Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 639 Extreme Speed, Demonic Array of Resentment

Unlike other blood of divine beasts that is integrated into the body of the Wanhua Beast King, part of it is in the growth stage, and most of it is in the infancy stage.

Only the golden-winged roc is the blood of the mythical beast in adulthood, and the power it gives it is far beyond comparison with other mythical beasts.

Jia Ren dared to leave Lingbao Sect and fight against three Mahayana monks and possible perfect monsters. He relied on the speed of the golden-winged roc to surpass the rest of the world.

Under the purification of the phoenix flame, the strange power was washed away and was no longer affected.

The golden-winged roc behind Jia Ren flapped its wings and escaped at an astonishing speed.

Before the eighteen perfect monsters could take action, they had already disappeared.

too fast!

It's so fast!

It's no worse than teleportation, but the distance is much farther.

In the blink of an eye, Jia Ren had flown 90,000 miles away.

Pengyi spread out for ninety thousand miles, but before the strange force approached, the man had already escaped.

If the strange power cannot be applied to you, how can it affect the target?

The Golden-winged Dapeng travels all over the world, and encounters countless strange things during the process. It is safe and sound until now, relying on its extreme speed that is arrogant in the world.

When the speed reaches a certain level, it feels like you are in a different dimension.

It is not easy for the enemy to touch you.

If Jia Ren hadn't misled the Golden-winged Dapeng's perception with the Dzi Bead, it would have taken the initiative to contact Yinggui and instead threw Yinggui away...

Before it could touch the golden-winged roc, it had already disappeared.

Now, Jia Ren flapped his wings and easily escaped from the trap that the tricksters had painstakingly created.

Where are people?

Is this the talent of the golden-winged roc?

Jia Ren was instantly beyond the sensing range of the Mahayana monks and Weigui, and they couldn't help but associate the speed with the golden-winged roc.

Once you master this extreme speed, you can go anywhere in the world.

They want to kill Jia Ren, but only if they can keep each other.

Until then, they had to admit one thing. The difficulty of killing Jia Ren had skyrocketed...

Once things get impossible, Jia Ren escapes with all his heart, and no one can leave him behind.

They thought that this time they could solve Jia Ren and get rid of their serious troubles. Unexpectedly, reality dealt them a heavy blow.

"The power of the golden-winged roc is the ultimate in the world. Jia Ren's wings are full, and killing him is as difficult as ascending to the sky..."

"Why didn't Lingbao Sect be solved earlier and this hidden danger not dealt with?!"

Several perfect weirdos accused each other.

The seal in the east was broken, and the monsters gathered their strength to destroy Jia Ren and Lingbao Sect together.

As a result, after their strength soared, no one was willing to listen to Cang Luan's orders, and they missed the best opportunity to avoid future troubles.

The Star Breath Barrier has been successfully deployed, and Jia Ren possesses the speed of the Golden-winged Dapeng using secret techniques. They have no chance of winning anymore.

"Destroy Lingbao Sect? Or leave Lingbao Sect and become Jia Ren's weakness?"

"Wait until you have a way to catch them all before taking action?"

The situation deviates from predictions. Will the plan to destroy Lingbao Sect continue?

After the fall of Lingbao Sect, Jia Ren lost all constraints and it was extremely difficult to grasp his whereabouts.

He was determined to make a sneak attack, but if he didn't fight against the Phoenix Fire's trickster, there was a risk of being sealed.

The existence of Lingbao Sect can contain Jia Ren and keep him in Lingbao Sect, unable to leave.

This is the cage they weaved for Jia Ren, restricting his wings.


"A visitor from another world came to the Mysterious World. According to the information obtained by Ergui, this person came to the Mysterious World not just to pass by, but to occupy the Mysterious World."

"Since we know that we are staying in the mysterious world, we still dare to come here, we must be a difficult opponent."

"If we don't get rid of the thorn in Lingbao Sect's side, we will be in trouble when the two join forces!"

The perfect weirdos each have different ideas.

They didn't want to raise tigers to cause trouble, so they destroyed Lingbao Sect and turned Jia Ren into a bereaved dog first.

"Defeat Lingbao Sect today!"

"Confusing and Confused Heart Formation!"

"The Demonic Array of Resentment!"

Three powerful monsters appeared and continued to set up... formations outside the Star Breath Barrier.

The Wei Alliance and the Hermitage Sect are not idle. When they are lurking in secret, they have never stopped studying ways to use strange power.

It's a pity that the methods such as the talisman and the elixir all ended in failure.

Only the crafty weapon and the crafty formation barely had any clues.

Artifacts are natural artifacts in the form of artefacts, and the complete form of artefacts can control these artefacts. The two combine to exert stronger strength.

The trick formation was modified based on the formation, forming a formation system unique to the trick people.

The core problem of the formation is... weirdness and weirdness, and the weirdness formation is used to amplify their power.

Huogui stood at the source of the formation, and under the control of Weiren, pieces of formations with a strange aura were quickly arranged. Not long after, Huogui's Heart Array was the first to be completed.

The deception becomes the core of the formation, amplifying the impact on the monk's emotions and disturbing the mind. The monk will become a slave controlled by the deception.

The Demonic Formation of Resentment and Creation takes Resentment and Creation as its core, gathering the monks' resentment, resentment and other negative forces to enhance the strength of Resentment and Creation.

The two are superimposed on each other, and the power of the Demonic Formation of Resentment will rise straight up.

The confusion and chaos array is opened, and the strange power of confusion and confusion is pervasive, scrambling to get through the barrier of the star breath barrier.

The Star Breath Barrier seems to be an unshakable barrier, and all the power of confusion is isolated and cannot advance.

The confusion, confusion, and heart formation was blocked, and the resentment and evil formation began to show its power.

Some monks died, but the corresponding resentment did not disappear and still remained in place.

After being influenced by the Chaotic Heart Array, the lingering resentment was amplified to the extreme, turning into pillars of smoke, continuously flowing into the Demonic Array of Resentment.

It is a pity that Lingbao Sect did not let the monks stay outside the Star Breath Barrier and did not go on a killing spree. Otherwise, the power of the Demonic Resentment Array would have increased dramatically.

"Get the monk!"

Dozens of space magic weapons were opened, and more than 100,000 monks were thrown out like garbage.

These people's cultivation levels may be strong or weak. The weakest ones are in the Qi-refining stage, and the strong ones are in the late-stage of Void refining stage.

Most of them are not human-like, their bodies show signs of contamination by strange forces, and their mental state is close to madness.

"If Lingbao Sect opens the Star Breath Wall, you will be able to survive. This is your only way to survive."

"Lingbao Sect is a famous and authentic sect. They will definitely help you. Go and ask them."

The bewitching voice sounded in the ears of more than 100,000 monks, with a bewitching sound.

The confusion and chaos of the mind increase its influence, pollute the mind, and become a slave to its influence.

"Save us!"

"We don't want to die, open the Star Breath Barrier and give us a way to survive!"

"Lingbao Sect can save others, why can't it save us?"


They knelt in front of the Star Breath Barrier, with a longing for life in their eyes.

"We can't open the Star Breath Barrier! We are also human lives, and we don't want to die!"

The monks at the Alien Breathing Barrier completely exploded and jumped out to block it.

Once the Star Breath Barrier is opened, they will surely suffer.

Save people?

More than 100,000 monks cannot be saved, and millions of monks in the outer star barrier will also die together.

The Lingbao Sect monks couldn't face the pairs of hopeful eyes and turned their heads away, their hearts filled with guilt and hatred for Weigui.

The voice fell into the Star Breath Barrier and there was no response for a long time. This is the best answer.

"see it?"

"They've been abandoned!"

"Lingbao Sect has never taken you seriously, and has not treated you as human beings. It has deprived you of your last hope!"

“It’s time to fight tooth for tooth!”

The monks' eyes were red, and their eyes looking at the Star Breath Barrier were filled with resentment and malice.

Extremely strong resentment gathered towards the curse formation, and the black energy was like wolf smoke.

The monks who were affected by the confusing and confusing heart formation went crazy and crashed into the star barrier, and began to self-destruct one after another.

In an instant, the sound of explosions could be heard.

The Star Breath Barrier is as solid as ever, with a layer of flesh and blood that cannot be wiped off, forming a wall of flesh and blood.

The Star Breath Barrier isolated the strange power pollution, but all the monks still felt the despair coming from the depths of their souls.

The black smoke, which was thousands of times thicker than before, gathered towards the Resentment, like black pillars of wolf smoke, pouring into the Demonic Formation of Resentment.

The body of Resentful Strange rose up at an alarming speed, turning into a huge strange monster three thousand feet tall.

The strange energy emanating from it is far beyond that of an ordinary perfect person.

"It's a pity that the body of Resentful Creation is missing and incomplete."

"There is too little resentment gathered here..."

"Hmph, if millions of monks are here to kill each other, Yuangui alone can break through the Star Breath Barrier with just one person."

"The Evil Spirit Demonic Source Formation!"

A new formation emerged. It was not a trick formation. The flesh and blood of more than 100,000 dead monks seemed to have come to life. They were constantly 'gnawing' at the wall of star breath.

The Star Breath Barrier flows slowly, constantly blocking out the power of pollution.

The starlight remains, invincible to all forces.

The formation of evil spirits and demonic sources formed by the flesh and blood of one hundred thousand monks has never been able to pollute the Star Breath Barrier.

However, it can consume the power of the alien breath barrier, or it can be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

In the Demonic Formation of Resentment, a three-thousand-foot-high Resentment soared into the sky, and the extremely strong resentment impacted the mind.

Even though the Lingbao Sect and millions of monks are blocked by the Star Breath Barrier, they can still feel the resentment surrounding them.

The continuous impact of huge resentment, the impact of the evil spirit demon source array and the power of resentment, the defense of the Star Breath Barrier cannot be perfect.

The area guarded by the outer star breath barrier is larger, and its strength is much lower than that of the inner star breath barrier, which gives the weird opportunity.

Ninety-nine percent of the weird power is blocked out, and a trivial one-thousandth of the weird power seeps in, which is still unimaginable.

In an instant, the millions of monks in the outer star barrier were affected, and they couldn't help but think of the alchemy technique in their hearts.

The previous seeds of doubt have taken root and sprouted, growing at an alarming rate.

"We are all pawns of Lingbao Sect. What's the difference between dying in their hands and dying in the hands of monsters?"

"What's the difference between monks and monsters? They never treat us as human beings!"

Strong resentment gathered above the heads of millions of monks.

Resentment ignored the barrier of the alien breath barrier and appeared out of thin air in front of millions of monks, greedily absorbing the resentment.

This place seems to be becoming a second hell on earth.

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