Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 586: The Realm of Jue Ling, the Abandoned Son of the Sect

Jia Ren decided to turn this place into a spiritual zone, and the current action is just the beginning.

The area of ​​influence of the final magic weapon light is still spreading, and in a short period of time, it has reached the limit of the six paths of final magic weapon light.

Ten thousand miles!

This area is unsatisfactory and is already at its current limit.

The upper limit and space can be increased only by the light of the Seventh Path or the Eighth Path.

Jia Ren changed his position several times in succession, swallowing the spiritual energy of the world and gradually turning the 50,000-mile area of ​​the Demon Yuzong area into the Unparalleled Spirit Zone.

No spiritual energy can be felt in this area, as if it has fallen into the end of the Dharma era.

The spiritual energy in other areas slowly flows towards this place, as if the water of a river is pouring towards low-lying areas.

This kind of thing is only a minority, and a little flowing spiritual energy is not enough to solve the problem in the Land of the End of Law.

The Demon Control Sect and the monks who came here were completely dumbfounded.

They seemed to have returned to a few months ago, running towards other areas as usual.

The prosperity that the Demon Yu Sect had just gained evaporated in an instant.

The Jueling Zone cannot raise immortal cultivators, nor can it support a cultivating family, let alone a first-class cultivating sect.

The foundation built over countless years can only be abandoned, and the Demon Yu Sect can only leave its roots and consider transferring the sect.

There are already masters in all the major areas of Xuanjie. No matter where it is transferred, the major sects will not agree and war will definitely begin.

The Demon Yu Sect lost a master in the integration stage, and his spiritual power was emptied under the Absolute Spirit Storm. His spiritual power cannot be restored for a long time, and he will definitely fall into the realm.

They have no power to seize other people's territory, they can only bully the weak sect forces.

After this battle, it is a foregone conclusion that the Demon Yu Sect will fall into the first-class sect.

"How did the Absolute Spirit Zone form?"

"What exactly happened in the realm of the Demon Control Sect?"

Spies from various forces sent people to the territory of the Demon Control Sect one after another. They felt that there was no aura in the area of ​​more than 50,000 miles.

It was as if a terrifying aura beast opened its giant mouth and swallowed up all the aura of heaven and earth in this area.

What kind of terrifying beast would this be?

This is unheard of in the history of Xuanjie.

Several strange beasts that like to devour spiritual energy have long since become extinct, and their scope of influence is far less than one hundred thousandth of the scope of the Demon Control Sect.

After asking those who knew about it, some claimed to have seen a giant reaching the sky, some saw a terrifying giant beast, and some claimed to have seen an immortal coming to earth.

The Yu Yao Sect's sins are serious and the punishment from heaven is coming.

The rumors become more and more outrageous, and it is rare to get a glimpse of the truth.

The culprits of all these things escaped into the depths of the ground outside the city of Yuyao Zongfang, and hid themselves in the pearls of heaven, earth, mountains and seas.

As soon as Jia Ren entered the Heaven and Earth Mountain and Sea Pearl, he was shocked by the rich spiritual energy of Heaven and Earth.

The sky is like mist, and the mist turns into spiritual rain condensed by spiritual fluid, which continues to fall from the sky.

There are small puddles everywhere on the earth, filled with pure spiritual liquid.

Rivers and lakes are like oceans of spiritual energy, with countless spiritual fish jumping for joy on the water, seemingly rejoicing in the strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"Hey, there's an extra lake..."

"A spiritual lake formed by condensation of spiritual liquid!"

In a short period of time, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the world.

All the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within the 50,000-mile area of ​​the Demon Yu Sect has been collected into the Heaven, Earth, Mountain and Sea Pearl by the Demon-Sealed Spirit Tower.

A massive amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth gathers here. You can imagine what an astonishing amount this is, more than a hundred times more than the spiritual energy from heaven and earth plundered from the Heavenly Spirit Secret Realm.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth flowing in the outside world is more than ten times greater than the amount of spiritual energy flowing out from the spiritual veins.

"The spiritual veins did not spit out the spiritual energy, but began to absorb the spiritual energy..."

An extremely rare thing happened in the Heaven, Earth, Mountain and Sea Pearl...the spiritual energy fed back.

This will only happen if the spiritual energy is strong enough to a certain extent. The spiritual energy gathers in a certain area, and after thousands of years, it forms spiritual veins.

The intensity of spiritual energy in the Heaven and Earth Mountain Sea Pearl far exceeds that of the ancient times of the Mysterious Realm. It is not surprising that such a change occurs.

The spiritual veins are fed back by the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the mountains and sea pearls of heaven and earth, and the spiritual veins swallow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in reverse, advancing towards higher-quality spiritual veins.

This kind of situation has not happened in Xuanjie for who knows how many years. Except for the heaven, earth, mountains and sea pearls, it is impossible for this to happen again anywhere else.

The amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy in the Heaven and Earth Mountain Sea Pearl has increased, which is a good thing for Jia Ren, and the speed of practicing Tianbao Lingyuan Gong has been increased.

Jia Ren did not forget the most important thing. He took out the demon control bag and two flame sparrows flew out.

Their ownership contract is lifted, so there is no need to worry about future troubles.

As soon as the two flame birds left the demon control bag, they felt the extremely strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the outside world, and couldn't help but chirp.

Unlike pure wild monsters, they have been domesticated by humans for a long time and are not resistant to humans. Similar to fat-headed fish, they are not difficult to tame.

Jia Ren took out the Holy Infant Xidan and threw it to the two flame birds. He saw them taking the pill and starting to reproduce, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Take care of them and don't have any accidents."

The incarnation of the insect and the clone of the mysterious beast appeared to deal with the matter respectively.

The former controls the heaven, earth, mountains and sea beads to divide the space and help the two flame birds form an area where they will not be disturbed.

The seventh-level Li Feng and the Flame Bird are both fire-type birds. I wonder if they will fight each other, so they should be separated in advance to avoid trouble.

After confirming that everything was on track, Jia Ren just took out a few spiritual treasures and silently ran the Spirit-Eating Treasure Art.

The realm is still in the Nascent Soul Stage or the Divine Transformation Stage. The Soul Devouring Treasure Art swallows the spirit treasures and improves the cultivation level at a reasonable speed. After reaching the Void Refining Stage, the spiritual power provided by the spirit treasures is too little and unsatisfactory.

Jia Ren does not have many idle spiritual treasures, so the frequency of using the Spirit-Eating Treasure Art has dropped, and his proficiency level is not high.

During the hundred-year promotion and integration period, a lot of time was spent to help the Demon Sealing Spirit Pagoda to be promoted to the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure. The time to improve one's cultivation level was inevitably reduced.

If you want to speed up your cultivation, you must resort to other means.

The previous battle was too rough, and most of the treasures were destroyed as the space was shattered. Only two items were obtained from Wen Renli.

Several spiritual treasures were devoured together with the old goods in his hand, and the increase in cultivation was not satisfactory.

"The cultivation speed is still too slow!"

"The Xue family and Yuyao Sect still have many spiritual treasures. It is better to benefit yourself than to benefit others."

The Xue family's only fusion-stage monk died, and the Yuyao Sect lost a fusion-stage monk and a seventh-level monster, causing serious damage.

Coupled with the influence of the Jueling area, the losses were heavy.

The Xuan Realm has always been about the weak and the strong. The strength of the Xue family and the Yuyao Sect has declined, and the surrounding wolves, tigers and leopards will tear them apart without hesitation.

I have put in a lot of sweat and "hard work" to deal with the two Fusion Stage monks, but I can't let their treasures take advantage of others for no reason.

Jia Ren settled the Yanque and did not stay in Tiandi Shanhaizhu for a long time. He escaped underground with Tiandi Shanhaizhu.

Five days have passed since the last battle.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth still has no tendency to recover at all, and it has become a rare spiritual area in the mysterious world.

Jia Ren transformed into a escaping light and flew. Without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth as an additional supply, his spiritual power was consumed extremely quickly.

Fortunately, the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower and the Heaven and Earth Mountain and Sea Pearl supply spiritual energy, so they are not greatly affected.

It didn't take long to arrive at Yulingfang City again.

Yulingfang City has changed a lot. The formation barrier guarding the city has disappeared, and many traces of battle have been added to the city.

The market is much deserted than in the impression, and occasionally busy people are seen.

The monks in Yulingfang City have left. They are not monks, but mortals.

As long as it is not a barren land where people cannot survive, mortals can live. The aura has little impact on them, so they can simply live here.

Along the way, there were no treasures in many shops in the city, and most of them were just mortals making their homes.

Jia Ren did not stay in Yulingfang City for long, but consumed his spiritual energy and rushed towards the Yuyao Sect.

What was once the first-class sect's residence has become a paradise for low-level monsters.

The monks of the Demon Control Sect were baptized by the Light of the Ending Dharma, and all their spiritual power was emptied, and they almost became mortals. Although they used elixirs and spiritual power to compensate, without cultivation, it would be absolutely difficult to get out of the Ending Dharma Zone.

They don't know how much influence the Dharma-ending area has, so they naturally want to save precious spiritual stones and elixirs for emergencies.

The monsters that cannot be taken away can only be left to their own devices and abandoned here.

Although the demon beast has no demon power in its body, its powerful body is still there, and it can easily become the new overlord of the Demon Control Sect.

However, this state of affairs is unsustainable.

There is no spiritual energy in the Mo Dharma Ultimate Spirit Zone, and the lost spiritual energy cannot be replenished for a long time. Soon, the extraordinary power will gradually be lost and turned into an ordinary beast.

"It's too late!"

"It shouldn't be hard to catch them."

Jia Ren released his spiritual consciousness and roughly sensed it, and vaguely captured the little tail that had not yet left the range of his spiritual consciousness.

Sect migration is different from personal travel. The overall travel speed must be taken into consideration, and it will inevitably be dragged down by low-level monks or warships.

He used the Hardware Divine Escape all the way, without caring about the loss of spiritual power, and accelerated towards the area.

Before they even arrived, there were already fighting and shouts of killing.

"The Demon Yu Sect also has today, and the day when the sect will be destroyed is today!"

"The Qian family worked hard for the Yu Yao Sect, but ended up with their clan destroyed. It's time to settle old scores."

"The Demon Yu Sect robbed my Wuji Sect's secret realm and took away the lives of you guys!"

When a sect rises, it will inevitably annex other sects and families to strengthen itself.

The Demon Control Sect is only strong. The forces and monks with grudges will not attack the stone with eggs, but will quietly lie dormant and wait for the right time.

Now, the master of the Demon Control Sect is dead, and another monk in the integration stage left the sect seventy years ago and has not returned yet.

Without the monks in the integration stage, this is the best opportunity.

In addition to the monks who had deep hatred, there were also people who coveted the wealth of the Demon Yu Sect and came to get a share of the pie.

Jia Ren took one look and couldn't help but shook his head: "Abandoned son!"

The warships seemed to carry a lot of treasures and there were many monks, but there were only two elderly monks in the early stage of virtual refining, and most of them were low-level monks.

This is a method used by the Demon Yu Sect to hide from others. The warship used a concealment formation and could not see through it.

By the time the formation was broken and the truth was revealed, it was already too late.

They were all victims of the sect, and the main force had long since fled safely with their wealth.

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