Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 649: Seal the strange monsters, powerful dragons will not overwhelm local snakes!

The power of strangeness is too easy for the saints. They can easily obtain power that far exceeds that of monks of the same age, and have almost indestructible abilities.

No matter how you look at it, they are the most perfect species in the world.

The weird people claim that human monks will eventually be eliminated, and they are the protagonists of the world.

If ordinary human monks didn't have the means to transform into monsters, I don't know how many people would abandon their human bodies and embrace monsters.

Although shortcuts are good, they will eventually pay for themselves.

The time is now!

The sky-burning flames fell from the sky, forming an unprecedented sky burial flame, burying all the invading monsters. Outside the alien breath barrier, it seemed to form a sea of ​​five-color flames.

The cunning man who always relied on immortality finally reaped the consequences.

A moment ago, with the joy of defeating Lingbao Sect, the Wraiths turned around and ushered in a 180-degree reversal.

Wherever the five-color phoenix flames were, there was scorched earth, and the monsters were quickly ignited by the flames and burned to the ground.

The monsters were reduced to ashes in the flames, and then reborn. The cycle of death and rebirth was endless.

The pain will accompany them forever and ever, until their souls turn into ignorance and wither.

The Phoenix Fire, which is almost an adult, is not the same as before, at least ten times more powerful.

The complete Weird Man was also unable to withstand the fire of the phoenix, they just persisted longer than the incomplete Weird Man.

Even with the Star Breath Barrier blocking it, thousands of weird wailing sounds can be heard, like the dirge of hell.

The only two exceptions in the field are the Fire Trick and the Locust Trick that are transformed into Mimikyu.

The former is surrounded by a layer of red fire curtain, like a flame barrier, blocking the spread of the Phoenix Fire.

The burning of the five-color phoenix flame stays outside the body and cannot damage the core.

The fire trick is the counterattack of all flames in the world, and is naturally immune to fire damage.

The Phoenix Fire is still a flame after all, and even the Phoenix Fire in adulthood is unavoidable.

However, the Phoenix Fire's ability to burn monsters is not without effect.

If the fire trick wants to eliminate the Phoenix Flame, it will take more time and energy.

Another tricky monster is the Locust.

After the first wave of phoenix fire burned them to death, they were reborn from the ashes, and the phoenix fire rekindled together.

After rebirth, the fire of the phoenix still burns Locust and cannot burn Locust to death again.

This is the characteristic of the Locust, which cannot be killed twice by the same method.

The two monsters are currently the most difficult ones to deal with, causing a headache.


A ninety-nine-story black tower appeared out of thin air in Jia Ren's palm. A large area of ​​golden demon-suppressing light emerged, turning into hundreds of demon-suppressing god chains and wrapping around each of the strange monsters.

Today is different from the past. The phoenix flames contain 99% of their power, and the monsters have no ability to break free from the shackles of the Demon-Suppressing God Chain.

Each one of them had no resistance and was sent into the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower first.

Jia Ren was much more cautious when dealing with the Perfect Trick. He took the lead in avoiding the Fire Trick transformed by the Locust Trick and the Mimic Trick, and used the Hundred Demon Suppressing God Chain to target the Perfect Trick.

The complete weird person realized that the situation was not good and wanted to run away.

Unfortunately, the five-color phoenix flames in adulthood continue to burn their power, and their condition is less than one percent of what it was at its peak, leaving no room for escape.

The two perfect monsters were forcibly bound with the Hundred Demon Suppressing God Chains and sent to the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower to become new working monsters.

The complete body of the evil spirit had just entered the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower, and was transformed into a sacrificial fire that was dozens of times more powerful than the darkness and soul-eating magic, and the improvement it brought was extremely astonishing.

If all the perfect monsters are sealed, the efficiency of the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower's refining will be increased at least tenfold, and the efficiency of refining treasures will also increase.

There is a steady stream of sacrificial fire gushing out from inside the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower, but it seems unable to carry the astonishing number of sacrificial fires.

Sealing a complete monster has high returns and higher risks.

The Tongtian Lingbao-level Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower seals perfect monsters, but it is still much weaker after all. How can it seal all perfect monsters?

Absolutely too much to bear...

Jia Ren was distracted and multi-purpose. While controlling the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower to absorb the monsters, he also paid close attention to the complete monsters sent into the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower.

The effect of Phoenix Fire in adulthood is still there, suppressing the power of perfect monsters, so there is no need to worry about them escaping for the time being.

However, there are potential dangers.

Once the adult Phoenix Fire is used up, the juvenile Phoenix Fire cannot suppress the complete Weird Man.

Before the fire of the adult phoenix is ​​exhausted, dividing the complete body into pieces can solve the risk of the inside of the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower exploding.

While Jia Ren was busy, Xiugui and Locustgui were not idle.

The former adapted to the Phoenix Fire and forcibly transferred the Phoenix Fire of other perfect monsters to his body, thereby liberating the combat power of other monsters.

Locust Gui went straight to the Demon-Suppressing God Chain of the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower without any resistance. This was because he wanted to take the initiative to enter the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower.

This strange monster is not afraid of the fire of the adult phoenix. Once it is sent to the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower, it will risk destroying the magic weapon.

Jia Ren did not dare to bear the destruction of the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower, so he only used the Demon-Suppressing God Chain to restrict it to prevent it from destroying everywhere.

"The Lingbao giant beast mocks the wind array!"

Tian Lingzi seemed to see Jia Ren's embarrassment and issued the order.

There were monks coming out of the weapon refining hall one after another, holding the newly refined evil-suppressing eight directions seal to form a small spiritual treasure giant beast mocking the wind formation.

A giant spirit treasure beast called Xiao Chaofeng flew out and headed straight for Locust Gui.

Yellow smoke surged across the sky, falling into Locust Gui's body one after another.

The two fought together, and Xiao Chaofeng was constantly eaten by the locusts, gradually shrinking in size.

The locusts gnawed at Xiao Chaofeng, inhaling a large amount of yellow smoke, becoming weak and weak, and fell to the ground unconscious.

Can the same method only kill once?

So, using Phoenix Fire to kill it isn't the best option.

There is no need to kill it, as long as it falls into a sleepy state, it will naturally lose its threat.


Feng Yi flapped his wings and chased away. At some point, Jia Ren appeared on Phoenix's back and chased him out of the Star Breath Barrier.

The phoenix flames in the sky strike again!

It depends on whether you suck it in faster or Phoenix spits it out faster!

The perfect person, who thought he was qualified to compete with Jia Ren, saw the phoenix fluttering its wings and fled without any hesitation.

This battle against Lingbao Sect was completely defeated after the birth of the perfect Phoenix, and there was no chance of winning anymore.

When Mimikyu saw that he was alone, he immediately felt that the situation was not good, and instantly turned into an aurora and disappeared.

"Run so fast!"

In order to form the ultimate speed contrast with the slow trick, is the power of the fast trick simulated?

Jia Ren did not manifest the form of a golden-winged roc to pursue the monster. This monster was not easy to seal, and he was not sure enough to seal it. Instead, he wasted time sealing other monsters.

The top priority is to beat the drowned dog, seal other complete monsters, and reduce the effectiveness of the monsters.

Once all other monsters are sealed, you can concentrate your efforts on dealing with the Mimikyu.

Jia Ren rode a huge phoenix and descended from the sky. Thousands of divine chains intertwined into a heavenly and earthly net, harvesting accurately.

One by one, the complete monsters were bound by the Demon-Suppressing God Chain and sent to the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower for sealing. The number of monsters continued to decrease sharply, and the number became smaller and smaller.

Lingbaozong looked at the god who looked like a god with a fanatical expression.

The millions of monks who had narrowly escaped death were so excited that their eyes filled with tears and they danced with joy.

This scene is seared into their memories like a steel seal, indelible.

In contrast, the foggy area where the thirteen Wushan League monks were located was completely silent. They stared intently at the figure riding the phoenix.

They originally thought that the war would lead to the destruction of the Lingbao Sect, but they took advantage of the snipe and the clam to fight, and the fisherman benefited.

The battle situation subverted the original guess, and the result was unexpected.

"Alliance Lord, do you want to take action?!"

Several people looked at Jia Ren riding on the phoenix, as if a god came to the world, and he was in the limelight, and they couldn't hide the burning eyes in their eyes.

They are Mahayana monks, and their cultivation realm is far above this person. They master the divine bird Phoenix, and their combat power will definitely soar.

Unfortunately, there is only one phoenix, which is really a big pity.

"We are human beings after all, not monsters. Monsters are the enemy!"

"We've finished watching the play. Let's avoid the sharp edge for now, lest the fire burns us."

The alliance leader glanced at the divine bird Phoenix in the sky. This was the time when the formation was strong and in the limelight.

If you fight against him rashly, even if you can win, you will have to pay a heavy price. It is better to avoid the limelight for the time being and come back another day.

"Come back in three days!"

The surging white mist slowly dissipated, and the twelve Mahayana monks also disappeared without a trace.

Jia Ren seemed to feel something and stared at the area where the white mist dissipated.

He received news from Tian Lingzi as soon as he came out of seclusion, and the news and intentions of the visitors from Wushan Realm were clear.

Want to take advantage of Phoenix?

The enemy is strong and we are weak, there will eventually be a battle.

The reason why Feng Yi was fed the secret medicine to stimulate his potential and burst out with more powerful power was to knock down the mountain and shake the tiger.

If the monsters cannot be eliminated with the power of thunder, the Mahayana monks in Wushan Realm will definitely take a bite of their flesh when they see an opportunity.

It will never scare them away.

Even so, it only gave Lingbao Sect a moment of breathing space.

Jia Ren quickly put the idea behind him, and while the formation was still in effect, he sent the escaped monsters one after another into the Demon-Sealing Spirit Tower.

It is better to solve a hidden danger than to be attacked from both sides.

The cursed monsters, the devil source monsters, the broken monsters, the dead sickle monsters... one after another, the complete monsters were sent into the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower.

After this battle, the only known powerful monsters that had not been caught were the Mimic and the Mind that never showed up.

Lingbao Sect and millions of monks were filled with joy, and a large number of monsters were eliminated, which meant they sounded the clarion call for counterattack.

The situation in the Mysterious World is clear, and it won't be long before the Mysterious World will return to humankind again.

They waited for Jia Ren to return and celebrated this unprecedented victory.

"He still has things to do!"

Tian Lingzi received the news from Jia Ren and looked into the distance.

Out of sight, Jia Ren rode the phoenix, flying all the way in the direction of Shenxiao Sect.

A visitor from another world wants a phoenix? !

Then I will send you a phoenix!

Give these guys a lesson they will never forget while they are at their peak.

Otherwise, without the help of the Phoenix Power in adulthood, the situation will only be passive.

A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake!

I am both a strong dragon and a local snake!

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