Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 669 The Seven-Aperture Divine Stone gives birth to the Xuantian Spiritual Treasure

Fruit growing on the fish's head?

What is this stuff? !

Jia Ren originally thought that the treasure-hunting mouse had discovered a treasure, but he didn't expect to see a strange sight.

He couldn't help but think of the medicine men in Linyuan City.

The only difference is that one is a human and the other is a demon, both have elixirs growing out of their bodies.

The former is a forced choice due to oppression by others in order to survive.

the latter……

Jia Ren carefully observed the blue-headed fish and discovered to his surprise that the red fruit was naturally produced, with no trace of acquired cultivation.

The fruits on the heads of smaller bluefishes are green, while the red fruits on the heads of older blueheads are larger and more colorful, exuding an alluring aroma.

A natural medicine fish? !


"Is this your new treasure?"

The treasure-hunting rat kept squeaking, which seemed to indicate that this item was of extraordinary value and was definitely a top-notch treasure.

What's the use of this thing?

The treasure-hunting rats regard this guy as a treasure. He must be extraordinary. Take him back and study it carefully.

I have a pill that returns to my ancestors in my hand. What effect will it have after returning to my ancestors?

Just when Jia Ren was about to collect a few bluehead fish, he seemed to feel something and looked to the north.

A huge cloud beast exuding the aura of a seventh-level monster beast, seemingly transformed from cloud energy, attacked.

The cloud beast is a monster unique to the cloud world. The cloud spirit is naturally formed and possesses considerable wisdom.

The clouds in the sky turned into the mouth of a huge beast, roaring towards it.

Are you trying to steal food from yourself?

A long black and red sword penetrated the cloud and stabbed the head of the distant cloud beast, and the blood flashed away.

The cloud beast realized the terrifying power of the Wusheng Killing Sword, and dispersed into ordinary cloud energy to avoid the blow.

The sharp sword energy shattered the clouds and mist, and there was a strong vitality hidden in the invisible mist that the sword energy could not destroy.

The bloody evil energy in the sky exploded, and the white mist was dyed into black and red. When the white mist in the ten thousand feet area completely turned into black and red, the cloud beast's aura disappeared.

The Wusheng Killing Sword absorbed the sword intention and part of the power of the Zhu Jue Sword. Although it was still at the level of the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure, it had a bit of the style of the Zhu Jue Sword.

Killing a seventh-level monster with one sword is an extremely easy task.

A pure white cloud pill fell into Jia Ren's palm, exuding a strange aura.

The cloud beast demon pill is different from normal demon beasts. It is not mixed with demon pills, and is more suitable for monks to transform into spiritual power.

Jia Ren put it away and left it to be refined into elixir later.

The battle between Yun Beast and Jia Ren shocked the blue-headed fish, and they dived into the seabed to avoid sudden predators.

"I'll take you to your new home!"

The darkness in Jia Ren's palm has already established a connection with the heaven, earth, mountains and sea beads.

A strong suction force erupted from the palm, and the herrings gathered towards Jia Ren's palm one after another.

The herring submerged into the spiritual sea transformed by spiritual energy. It was the first time in their lives that they saw an area with such rich spiritual energy.

The fear of being abducted disappears, and I happily swim in the sea of ​​spiritual energy.

The mysterious beast clone found the red-fruited herring and fed it the ancestral elixir.

I wonder what kind of strange abilities the alien herring will have after returning to its ancestors?

It won't be long before he knows the answer.

Without stopping, Jia Ren set off with the treasure-hunting rat.

No matter which world you are in, the cultivation resources in the combined period and the Mahayana period are rare.

All the way through the vast sea to reach the boundary of Yunhai Sect, after walking for 30,000 miles, there was not a single top-level material that caught my eye.

I don't know if I should say it was bad luck, or if the treasures were looted by Yunhai Sect monks or high-level monsters.

Jia Ren came to the Yunhai Islands where Yunhai Sect was located.

There are many monks and mortals living on the Yunhai Islands, and most of them are affiliated forces of the Yunhai Sect.

The Cloud Realm is different from other immortal realms. Without the protection of strong people and powerful forces, just monsters and spare rations, mortals and monks cannot survive for long.

Over the countless years in the cloud world, countless similar examples have occurred.

Without strong power to protect him... he would have been eaten up by monsters.

As the seat of the Unkai Sect, the Unkai Islands attract a large number of monks to gather here.

Jia Ren passed through the thick curtain of fog and arrived at the outermost island.

Fishing boats were scattered around the island. The fishermen looked at Jia Ren, who was wearing Taoist robes and landing ashore, with envy and awe on their faces.

There are many unknown root plants planted on the island, which should be the source of staple food for mortals, supporting them and ensuring their successors.

Jia Ren walked all the way and arrived in front of Fangshi.

There is cloud interference in the cloud world, and the visual distance is limited.

What is hung in Fangshi is not a plaque, but a stone tablet.

The four characters Jihaifang City are written on it with flying dragons and phoenixes.

The reason why Jia Ren stopped in front of the stone tablet was because the treasure-hunting rat squeaked before landing on the island.

The stone tablet is a valuable treasure discovered by the treasure-hunting mouse.

He stopped here and looked at the object with suspicious eyes.

If the treasure-hunting rat hadn't intentionally reminded him, he would never have stayed on the stone tablet for one more breath.

When his spiritual consciousness swept over it, he couldn't feel anything strange, it was just an ordinary stone.

The treasure-hunting rat's cry is quite excited, which means that the treasure is of extremely high value. As for its purpose, it does not know.

The treasure-hunting rat only discovers treasures and cannot identify the purpose of the treasures.

If it weren't for the unusual nature of this object, it wouldn't have been used as a stone monument in the city. It has been buried for an unknown period of time after being exposed to wind and rain.

All this time, Treasure Hunter has never made a mistake, and he still trusts him quite a bit.

Jia Ren uses the Mirror Flower and the Moon to prevent his actions from causing trouble.

He exerted force with his palms and easily shattered the stone tablet.

As the debris flew, a stubborn rock was revealed.

All the outer stones were destroyed by Jia Ren's palm, but this thing remained.

Today's body is comparable to the top Tongtian Lingbao, and every palm of his hand has terrifying power.

This palm did not use all my strength, and it was definitely not a force that ordinary stones could withstand.

This thing is mysterious and restrained. If it had not been broken out of the stone, no one would have discovered the clues.

The stubborn stone has seven orifices that absorb spiritual energy at an extremely slow speed.

A strange stone born with seven orifices?

There are foreign objects in the world, and after a certain period of time, they will turn into innate spiritual treasures.

The strongest among the innate spiritual treasures are the Xuantian spiritual treasures.

This stubborn stone is extremely extraordinary and is most likely Xuantian's spiritual material.

This thing is the Xuantian Spiritual Treasure that is still in the process of being gestated!

Jia Ren put away the Seven Apertures Divine Stone and sent it to the Pearl of Heaven, Earth, Mountains and Sea.

The Seven-Aperture Divine Stone is submerged into the spiritual sea, and this is where it should stay.

The seven acupoints seemed to come alive, absorbing spiritual fluid and pouring into them continuously, and the power inside them grew stronger.

Jia Ren saw this scene with a smile on his face.

However, the treasure-hunting mouse made great achievements and did find a valuable treasure.


Under Jia Ren's control, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth fell on the broken stone tablet one after another.

Countless gravels quickly gathered under the control of spiritual power, and returned to their original appearance in the blink of an eye. They looked not much different from before.

The only difference is that the hidden Seven Apertures Divine Stone is gone, and no one has found any clues from the beginning to the end.

After Jia Ren finished everything, Shi Shiran crossed Yunjifang City and rushed towards Yunhaizong.

The journey was smooth, and it was not until they approached Yunhai Sect that they encountered trouble.

"Fellow Taoist, outsiders are not allowed to enter Yunhai Island."

Yunhai Island, where Yunhai Sect is located, is the largest island in the Yunhai Archipelago. The entire island is surrounded by the sect-protecting formation, with only one exit.

Jia Ren was naturally stopped.

"I want to see your great elder to discuss something."

He did not hide his aura, and his aura exploded in the late stage of integration.

Cultivation is the best pass token, which can avoid a lot of troubles.

The aura of the monks in the terrifying integration stage frightened the guards so much that they reported it to the police.

"Want to see the Great Elder?"

"The person coming is a late-stage fusion monk. When did such a powerful monk appear in the Cloud Realm?"

Yunhai Sect is the only top sect in the Yun Realm. Except for Yunhai Sect, all other sects and families have reached the Void Refining Stage.

A late-stage fusion monk appears out of thin air, which is suspicious.

"I'm going to find out the details of who's coming."

Sect Master Yunhai did not tell the Great Elder that not just anyone could alert the Great Elder.

“Who are you, and where do you practice?!”

An old man in white robe teleported over and looked up and down Jia Ren.

This person's aura is unfamiliar, and his spiritual power fluctuations are also very different from those in the Xuan Realm.

His eyes glowed with white light, and he carefully looked at the person coming.

Jia Ren's body seemed to be covered with a layer of gauze, like a dream, even the illusion of clouds could not be penetrated.

"Who is Fellow Taoist? Can he represent Yunhai Sect?!"

He doesn't have to talk to the great elder of Yunhai Sect. As long as the other party has the power to make the decision, it's not a bad idea to change to someone else.

"I'm here, Master Yunhai!"

"Who are you, and which sect do you come from?"

Seeing the enemy who could not identify Jia Ren, the leader of Yunhai came straight to the point.

"Visitors from outside the territory."

Jia Ren wasted no time and got straight to the point.

Visitors from outside the region? !

These four words shocked Yunhai Sect Master. Thinking of the war that the great elder mentioned not long ago, his face changed slightly.

Kunpeng's wings were cut off not long ago, which makes people suspect that this person is the murderer who cut off Kunpeng's wings.

He couldn't help but his face changed slightly, and his voice became a little colder: "Please forgive Yunhaizong for not giving us good hospitality. Fellow Taoist, please leave immediately."

In other times, the Yunhai Sect would have been eager to communicate with visitors from outside the region, obtain information and exchange resources from other immortal worlds.

But... Yunhai Sect lives in the Yunhai Realm, and it depends on Kunpeng's face. Kunpeng mistakenly believes that Yunhai Sect is an accomplice, which is bound to cause a devastating blow to Yunhai Sect.

This is a risk they are not willing to take anyway.

Jia Ren knew the attitude of the Yunhai sect master, and he didn't even ask about the purpose of his visit. He just opened his mouth to chase people away, which was unpleasant.

There was no emotion or anger on his face, and he said in a calm voice: "Since we can't make the decision, we'd better let the ancestor of the You family speak out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge amount of spiritual power flew over. It was Yun Mo, the master of Nanshan of Yunhai Sect and a monk in the Mahayana stage of Yunhai Sect.

There was no trace of happiness or anger on Yun Mo's face, he cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Taoist, I came to Yunhai Sect to make this place prosperous. I wonder what the purpose of your visit is?"

This person is...the fierce man from outside the territory who cut off one of Kunpeng's wings. He also has the magical power to transform the golden-winged roc. Yunhai Sect cannot afford to offend him.

He was worried that he would offend the other party and Yunhaizong would completely become history today.

you? !

When the leader of the Yunhai Sect heard what Elder Yunmo called Jia Ren, he seriously suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

The Mahayana period calls the combined period monks, why should I use you? !

I always feel like something is wrong.

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