New weird fusion?

The rays of light that erupted from the Demon-Sealing Tower only had the power to suppress it, and the power of the Split Creation was not completely locked down.

Otherwise, the four monks of the Suppression Alliance whose bodies were separated would definitely die on the spot.

In one breath, he grabbed the big hand seal and straightened their bodies, forcing them to merge together.


The splitting magic was strongly suppressed, and the strange power could not be leaked at all.

Without the influence of the power of the Split Creation, the severed limbs of the four Cuisine-Suppressing Alliance monks grew together.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for saving your life. Have you asked for your name yet?"

The four of them looked grateful. If Jia Ren hadn't taken action, they would have died as long as the splitters were suppressed.

Jia Ren used the Demon-Sealing Tower Talisman, so he must have a deep connection with the Gui-Suppressing Alliance.

"It's a trivial matter, not worth mentioning."

Since knowing that Wang Fugui is the leader of the Suppression Alliance, Jia Ren's attitude towards the monks of the Suppression Alliance has been different.

As long as it doesn't harm your own interests, I'll help you if you can.

"I am not an ungrateful person. Fellow Taoist, please accept it."

The leader of the Golden Core cultivator took out a lot of things from his storage bag.

A few pieces of magic weapon materials, a demon pill and several demon beast materials.

The magic weapon materials are very common, including commonly used iron essence and silver essence.

Jia Ren has already made reserves and has no shortage of materials.

The spider silk is similar to the silk of the Thousand Jue Demon Spider, and can barely be used as a substitute for refining the evil silk.

He had always wanted to refine Zhang Pengpeng's natal magic weapon, but he had never found the Thousand Jue Demon Spider, so the plan was shelved.

"I will accept this."

The incarnation outside the insect only put away the dark green spider silk and did not touch other treasures.

He looked down upon the Foundation Establishment monk's thanks.

"I've already thanked you for your kindness. You should leave as soon as possible."

The incarnation of the insect has no politeness and opens its mouth to chase people away.

Next, he was going to use the Burning Evil Flame to deal with the two Split Creatures to confirm whether they were the real ones.

The evil-burning flame is the core of the Demon-Sealing Tower system. It is vital and must not be leaked.

"We're leaving now."

The four of them reluctantly glanced at the Demon-Sealing Tower Talisman in the distance, then flew away with the light.

The incarnation of the insect outside confirmed that the four people had left, and then raised his hand and pointed at the Demon-Sealing Tower.

Two balls of evil-burning flames flew out from the Demon-Sealing Tower, and the unable to move Split Creed was instantly ignited by the flames.

This is the best way to confirm whether the Split Gui is real.

The monster can be reborn after death, which is to split the main body of the monster.

Unable to be resurrected, it is the child body that splintered off from the monster.

It is similar to the monsters manifested by Mirror Magic and Heart Demon Magic. It has the same strength as the original monster, but does not have the ability of infinite resurrection.

The evil-burning flame became more powerful after it was promoted to the god-level magic weapon in the Demon Sealing Tower.

The talisman is inferior to the main body, and the power of the evil-burning flame is reduced, but it is far better than the ordinary evil-burning talisman.

The two Split Creatures were burning under the flames of Burning Evil, and by the time they had a cup of tea, they were already burned to ashes.

There was no sign of rebirth from the ashes, they were all burned to death.

The two Split Creatures are both sub-bodies, not the true deity!

"A waste of time!"

The incarnation outside the insect is about to put away the magic sealing tower talisman and leave this place.

He accidentally thought of the pocket version of Split.

This weird thing is suspected to be weird.

What is divided is the daughter body?

Or is the division hidden quietly? !

"I feel unwilling!"

The magic weapon of the Demon-Sealing Tower suppresses this place. As long as the main body of the Split Devil is still within thirty miles, it will definitely not be able to escape.

The magic weapon of the Magic Sealing Tower stays in place to prevent position changes and cause the monsters to escape.

The incarnation of the outer insect drove the escape light and came to the place where the Split Creed had first stayed.

This tree is ordinary and has no strange smell.

"Evil-burning flames!"

An evil-burning talisman was activated, and with the skill of controlling fire, it turned into a fire snake, surrounding the tree for careful inspection.

The evil-burning flame will only burn monsters, evil spirits, and evil objects, and will not harm ordinary flowers, plants, and trees.

Not long after, an imperceptible sizzling sound was heard.

"There's a show!"

Spiritual energy was swallowed up in his palms, trees exploded into pieces, and black eggs the size of millet grains were caught by Jia Ren like lightning and held at his fingertips.

Black eggs don't have any evil aura at all. If it weren't for the evil-burning flame that can incinerate strange objects, it would really fool them into getting through.

The black eggs melted in the burning evil flames, revealing what was hidden inside.

It is exactly the same as the burned Splinter, and its shape is too small.

If Jia Ren hadn't realized that something was wrong, he would have been fooled by Split.

"It's really good to hide!"

There was anthropomorphic fear on Splinter's face, and he was constantly trembling.

After half a cup of tea, the Split Gui was burned into ashes under the flames of Fenxie.

Among the ashes, the Split Strange resurrected from the dead, and reappeared like maggots in the tarsal bones of the Burning Evil Flame.

"This is the true body!"

"No wonder the Gui Suppression Alliance has never solved this guy."

The split child body has been wandering outside, attracting firepower, while the main body has been hiding quietly.

For those who are weak, splitting the daughter bodies can easily solve them.

The Splinter Artifact is hidden in the dark, and it is not easy to find it out.

This is also the reason why it has been able to survive for decades and has never been discovered by the monks of the Suppression Alliance.

The luck of the Split Guy ends here.

"come in!"

The talisman of the Demon-Sealing Tower bloomed with rays of light, and the Split Trick was absorbed into it.

"Unfortunately, there are no sealing monsters inside the talisman, so it cannot provide sacrificial fire."

"The transformation effect is not as good as the original body."

“The state cannot be sustained and cannot serve as the No. 2 power source.”

The split trick flew out of the magic sealing tower's talisman and was sent to the nineteenth floor of the magic sealing tower, which was the room number where the green-eyed trick was located.

At this point, the number of sealed monsters returned to twenty-five.

"Yes, this thing is very useful."

The magic sealing tower talismans were turned into talismans again and stored in the mountains and rivers bags.

It doesn't consume much power. As long as it doesn't explode with too much power, it won't be a problem to use it repeatedly one hundred and eighty times.

"The ability to split the monsters is good. Start new research on the monsters as soon as possible."

The ability shown by Split Gui is heart-warming.

If he could split infinitely and die on his behalf, his life-saving ability would be invincible.

The incarnation of the outer insect rushed towards the direction of the Eastern Wasteland.

I just finished my training and entered the Demon Sealing Tower experiment.

The White Candle Monster can burn more evil-burning flames, and Jia Ren wants to make full use of the monsters in the Demon Sealing Tower to generate more power.

Shougui dies faster, so he can produce a large amount of evil-burning flames every day.

The only thing we need to worry about is that Shougui and Baizhugui merge into one and become Shouzhugui, and the Demon-Sealing Tower will be unable to suppress the situation...

Under the suppression of the Demon-Sealing Tower, the two kinds of monsters lived in peace on the twenty-fourth floor.

Bai Zhugui cannot exert its strange power, and the burning effect is similar to before.

The restrictions on the twenty-fourth floor of the Demon Sealing Tower were released, and the power of monsters was no longer restricted.

Two different strange forces are constantly colliding and suppressing each other.

Bai Zhugui was at a disadvantage and could not affect Shougui, and there was no 'waxing'.

Shougui's power is stronger and affects Bai Zhugui.

The power of Shougui, which can be called the nemesis of all living things, cannot affect Bai Zhugui in the slightest.

Monsters have no lifespan limit and are immortal.

As expected, Bai Zhugui's plan to use it as a combustion accelerant to accelerate the burning of Shougui failed...

Jia Ren decisively opened the restriction on the twenty-fourth floor to the maximum, and then pulled out Bai Zhugui.

Longevity is extremely powerful, and it can seal two monsters in one layer, making it very easy for mistakes to occur.

If the power of longevity is slightly leaked, it will affect your precious lifespan.

If you are in the state of meditating and practicing and don't notice it in time, you will lose 180 years of your life at best.

The situation is even worse: God does not know, ghosts do not know, old age and death.

Even if the probability of happening is only one in 10,000, Jia Ren is not willing to take risks.

If longevity is not enough, what about other weirdness?

Bai Zhugui was sent to the first floor, where the two monsters shared a room.

The lost monster is still running wildly in the Demon-Sealing Tower. It wants to hide and seek with the Burning Evil Flame and get rid of the nightmarish Burning Evil Flame.

God is not good at it.

The big devil sent it a new companion.

I thought it was a good thing, but it turned out to be the beginning of a nightmare.

Bai Zhugui and Lost Gui live together, and the power of the two monsters erodes and pollutes each other.

The lost creature was instantly suppressed, and the green-skinned child it transformed into became waxy.

The evil-burning flames are burning brighter, and the evil spirits are getting lost and dying faster...

"The efficiency has indeed improved! About twice the efficiency."

The lost monster will die two thousand times a day. If the efficiency is doubled, it will die six thousand times a day.

The cycle of rebirth and death continues.


Jia Ren's eyes lit up, the plan was successful.

The lost monster is too weak and its improvement efficiency is limited. He also wants to try a more powerful monster.

Conduct experiments one by one on the monsters, looking for targets that the white candle monsters can suppress and influence to bring about maximum improvement.

After a few days, the results finally came.

The sixth level of magic, the tenth level of flesh and blood tree, and the fourteenth level of fog are all good fuel.

The other monsters are either not weak and their improvement is not obvious, or they are too strong and cannot be affected by Bai Zhugui.

"I almost forgot, there is another combination that I haven't tested yet."

"Huo Gui Boy and Bai Zhu Gui."

"Can it enhance the burning effect of the Burning Evil Flame on the White Candlestick?"

As soon as the two monsters were put together, invisible power gathered, seeming to merge the two monsters into one.


A powerful sealing force appeared, forcibly interrupting the fusion of the two monsters.

The fusion of ordinary monsters can also save space in the Demon Sealing Tower, and Jia Ren will not stop it.

The fire trick boy is different. This thing is not affected by the burning evil flame. Once the white candle trick merges with it, the good fuel will be gone.

The fire boy who is not engaged in production becomes more powerful, which does him no good at all.

"Let's combine Bai Zhugui and Wu Gui!"

The efficiency of the three combinations is not much different, so you can choose any one.

Jia Ren thought that the daughter of Wu Gui almost killed him, and it was time for revenge.

Bai Zhugui was sent to the fourteenth floor to help Wugui improve production efficiency.

The combination of Bai Zhugui and Wugui's daughter can produce sacrificial fire every day, reaching the efficiency of the sixty years of Jindan's late-stage sacrificial fire.

"Among the weird things, there are also unknown combinations."

"I wonder which weird things can be fused together."

After experiencing the fusion of Eyes and Green Eyes, and the fusion of Fire and White, Jia Ren realized that there was still a lot of potential to be tapped.

Smiling and crying, can these two things be integrated together?

What kind of weirdness can be born?

Just as he was about to conduct the experiment, news came from the alien incarnation.

In the Eastern Barren Territory, the Ziyang Sect has arrived!

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