Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 455 Weird pollution? lure them with benefits

Before, Jia Ren would not have had this idea.

Now, the Bronze Trick Door is under his control and he cannot get rid of it.

This is your chance.

Of course, it is impossible for Jia Ren to take risks.

The incarnation of the insect is also recovering, preparing to break through to the stage of becoming a god.

In addition, Jia Ren did not forget that he also had a mysterious beast clone.

Mysterious beast clones are born with the ability to sense danger, and can sense danger in advance before it approaches.

The monsters in the strange world have strange abilities and are difficult to guard against. In comparison, they are more suitable for exploration than the incarnation of the insect.


The mysterious beast clone came out of the Mountain and Sea Pearl. Its cultivation speed was far slower than the original body and the insect incarnation, and it could only reach the late stage of the Golden Core.

The worst thing is that it has no natal magic weapon.

The mysterious beast clone took out several treasures used to ward off evil spirits and save lives, and also took away a calamity-altering talisman and a boundary-breaking talisman.

After being prepared, it passed through the bronze trick door and strode into the trick world.

There are two worlds inside and outside the strange world, completely different worlds.

Outside, you can only feel the extremely rich and strange aura, but other than that, there is no other feeling.

After the mysterious beast clone entered the mysterious world, his hair stood on end immediately, and a strong sense of crisis hit him. Danger was everywhere.

This is an instinctive reaction that drives it to return quickly, not wanting to stay in the strange world for a moment longer.

"Is there a problem in this place? There is a powerful monster lurking."

"Is it still a problem with the mysterious world?"

Jia Ren and the mysterious beast have the same consciousness, and the sense of crisis they feel is extremely strong.

He was not sure whether there were powerful and unknown monsters here.

Not all monsters have form or substance. Many monsters are intangible and elusive, but they are everywhere.

Just because you can't see any weirdness doesn't mean there aren't any weirdness.

There are many unknown strange things among the strange things. Their names are taboo, and just knowing the names is dangerous.

"Change somewhere!"

Jia Ren did not dare to take the risk, so he decisively closed the bronze trick door and changed the place again.

The mysterious beast clone tried again, but the result was not much different from before.

As soon as it entered the treacherous world, a sense of crisis came over it like a tide, and its instinct drove it to do its best to escape from the treacherous world.

It is understandable that this problem occurs in only one place.

I changed four or five locations and encountered the same problem, not just weird.

"Could it be...that there's something wrong with the mysterious world?"

"As long as you enter the strange world, you will be polluted by some kind of strange world?"

Thinking of this, Jia Ren decisively stopped and let the mysterious beast clone go to the mysterious world.

He found a relatively safe place and prepared to begin the experiment.

Hundreds of treacherous runestones are thrown into it. The treacherous runestones naturally have the effect of gathering and absorbing treacherous energy.

The subsequently refined treacherous runestones are of extremely high quality and contain a lot of treacherous energy.

According to the level of monks, the capacity of one gathering runestone is comparable to ten high-grade spiritual stones.

After the processing of the Judgment Runestones is completed, the next step is to test the problem of contamination in the treacherous world.

The water gathering technique attracts water flow, controls the water flow through the bronze trick door, and digs a reservoir in the black soil of the trick world.

Dozens of spiritual fish followed the water flow and were sent into the strange world together.

Next, wait for the Gathering Runestones to absorb the evil energy to confirm whether the spiritual fish will change.

The spirit fish swam happily in the small pond at first. After half a day, their bodies gradually became stiff and white fish belly gradually floated on the water.

They don't have the sense of danger that the mysterious beast clones have. By the time the danger arrives, it's already too late.

Half of the spirit fish died tragically on the spot, and their bodies floated on the water, turning black.

Several other spiritual fish began to undergo distortions and changed strangely.

One grew an extra head, and the bodies of the others expanded at an alarming rate, changing towards an abnormal state.

Sure enough there is a problem!

This is the power of pollution from the strange world!

Jia Ren's eyes were cold, and an inexplicable coldness rose in his heart.

If the clone from the Mysterious Realm is not allowed to enter, the main body will swagger into the mysterious world, just like the spirit fish, it will not react until the body mutates.

This mutation is extremely strange, and I don’t know if it is an irreversible change.

"The world of ghosts is too dangerous!"

"Be extremely careful when dealing with it in the future!"

Jia Ren originally thought that the most terrifying thing in the strange world was the strange things, but he didn't expect... this world is also a strange and terrifying existence.

Fortunately, I am cautious by nature and don't like taking risks.

If it were a brave monk, the grass on the grave would be three feet high.

Jia Ren waited until the Gathering Rune Stone had absorbed the strange energy before carefully taking it in.

At the same time, several mutated spiritual fish were also brought back.

Different from the electric stun fish in the strange lake, the mutation is not complete enough, and it cannot be regarded as a real strange object or strange material, and there is no specific identification.

Jia Ren changed places one after another, but still didn't see a strange thing.

This made him frown.

The last time I came into contact with the strange world, the number of strange monsters I encountered was not rare, and I always gained something after several visits.

Why...didn't you encounter a single monster this time?

Could it be that the world is different, and the location and area where you come into contact with the strange world are different?

The last time I observed the Mystery Realm was a gap opened in the Sealed Land, this time it was in the Xuan Realm. After opening in different places, did the reactions differ?

Or...some unknown changes have occurred since the last observation.

So much so...that the mysterious world is empty.

Did they all go to unknown places?

The former is okay, but if it's the latter... it's always uneasy.

"Perhaps... someone can answer my doubts."

Jia Ren thought of the Wu family immediately.

The Wu family has sin blood, and they are definitely the ones who know the most about weird things and the weird world. This is also the best channel for them to learn about weird information.

"After several days of burning with evil flames, I wonder if the bones of the Wu family are still as hard as before?"

Jia Ren entered the 33rd floor of the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower and saw a bloody crystal dragon whose blood had coagulated. He could see faces with painful and twisted faces.

The blood dragon's body was burning with evil-burning flames, burning continuously. It could only stay in place, unable to move at all.

After the Demon-Sealing Tower was promoted to the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower, the ability to suppress monsters became more than one level better than before.

Before, the monsters could move freely in the Demon Sealing Tower, but now, they are unable to move at all.

When the Wu family members in the Blood Dragon saw Jia Ren arriving, they all cast resentful glances.

"Are you used to living here?"

"Does it warm your heart? Do you want to warm you up?"

Warm you uncle!

They were almost burned to death!

The Wu family clearly felt that as the blood dragon died and was reborn again and again, its soul became extremely weak, and gradually felt like it was running out of energy.

What the sinners are most proud of is that they have merged into one with the help of weird power, possessing weird abilities and near-immortality.

The monks dealt with them and could not kill them.

The only way to deal with them is to seal them.

Until now, they finally met their nemesis.

This person is the lifelong enemy of the sinners!

"You deserve to die! We won't let you go!"

The Wu family could not move, let alone take action, and could only use the weakest abuse to deal with Jia Ren.

"Wu Yong and I are brothers and have the same friendship. I am also very sad about his death."

"I sent you a letter with good intentions, but you don't appreciate it. You also want to murder me."

"As for the criminals, I don't care."

It is difficult to guard against domestic thieves.

Backstabs from ‘friendly forces’ are the most unacceptable.

Ever since the Wu family took action against him, their fate had been doomed, and there was only one way to die.

"Hmph, this is your one-sided statement, all human monks should die!"

The Wu family hates humans deeply. They used to hide among humans to facilitate their survival.

Now that his true face has been exposed, he is too lazy to continue pretending.

"You answer my questions about the sinful people and the deceitful world, and I can save you some pain."

When Jia Ren raised his hand, the evil-burning flame burning on the blood dragon was forcibly taken away, leaving no trace at all.

Without the steady stream of evil-burning flames, the pain on the Wu family finally stopped.

A piece of magic rune stone was thrown over, and a steady stream of strange energy escaped, and was quickly absorbed by the blood dragon.

The souls of the Blood Dragon and the Wu family had long been tortured by the burning evil flames, and they were almost exhausted. After getting the strange energy, it was as if he had taken a big tonic, and his condition was much better than before.

"Is this a treacherous rock?"

"No, it's more like a monk's rune stone."

"How could there be such pure evil energy in the rune stones?"

The Wu family members looked at the Jugui Runestone that exuded a strong and mysterious aura, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

The mysterious world has been cleaned up by high-level monks, and almost all weird things have been sealed. They have used special methods to cleanse the weird energy, and the amount of weird energy is extremely weak.

Many Wu family members have never felt strangeness since they were born.

This weirdness makes them addicted.

"How do you have such a thing?"

Jia Ren smiled and opened his palms. In his palms were dozens of mysterious rune stones.

Dozens of pairs of hot eyes glanced over, revealing strong desire.

"Don't be paralyzed by his pettiness, and never reveal any information."

The head of the Wu family has a very high status in the Wu family. As soon as these words were spoken, the other Wu family members averted their eyes even though they were eager.

Jia Ren's face turned slightly dark. He would never be able to find out anything unless he solved this old problem.

As soon as he thought about it, he had a new idea.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you a little bit."

"This thing comes from the strange world."

They were already dead in Jia Ren's eyes. If the evil-burning flames continued to burn, their souls would be gone before long.

There is nothing wrong with revealing a little insignificant information to a dying person.

Jia Ren saw the suspicion in their eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the thirty-third floor of the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower became illusory and transparent.

The Wu family's sight was not affected, and they could see the bronze trick door locked by the demon-suppressing god's chain. They even saw the trick door open wide, with a steady stream of strange energy pouring out of it.

This was a scene that he could only see in his dreams before, and it really unfolded before his eyes.

The monsters that can connect to the strange world, and the world that they dream of.

"The mysterious world?!"

The head of the Wu family had hot eyes and a trembling voice, "As long as you let us enter the treacherous world, I can tell you all the information you want to know!"

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