Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 620: The survival of the sect, the giant spiritual treasure beast mocking the wind

"The Lingbao Sect will be destroyed today!"

Cang Luan, the leader of the Hermitage Sect, transformed into a huge non-human bird and flew over Lingbao Sect.

A figure with a colorful body, like a rainbow. The moment you see it, you seem to see a world where all the beauty is.

One person is a huge black rope, completely made of black and red blood, changing reality and reality, and a black eye emerges at the end of the rope.

One person looks like a human, with no other four features on his face and only one huge eye, which takes up two-thirds of the face.

Looking around, many inhuman monsters gathered together, like a group of demons dancing wildly.

Many weird people surrounded Lingbao Sect, facing the huge formation of flowing light, there was no fear in their eyes.


The group of demons was not very harmonious, and two monsters struggled together for no apparent reason.

"Give me your power!"

One of the two monsters was burning with flames, like a fire monster, and the other one exuded a strong air of jealousy and was also burning with flames.

They are Huo Gui and Jealous Gui respectively.

The dispute between two weird people who have mastered the power of weirdness is jealousy.

They believe that the Jealous Fire Quirk is part of their own weird power and a complete weird body, and they have constant disputes over this.

After the monsters were separated into different places, they were all mutilated and mutilated.

In addition to restoring the previous body, you can also find a similar replacement to form a new body that is different from the previous one.

Both tricksters can merge into one with the jealous fire trick and fight endlessly.

They cannot blend into one, which is the source of conflict.

Not only jealousy and fire, but other monsters also have similar conflicts.

There are also some weird people who belong to the same source, but are unwilling to share the body.

After the seal of the Eastern Land was broken, a civil war broke out between the Hermit Clan and the Sinners in order to compete for the last piece of the body puzzle.

If not for this, the attack on Lingbao Sect would not have been delayed until now.


"The matters between you will be handled by yourself after the Lingbao Sect and Xuanjie monks are destroyed. Now, whoever dares to fight among themselves, don't blame me for sealing you forever!"

Cang Luan looked ugly, flapped his wings and flew to the two weird men.

A human face grew out from under the bird's beak, staring at the two of them coldly.

If they cannot use their strength in one place and fight independently, they will become a piece of scattered sand.

This time he must not repeat the same mistakes and be sealed by the monks again.

As long as the monks in the mysterious world are eliminated and the world is completely controlled, no matter how fierce they fight, they won't bother to pay attention.

But now, we must not let these two fools spoil the plan.

When the Fire Man and the Jealous Man heard the word seal, they stopped talking and pointed their finger at Lingbao Sect again.

"The mysterious world should be under the control of our holy clan!"

"We will kill all their strong ones, and keep the remaining weak ones in captivity and turn them into a force for us to harvest!"

The tricksters of the Hermitage Sect laughed, with anticipation in their voices.

They have long hated the Xuanjie monks deeply in their hearts and have been tolerant for a long time.

Fortunately, they finally got the chance to change the dynasty!

The Lingbao Sect was destroyed and the source of evil-proofing spiritual treasures from other sects was cut off. Without the treasures to resist the power of strange monsters, ordinary immortal cultivators were left to their mercy.

"I'll go first!"

There is a tail growing from one person's back, and its tail keeps getting bigger, and a huge hammer head grows out of the tail.

The hammer head glowed with black light and hit Lingbao Sect's sect-protecting formation heavily.

Where the sect-protecting formation comes into contact with the hammer head, the inscriptions continue to collapse and then regenerate.

The ground shook endlessly as the formations formed one after another, showing how terrifying the power of this attack was.

A transparent monster approached and quickly approached the formation of Lingbao Sect. The places where its body came into contact with it were constantly assimilating, as if it was moving in the direction of the monster.

As long as the assimilation is completed, the formation, the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure, and the monks will all be under its control.

Lingbao Sect would not sit still and wait for death. They learned that the seal of Dongdi was broken, and they guessed that the next sect to be dealt with by the sinners' forces would be Lingbao Sect. They restrained their power in time, and the disciples of the sect bestowed the Heaven and Earth Lingbao Dharma.

The monks familiarize themselves with the brand-new treasures in advance and gather their strength to fight against the enemy.

The seal in the East Land was broken, a large number of monsters gathered, and a chaotic war broke out.

There is a war between the weird people and the weird ones, and there is also a war between the Yinxiu Sect and the Taiqing Sect.

In less than half a month, Taiqing Sect completely became history, and the sect was destroyed by the tide of strange things.

Less than half of the monks who had sealed the East Land reinforcements escaped, and most of the remaining monks died at the hands of strange monsters.

Now, the monsters have gained the upper hand, and the monks are unable to contend.

Just a few days after Lingbao Sect was stable, strange monsters came one after another from the east, all the way towards the western region where Lingbao Sect was located.

Fortunately, the distance between the two areas was not close, and there was a buffer time. The war was postponed until today, and it just broke out.

Tian Lingzi's heart had already sunk to the bottom when he saw the endless weird things outside the protective formation.

"Brother Zhenxie Peak, follow me and take action!"

"Heaven and Earth Lingbao Suppresses Evil and All Directions Seal!"

The Lord of the Suppressing Evil Peak ordered the monks of the Suppressing Evil Peak to control the eight evil-suppressing seals obtained from the heaven and earth spiritual treasures, and join forces to fight against the enemy.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the area near Lingbao Sect was evacuated, and the gathered spiritual energy condensed into pieces of purple-black seals.

Their appearance is indistinguishable from the Eight Directions Seal, a spirit treasure that can ward off evil and suppress evil.

The most important thing is the quantity, which is as much as two hundred yuan.

The refining efficiency of the Tongtian weapon refining masters was not as high as that of Jia Ren, and they had to refine other similar heaven and earth spiritual treasures. They only refined two hundred evil-suppressing eight directions seal inscriptions.

Two hundred evil-suppressing eight-direction seals emerged, exuding a powerful aura of suppressing evil spirits.

Cang Luan and the many weird people were completely stunned. They looked at the more than two hundred evil-suppressing eight-direction seals with disbelief on their faces and could not recover for a long time.

"Eight Suppressing Evil Seal? Why are there so many of them?"

"Aren't there only five evil-suppressing eight-direction seals of Lingbao Sect?"

Refining the Tongtian Lingbao is not easy, and the number of materials is limited. It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

The Lingbao Sect's ability to produce ten evil-suppressing eight-way seals far exceeded expectations. The appearance of more than two hundred evil-suppressing eight-way seals was a real slap in the face.

"I didn't expect that Lingbao Sect has such a deep foundation. Fortunately, the monks have declined in recent years. Otherwise, it would be difficult to destroy Lingbao Sect."

"We must destroy Lingbao Sect no matter what!"

This proves that their idea of ​​​​exterminating Lingbao Sect is correct. If Lingzong Sect is not eliminated, it will be a serious problem for them.

"Suppress and kill!"

Two hundred evil-suppressing eight-way seals flew to the sky above Lingbao Sect, shocking all directions and suppressing evil.

The terrifying evil-suppressing power radiated thousands of miles away, and the weak monsters turned into quails. The power was suppressed in their bodies, unable to move at all.

"The power is much weaker than imagined!"

Cang Luan and several powerful monsters were still able to move their bodies despite the suppression of two hundred evil-suppressing eight-way seals.

They had encountered the eight elders of the Lingbao Sect who carried the Eight Directions Seal for Suppressing Evil. The power erupted from a single Eight Directions Seal for Suppressing Evil was far incomparable.

Jia Ren has only refined a few pieces, and most of them are the masterpieces of other Tongtian weapon refiners in the sect.

With the help of the proficiency panel, the power of the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Treasure refined by one's own hands is much weaker than the genuine one.

Other Tongtian weapon refiners are far from being comparable to the creator, and most of their power hovers around 30%.

The evil-suppressing Bafang Seal can suppress the eight-way monsters, which is the result of winning with quantity.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

What Lingbao Sect is good at is not only Lingbao, but also Lingbao formations combined with Lingbao.

"The Lingbao giant beast mocks the wind array!"

Two hundred evil-suppressing eight-direction seals vibrated and turned into a huge alien beast that looked like a dog with two wings on its back.

It raised its head and roared, the sound echoing in all directions. The besieging monsters became weak and weak, as if taken by the sound.

The strange power surging everywhere disappeared when it came into contact with it, turning into a large yellow cloud surging in Lingbao Sect, protecting the sect.

More yellow clouds surged toward the area where the monster was.

“Lingbao Sect’s back-up plan is indeed unusual!”

"Hajime, I leave it to you."

There seemed to be some sound in the void, and a nearly invisible figure quickly approached the Zhenxie Bafang Seal.

The surging yellow clouds could not affect it at all, and it approached the Lingbao giant beast Xiaofeng at an alarming speed.

The giant Lingbao beast Chaofeng sensed something and quickly moved away from the situation. In the end, it was a step too late, and the transparent palm touched the body of the giant Lingbao beast Chaofeng.

An arrogant monster that seems to be able to suppress all the weird things and devour all directions...

The Lingbao giant beast Chaofeng was like a punctured balloon, exploding into a massive amount of spiritual energy.

For a moment, spiritual energy rained down from the sky.

Not only that, all the Zhenxie Peak monks holding the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Treasure Inscription Patterns, the plates in their hands became... raw materials.

Two hundred evil-suppressing eight-direction seals were destroyed with one move.

"This is the beginning of the mystery. A treasure born with restraint, everything that comes into contact with it will return to its original material."

There are various kinds of weird abilities, but the first weird ones have little impact on normal monks.

Shigui is a great weapon against the treasures of Lingbao and his ilk.

Since the Yinxiu Sect and the Sinners wanted to confront the Lingbao Sect, they naturally had to use restraint.

"Xiantian Qi Gong! Stop it!"

Tian Lingzi's face was extremely ugly. The Lingbao giant beast's mocking wind formation was the sect's biggest weapon against weirdos and weirdos. Unexpectedly, it was broken by Shigui...

Shigui's restraint treasures are only limited to things that are refined the day after tomorrow, and cannot affect things that are created innately. After all, this is the material itself.

A yellow-skinned gourd fell in the direction of Shigui, so he had to take it away by force.

The Lingbao Sect has many treasures. Even though it is a treasure refining sect, it does not mean that there are no innate spiritual treasures.

This kind of treasure has always been rarely used, and is mostly used as a reference for weapon refiners to create new weapon refinement inscriptions.

Shigui's figure became blurry and disappeared.

Another strange monster took its place and was sucked into the gourd of innate energy.

Lingbao Sect has not yet been resolved, so nothing can happen to Shigui.

After all, we have to rely on it to quickly solve the Lingbao Sect's formations, and even... Xuantian Lingbao!

As long as the treasures of Lingbao Sect are destroyed, they will be tigers without claws and teeth, no longer a threat to them.

"Destroy Lingbao Sect!"

The monsters are showing off their abilities in various ways.

Cang Luan no longer watched on the wall, and suddenly opened its beak, exuding powerful suction.

"Soul Eater!"

Even with the sect-protecting formation protecting everyone, the Lingbao Sect monks still felt that their souls were unstable, as if they were all about to fly into the mouth of the monster.

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