Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 630 Nine-tailed fox, humanoid centipede?

"The power of the formation has not diminished?!"

Twelve monsters attacked the Wall of Star Breath one after another, day and night, and the attack lasted for a full month.

Facing the attack of twelve monsters in complete form, the power of the legendary fairy formation will also weaken, and it is impossible to remain unchanged.

A pair of eyes stared at the Star Breath Barrier. The silver star curtain was like a thick eggshell, and the scene inside Lingbao Sect could not be seen clearly.

I always feel like something is wrong...

"I don't believe I can't break this turtle shell!"

Many monsters did not give up, thinking that they would be able to break through the formation in one go, and bombarded them one after another.

The Lingbao Sect monks were nervous and uneasy at the beginning, but later they gradually became accustomed to it.

From beginning to end, the formation was as stable as a mountain, connecting the power of the stars in the eight secret realms, ensuring a steady supply of star power.

Not to mention that the monsters are kept in the dark, even if they want to stop them, they must first find the corresponding secret realm and isolate the power of the stars.

The eight gates of Xuandu can change the entrance at any time, so it is not easy to block it.

What's more, the number of secret realms controlled by Lingbao Sect is far more than eight.

There is a problem with the eight secret realms, and at worst, they will be replaced by brand new secret realms.

"It's better to go back and practice in peace!"

The gathered monks dispersed one after another, as if nothing happened, and returned to their caves to practice.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Lingbao Sect is rich, and there are many secret worlds. There is no need to worry about cultivation issues for a long time in the future.

The elders are responsible for maintaining the eight gates of Xuandu, ensuring that the power of the stars supplies the star barrier, and paying attention to strange trends.

Every once in a while, the positions will change.

This reflects the benefits of Dutian Xuanbao, which can be used by any monk. Unlike the Xuantian Linglong Ruyi Tower, currently only Tianlingzi can control it.

Jia Ren also returned to the cave and became familiar with the art of heart expansion he had just received from his master.

Thirteen monsters are united together, and there are also monsters that can restrain the Phoenix Fire. It is difficult to win against the enemy when going out.

The Nine Heavens Star Array can protect the Lingbao Sect and is as stable as Mount Tai. As long as there are no variables, there is no need to worry about the risk of the formation breaking.

It's better to take the opportunity to strengthen your strength and improve your cultivation.

Phoenix and Suzaku are still growing rapidly, and they have the advantage, so there is no need to rush.

"A new mythical beast is about to be born!"

Jia Ren's thoughts communicated with the heaven, earth, mountains and sea beads, and he came to them immediately.

Breeding area, space separation.

A huge turtle egg, a tiger-shaped monster wrapped in golden light, a blood egg with a sinister aura, and a little fox lying on the ground sleeping soundly.

Jia Ren gained a lot from the Demon Yu Sect, and the one who returned to his ancestors first was Suzaku.

Other monsters with the blood of divine beasts are different from the two sixth-level flame sparrows. They are not paired and can be used after they are obtained.

One has high strength, the other has low realm, and the descendants born have poor bloodline and cannot meet the conditions of returning to the ancestral beast.

There is only one in number. It cannot sing alone and cannot produce heirs.

It is extremely troublesome to deal with, which is why they return to their ancestors much later than Suzaku.

Demonic beasts with the blood of mythical beasts are selected from the best, returned to their ancestors and matched to select the best blood.

To this day, they have only given birth to children, and they have entered a state of returning to their ancestors.

The tails of the sleeping young fox stretched out one after another, and from the previous eight tails, a ninth tail gradually grew.

The nine tails kept swaying, and the closed eyes opened.

The nine-tailed fox was born first!

It will become a new member among the mythical beasts.

The little fox, who had just woken up, felt Jia Ren's gaze and walked towards him with small steps, his eyes filled with curiosity.


A childish voice sounded. I wonder if the nine-tailed fox that had just successfully returned to its ancestors had a broken head, or if it really regarded Jia Ren as its father.

Divine beasts all have blood heritage. After awakening, they can learn many things. They have wisdom and know it from birth.

It's rare to recognize beings of different races as parents.

Either the little fox was too stupid and did not absorb and digest the memory inheritance, or it was done on purpose.

Jia Ren prefers the latter.

The little fox jumped on Jia Ren and turned into a baby, hugging Jia Ren's little feet tightly.

There was a feeling of affection in my heart for no reason, and I held the little guy in my arms.

Why do I really have the illusion of raising a child?

Is this the talent of the nine-tailed fox?

Telepathy and clairvoyance were activated one after another, and fell on the nine-tailed fox, barely able to see through its body.

He was born with such skills and extraordinary talent.

"What abilities do you have?"

The doll stared at Jia Ren, with a touch of pink in his eyes.

The next moment, she suddenly transformed into a girl with outstanding temperament, just like the girl next door.

Her body swayed, and she turned into a graceful and beautiful young woman, her eyes secretly gleaming.

"Myriad Fox Clothes, Charming Heart, Soul Seizing, Nine Lives Body and Void Travel..."

The nine-tailed fox's voice changed from being as clear and crisp as a bell before, to a soft and charming sound.

All kinds of changes are sent and received from the heart, perfectly manifesting the previously manifested posture.

Jia Ren thought of the nine-tailed fox in myths and legends. No wonder they called it beauty and disaster.

"Which one does Master like?"

The nine-tailed fox's eyes flickered, as if to spy on Jia Ren's thoughts.

"Be honest with me!"

Jia Ren knocked on the little guy's head, turned back into the little fox before, jumped into Jia Ren's arms, and curled up into a ball.

Unlike the previous four divine beasts, the nine-tailed fox is not good at head-to-head combat, but it has good supporting abilities.

The Myriad Beast King has its bloodline in his body, and he can cast the Mirror Flower Divine Moon on his own, and the power of the illusion will surely reach a higher level.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the monster beast that was still awakening in its bloodline, and continued to improve the art of heart expansion.

It is easy to get started with the art of Heart Expansion. From the first heart to the fourth heart, it is very smooth and does not take much effort.

Jia Ren was able to achieve the highest four functions of concentration before, and he was able to reach this level with the help of a powerful soul.

The Taiqing Forgetting Heart Technique that I received from Taiqing Sect before was also helpful to some extent.

However, the art of Heart Evolution has reached the fourth level, which is completely different from before. First of all, the four functions of distraction have become more skillful.

The highest state of the Four Hearts is that the four magical powers can be used together.

The premise is that the monk can effectively control the body and will, and have sufficient spiritual energy in the body to instantly supply the needs of the four magical powers and means.

If there is a slight mistake, the four magical powers will not be able to be used.

Many monks have obtained the art of heart expansion, but even if they reach the heart of the fourth expansion, they are still unable to achieve this state.

Ancestor Jikong is one of them.

Jia Ren only knew that the master had reached the realm of Five Evolution Hearts and had once used three magical powers in a single time.

Qingxuan Zhenjun, who faced the Xuantian Dao Sect before, used the Three Silent Sky Palms at once, further increasing the lethality of the Silent Sky Palms.

This magical power has an extraordinary origin!

Jia Ren continues to improve his proficiency level in the art of heart expansion, gaining new cognition every moment. Once his proficiency is exceeded, he will gain new cognition.

It is not easy for others to ascend to the four-evolution state of mind and use four magical powers at the same time.

But for Jia Ren...

As long as you break through to this realm, your cognition will be the most comprehensive and powerful state.

The thoughts and supernatural powers interacted, and the four fingers glowed with jade light.

Taiqing Yuxu four fingers!

No, the power is scattered. If it can be condensed into one, it will be the strongest state.

If this attempt is successful... can it be used four times in a row?

What kind of monster would it be if the four laws of heaven, phenomena and earth were superimposed together?

Jia Ren tried to combine the four magical powers of the Taiqing Jade Void Fingers into one, turning them into the power of the four Taiqing Jade Void Fingers.

The power of the four finger lights merged into one, and the lethality that exploded was far more terrifying than the power dispersed into four.



Jia Ren's palm exploded, his arm was gone, and traces of the explosion remained on his face.

Not only that, the meridians through which spiritual power flows were also seriously damaged, and his vitality was severely damaged.

This is far beyond the scope of the art of mind expansion.

After all, it is just a multi-purpose means of distraction. The perfect state is to transform yourself into a magical turret and engage in spell bombardment with the enemy at an astonishing speed.

The four magical powers merge into one. Although they are one body, they are their own masters and do not blend with each other.

The immortal body recovers quickly, and the spiritual power restrains it to ensure that the flesh and blood recover in a normal state instead of growing into deformities.

"Not enough mental strength."

The four uses of distraction are the current limit. If you want to combine the four magical powers into one, it will undoubtedly take more effort.

To achieve a state of fusion, it will only be lower than a state of multi-purpose distraction.

"Start from scratch!"

Jia Ren understood that the things he touched were no longer the art of Xinyan and needed to be pondered by himself.

The meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road underfoot must be walked step by step.

Only by laying a good foundation can we raise tall buildings from flat ground.

He started from the dual functions of distraction and merged two magical powers into one, and two identical magical powers merged into one.

"Let's see if three heads and six arms can work!"

He displayed the Four Fingers of Yuxu because he did have four fingers.

It is unclear whether the magical powers of the three heads and six arms and the laws of heaven, elephant and earth can be successful.

At least, he had never seen it in other monks.

"Double-three heads and six arms!"

Two identical spiritual powers are surging in the body, constantly impacting, and the meridians through which the spiritual power flows are subject to double the load.

A monk without a strong spiritual vein would definitely not be able to bear it.

However, this is not difficult for Jia Ren, who has been promoted to the combined stage.

The arms gradually differentiated, and Jia Ren had transformed into six heads and twelve arms.

If you reach the heart of ten evolutions, can you achieve the appearance of thirty heads and sixty arms?

Unfortunately, it is still a little short of the mark.

The three heads and six arms have been successfully used, as have the nine heads and eighteen arms and the twelve heads and twenty-four arms. They do not need to be fused together and do not interfere with each other.

The only drawback is... there are too few places on the neck, there are too many heads growing out, and not enough space.

The heads are arranged in two rows, facing outwards, symmetrical to each other, and look like deformed monsters...

With too many arms, the person has turned into a multi-headed human centipede.

The head and arms interfere with each other and the experience is not very pleasant.

In comparison, three heads and six arms are the most perfect state. An extra arm and head are interferences.

Too many numbers may not necessarily significantly increase combat power, but may also cause interference.

"Fa Tian Xiang Earth is different from Three Heads and Six Arms, Tai Qing Jade Void Finger, and Silent Sky Palm. It does not create two bodies, but superimposes the body states. Once it fails, the consequences will be disastrous."

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