Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 657 Trap? Lingbao Immortal?

Wushan League, Huangshan League and Taixu League respectively belong to the three realms of cultivating immortals, with Taixu League appearing the earliest.

The Huangshan League and the Wushan League were both realms of immortality invaded by the Taixu League.

The alliance established by the integrated forces of one cultivating world is far more than one sect and force can contend with.

Different from scattered soldiers, after the Mahayana period of multiple sects formed an alliance, they continued to plunder the resources of each family's immortal world.

The Taixu Alliance grew like a snowball and gradually became a behemoth.

The monks from the two worlds realized that the enemy was powerful, stopped the internal fighting in the immortal world, and united in time to fight against the Taixu Alliance.

This allowed them to repel the Taixu Alliance and protect their own resources.

The Taixu Alliance has opened up a new world for Wushan Realm and Huangshan Realm. Instead of competing for the resources of one of the Immortal Cultivation Realms, it is better to unite and plunder them.

Wushanjie and Huangshan League began long preparations and joined the ranks of the looters one after another.

There are no eternal enemies in the world, only eternal interests.

The Wushan League and the Huangshan League were established one after another. They were both competitors and collaborators. Once they found a hard nut to crack, they would help each other and work together.

Once it comes to allocating resources, a fight is inevitable.

This kind of time did not last long, powerful virtual-level monsters appeared, and the world of immortality where the three families were located was destroyed.

The three families spread out, searching for the world of cultivating immortals and exchanging news.

The two were far apart, and the number of exchanges was limited. They were delayed in the middle, and they arrived at Xuanjie too late.

The main reason for coming here this time is that the two families have encountered a difficult nut to crack and want to seek help from the Wushan Alliance in Xuanjie and share the benefits together.

"My Shanmeng has an average vision, and the world of immortality he chose is very poor."

"It is said that the ancestral lands of several sects in the Wushan League came from this realm."

Two Yuxu Divine Boats were flying over Xuanjie, swaggering by.

My Shanmeng's whereabouts are unknown. Since I came to this world, I have to look for rare resources.

Flying past, there were very few monks and mortals, almost extinct.

In many places there are corpses all over the ground, and in many places there is still lingering strange aura and pollution, just like a dead end.

The flying boat traveled hundreds of thousands of miles and saw a sect station in the east. There were monks inside who were busy building sects and formations.


Several monks flew into the hands of the Mahayana monks without any resistance, and used their soul-searching powers to obtain each other's memories and understand this world.

"All the Mahayana monks in this world are dead?! There is only one top sect called Lingbao Sect, and the strongest ones are only the Fusion monks."

"There is no news about Wushan League."

Very few people in Xuanjie know about visitors from other worlds. They watch the battle shrouded in mist, not wanting the warring parties to draw attention to them.

Jia Ren Qi Feng left to deal with the visitors from another world. Only a few people knew about this, and they didn't even know that visitors from other worlds appeared in the Xuan Realm.

It is impossible for Taixu League and Huangshan League to get answers from ordinary Lingbao Sect monks.

"A small and weak sect with a long heritage and a Xuantian Spiritual Treasure cannot be missed."

"Who can get this Xuantian Spiritual Treasure depends on their abilities!"

The two families help each other, but compete with each other.

As for Lingbao Sect...

They didn't take it seriously and just regarded it as meat on the plate.

The strong always prey on the weak, and no one cares about the attitude of the weak.

The Taixu League and the Huangshan League went to other immortal worlds to plunder treasures. Since they encountered the Xuantian Spiritual Treasure, there was no reason to let it go.

They broke into Lingbao East Sect with a tough attitude and used the internal super teleportation array to reach Lingbao Sect's headquarters.

This is the simplest and most trouble-free way.

"Enemy attack!"

When the monks of the Lingbao East Sect felt the attack of a powerful enemy, it was already too late, and the newly established formation to protect the sect was shattered.

The late stage monks guarding this place realized that the situation was not good, and the only thing they could do was to destroy the teleportation array to prevent powerful enemies from appearing directly in the main Lingbao Sect.


A green divine cone broke through the formation of the Eastern Region and killed the monks and resisters in the late stage of Lianxu. No one could stop their progress.

However, the action was still a step too late.

The teleportation array has been damaged.

More than twenty figures exuding the aura of the Mahayana stage left the Yuxu Divine Boat.

"Do you really think you can stop us?"

Their eyes were full of disdain, a palm-sized green wooden tripod appeared, and a ball of blue light fell on the teleportation array.

The broken teleportation array recovered at an astonishing speed and quickly returned to its original state.

"It's really boring to have so many people bullying a small sect. If there are three people in a family, whoever can grab it wins."

"The winner eats meat, the loser eats soup."

Taixu League and Huangshan League did not take Lingbao Sect seriously. More than 20 Mahayana monks worked together to deal with a sect without Mahayana monks?

Why kill a chicken with a knife? !

The six Mahayana monks took action, which was enough to prove the importance they attached to Lingbao Sect.

If Lingbao Sect didn't have the Xuantian Lingbao, they wouldn't want to waste time and could quickly solve the problem by sending out a Mahayana monk each.

"I've been wandering in the void for too long, and I was exhausted not long ago. It's rare to have some fun."

"Would you like to increase the stakes and play with a piece of Xuantian Lingbao as a family?"

Taixu Alliance Master spoke, obviously very addicted to gambling.

"It's a rare opportunity to make the Taixu Alliance bleed. I can't miss it." The Lord of the Huangshan Alliance also happily accepted it.

Both sides each took out a piece of Xuantian Spiritual Treasure as a bet.

Both sides each sent three Mahayana monks to step into the teleportation array one after another.

A golden eye flew out of the palm of Taixu Alliance Master and fell into the sky, clearly showing the figures of six Mahayana monks.

The senior officials of Lingbao Sect seemed to be aware that the soul lamps of monks were being annihilated one after another in the East District, and more than one Lingbao Sect monk died.

Something big is happening in the Eastern Region!

"The ultra-long-distance teleportation array in the East Region is on!"

"Cut off the ultra-long-distance teleportation array immediately!"

Tian Lingzi got the news and realized something was wrong.

There is a high probability that the enemy coming this time is an enemy. They must not be allowed to enter the hinterland of Lingbao Sect. Otherwise, it will cause immeasurable casualties to the sect.

The formation was forcibly disconnected to prevent unknown monks from entering the Lingbao Sect's atrium.

Cyan light circulates on the formation. Even though the formation has been interrupted, there is some incredible power that maintains the formation and cannot block this transmission.

The Lingbao Sect monks had no time to take new actions, and the Six Paths Mahayana monks had already appeared on the teleportation array.

Their eyes looked around, as if to confirm whether the answer obtained by Soul Search was true.

"There are only eleven monks in the combined stage and no monks in the Mahayana stage."

The sect with eleven combined-stage monks is not considered weak. Given time, it is not difficult to give birth to Mahayana-stage monks, and the future is promising.

In the world of immortality, he has touched the tail of the top sect.

However, it is still too weak against them!

The starlight in the distance vibrated, and a silver star curtain emerged, suddenly surrounding the six people.

When they saw the silver barrier, their pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"How is it possible?! How can there be such a formation here?!"

The six Mahayana monks looked at the silver star curtain with disbelief on their faces, as if they had seen something that subverted their understanding.

After all, they had just seen this formation in the Immortal Cultivation World not long ago.

This time they came to Xuanjie to ask for help because they wanted Wushan Alliance to help them obtain the immortal treasure.

"It may just be from the same source, and we cannot rule out that the two are related."

The expressions of the six Mahayana monks became solemn, and the expressions of the Mahayana monks from Taixu League and Huangshan League who were watching the battle from a distance changed drastically.

He hesitated whether to use the teleportation array and went to reinforce it.

What shocked them had just begun. Light like mercury covered the star barrier, forming a second layer of protection.

It is the power of Miaoxuan Yiyuan Pearl.

This object has been used to set up the Xuansha Formation of the branch town, but has not been taken back by the great elder. At this moment, it has also become the power to protect the Lingbao Sect.

"Miaoxuan Yiyuan Pearl?!"

"How is this possible! How come the Xuantian Lingbao from the Wushan Alliance is here?!"

Taixu League, Huangshan League and Wushan League have cooperated many times and know the Xuantian Spiritual Treasure in each other's hands.

I have seen the Miaoxuan Yiyuan Pearl many times and knew that it was the Xuantian Lingbao of the Wushan League. I did not expect to see it in the Lingbao Sect.

Is this a force supported by the Wushan League?

Xuantian Lingbao saves their lives? !

This is impossible!

Who is willing to give away his Xuantian Spiritual Treasure?

Unless you die!

"Of course, let our great elders kill them all!" the Heretic Peak Master said with a voice full of disdain.

"Not to mention six Mahayana monks, thirteen Mahayana monks were killed together!"

They did not see the battle with their own eyes, but the great elder Jia Ren brought a lot of things, including two Xuantian Lingbao alone.

In addition, there are various treasures.

There is only one Xuantian Spiritual Treasure in the entire Xuanjie. Jia Ren got two Xuantian Spiritual Treasures and must have taken action with Phoenix to kill them all.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to obtain two Xuantian Spiritual Treasures.

Are all thirteen Mahayana monks dead? !

No wonder the monks from Wushan League were nowhere to be seen. Until this moment, a chill rushed straight into my heart.

There seems to be a terrifying giant beast lurking deep in the Lingbao Sect, as if it has opened a huge mouth of the abyss, swallowing up all the monks who dare to come here.

On the contrary, they stupidly and unawarely broke into the dragon's pond and the tiger's den.

"Do you want to save someone?!"

The monks from Taixu League and Huangshan League could not remain calm, and their expressions became heavy.

I thought it was just a small force that could be easily solved and not worth mentioning.

As it turns out, what they saw seemed to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Lingbao Sect definitely hides an extremely terrifying existence. Coupled with the immortal formation we just saw, there is a high probability that there is an...immortal hidden here!

No wonder our Shanmeng lost contact, that’s why.

So, the news they received...

Could it be a trap deliberately set by the immortals of Lingbao Sect to attract them to take the initiative? !

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

"Don't act rashly!"

"Just wait and see what happens!"

Not sure what other hidden methods the other party had, they rushed to rescue people, maybe... they even got involved with them.

This place is far away from the source of danger and nothing can be done. They can also control the Yuxu Divine Boat and escape into the void in time.

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