Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 677: Inserting eyes to monitor, the opportunity lies

Most of the remaining monsters in the mysterious world are difficult to seal and will not move anywhere. As long as they are within the restricted area and do not actively provoke them, it will not be a big problem.

After Niangui was sealed, there was no strong enemy in the Xuan Realm.

Stress-free and light.

I can finally practice with peace of mind!

However, before that, Jia Ren had one more thing to deal with.

‘Insert eyes’ in the Yun Realm, Daqian Kingdom World and Canglan Realm in advance.

These are the three worlds closer to the Mysterious Realm. The traceable fairy jade monitors the three worlds, and the appearance of virtual-level monsters can be known in advance.

The world where the Daqian Kingdom is located is temporarily called the Qian Realm. Pay attention to the actions of the Death Immortal to prevent it from changing.

By mastering the opponent's movements, you can feel at ease and focus on your training in the future.

Jia Ren transformed into the form of a golden-winged roc, tore through the void and embarked on a journey. It took more than half a month to reach the Qian Realm.

He did not rush into the Qian Realm. He just found an area close to the capital of the Da Qian Kingdom and opened a passage between the two.

The traceable fairy jade emerged in the palm, and strands of light were poured into it, condensing an illusory mark.

This mark merged with heaven and earth and disappeared between heaven and earth without any trace.


The will of the Death Immortal seemed to feel the changes between heaven and earth, and the terrifying aura was like a roiling tide.

In just a few hundred years, it has recovered far more times than it did in the tens of thousands of years before.

"Tracing the Immortal Spirit Jade!"

The dust-laden memory revived at this moment. How could the real immortal who brought this fairy treasure into the lower realm not recognize this fairy treasure? !

As soon as its aura appeared, he recognized it.

Is this being monitored? !

Or is it the fairy treasure I brought back from the fairy world? !

The will of the Death Immortal was so angry that it formed a huge black cloud face above the capital of Daqian.

"The spiritual world has not been destroyed?!"

"Finally I know your roots!"

Until this moment, the will of the dead immortal finally knew Jia Ren's origin.

I didn’t expect that he was a spiritual monk!

Even your ancestors wouldn't dare to play tricks on me like this! ! !

The dark eyes condensed by the sky looked towards the gap in space that had not yet healed, and Jia Ren's figure was no longer visible.

In a land of flames in the south, a seventh-order Li Feng with four-color feathers and a body of thousands of feet gradually opened its eyes.

The sacred tree it inhabits exudes the special aura of the origin of fire. A large number of fire-type heavenly materials and earthly treasures are used to build the phoenix nest, and pure fire-type spiritual power continuously pours into the body.

Li Feng's eyes were cold and ruthless, as if looking down at the will of the world in this world.

"I am a true immortal, I should not die here!"

"When I'm done, I will personally visit the spirit world, seize the phoenix from you, and truly resurrect you!"

The world seems to be connected with it, and the vast amount of spiritual energy is transformed into the spiritual power of fire, which is continuously injected into Li Feng's body, helping it to quickly improve its cultivation.

This kind of improvement speed is too fast. It doesn't look like an ordinary method, it's more like destroying the growth.

The huge faces formed by the condensed spiritual energy of heaven and earth gradually dispersed, and they turned into a barrier in the southern sky, blocking the prying eyes of some kind of power.

After Li Feng finished everything, he closed his eyes again.

Its aura is still rising at an alarming rate, heading all the way towards the eighth level.

After Jia Ren arranged for Qianjie, he rushed towards Yunjie.

The Cloud Realm and the Qian Realm are much closer than imagined.

At the speed of the golden-winged roc, it would take more than ten days at most to reach the cloud world.

Kunpeng, who had fought against him before, had not yet recovered his strength, and did not fight against Jia Ren because of his action.

Kunpeng, who was sleeping at the bottom of the sea, did not appear, which made Jia Ren, who was ready to run away at any time, relieved.

However, he did not want to take the risk and personally challenge the ancient Kunpeng whose strength was unknown.

The cloud world is torn apart remotely and the passage into the cloud world is opened. The traceable fairy jade also leaves traceability marks on the cloud world.

After everything is done, leave decisively and never want to stay here for a moment longer.

The last stop is Canglan Realm, which takes a little longer, a month to reach here.

All the monsters in the Canglan Realm have broken the seal. Although the seal was broken not long ago, it is most likely to attract the virtual monsters.

The third tracing mark entered this place, and the remaining spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the secret territory was drained away, and the Canglan Realm truly became the realm of the end of law.

Jia Ren released part of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the Heaven and Earth Mountain Haizhu in advance and sent it to Lingbao Sect, preparing sufficient space.

If the aura of heaven and earth here is wasted, it would be better to benefit yourself.

Canglan Realm, without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, can serve as its own experimental field to confirm whether the world without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for a long time will affect the strange monsters.

Will the strange monsters permanently deteriorate in power due to the aura of heaven and earth, or even... die?

Jia Ren has not given up on finding a permanent solution to the weirdness, and this is his first attempt.

After all the busy work was over, he returned to the mysterious world.

It took nearly two years to go out last time, and with the rush back to the Mysterious World, it took less than three months. It can be said that time was compressed to the extreme.


Jia Ren was sitting cross-legged in the cave of the Spirit World Sect, with the traceability fairy jade placed between his knees, and spiritual power was injected into it, seeming to establish a connection with the three-way traceability mark.

The surface of traceable fairy jade can be used to identify people, just like a mirror.

The interior light and shadow are divided into three parts, showing the Shangqian Kingdom, the lower left cloud realm and the lower right Canglan realm.

The scene they present is exactly the same as the location where they put the traceability mark. Looking at the internal scene is like being present at the scene in person.


This was the first time he used the traceability fairy jade, and the effect was obtained by communicating with the weapon spirit himself, and he was indeed not disappointed.

The power of this fairy treasure doesn't stop there.


After a magic spell was played, Jia Ren established a deep connection with the traceable fairy jade.

The light and shadow of the Yun Realm and the Canglan Realm disappeared, and the corresponding light and shadow of the Qian Kingdom became larger, showing more pictures.

His eyes followed Jia Ren's thoughts and moved up and down.

Gao Ze surveyed the kingdom of Daqian, looked down at the heaven and earth, and saw the more distant areas.

At the lowest level...the lanes, government offices, and the Demon Control Department in the capital of Daqian are as detailed as the palm of your hand.

The picture moved with Jia Ren's thoughts, and finally flew towards the center of the capital.

There are a large number of eighth-order formations in the Daqian Palace, comparable to the sect-protecting formations of top sects.

The formation cannot stop the prying eyes of the traceable fairy jade, and it is treated as if it is nothing.

All the way to the center of the palace, I saw Emperor Qian above the main hall.

Emperor Qian didn't know why he felt like he was being spied on. He looked around with his consciousness, but found nothing.

The peepers are so unscrupulous that it is like a thorn in the back.

This feeling is so annoying!


A large swath of purple mist surged, covering his figure.

This is still a useless effort, and the feeling of unknown prying eyes has not disappeared.

Emperor Qian's face gradually turned livid and gloomy.

A bronze coffin appeared, and he escaped into it.

As the coffin lid closed, the treasure patterns on it flashed. At this point, the feeling of being spied on finally disappeared.

This treasure is extraordinary, either an immortal treasure or a Xuantian spiritual treasure.

"This old boy even prepared his own coffin?!"

Jia Ren confirmed that he could not spy on Emperor Qian, so he no longer wasted time, his eyes gradually flew higher, and then fell farther away.

The power of the traceable fairy jade will not stop here, it can only peek into a fixed area of ​​the world.

In theory, it could monitor the entire Gan World.

The perspective displayed by the traceable fairy jade follows Jia Ren's thoughts and can reach any location in the world.

At its peak, the traceability fairy jade can monitor nine worlds, and can reach up to eighty-one with the formation.

It has not yet fully recovered, but even so, monitoring the five worlds of cultivating immortals is not a problem.

Jia Ren continued to patrol the country of Daqian to obtain more information by tracing the origin of the fairy jade.

The entire Daqian Palace has no secrets from him!

Where is the treasury of Daqian State?

Are there any treasures that can help advance to the Mahayana stage?

Obtaining more detailed information is of great benefit.

The state has reached the perfection of the combined stage, and it has been difficult to collect the treasures that will 100% promote the Mahayana stage, so I have to go to the treasury of Daqian State to enrich my pockets.

Daqian Country is my home, and all future resources will depend on him.

The Daqian treasury was not difficult to find, and Jia Ren found the corresponding treasury without much effort.

This uses the secret world as a treasure house, and various formations reinforce the space to prevent others from entering the secret world.

There is only one entrance channel, and a two-way teleportation array is established to enter the treasure house.

However, the secret world cannot stop the prying eyes of the traceable fairy jade, and there is no obstacle to intrusion into it.

What you see is a dazzling array of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and various spiritual stones piled up into mountains.

The quality of low-grade spiritual stones is too low and they are not qualified to enter the treasure house.

Looking around, the lowest spiritual stones you see are medium-grade spiritual stones.

There are so many top-quality spiritual stones that they pile up into a small mountain.

So rich!

It has to be said that Daqian Kingdom has a world of resources, and the spiritual energy and materials of the world are far richer than those of Lingbao Sect.

Coupled with the countless years of accumulation in the Daqian Kingdom, all of which have been returned to the treasure house, it is not a strange thing to find so many treasures.

In addition to spiritual stones, there are also magic weapons, third-level and above talismans, elixirs, and jade slips for the inheritance of various skills and secrets.

They are divided into categories, from low to high, and each has its corresponding position.

"There are no eighth-level treasures, Xuantian Spiritual Treasures and Immortal Treasures."

There are indeed many treasures in Daqian's treasure house, including thousands of heaven-reaching spiritual materials and more than thirty heaven-reaching spiritual treasures.

However, none of the treasures of Mahayana quality and auxiliary promotion to the Mahayana stage were seen.

Treasures of this level are the most essential part of the treasure house.

"The treasures should all be in Emperor Qian's hands!"

Qianhuang seems to have three powers, but in fact he is the same person. He is secretive and extremely cunning.

Treasures of this level have the possibility of being stolen, and every loss of one is heartbreaking.

Although Emperor Qian controls the lives of many monks, it does not mean that he can be omniscient and omnipotent.

There is no way to prevent people from enriching their own pockets. If you don't want a treasure of this level to fall into the hands of others, the best way is to keep the top treasure firmly in your own hands.

"Except for the three Mahayana monks in the Qian Kingdom, there is no one who has been promoted to the Mahayana normally."

"He alone cannot enjoy all the wealth of the Qian Realm. He must have many resources to advance to the Mahayana stage."

"Perhaps the opportunity for me to advance to the Mahayana stage lies with Emperor Qian."

The treasure is hidden in the Daqian treasure house, and Jia Ren can only visit the treasure house once.

Now, we can only find Emperor Qian in person.

Emperor Qian didn't know that because of his habit of eating alone, he had been targeted by Jia Da's killer.

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