Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 337 Douzhuan Xingluo Formation! Divination!

"The silver wings are called Silver Wings. Their flying speed is not slow. The Silver Wings allow monks to move instantly within a short distance, within a hundred feet."

"The cyan oil lamp is called the Qingran Ancient Lamp. This lamp can emit green flames and burn the target."

"As long as there is enough lamp oil and no spiritual energy is consumed, the flames can threaten Nascent Soul monks."

"This treasure has a benefit. The corpse oil refined from killing monsters can be used as lamp oil. The better the quality of the corpse oil, the stronger the power of the green flame."

"The golden ring is called the Golden Ring of Trap. This ring can restrict the target's movements, deal with targets whose realm is lower than yours, and also limit spiritual power."

Fairy Ziling introduced the three ancient treasures and their corresponding effects in detail.

The three ancient treasures are good, each with its own merits.

Their only drawback is that their power is limited and they cannot accompany the monks to grow.

If you can imitate the three ancient treasures and add fire inscriptions, they will become your own treasures.

He did not hesitate and took all three ancient treasures.

With four treasures in hand, there are still six places left.

The inner treasury is neatly arranged, marked with elixirs, weapons, arrays, talismans, puppets, poisons, elixirs...

Classify them into categories and arrange them neatly.

The first priority of the incarnation outside the insect is still the jade slips, which have changed from the initial secret skills to the skills of cultivating immortals.

There are many jade slips inherited from the Four Arts of Immortality of the Ziyang Sect, and the quality of the inheritance in the inner treasury is not bad, and it can reach the lowest level of the third level.

The Fu Dao has the Tianyun Talisman given by Wang Fugui, and the fourth level Talisman is even better than the Ziyang Sect's Talisman inheritance.

The inheritance of alchemy is good, and it is also one of the Ziyang Sect's best skills in cultivating immortals.

Jia Ren's level of reverse recommendation of Danfang is extremely high, so there is no need to waste precious exchange quotas.

It is similar in terms of weapon refining. The inheritance received by Xuanshui Sect and Tianyu Sect is enough, so there is no need to exchange for the weapon refining inheritance.

The biggest weakness is the formation.

The formation levels of Xuanshui Sect and Tianyu Sect were average, far inferior to the formation inheritance of Ziyang Sect.

The Insect Outer Incarnation searched among the inheritance of seven formations, and soon found the formation used by Ancestor Ziyang.

The stars move in great formation!

This formation has the ability to move quickly, and the monks within the formation can move freely.

When the enemy attacks the star-shifting formation, the attack will be diverted and dispersed.

Inside the jade slip is a set of formation inheritance. In addition to the Star Transformation Formation, there are other formations of good quality.

The puppet inheritance is good. You can refine the puppet to fight for yourself without consuming spiritual energy.

Jia Ren has already refined the corpse, and the Devil-Sealing Tower can increase the strength of the corpse by providing corpse sacrifice fire.

Learning puppets while distracted is a waste of time, and its power is far less than that of refining corpses.

The Poison Dao Jade Slips are good and can be used to refine poison elixirs and poisons.

Ziyang Sect is not a Du Dao sect, and the quality of the Du Dao jade slips is not high.

The inheritance of the Poison Dao stopped at the Golden Elixir stage. It is tasteless to eat and it is a pity to discard it.

Finally, there is the divination jade slip. This inheritance is very suitable for Jia Ren, so he won it decisively.

In the future, do a divination for yourself when you go out. If you are not lucky, don't go out to avoid getting into trouble.

Six spots have been reserved and four spots remain.

Unknowingly, I came to the area where the elixirs were located. There were a lot of numbers and types of elixirs inside.

The most precious elixir is the Poying Dan, of which there is only one.

The Ziyang Sect did not deliberately hide the precious Po Ying Dan just because outsiders came to get the treasure.

The Poying Pill is of average quality and far less cost-effective than refining it yourself.

If you can't find any other treasures you like, you can't miss the extremely valuable Broken Infant Pill.

The Poying Pill is gone...

When Fairy Ziling saw Jia Ren picking up the Poying Dan, her heart was in her throat.

This was the Infant-breaking Pill that the sect had ordered for her. Unexpectedly, a roadblock appeared halfway.

After all, this treasure still failed...

He didn't take it?

Fairy Ziling's eyes were complicated, and she was secretly delighted.

She fulfills her duties faithfully, even if she picks up an unlabeled treasure, she will explain it.

There are several good elixirs in Ziyang's treasure house, but unfortunately, the value of consumable treasures is too low.

There are still opportunities for the outside world to buy elixirs and imitate them yourself. It is not worth wasting the quota.

The treasures are constantly picked and picked, just to choose the most suitable treasures.

In the end, only elixirs, magic weapon materials and monster materials were left.

There are a lot of elixirs, and most of the elixirs in the inner library are thousand-year-old elixirs, and the quality is not low.

Don't even think about the elixir of heaven and earth. There can't be a second one.

"Red Sun Shines Gold! Purple Thunder Demon Copper!"

There are many materials for various magic weapons, and these are the top materials for refining Nascent Soul magic weapons.

Purple Thunder Magic Copper has a natural thunder-absorbing effect, and combined with the Thunder Rhinoceros Horn, it can be used to create a thunder attack magic weapon.

It can not only deal with monks, but also has decent lethality against monsters.

Red Yang Yao Jin is extremely strong and can be used to imitate trapped gold rings.

The golden ring of trap will become stronger and harder to be broken.

The remaining two places were chosen by a two-thousand-year-old mysterious bone grass and the Poying Dan.

The Two Thousand Years Mysterious Bone Grass is used to match the Thousand Years Purple Epiphyllum to refine the second furnace of the Baby-Breaking Pill.

The thousand-year elixir is far inferior to the Poying Pill. You can get more thousand-year elixir by selling the Poying Pill.

"Ten treasures have been selected."

An invisible light burst out, forcibly sending Jia Ren out of the inner treasury.

This is a restriction arranged in the token. As long as the number of treasures obtained reaches the standard, they will be forced to leave the treasure house.

Jia Ren was not dissatisfied at all. The harvest from this trip was good, far exceeding expectations.

"Congratulations to Fellow Taoist Shi on your satisfaction with this treasure."

Fairy Ziling followed and teleported out, congratulating her repeatedly.

The incarnation of the insect outside turned his hand and took out the jade box containing the Poying Dan and handed it over.

Did he know that I wanted Po Ying Dan and specifically give it to me in exchange?

My charm is extraordinary!

Fairy Ziling was ecstatic in her heart, but on the surface she still looked squeamish and said: "I can't accept such an expensive gift..."

Free gift?

Beautiful thought!

"What do you want in exchange?!"

The words of the incarnation outside the insect were like a basin of cold water being poured down on her, and Fairy Ziling's heart suddenly felt cold.

The Poying Pill is too precious. If you miss the opportunity, who knows how long it will take?

"I'll change it. What treasure do you want to exchange for?"

Fairy Ziling's tone became colder, with a somewhat cold look on her face.

"The quantity of the thousand-year-old elixir cannot be less than the value of the Poying Dan."

"I'm very interested in the Poisonous Dao Jade Slip, let's use it as an addition!"

Jia Ren did not exchange the Poison Dao Jade Slips and Millennium Elixir, but exchanged them for the Poying Dan because he wanted to maximize his profits.

The thousand-year elixir and the poisonous jade slip can only be exchanged for one kind.

Switch to the Broken Infant Pill, and after leaving, you can exchange for a large number of thousand-year-old elixirs and poisonous jade slips.

"Wait for me for a few days, and I'll prepare the elixir right away." Fairy Ziling turned around and left without being polite.

"You should be able to find me!"

The Insect Outer Incarnation did not stay in Ziyang Sect any longer, so he said goodbye and left.

He holds a heavy treasure in his hand, but he is not at ease in the Ziyang Sect after all.

It's better to leave in time.

He rushed to Yuyang City immediately and found a cave to rent temporarily.

The Ziyang Sect has extraordinary strength, and it will not be difficult for Fairy Ziling to find her.

If Ziyang Sect didn't have a good reputation, I would really like to contact a few more sellers and try to sell Po Ying Dan at the highest price.

The moment Jia Ren got the Xuanmai Spirit Grass, he was thinking about how to use it.

Swallowing elixirs alive is a barbarian act.

There are alien spiritual powers in the elixir of heaven and earth that are not suitable for monks. It is not an exaggeration to call them 'impurities'.

If you want to maximize the effect, the best way is to refine it into an elixir.

The effect of the Mysterious Vein Spirit Grass will be increased a little, and the speed of cultivation will also be increased.

This is related to your future!

"It's a pity that there is no prescription for the Mysterious Vein Spirit Grass!"

Xuanmai Lingcao is a rare elixir of heaven and earth. It appears only a handful of times. Even though I searched this world, I couldn't find the recipe.

"There is no recipe, I will create the recipe myself!"

Jia Ren's skills in many kinds of elixirs are almost at the Tao level. His attainments in elixirs are unprecedented and unprecedented, so it is not a problem to create corresponding elixirs by himself.

The only thing missing is time. If you want to create your own elixir, you must spend a lot of time and energy.

The best way is to stand on the shoulders of those who came before you, improve and optimize, and save time.

He browsed through the alchemy inheritance of Xuanshui Sect and Tianyu Sect, and found several elixirs related to meridians.

The Pulse Opening Pill is given to monks who are new to the path of spiritual practice, in order to quickly open up blocked meridians and embark on the path of spiritual practice as soon as possible.

The Pulse Protecting Pill protects the spiritual meridians and prevents spiritual energy from causing damage to the meridians.

The Pulse Shaping Pill repairs and reorganizes the spiritual meridians and restores the damaged meridians.

Several elixirs targeting meridians can be used as a reference for optimization and improvement.

Jia Ren understood the alchemist's thinking and combined it with the Xuanmai elixir to make improvements.

Combined with the medicinal properties of Xuanmai Lingcao, experiments were carried out continuously.

After all, a suitable elixir for the Mysterious Veins Spirit Grass can be created.


Jia Ren was the first to think of Linyuan City. With the help of Linyuan City, he could quickly perfect the elixir recipe and improve his proficiency level.

The elixir refined from the Xuanmai Lingcao will definitely be the best elixir with elixir patterns!

Ordinary people take Xuanmai Spirit Grass to increase their cultivation efficiency by 30% and increase the power of spells.

The limit of the Mysterious Meridian Spirit Pill with the pill pattern is far beyond that.

Jia Ren is unwilling to enter Linyuan City. The biggest problem is that he still has the key to the mysterious world in his hand.

As long as you bring the Key to the Mysterious World into Linyuan City, there is a chance that it will be replaced silently.

The key to the mysterious world has been replaced by a treasure, so there is no need to worry about problems.

After the transaction is over, you can go to Linyuan City.

Jia Ren put the matter of Xuanmai Lingcao behind and studied the magical power Ziyang Shenhuo and the divination he had just acquired.

The art of divination is called the art of observing the sky. The upper path is to observe the stars of heaven and earth, and the lower path is to observe people's fortunes.

Regardless of the astrology of heaven and earth, the biggest variable in heaven and earth is the strange tide.

Before the weird wave breaks out, he will definitely leave this world, so there is no need to worry about it.

There are many categories for observing people's luck, such as luck, chance, luck and marriage.

What Jia Ren cares most about is luck, and what is suitable for him is luck observation.

Before every time you go out, use the fortune-watching technique to confirm your daily fortune.

My luck is so bad that I would rather hide at home and do one less thing than one more thing.

This avoids most trouble and is safer.

In addition to fortune observation techniques, you must ensure the accuracy of fortune measurement.

It is best to match it with a fortune treasure of your own.

There are three ways to refine the treasure of fortune in astrology.

They are spiritual fortune tellers, fortune treasures and fortune compasses.

You can choose one of the three treasures of fortune to refine.

In addition to daily practice, Jia Ren devoted all his energy to improving his newly acquired fortune-seeing skills and Ziyang Shenhuo, and improving his proficiency in magical powers.

Seven days later, Fairy Ziling came to the outside of the cave.

A transmission note was sent into it, "The Kuva Scripture and the thousand-year elixir have been delivered. I would also like to ask fellow Daoist Shi to inspect the goods."

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