Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 36 The Master Runs Away

"Fellow Daoist Fang, please allow me to think about it for a few days before making a reply."

Jia Ren skillfully used the drag trick to avoid being entangled by Fang Wu.

He didn't want to help others build old stone houses, which was laborious and dangerous.

Just now, trouble came to my door, so I had to do it out of necessity.

Will we continue to collaborate on old stone houses?

Earning spiritual stones is important, but safety is even more important.

Naturally, he would not take risks just to earn spiritual stones.

After sending Fang Wu away, Jia Ren entered the tunnel through the stone house and came to the abandoned stone house.

The tunnel is blocked and traces are erased to prevent the whereabouts from being exposed.

Fang Wu came to the door again, and it was difficult to find any clues when he entered the underground secret room. He would only think that Jia Ren had run away.

However, he doesn't think it's safe.

The cunning rabbit has three burrows and needs to prepare several more shelters.

Escape can also have a way out.

"Look for another stone house? Or dig along the tunnel?"

"Keep digging!"

It is always safer underground than above ground, reducing the risk of exposure.

"Hornworm, start work."

Jia Ren controlled the hornworms and dug towards the south.

We are already at the edge of the North District. If we continue digging north, we might have to leave Dahuangfang City.

Ever since he saw the strange mist girl in Yanbo Lake, he had long lost the idea of ​​leaving Dahuangfang City.

As long as you stay in Dahuangfang City, whatever position you dig depends entirely on the performance of the hornworm.

He didn't even know where the end point was, let alone the person who wanted to catch him.

After digging the tunnel, he safely handed it over to the hornworm. Jia Ren returned to the insect nursery, took out the hornworm eggs, and used the contract spirit seal to hatch the hornworm eggs.

After many days of pest control in the wilderness, more than one hundred and forty hornworm eggs were obtained.

To be precise, there are thousands of them, most of which are sealed and reserved for future use.

Each hornworm consumes not much spiritual liquid, and more than a hundred hornworms can still afford the spiritual liquid and spiritual rice.

If thousands of ground hornworms are hatched at one go, not to mention whether they can be controlled freely, the resources consumed every day will not be a small amount.

Can't afford it!

In order to speed up the progress of tunnel excavation, the scale of the hornworms can only be expanded.

"Five hundred first."

Five hundred hornworm eggs were taken out, soaked in special spiritual liquid, and the contract spiritual seals were applied one by one.

After finishing all the work, Jia Ren was very tired and mentally exhausted.

Lying in the training room, he fell into a deep sleep.

He slept for an unknown number of hours. After waking up, Jia Ren took a look at the hornworms as usual. Many eggs hatched into tiny larvae, which would be useful in a few days.

The speed of digging tunnels can also be increased several times.

"What happened to the alien black mosquito?"

Jia Ren looked at the alien black mosquitoes. The three alien black mosquitoes were in low spirits and looked like they were about to die.

what's the situation?

Soaking in spiritual fluid every day, it stands to reason that you won't be so weak.

What are the conditions for cultivating heterogeneous black mosquitoes?

The Insect Control Sutra that Jia Ren received was a incomplete version, mostly containing relatively simple parts, and the heterogeneous black mosquitoes were not included in the records.

The spiritual liquid is suitable for cultivating hornworms and stinging caterpillars, but it does not mean that it is suitable for heterogeneous black mosquitoes.

Perhaps they require special training.


Jia Ren used insect control techniques and felt the emotions of the alien black mosquito for the first time.

This is something that has never happened before.

Under normal circumstances, the target controlled by the Insect Control Contract Spirit Seal can convey strong emotions.

Are you dizzy from hunger?

No wonder he looked like he was about to die.

What should heterogeneous black mosquitoes eat?

Mosquitoes like to suck blood. The heterogeneous black mosquito has no racial characteristics and should mainly suck blood.

What kind of blood do you suck?

Either use human blood or monster blood.

The former is mainly used on monks.

A monk takes blood?

I'm afraid that if I don't want to find a monk to fight to the death, the risk is too high, so I won't consider it for the time being.

For the latter, you can buy monster meat from a meat seller. If you buy more, you will get extra monster blood as a gift.

Most of the monster blood is not very expensive. Except for a small amount of precious monster blood that is used to make talismans and weapon refining, most of it is not very valuable.

The Five Elements Sect is at war with Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, and Fangshi in the outer city has been closed, so even if you want to buy blood, you are unable to do so.

Jia Ren had no monster blood in his hand, so he thought about it, thinking that he was the only living creature.

"Cut your wrists to donate blood?"

If you can avoid injections yourself, when will you have the courage to slit your wrists?

"I almost forgot, the hornworm also has demon blood in its body."

"For the sake of the alien black mosquito, I have no choice but to sacrifice you."

Five hundred hornworms had just been hatched, so they could afford to splurge.

Jia Ren controlled several hornworms to line up in front of the alien black mosquitoes and gave the order to eat.

The mouthparts of the heterogeneous black mosquito pierce the hornworm and suck the little green blood in the hornworm's body.

A strong feeling of disgust came.

Blood is also divided into grades.

Take monks as an example. There is pure spiritual power in their blood. The higher the strength, the stronger the spiritual power.

The same goes for monster beasts and monster insects.

The hornworm is a low-grade spiritual insect, and the quality of its blood can be imagined.

Still picky about food?

Then just wait to die!

The alien black mosquitoes are starving, something is better than nothing.

After sucking all the blood of twelve hornworms, the alien black mosquito barely regained its energy.

After a little comfort, he continued to soak in the spiritual liquid and hang himself.

I hope a solution can be found in the future, as sucking groundworms all the time is not an option.

"Step by step."

"You can't risk it for three mosquitoes."

Jia Ren finished his busy work and was just about to take a rest when his inspiration seemed to hit him. The mosquitoes staying in his original residence sent a warning.

Someone came to the previous residence!

I don’t know who it is?

Jia Ren left the tunnel, used Turtle Breathing Technique to control his breath, and looked out through the cracks in the stone house.

The monk's eyesight was amazing, and he could vaguely see two blurry figures dozens of feet away.

Sure enough, trouble came again.

Fortunately, I left...

Two figures entered the stone house to drink tea and searched for a long time but did not find Jia Ren.

"Where did Jia Ren go?"

“My old stone house business!”

Fang Wu never expected that Jia Ren... ran away.

It's just an old stone house, what's the point?

"Fellow Daoist Shen, I'm really sorry for making your trip go in vain."

Fang Wu kept apologizing to the casual cultivators he brought.

When I came, I was full of confidence, but the result was very different from the guess.

Fang Wu had long known that Jia Ren was an ascetic monk who focused on stability in his work.

I never expected it, and I wasn’t willing to take any risks.

Are you turning a blind eye to the easily earned spiritual stones right in front of you?

He should not be short of spiritual stones...

But I am short of it!

The money I finally found took off with wings...

"Fellow Daoist Fang, this place is nice. Since the original owner has left, I won't hesitate to stay. The spirit stone will remain as usual."

"Also, I have a proposal."

"The master of distressing has left, and you still lack a Taoist friend to cooperate with in distressing. What do you think of me?"

Fang Wu frowned and looked at the casual cultivator who wanted to cooperate.

"Making an old stone house seems easy, but in fact it is not. If you make a slight mistake, you will fall into the hands of the Five Elements Sect."

"If the sign is smashed, not only will we not be able to continue our business, but we will also be in danger."

The monk surnamed Shen burst out laughing, with a confident look on his face: "I haven't told my fellow Taoist yet that I am good at making money."

"Fake, whether it's a magic weapon or a rare material, to confuse the fake with the real one."

"Making an old stone house may be a little unfamiliar. Fellow Taoist, you don't mind giving me some time to prove my strength."

"I'm still confident whether it's feasible or not."

Fang Wugang's dead heart was rekindled.

If Jia Ren is lost, new cooperation targets will be found.

The old stone house business continued, and the casual cultivators from the outer city were gathered in the North District.

The underground trading scheme can also continue.

Make money with old stone house business.

The underground trade fair is the real hen that lays the golden eggs.

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