Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 643 The power of calamity, transparent inheritance

"The laws of heaven and earth!"

"The body of the beast king in all forms!"

Jia Ren didn't know the power of the Thunder Tribulation, so to be cautious, he used the Law of Heaven, Elephant and Earth and the Wanhua Beast King Body at the same time.

A huge turtle shell emerged from behind, densely covered with black turtle patterns.

The strongest defensive form of the Wanhua Beast King: Xuanwu State.

The blue thunder dragon in the sky is still brewing, baring its teeth and claws in the calamity cloud, and can't wait to rush straight to Jia Ren.

Dan Jie has changed from before.

Jia Ren, who had intervened, had transferred his hatred and became the priority target of Lei Jie.


Before the thunder calamity breaks out, Jia Ren's huge body rises up first and penetrates the calamity cloud.

The thunder dragon was smashed into pieces by the huge body, and disappeared together with the calamity cloud.

The beating cyan arc fell on Jia Ren, leaving negligible traces to prove that they had been there...

"It's a little numb!"

"Where's the Thunder Tribulation?"

Jia Ren looked around, but saw no calamity cloud.

He seemed to have thought of something, lowered his head, and could vaguely see the electric arc beating tenaciously at his knees, trying to prove their existence.

"The power of the thunder tribulation shouldn't stop here, I'm ready to face the storm!"

Jia Ren concentrated his attention and waited quietly for a long time. When the electric arc disappeared, there was no sign of the cloud of pill tribulation condensing.

A strange force flows into the body, nourishing and stimulating the body, seeming to activate the body's hidden secret power.

Unfortunately, the thunder tribulation was too weak, and the power of the accompanying tribulation was too little, far from enough to satisfy the appetite.

"Is this the end?!"

This was not the first time Jia Ren saw the Thunder Tribulation. He understood that the Dan Tribulation was really over...

In the impression, the thunder tribulation is extremely powerful. If the monk dares to intervene, he will be implicated in the thunder tribulation and his body and soul will be destroyed.

Jia Ren was extremely afraid of Lei Jie and never interfered.

For example, Tongtian Lingbao has always been able to survive the catastrophe by himself.

Is this the result? !

I tried my best to deal with Dan Jie, but I didn’t expect you to be a parallel import.

The power of the tribulation gained from this thunder tribulation was too little, and I don’t know how many times the elixir had to be refined to meet the conditions.

It always feels like blood rebirth has become extremely distant.

Jia Ren grabbed the demon pill in his hand that had just absorbed the power of the calamity and wanted to run away.

In order to help you, I was struck by lightning, and it’s time for you to commit yourself to me.

Jia Ren lifted the body of Fa Tian Xiang Di and Wanhua Beast King and flew back to Lingbao Sect.

Compared to the Dragon Secret Realm, retreating in seclusion is still somewhat risky, and there is also the risk of monsters sneaking into this secret realm.

The secret realm is far less safe than Lingbao Sect.

Passing through the eight gates of Xuandu all the way, I saw Tian Lingzi and took the opportunity to ask my doubts: "Isn't it dangerous to interfere with the thunder calamity?"

"Why is the power of Thunder Tribulation so weak?"

Tian Lingzi's eyes showed surprise, as if he was looking at a monster.

Ordinary monks avoid heavenly calamities as much as they can. Once they advance to the Mahayana stage, they will try every means to find treasures to avoid calamities.

As a result, Jia Ren took the initiative to interfere with the Thunder Tribulation...

"This matter is considered a secret in the mysterious world. Most of the monks who interfered with the thunder tribulation died under the thunder tribulation. In order to prevent the disciples from dying unexpectedly, there was a warning that those who interfered with the thunder tribulation would die."

"There are many types of thunder tribulations, each with different types and powers. What you just experienced was the pill tribulation, which is the least powerful among the thunder tribulations."

"The second is the Tongtian Spirit Treasure Tribulation, which is far more powerful than the Pill Tribulation."

"The third is the thunder catastrophe when monsters transform into humans. The power of this thunder catastrophe is hard to judge. The fourth is the heavenly catastrophe when monks and many living beings are promoted to the Mahayana stage."

"In addition, there is the legendary catastrophe of divine punishment, a catastrophe that no one can survive."

"If someone interferes with the thunder tribulation, the power of the thunder tribulation will not be increased indefinitely, and will be increased by up to ten times the upper limit."

"After the elixir tribulation is increased tenfold, it will be at most the same as the ordinary Tongtian Lingbao tribulation. It will not be difficult for you to solve the elixir tribulation."

"With your strength, it is not a problem to interfere with the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure Tribulation. Other thunder tribulations will depend on the situation. If there is a slight mistake, there is a risk of being buried under the thunder tribulation."

An old house where a treasure.

As the head of Lingbao Sect, Tian Lingzi knows a lot, and you can get answers to many things from his mouth.

After his guidance, Jia Ren suddenly understood why the power of Thunder Tribulation was so weak.

The Tongtian Lingbao Tribulation is much stronger than the Pill Tribulation, and the improvement is far higher than the previous benefits.

Of course, the most effective ones are the heavenly tribulations in the Mahayana period. The power of tribulations in this level of thunder tribulations may be enough to meet the requirements once or twice.

The only drawback is that it is too dangerous and there is a real risk of falling.

"This is the transparent treasure mirror you refined. It records the opinions of the monks of Lingbao Sect on the mysterious world. It will be of great help to you."

Jia Ren's rise has been too fast. His cultivation speed is much slower than that of normal monks. He spends most of his time practicing hard, and his knowledge is much worse than that of the same level.

Maybe I will have a big problem in the future due to cognitive problems.

Tian Lingzi could only check and fill in the gaps to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

Today, things are much simpler.

Divine beasts have memory inheritance, and young mythical beasts that are born soon have extraordinary insights. After Lingbao Sect has the Tongming Baojian, it can also use this method to pass on.

Jia Ren has used the Tongming Baojian many times, mostly to achieve the effect of enlightenment.

This is the first time that Tongming Baojian is used for inheritance.

"It's up to you to help."

Jia Ren thanked Tian Lingzi with his hands.

"Great Elder, there is no need to be polite. This is a simple effort."

"What's more, as long as you don't encounter danger, Lingbao Sect will have a future..."

Tian Lingzi waved his hand nonchalantly, his eyes filled with expectation.

The life and death of Lingbao Sect and millions of monks depended on him alone.

Jia Ren suffered an accident, and Lingbao Sect couldn't stop it with just the Star Breath Barrier.

His safety is of vital importance to Lingbao Sect and everyone.

Tian Lingzi had a hunch that the sect would become stronger and stronger under the leadership of Jia Ren.

He will definitely become the leader of the revival of Lingbao Sect!

The Tongming Baojian flew up, and wisps of white light shot out.

Jia Ren's eyes were filled with light, and his gaze swept over Tian Lingzi's body, but the power of suppressing the demon was not touched.

The deception of the Dzi Bead is not enough to feel the power of the same origin.

He did not forget that in addition to inheritance, Tongming Baojian also had the ability to affect the target's memory.

The risk that... Tian Lingzi has been controlled by the mind cannot be ruled out.

He used the revealed information to let down his guard, and finally used the Tongming Baojian to tamper with his memory.

Niangui appeared and disappeared several times, almost causing his death. Any matter involving safety must be cautious.

Jia Ren didn't want his life to be in danger because of a slight mistake.

It turned out that I was over-worrying, nothing unexpected happened, and I was not touched by my whim.

The Tongming Baojian emitted light and fell on his body, and a large number of memories poured into his mind.

Different from the memories obtained through the soul-searching technique, they are mixed and incomplete.

There are also residual emotions and thoughts of the monks, which are pollution to the monks who use the soul-searching technique.

At least it affects one's own behavior, at worst it can lead to splitting of personality and even turning into a lunatic.

The inheritance recorded in the Tongming Baojian has been screened to retain pure inheritance, unlike the violent and chaotic soul-searching technique.

This kind of inherited memory can be absorbed without future trouble, recording the most essential inheritance of Lingbao Sect.

When a monk first steps into the world of immortality, with the help of this thing, he will avoid many detours in the future and achieve a smooth career.

Jia Ren closed his eyes and concentrated, quietly feeling what he got.

A few hours later, he slowly opened his eyes and barely digested the inheritance in the Tongming Treasure Mirror.

This is not the inheritance of one person, but the crystallization of the wisdom of the top experts of Lingbao Sect.

In addition to the understanding and cultivation experience of various realms, as well as the understanding of the mysterious world, there are also all-encompassing arts such as alchemy, weapon refining, formations, talismans, etc.

This is the corresponding top inheritance of Lingbao Sect. Now, using Tongming Baojian, you can receive it all, saving countless time and energy.

“It’s really good!”

"No wonder it has become the most desired treasure among many sects."

Learning is a time-consuming and labor-intensive thing. The monks spend a lot of time and energy, but what they summarize is still... wrong experience.

Once you go astray on the path of spiritual practice, there is no chance of turning back.

This is also the reason why the casual cultivators try their best to join the sect.

High-level cultivation techniques and the inheritance of famous teachers are crucial, so as to correct the path of greatness in time.

Lingbao Sect possesses the Tongming Baojian, and its entry-level disciples are equivalent to ten thousand-year-old monsters. Once they have cleared away the intellectual miasma on the road to cultivation, they will surely be able to achieve success.

The sect will definitely have talented people coming out in large numbers, and the sect will be prosperous and prosperous forever.

"Disciples who have just started to receive a massive amount of inherited memories are difficult for low-level monks to digest, and there is a risk that the inheritance will be leaked."

"Introductory disciples, inner disciples and true disciples are passed on in stages and differentiated in an orderly manner."

Jia Ren put forward his own suggestions.

This is also a summary of the experience of junior high school students and junior high school students.

Failure to build a good foundation and cramming in too much high-end information at once can easily lead to monks being too ambitious.

The orderly inheritance is conducive to confining the monks within the 'framework' of Lingbao Sect, making it easier to build up a sense of belonging to the sect.

Jia Ren and Tian Lingzi chatted briefly and decided on the future use of Tongming Baojian.

Not long after, the Lingbao Sect started to carry out inheritances one after another, adopting corresponding inheritances for different monks.

Yaowang Peak distributed a large amount of elixirs and cultivation resources, and the Lingbao Sect monks digested the proceeds, and their cultivation speed increased by leaps and bounds.

Jia Ren returned to his residence with the newly refined Heavenly Demon Pill and drank the pill in one gulp.

A large amount of medicinal gas exploded in the body, the amount was too shocking.

He sat cross-legged and visualized a huge star god in his mind, absorbing a steady stream of the devil's elixir energy.

The statue of the Star God is getting bigger and bigger, growing every moment. It can be said that it is advancing thousands of miles with each passing day.

The Heavenly Demon God Pill is made from the Heavenly Demon God Crystal of the Heavenly Demon Lord, and is combined with many rare and rare medicinal herbs.

The ordinary Heavenly Demon Pill can strengthen the soul, and it can be called the most powerful pill to increase the soul in the Xuan Realm.

The Heavenly Demon God Pill with twelve lines of pills is far superior to the ordinary Heavenly Demon God Pill. The medicinal power it contains is too huge, and the Star God grows extremely fast.

Three months later, the Statue of the Star God reached the level of almost Tao-level Star God Technique perfection.

The final stage of the union of soul and soul is complete!

The power of the Heavenly Demon God Pill has not been fully digested, but the God Refining Technique is not enough.

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