Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 487 In the late stage of becoming a god, a puppet of a mythical beast?

The second Yuanying came to the Lingfa Pavilion and clearly felt that the number of stalls had increased.

The number of Lingbao Sect monks coming and going increased four to five times compared to before, making it extremely lively.

The Xuantian Dao Sect arrived in force, and many people smelled the signs of war and took precautions before it happened. They took out the treasures at the bottom of the box to exchange them.

When the sect war breaks out and prices skyrocket, if you want to exchange for the treasure you want, you will have to pay a high price.

War has both advantages and disadvantages for sects and individuals.

Market demand surged, the number of spiritual materials and spiritual treasures increased, and it became extremely easy to exchange for treasures.

This was a rare blessing for Jia Ren, and it became extremely easy to exchange for spiritual materials and treasures.

In the past, I don't know how many more years it would have taken to gather the materials to refine the final magic weapon mirror.

Now, it has become simpler and easier, and there are fewer detours.

It didn't take the Second Yuanying long to collect the remaining two top-quality spiritual materials of the Mo Magic Mirror, both of which were of the same level.

Cave No. 29, B, received more than twenty transmission notes, all of which were requested by people asking for help in refining spiritual treasures.

This is the effect of becoming famous. More and more people want Jia Ren to refine spiritual treasures.

The spiritual treasures of several senior brothers are enough to be refined for a period of time, but they are still busy practicing, so how can they have time to help others?

Jia Ren responded with a transmission note and declined.

In order to prevent harassment and influence on the refining, he activated the formation in the refining room to isolate all interference from external factors.

He took out the spiritual materials for refining the magic weapon mirror and placed it in front of him.

There are three core materials for the Mo Magic Mirror, which are the ancient jade of heavenly spirits whose main body is to capture souls, the black gold whose main body is absolute souls, and the magic stone of soul-transformation which is the main body of soul-transforming souls.

The three top spiritual materials are combined into one, combined with the corresponding treasure refining methods and corresponding auxiliary materials, to blend the effects into one.

Jia Ren's actual level of refining treasures has reached the master level, and is slightly beyond it. The previous refinement of fine spiritual treasures was not the result of his strength, but the result of deliberate performance.

Naturally, he cannot hold back when refining his own spiritual treasure, and must go all out.

Take the lead in refining three top spiritual materials, process related spiritual materials for fusion, and burn corresponding spiritual patterns into the spiritual materials.

The magic weapon mirror has been refined with great care and effort.

There were no mistakes along the way, and the treasure refining process was extremely smooth.

After a total of nine years and ten months, the magic weapon mirror was finally released.

Black gold is the base, jade is the mirror, and stone is the lacquer.

The mirror of the Mo Magic Mirror is dark green and cannot reflect a human face.

The treasured mirror fell into the hand, and it was cold and filled with coldness.

The newly born Lingzhi is like a child, expressing the attachment in his heart.

"How about the effect of trying it first?"

Jia Ren left the refining room and returned to his residence, injecting spiritual power into it to test the effect of the magic weapon mirror.

The dark green mirror surface rippled, forming ripples visible to the naked eye.

The spiritual energy of the surrounding world fluctuated violently. When they came into contact with the magic weapon light, they did not isolate the spiritual power like the magic weapon light, but forcibly absorbed it and flew into the magic weapon mirror.

Lingbao Sect has sufficient spiritual energy from heaven and earth, and a massive amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth enters it.

With the Mo Magic Mirror as the center, a miraculous zone spreads in all directions.


This place is in the Lingbao Sect. Jia Ren does not dare to use his full power, and the magic weapon mirror is released as soon as it is closed.

Even so, it still formed a spiritual zone with a radius of about one mile, without a trace of heaven and earth spiritual energy inside.

Unlike the past when the spiritual energy was discharged, the total amount of spiritual energy has not been reduced and can still be restored.

Now... these spiritual energy of heaven and earth have been plundered by the Mo Magic Mirror in an extremely domineering way.

It wasn't until the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from other areas poured in that the spiritual energy gap was filled.

The small-scale changes in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth attracted several surprised looks. They thought it was caused by practicing some kind of magical power, so they didn't pay too much attention to it.


"When the magic weapon mirror is used at full strength, it should be able to affect three thousand miles and swallow up all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this area."

The range of three thousand miles can only be regarded as unsatisfactory, and the area is not large.

However, the amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy absorbed must not be a small amount.

There is more than enough intake of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, but the area affected by the unique spirit is insufficient.

The end magic weapon mirror is sent to the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower to improve the effect, and the area of ​​influence will become wider.

The Baoguang Body Refining Technique absorbs the treasured light from the end magic treasure mirror, and the condensed end magic treasure light will be even more powerful, and its power will be much higher than that of the spiritual treasure.

Jia Ren holds the magic mirror and enters the heaven, earth, mountains and sea beads.

Communicate with it with your thoughts, and send all the plundered spiritual energy from heaven and earth into it.

From then on, he not only had one sixth-order spiritual vein and five fifth-order spiritual veins to supply heaven and earth spiritual energy, but also had a subsidy for the magic weapon mirror.

In the future, the total supply will far exceed that of spiritual veins.

Jia Ren left with the Mo Magic Mirror. Tiandishanhaizhu immediately threw out the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower and replaced it with the Mo Magic Mirror.

After a long period of offering sacrifices to fire, the Heaven, Earth, Mountains and Sea Pearls are infinitely close to the perfection of the Void Refining Level.

Jia Ren prioritized upgrading the Jueling Mirror to strengthen this treasure.

"The final magical mirror has been upgraded to the Void Refining Stage and entered the Secret Realm of Heavenly Spirit, where it can plunder a wave of spiritual energy from heaven and earth."

After the magic mirror was made, Jia Ren was relieved of a mental illness and could use his mind elsewhere.

The next step was to refine the spiritual treasures for several senior brothers. Jia Ren chose a streamlined treasure refining method, which was enough to achieve high-quality spiritual treasures and save his precious time.

The refining time of each spiritual treasure can be reduced by more than half, and a high-quality spiritual treasure can be refined in about four years.

If you give a spiritual treasure of this quality to the senior brothers, no one can find fault with it.

Whether you use the Soul Devouring Art to devour it or keep it for your own use, there is no problem.

Only Zhuo Chengdao spent a little extra effort on his Lingbao.

He wants to build a spiritual sword to replace the spiritual heart sword.

The Spiritual Heart Sword is a spiritual treasure given to Zhuo Chengdao after breaking through the Tower of Babel. It is a spiritual treasure of ordinary quality.

As a sword cultivator, Zhuo Chengdao, the quality of a spiritual treasure determines the combat power, and high-quality spiritual treasures can greatly enhance the strength.

"Do you want to refine a top-quality spiritual treasure for him?"

"Once this matter is exposed, it means that I have become a spiritual-level weapon refining master, and my sect's treatment and status will be different from before, and I will also receive special attention from other sects."

"The advantage is that if you can refine the best spiritual treasures, you will be qualified to take the exam and become a Tongtian weapon refiner."

"The problem is... with the appearance of Fa Tian Xiang Di, I may be on Xuantian Dao Sect's special list..."

"Refining the best spiritual treasure will improve my rating in the hearts of the Xuantian Dao Sect and make it more difficult for them to deal with me."

If he shoots the first bird, his performance is too good, Xuantian Daozong will definitely use people close to him to deal with him.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, but Jia Ren finally gave up.

In the final analysis, the realm and strength are still too low.

If one had the cultivation of the Integrated Stage and the Mahayana Stage, there would not be so many things to worry about.

Do less and make fewer mistakes to avoid disaster.

Jia Ren refined a fine spiritual treasure for Zhuo Chengdao. The spiritual treasure was tailor-made for Zhuo Chengdao and best fit his Nine Spirit Sword Body.

After the refining of the five spiritual treasures was completed, Jia Ren returned to the cave to absorb the Tianbao spiritual energy accumulated in the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower.

Time flies so fast, forty years have passed since I entered the weapon refining room to refine the final magic weapon mirror.

Jia Ren walked out of the cave in the Pearl of Heaven and Earth Mountain, exuding the fluctuations of spiritual power in the late stage of becoming a god.

Today, the cultivation level has reached the late stage of spiritual transformation. The next step is to make up for the cultivation level and consider promotion to the virtual refining stage.

The treasures for breaking through the Void Refining Stage have not yet been found, so you should prepare them for yourself in advance.

The breath gradually declined, falling back to the early stage of spiritual transformation.

The enemy will not send strong men to deal with him even if he looks down upon him.

The progress of cultivation in the God Transformation stage is slow, and it is common for many years to be difficult to make further progress. It is normal to maintain in the early stage of God Transformation, but reaching the late stage of God Transformation is unexpected.

"The final magical treasure realm has reached the perfection of the void refining stage, the heaven, earth, mountains and sea pearls have reached the perfection of the void refining stage, and the sky fire divine shield has reached the late stage of the void refining."

"The next step is to refine ordinary spiritual treasures or magical treasures, use sacrificial fire, upgrade a large number of spiritual treasures, and quickly increase your cultivation level."

"The potential of corpse refining is insufficient. If you are promoted to a golden moon corpse, even with the assistance of corpse sacrifice fire, only 40% of the people will succeed..."

As Jia Ren waved his hand, seventy-eight golden moon corpses appeared.

The reduction in numbers is too severe.

As the golden moon corpses advance to the Void Refining Stage, their numbers will decrease sharply and the losses will be serious.

Lingbao Sect is not a corpse-refining sect. It lacks top-notch corpse-refining supernatural powers and secret techniques, and the number of golden-body moon corpses is greatly reduced. This is a heartbreaking thing.

"Promote it to the peak of the divine transformation stage. Without the magical power to assist in corpse refining, it will stop here for the time being."

"You can find the supernatural powers and secret techniques of the corpse path from the Valley of Reincarnation. By then, it won't be too late to pick up the refined corpse."

"I should look for new heretical auxiliary means to refine puppets."

Jia Ren exchanged it from the Lingfa Pavilion for a secret puppet technique called Shen Ji Bai Lian. He had the assistance of corpse refining before, and because he would not leave the sect easily, he has been unable to learn it.

Faced with the potential threat from the Xuantian Dao Sect and the sect war that may come at any time, the improvement of corpse refining is limited, and puppet refining should also be put on the agenda.

Refining a puppet is similar to refining a weapon. Refining an ordinary puppet is prone to damage, and repairing a single piece is a waste of time and effort.

There is a solution in the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements, and that is the Thousand Machines Hundred Refinements Puppet Tower.

The Puppet Tower of Thousand Machines and Hundreds of Refinements, also known as the Babel Tower, is a must-pass test to become a true disciple.

The spirit treasure and the puppet merge into one, twins, forming a unique treasure.

Combined with the sacrificial fire to increase the power of the Thousand Machines and Hundreds of Refinements Puppet Tower, you can also use the puppet tactics to the extreme without having to worry about the puppet being damaged in battle with the enemy.

The difficulty of upgrading a puppet is much lower than that of refining a corpse, so there is no need to worry about the risk of being scrapped.

The Divine Machine Hundred Refining Puppet Tower serves as logistical support, and cooperates with the puppets that have been upgraded from the sacrifice fire to the late stage of refining the void. By then, they will be able to fight against the strong ones in the refining stage.

Since Jia Ren regards the strong ones in the Void Refining Stage or even the Fusion Stage as his imaginary enemies, the materials for refining the puppets cannot be too bad.

The foundation is too poor, but after being improved by sacrificial fire, it is also a 'crispy skin'.

The garbage puppet was instantly killed by a spell cast by a monk in the Void Refining Stage, without a chance to display its combat power.

Should we associate it with the real dragon and refine it mainly with mythical beast materials...exclusive mythical beast puppets?

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