Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 374 Black Gold Desert! The treasure hunter shows off its power!

The Treasure Hunting Rat's return to its ancestors lasted for three days. The power of the Beast Ancestor Holy Pill was astonishing, and it was successfully promoted to the second level.

Its appearance has undergone earth-shaking changes, and its pure white hair has turned into gray all over, with a white underbelly.

The change in a pair of pupils is the most obvious, from the double pupils arranged on the left and right to the double pupils superimposed on each other. The inside is black and the outer layer is surrounded by a gold edge, which is particularly mysterious.

The treasure-hunting mouse is getting old and has only a few days left to live. Returning to its ancestors and being promoted to the second level can be regarded as a qualitative change.

With normal advancement, the rat demon's lifespan can be doubled at most, to one hundred and twenty years.

He has returned to his ancestors and become a real treasure-hunting rat. His bloodline potential is incomparable, and his life span is at least two hundred years.

The treasure-hunting mouse knew who had changed its fate of death, and squeaked in a friendly tone.

The previous owner Xu Mao took it through its entire life, and the life of the rat came to an abrupt end.

The new owner allowed it to 'live' a second life.

Jia Ren used the Heart Language technique to communicate with him without any hindrance, and easily concluded a spiritual contract.

"Why do you feel so impatient?"

"Because it was a gift from the original owner?"

After returning to its ancestors, the treasure-hunting mouse kept squeaking and was so excited that it swayed and took the lead in front of the Demon-Sealing Tower and the Demon-Sealing Pole Tower.

The quality of the Demon Sealing Tower has been raised to the peak of the God Transformation level. In order to prevent this treasure from getting out of control, the sacrifice can only be stopped.

The efficiency of the Demon-Sealing Tower in burning and transforming monsters is not as good as that of the Demon-Sealing Tower, and it relies on the supply of sacrificial fire from the Seal Tower.

Today, its quality has been upgraded to the level of God Transformation, its power is becoming more and more outstanding, and its ability to seal strange monsters is even better than that of the Demon-Sealing Tower.

Find a time in the future, open the bronze trick door, and send a large number of monsters into the Demon Sealing Tower.

Jia Ren used his heart language skills to feel the excitement of the treasure-hunting rat.

‘Master, there is a treasure! ’

‘So many treasures! ’

The treasure-hunting mouse's eyes flashed, as if it had turned into the shape of money.

"These are all my treasures." Jia Ren looked at the Demon Sealing Tower and the many god-level magic weapons piled up with a smile on his face.

Let alone the Nascent Soul cultivators of the same level, even the Soul Transformation cultivators are incomparable to him.

If the Qisha Palace and the Black Water Sect started the war, they would definitely turn their spears and attack them immediately if they knew about the treasure they had.

‘The master’s treasure is also mine! ’

'And the most delicious pills in the world...'

The previous owner treated it well, but compared to the new owner, it was really poor.

Its reluctance to part with its former owner was instantly forgotten.

Let’s find time to test the treasure-hunting rat’s abilities later!

Jia Ren came to the mountain behind the spiritual insect nest. Ten alien green mulberry plants were emitting green spiritual light. Ten azure silkworms could be seen eating the mulberry leaves and spitting out green silk.

The Azure Divine Silkworm is the result of the Azure Silkworm returning to its ancestors. After the strongest one returned to its ancestors, it was promoted to the third level, while the remaining nine were still at the second level.

The third-order Azure God silk is of high quality and is the top material for making Taoist robes.

Unfortunately, the production of third-level Azure God silk is limited. In the past two years, the materials for refining a Taoist robe were finally gathered together.

You can now refine a fitting Taoist robe!

The incarnation of the outer worm left Shanhaizhu, thinking about how to go to Lingbao Sect.

The war between the Seven Evil Palace and the Black Water Sect is still going on. I don’t know when it will end. I can’t wait here any longer.

The time for the Lingbao Sect's disciple recruitment meeting was getting closer and closer, and there was not much time left for him.

I use the Mirror Flower Divine Moon to cross the battlefield?

Both sects have god-transformation monks, and there are more than one. There is no guarantee that they will not be discovered by the monks of the two sects.

He would rather take a detour than take any chances.

There are only two roads left, one is the Black Gold Desert and the other is the Black Python Swamp.

The former is less dangerous, and the latter has weird things that cannot be sealed.

This kind of monster is extremely difficult to deal with, and the Black Python Swamp has become a forbidden area for many monks.

Strange things that cannot be sealed only have risks and no benefits.

He has many evil-proof treasures and doesn't want to deal with this kind of weirdness.

Jia Ren entered the refining room and refined the azure divine robe.

The outer worm incarnates and heads towards the Black Gold Desert.

After arriving at the edge of the Black Gold Desert smoothly, we can see a sandstorm filling the sky in the distance, stirring up smoke and dust.

After waiting for three days, the sandstorm dissipated.

For three days, the incarnation of the worm was not idle, looking for the indigenous monks living nearby and spending spiritual stones to buy the map of the Black Gold Desert from them.

The desert, like the ocean, is the most fearful of getting lost.

Ordinary monks would spend a lot of money to find a guide to lead the way.

The Insect Outer Incarnation doesn't want to be in such trouble, let alone bring a burden on the road.

Cross-compare multiple maps to prevent errors and omissions in the resulting map.

Use the celestial guides of astrology and guiding sticks to avoid yourself from danger to the greatest extent.

There were sufficient supplies in Shanhaizhu, so the incarnation of the worm wasted no time and quickly set off on the road.

The Black Gold Desert is different from ordinary deserts. The sand grains are black. They shine in the sun like black gold.

It is said that after the battle between two immortals, the immortal weapon was lost here, and the Black Gold Desert was formed.

The sun shines brightly in the Black Gold Desert, and the baked black sand and stones are scalding hot.

Stepping on it with bare feet is no worse than stepping on a heated iron plate.

The incarnation of the insect flaps its shining silver wings and carries a white bracelet in its right hand. A trace of cold breath exudes to dispel the heat.

The advantage of having numerous treasures is reflected in the fact that there are many magic weapons in the Mountain and Sea Pearl and they have a wide range of uses.

The origin of this top-quality magic weapon is unknown. It is made entirely of thousand-year-old cold jade. It has an endless supply of cold air, so it is very suitable for use here.

You are well prepared with maps, compasses, guide sticks and immortal guides.

Jia Ren took out his guiding stick and used immortals to guide him, constantly changing directions to prevent himself from getting lost.

The flight speed was astonishing, and crossing the thousands of miles of black gold desert was no problem.


The sound of flying sand and gravel was heard in the distance, roaring towards us.

In the desert, there is a group of fist-sized earth-yellow sandworms. They have mouthparts and spit out black-golden sand and gravel.

Unfortunately, the flight speed of the incarnation of the insect is too fast, and these guys can't catch up at all.

"I wonder if this place is related to high-level monks?"

The incarnation outside the insect did not believe in the legend of the fairy weapon. If there really was a fairy weapon, it had been obtained by a high-level monk a long time ago. How could it be his turn to get it?

The Black Gold Desert has existed for a long time, and it cannot be ruled out that there are treasures here.

The word "treasure" made the outer worm's incarnation think of a treasure-hunting rat.

It wasn't long before he got the treasure-hunting rat. After his bloodline returned to his ancestors, he was busy refining Taoist robes and didn't care about him.

So far, the treasure-hunting rats have yet to show off their prowess.

Most of the sand beasts encountered in the Black Gold Desert are first-order monsters and pose no threat. Since they are passing through this place, maybe they can find treasures by releasing treasure-hunting rats?

The incarnation of the insect outside thought of this and stopped to escape from the light.

He entered Shanhaizhu and picked up the treasure-hunting rat that was sleeping soundly on the Demon Sealing Tower.

The little guy kept squeaking and was reluctant to leave this precious treasure.

What's more, if the aura-filled Jewel Tower of Mountains and Seas were replaced by the extremely hot desert, it would be no less than a journey from fairyland to underworld.

The incarnation of the insect outside dropped the cold energy of the thousand-year cold jade on it, and the treasure-hunting mouse reluctantly got into the sleeve robe.

"The treasures I found are half of yours!" Hearing this, the treasure-hunting mouse seemed to have been given a shot of blood and became excited.

He couldn't use the treasure he gave the mouse. In the end, it was not his own treasure...

The outer insect incarnation uses the guide stick along the way, changing direction and adjusting position.

In one day's flight, he had already traveled thousands of miles.

The guiding stick pointed the way, and I never encountered danger in the Black Gold Desert.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

At this moment, the treasure-hunting rat in the sleeves of the Taoist robe squeaked, as if it had discovered a treasure.

The incarnation of the worm stopped escaping the light and followed the treasure-hunting mouse.

Treasure-hunting rats run extremely fast. In addition to their treasure-hunting abilities, they also have a talent for speed.

It doesn't have very strong fighting ability. If it wasn't good at escaping, it would have died countless times.

The alien incarnation followed the treasure-hunting mouse and saw a small oasis in the desert.

There is a large lake, surrounded by green vegetation, and jujubes the size of fingertips hang from a tall and towering tree. Each jujube exudes a golden-red light.

This jujube is extraordinary and must be a spiritual jujube tree.

This is the red golden sand jujube recorded in the Spiritual Treasure Book. It is a rare fourth-level spiritual plant. The grown jujube is of great benefit to the monks of the gold and fire systems.

He can also refine several elixirs to improve his cultivation.

"Come back!"

The incarnation outside the insect caught the treasure-hunting rat and looked solemnly at the jujube tree in the distance.

This place seemed ordinary, and he couldn't feel the evil spirit, but he still felt the danger keenly.

After opening my clairvoyance, I finally found a long green insect the size of a toothpick on a leaf.

This is a green little snake. If you don't use clairvoyance, it may be difficult to find the hidden guy.

This inconspicuous little thing is unusual. The aura of this monster is that of a fourth-level monster.

If you relax your vigilance and go to pick red angustifolia, you will definitely die from the sneak attack of this snake.


When the insect incarnation raised its hand, twelve silver-moon yakshas flew out and flew towards the red-gold jujube tree.

Dangerous matters are left to thugs to resolve, and a monster beast at the early stage of the fourth level cannot make a difference.

There were too many Silver Moon Yakshas, ​​and the little green snake kept pretending to be dead and did not take action.

Are you scared?

When the incarnation of the insect came closer, the green snake suddenly erupted.

Its speed is extremely fast, so fast that it is almost impossible for the monks to catch it.

This demon is extremely intelligent and knows that the incarnation of the insect is the boss. It lurks in the dark and waits until the real owner comes within ten feet, then suddenly takes action.


It hit a black shield with turtle patterns, and the black turtle shield's counterattack force exploded, causing him to faint on the spot.

After falling into coma, the green snake changed from the size of a toothpick to a three-foot-thick green venomous snake.

This demon has the innate ability to change its size.

"Kill him!"

It is extremely difficult to conquer adult monsters. Unless there are rare monsters like treasure-hunting rats, any monster that attacks you will be killed.

The monster souls and monster materials of the fourth-level monsters are good. After killing them, extract the souls to extract the elixirs and collect them into the Mountain and Sea Pearls.

Shajin jujube trees were also uprooted and sent to Shanhaizhu.

This trip has yielded good results, and the treasure-hunting rat has made a great contribution.

The Insect Outer Incarnation was about to put away the twelve door-god-like Silver Moon Yakshas, ​​when at this moment, the treasure-hunting rat squeaked again.

Could it be that there are still treasures here?

In other words, the treasure discovered by the treasure-hunting mouse was not this golden jujube tree from beginning to end?

Are there any treasures hidden here? !

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