Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 533 The mysterious world is empty and the ghosts are still there

Jia Ren asked for information from the surroundings to see if there were any powerful sects and forces nearby.

"This place is called the Wasteland, a place with few resources for cultivating immortals in the Mysterious Realm. How could a major sect take notice of this place?"

"The most powerful sect here is called Kunshan Sect. It is said that there are monks in the integration stage who are in charge. It is 50,000 miles away from here."

"This is your reward!"

Jia Ren casually threw the green sword magic weapon to this man and disappeared.

It's not like he hasn't thought about asking Lingbao Sect or other information.

This person is too low-level and has no access to high-end intelligence.

After receiving the Lingbao Sect news, there is no guarantee whether it will be processed during the transmission, which is not accurate enough.

He will understand the intelligence and current situation of Xuanjie Lingbao Sect, but this is an action after acquiring a large number of strange monsters.

Obtaining strange monsters is the first priority when entering the mysterious world. After handling this matter, if you encounter trouble, you can return to Yuanbao Cave in time.

It's not as if the weird one didn't get it, the information was in danger, and the attempt was in vain.

The location Jia Ren chose was the Valley of Lies. This monster was not weak, so he first tried to see if it could be sealed.

Go back all the way and arrive at the core of the Valley of Lies.

He carefully confirmed that there was no problem and set up the formation.

The Five Treasures Chaos God Formation and several protective formations were all arranged, the aura was hidden, and the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower was taken out.

"The demon-suppressing divine light is at full power!"

With the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower as the core, an extremely astonishing divine light burst out, shooting out in all directions.

The golden light spreads all the way, covering thousands of miles in radius, and everything inside is within the coverage.


The demon-suppressing divine light is like an octopus, exuding strong adsorption power. It finishes everything and ends quickly.

All the light shrank back to the 33rd floor of the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower.

The lies and deceptions that are in the 'Tian Luo Di Net' will also be sent to the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower together.


There was no change at all on the thirty-third floor of the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower, and no invisible object was ignited by the sacrificial fire.

This means that catching lies has failed...

Intangible and insubstantial monsters are the hardest to seal. If not, the Xuanjie monks would not tolerate lies and monsters settling here, forming a no-man's land.

Although the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower is powerful, it still does not have the ability to seal special monsters.

After being promoted to Tongtian Lingbao in the Demon-Sealing Spirit Pagoda, this problem may be solved.

After its core was replaced with the boundary-suppressing black stone, its sealing ability was astonishingly improved compared to before.

Jia Ren was not upset when he failed to seal the lie. He deliberately left a metal mark here to make it easier to locate this place.

In the future, when facing a powerful enemy, there may be a day when he can use lies and deceit.

If you fail to seal the lie trick, it's not a big problem. You can also go through the bronze trick door to open the door to the trick world and get the trick from it.

Jia Ren followed suit. He took out the bronze trick door from the 30th floor and restricted it in place.

Without the suppression of the unknown power of Yuanbao Cave, Xuanjie had no problem opening the door to the strange world. After the bronze door, he could see the land of darkness.

Compared with before, the strange world is colder and deader, without any breath of life.

Jia Ren controlled the demon-suppressing chain and turned it into a golden net. He swept through the strange world and did not encounter a single monster.

He changed places and continued searching.

The result was the same as before, not a single monster was encountered.

I tried more than a dozen times at once, but I didn't find a single monster. I just saw weird things that were born under the influence of the strange power.

"Where are the weird ones? Where have they gone?"

Jia Ren looked ugly. This was the first time he had encountered this kind of thing.

I was full of confidence before, but unexpectedly, I didn't encounter a single monster.

Is the world empty?

So, where did the disappeared monsters go?

Sealed place?

Or is it related to the criminals?

Jia Ren didn't know why, but he always had a bad premonition.

Next, they tried again and again, and finally... found a weirdo.

This is a strange creature that looks like a snail and moves slowly.

Its strange ability is... to slow down the movement of everything in the affected area.

Once it comes into contact with the weird power it releases, the movement speed of anything will drop to... one percent.

The same is true for the speed of thinking.

Is this... slow trick?

It is still in the strange world and has not left. Is it because... its speed is too slow and it has not had time to get on the bus?

Slowly sent to the seventeenth floor, its lethality is not great, but the strange power produced by burning is extremely large, no worse than Shougui.

This kind of high-quality weirdness has always been Jia Ren's favorite target.

After sealing the slow monster, I tried dozens of times and never encountered another monster.

Even so, Jia Ren still has no idea of ​​entering the mysterious world.

Jia Ren can't guarantee that all the monsters will disappear. What disappears are the tangible monsters, and there may be some incorporeal monsters such as the Oath Monster, the Lie Monster, and the Silent Monster.

In comparison, this kind of weirdness is the most difficult to deal with.

Take the oath as an example. Both the Gui Alliance and the sinner bloodline want to use it to restrain the oath, and its ability must be extremely terrifying.

Once you break your oath, the consequences will be dire.

Jia Ren suspected that the more people used Oath to swear, the stronger it would become.

In addition, there is a special kind of weirdness among the weirdness, which is also the most terrifying kind of weirdness.

A monster that becomes more powerful if it knows about it.

This kind of weird thing is the most terrifying and cannot be killed. The only way to solve it is to kill everyone who knows about it and forget its name.

No one can guarantee whether there is such a thing in the treacherous world, and whether entering the treacherous world will trigger the law of death and lead to an unknown death.

Jia Ren will never take any chances!

"Alas, the strange world's plan to seal the strange things came to nothing."

"What should I do? Is it just possible to sneak into the sealed land?"

Jia Ren did not forget that he still had a world-devouring shadow whistle in his hand.

Back then, he used the World Devouring Shadow Whistle to sneak from the Sealed Land to the Mysterious World. Now, he can also use this method to enter the Sealed Land.

A large number of monsters have mysteriously disappeared in the mysterious world. A huge wave of monsters has erupted in the sealed land. It is impossible for the monsters to disappear with them.

“It’s time to revisit the sealed land!”

"I wonder if Yang Shengwu is still alive? How is the situation in Linyuan City?"

Jia Ren thought of Yang Shengwu. Because of Yun Niang's incident, he coexisted with Yuangui. He was only in the foundation-building stage and would never survive now.

With the help of the power of wishful thinking, his lifespan is far incomparable to ordinary people, and he may still see his old friends one day.

When he returns to the place of sealing, he can also seal Wangui.

I can only visit my old place again!

Jia Ren put away the formations arranged here, took up the escape light, and left the Valley of Lies.

The hardware divine escape was used one after another, and the escape speed was astonishing.

After reaching the realm of Void Refining, the body's spiritual power is sufficient, and it can also be blessed by the power of heaven and earth. Its escape speed is unparalleled, no worse than riding a short-distance teleportation array.

Jia Ren did not take the teleportation array. Based on the map he obtained, he made several adjustments and rushed towards the realm where Lingbao Sect belonged.

Although this time we were going to the sealed place, we had to pass through the territory of Lingbao Sect on the way.

In this case, he naturally wanted to take the opportunity to inquire about the Lingbao Sect and confirm whether his familiar brothers were safe.

Flying more than 100,000 miles all the way, four sects encountered each other and a war broke out.

Most of the cities and towns along the way have been affected by the war, and there is nothing you can do if you want to use the teleportation array to rush on.

The map given by Lejia was not accurate enough. Along the way, we encountered Qihuangfang City and stopped there.

Qihuangfang City activates the formation and defends one side. Personnel can only leave but cannot enter.

However, this cannot trouble Jia Ren.

Jia Ren's fingertips glowed with white light, and he used his forbidden finger that had not been used for a long time. The formation in some areas temporarily failed, and he entered the city without any hindrance.

He found a grocery store and bought a map for three thousand spiritual stones.

Affected by the war, people in the city were panicked.

"There are too many monks and too few resources. The robbing of resources is becoming more and more serious."

"The intensity of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Xuan Realm has dropped by 30% compared to a thousand years ago."

"The top sects are also fighting openly and secretly. When will they be the best..."

From time to time, you can hear the monks talking and worrying.

The intensity of spiritual energy in Xuanjie has been declining, especially after the monk entered the blowout period.

If nothing else, Lingbao Sect is a good example.

At first, as long as you enter the sect, you will have a spiritual treasure. Only when you become a true disciple can you get the spiritual treasure.

In the past, there were no restrictions on disciples' secret realms, and only the sect's contribution could be spent to enter.

This all proves that the per capita cultivation resources are reduced and the resources are not enough.

Lingbao Sect occupies the most resources, and the oldest sects are affected. Small and medium-sized sects and families receive less resources and are more affected.

It is not surprising that wars and conflicts break out frequently over resources.

People's greed will gradually increase as their cultivation level increases.

If this state is maintained for a long time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the mysterious world will become less and less, and it will eventually become a land barren of spiritual energy and resources, and even... It is not surprising that it is a land of the end of law.

Jia Ren had no intention of staying in Qihuangfang City longer and left quickly.

After leaving, a hidden light appeared outside the city and gradually surrounded the city.

Your choice to avoid battle does not guarantee safety.

If you don't have enough strength to protect resources, you are just fat in the eyes of others. It is not surprising that you will attract wolves, tigers and leopards.

It is this kind of dilemma that Lingbao Sect faces.

Jia Ren followed the map all the way and used the Hardware Divine Escape to travel quickly. One day later, he finally arrived at the territory of Lingbao Sect.

He walked through Fangshi and came to a teahouse to inquire about the information about Lingbao Sect.

Hearing someone talking about Lingbao Sect in the distance, he went over to ask.

"Don't talk about Lingbao Sect. The master of Xuantian Dao Sect is not happy."

Jia Ren was stunned and asked quickly: "Isn't this the territory of Lingbao Sect?"

"The news from fellow Taoists is lagging behind. This place changed owners ten years ago and fell into the hands of Xuantian Dao Sect."

Xuantian Dao Sect?

Jia Ren looked slightly stunned when he heard the familiar name.

He has not forgotten the grudges between Xuantian Daozong and Lingbao Sect. Xuantian Daozong is aggressive and wants to swallow up Lingbao Sect.

Taiyuan Patriarch faked his death as a way to kill the new Mahayana monks of Xuantian Dao Sect and died. He could not come out of seclusion and suffered heavy losses.

Two hundred years have passed, has Xuantian Dao Sect made a comeback again?

It’s so haunting!

Jia Ren thought about the Qianji Lock Poison that had been dropped in the Tianling Secret Realm. If he hadn't discovered it himself, he would have definitely fallen victim to it.

He had long wanted to take revenge, but now, the opportunity came to his door.

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