Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 361: Tune the tiger away from the mountain! The power of magical treasure money!

After receiving the benefits, it’s time to leave.

The incarnation of the worm bid farewell to Wang Fugui, found a place, set up a concealment formation, and got into the mountain and sea pearl.

The mind-reading trick sounded the alarm for him, and he had to find a solution to prevent his secrets from being leaked.

Refining a magic weapon to protect the mind and ward off evil spirits is enough to solve the problem.

It can not only prevent mind-reading monsters from stealing secrets, but also deal with sneak attacks by monsters.

Can the answer to the method of restraining mind reading be found from Zhuang Bo?

This person has the ability to read people's minds and may be able to find a solution.

At worst, you can get Qihailou's secret magic power, which is not a disadvantage.

This is also the reason why Jia Ren took away Zhuang Bo's flesh and blood.

The incarnation outside the insect took out the jade bottle engraved with the Fenggui inscription and poured out a black pill.

Without the suppression of the sealing inscription, the corpse-eating pill seems to have come to life and keeps squirming.

The incarnation of the worm picked up the corpse-eating pill, raised its head and drank it.

Jia Ren stopped practicing and came to the incarnation of the insect to prevent accidents.

The incarnation outside the insect felt the power of the medicine melt away, and his body gained a strange power.

A small piece of blackened brain was put into the mouth and digested quickly.

The ability of the Corpse Eater takes effect very quickly. In a few breaths, he learned more than a dozen secret spells out of thin air, as well as two magical powers.

"A Thousand Mountains of Shadows!"

Jia Ren's spiritual power surged, and in an instant, one person turned into a thousand, and thousands of water shadows appeared, making it impossible to distinguish the true from the false.

This is a phantom used to confuse the enemy and has no lethality.

"Xuanwu Dharma Shadow!"

An illusory Xuanwu figure emerged, exuding a breathtaking aura.

This is the strongest defensive magical power of Qihailou. It uses the shadow of the black turtle to protect itself, and its defensive power is amazing.

Zhuang Bo has been studying this magical power for decades, but he has not yet fully mastered it. Now... Jia Ren used the power of the corpse-eating trick to display it.

"It's a pity that there is no way to eliminate the ability to read minds..."

The magical power is recorded on the proficiency panel and can be used at will in the future.

"The boundless secret technique of the spiritual sea!"

Just after the secret technique was cast, Jia Ren clearly felt that the total amount of Kongna spiritual power in his Dantian increased slightly.

The secret technique to increase the upper limit of spiritual power in Dantian?

This is the special secret that I have been looking for for a long time!

Increase the total amount of spiritual power in the Dantian, and the god-level magic weapon can also be used multiple times.

This kind of secret technique is rare, and monks who master it will not show it to others easily, and will get nothing in the end.

I didn’t expect to gain anything in Qihai Tower.

Jia Ren's face showed a look of ecstasy. This secret technique is definitely the biggest gain of this trip, and its status in his heart is even higher than the two magical powers.

"Whale fishing!"

This secret technique can catch a giant whale from the deep sea, which means it can catch a thousand catties of fish.

After choosing, Jia Ren used magical powers and secret techniques to decisively take out the elixir to relieve the power of corpse-eating.

The side effects of the Corpse-eating Pill are too great. The sooner it is removed, the smaller the consequences will be.

I can't bite off more than I can chew. This time I learned two magical powers and two secret techniques of the Seven Seas Tower using the Corpse-eating Pill, which was a good harvest.


Although Zhuang Bo has mastered the mind-reading trick, he has not found a solution to mind-reading.

I just relied on the power of mind-reading and didn't think about how to counter it.

"When refining a new protective magic weapon, I hope it can deal with monks and weird mind readers."

There are no clues in Qihai Tower, so Jia Ren thinks that the Zhengui Alliance may be able to find a solution.

If you still can't find it, you can only go to Wang Fugui.

The incarnation of the outer worm put away the Mountain and Sea Pearl, set out again, and rushed towards the Western Alliance of Suppression.

Using the Wings of Silver Flash all the way, the speed was very fast, and they were already approaching Donglinfang City in three days.

"No, there's something wrong here!"

The outer insect incarnation looked at Donglinfang City in the distance. This place seemed ordinary, but in fact it was not normal.

Under the clairvoyance, there are dense restrictions in the distance, including Donglinfang City and Zhengui Alliance.

The forbidden formation of Donglinfang City and Zhengui Alliance? !

If there was no big deal, how could there be a formation surrounding this place? !

The market is open for business, with tens of thousands of people visiting it every day. How could there not be a single person there?

"Boy, if you go out without reading the almanac, our brothers will send you on your way."

Two figures in black robes flew out of Donglinfang City and flew towards the incarnation of the insect.

What happened to the Zhengui Alliance?

Jia Ren has dealt with the Gui Alliance many times, and he can tell that the person coming is a cultivator from the Gui Alliance just by his breath.

The Gui Alliance took advantage of the high-level officials of the Western Alliance to attack the Gui Alliance?

The Gui Suppressing Alliance has not yet fallen, otherwise, it would be impossible to retain the Forbidden Formation here.

what to do? !

The incarnation of the worm used the Tongluo Sound Pan to inform Wang Fugui.

The speed of flight of the cultivator of the God Transformation is astonishing, and it will take at least a day to arrive. Can the Suppression Alliance hold on?

Once this place falls, a large number of monsters sealed by the Suppression Alliance will fall into the hands of the Suppression Alliance.

Will he not get the secret skills and treasures he wants because of this?

Do you want to try to scare them away? !

If the plan succeeds, it would be great to scare them away.

If the plan fails, escaping on your own is not a problem.

The incarnation of the insect suddenly disappeared from the place, and 'Wang Fugui' took its place.

The incarnation's magic can only reach the master level, and the original one has already reached the level of Mirror Flower and Dark Moon. The two are not on the same level.

If you want to hide the truth, you must be real enough.

How can you scare people when you see through them at a glance?

Before the two cultivators could react, their heads were instantly beheaded by Yinshasi. Zhang Pengpeng followed the wind, disappearing and disappearing.

‘Wang Fugui’ stood where he was, his appearance and aura were lifelike.

At a glance, it seemed that Wang Fugui, the real cultivator of spiritual transformation, was coming in person.

Using the Hardware Divine Escape, he passed through the restriction and entered Donglinfang City.

Donglinfang City was different from what he remembered, with an ominous atmosphere, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and demons were hovering in the sky.

In Fang City, there are no casual cultivators, and a large number of corpses are scattered on the ground.

Further away, powerful spiritual power fluctuations came out, and explosions occurred one after another.

Hundreds of monks were launching attacks against the Gui Suppression Alliance in the distance, and a thick light curtain blocked the steady stream of attacks.

The most eye-catching thing is a huge meat ball. The flesh monster that has been seen in the Northern Wilderness Territory hits the formation light screen like a meat bomb.

The Zhengui Alliance arrived at Qihai Tower, and the Gui Alliance led people to surround the Zhengui Alliance.

After nearly three days of attacking the formation, they still failed to break through it.

"The Suppression League has backup forces. The Western League also has two elders, three Suppression Envoys and tower guards..."

The Suppression League's formation has been reinforced for many years, and its defensive power is astonishing, even better than the sect's formation in Qihai Tower.

"It can be broken in half a day at most..."

"How can it be?!"

The cult monks were destroying everywhere, and suddenly they felt an extremely terrifying aura coming here. They looked into the distance and were almost scared out of their wits.

"Wang Fugui?!"

"How is that possible?! Aren't you in Qihai Tower?!"

When the envoys of the Gui Alliance saw Wang Fugui, they looked in disbelief.

The Gui League deliberately incited the Qihai Tower to take action against the Five Sects, and secretly spread the news, hoping to get the Gui-Suppressing Alliance to take action against the Qihai Tower.

Although Qihailou is an ally of the Guild Alliance, Qihailou's appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and he has not given any of the promised monsters, and has secretly robbed many monsters from the Guild Alliance.

Stealing people's wealth is like killing their parents.

The Guild Alliance uses the Qihai Tower as a tactic to attract the Guild Alliance to take action against the Qihai Tower.

Taking advantage of the empty defense of the Gui-Suppressing Alliance, destroy the Western Gui-Suppressing Alliance and seize the monsters that have been sealed away by the Gui-Suppressing Alliance for a long time.

The reaction of the Suppression Alliance was much faster than they imagined, and they had already taken action before the news spread.

Helpers from other regions had not yet arrived, and the Western Guild Alliance did not want to miss the hard-won opportunity and took action in a hurry.

Otherwise, with all the manpower, one or two days would be enough to break through the Suppression Alliance's formation.

Unexpectedly, Wang Fugui had already arrived before the Zhengui Alliance's formation could be broken.

"He must be fake!"

A Broken Illusion Pearl was thrown out, but nothing changed.

Before they could take action, Jia Ren had already shown his power.

"You are so brave, you dare to violate our alliance to suppress the conspiracy!"

"Be punished!"

The long-backlogged treasure of money and talisman for connecting to the gods was activated, and a treasure with a round outside and a square inside appeared.

What is the effect of consuming property to enhance the power of the magic treasure?

Jia Ren has many spiritual stones, and he is not stingy either.

Millions of spiritual stones were burned away, and the aura emitted by the spiritual treasure money was astonishing, no less than that of a real spiritual treasure in the late stage of divine transformation.

The magic treasure money flew out, growing in size during the flight.

It rushed out, instantly piercing Guixiu's body wherever it passed.

When the cultivator of the Guild Alliance faced the magic treasure, it was like paper, torn apart in an instant.

Before the weird man could be resurrected, a strange golden power appeared in his body, gradually turning into gold, like a sculpture.

Initially, some people suspected that Wang Fugui was fake.

Seeing the scene of the strange man turning into gold, I no longer doubted that the person who came was fake.

They were so frightened that they dared not stay any longer and fled in all directions.


Guixiu's storage bag was opened, and a large number of spirit stones were scattered on the ground.

The magic treasure money absorbed a large amount of spiritual stones, and the light was brighter than before.

Using money to support war is extremely powerful.

The golden light flew out at an astonishing speed, and one by one the tricksters were struck and turned into golden statues.

Facing the monks in the transformation stage, Weiren didn't have the courage to take action, so he turned into birds and beasts and fled in all directions, running towards the distance like a fugitive.

"The alliance leader is mighty, kill them all!"

"Anyone who violates our alliance will be punished!"

The monks of the Suppressing Gui League had been besieged for three days, and they had already launched their true fire.

Seeing Wang Fugui's return, they all left the formation one by one, as if they had been given a shot of blood, and killed the cultivators of the Guild Alliance.

The crisis of the Zhengui Alliance was resolved.

Jia Ren quickly took a pill to restore the consumed spiritual power, but did not pursue the fleeing cult monks.

The magic treasure money returned to me, and its light dimmed a bit.

This talisman is really easy to use. The only drawback is that it consumes money and spiritual energy.

Using the magic treasure seems to be a good thing, but the spiritual power in the body has been exhausted, and it has long been strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

Without spiritual power, wouldn't it be possible to reveal the truth if you take action?

"Don't chase after the poor enemy! Prevent falling into the enemy's trap!"

Jia Ren signaled to the people of the Suppression League not to pursue and kill them, but to focus on stability.

The Western Alliance of Suppression and Creation has been saved, and what he has to do is wait until the real Wang Fugui arrives.

Until then, we must not take things lightly.

Jia Ren came to the golden statues and quickly put the sealed monsters into the Demon-Sealing Tower.

The consumption of spiritual stones is not small, and the shortfall must be made up.

The speed of collecting the monsters must be fast. If you are one step too late, the monsters will be sent to the Suppression Alliance and stored in the warehouse. There will never be a chance to take them away...

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