Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 684 Life-reducing Baoguang, resources and traps

The pseudo-clone was completed, and it took a total of more than 130 years, which was far longer than expected.

Fortunately, the hard work was not in vain, and I finally got a satisfactory result.

Jia Ren controlled the uncanny clone to change continuously, turning into the uncanny creature he had seen.

Sometimes it turns into a locust, and sometimes it turns into a demon.

The appearance is ever-changing, and each simulated monster has a corresponding weird ability.

This kind of simulation is not the strongest form of Weigui. Perhaps it is because the simulation is not a complete body and the state is defective.

Mimicry can only simulate known monsters, and the upper limit is the strongest form corresponding to the monster.

For example, the simulated lost monster will only match the known monsters and will not be promoted to the level corresponding to the simulated monster.

Simulating a powerful monster that far exceeds one's own is also unable to obtain the opponent's powerful state, and the strange power obtained is only a reduced version.

Jia Ren was not surprised by this. After all, his parasitic pseudo-deception was only a residual deception, not a complete state.

"Can I try to make up for the missing parts and gain more power?"

There is definitely a big difference in strength between the complete monster and the incomplete monster. The power of the complete monster is far from comparable to that of the incomplete monster.

Once the pseudo-trick is transformed into a complete body, I don't know if other dangers will be encountered. To be cautious, it is better to maintain the current state.

When you advance to the Mahayana stage, the power of the Rizhao Divine Wheel Sutra will reach a higher level, and your ability to withstand risks will be stronger. It is not too late to try again.

The current ability of the pseudo-clone is barely enough.

The deception clone has been formed, and the longevity reduction treasure light can be carried out smoothly.

This method is not difficult. The simulacrum transforms into the form of Shougui and prepares a body tailor-made for him.

The old man transformed by Shougui lived in it and strengthened the body with the method of Baoguang Body Refining Technique.

Compared with the deception clone, it is much simpler to reduce the longevity of Baoguang.

Completely follow the practice method of Baoguang Body Refining Technique, absorb the power of the longevity wheel, and turn it into life-reducing Baoguang.

The only problem is that the artifact cannot be sent to the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower for reinforcement, and once the power is consumed, it cannot be replenished.

It is impossible to use the same treasure repeatedly.

Send it to the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower to replenish the consumed power?

This doesn't work!

To be precise, the two are not the same power system. Artifacts are fuel for the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower.

I sent it in just because I didn't have enough fuel.

Everything can only go back to the normal way of practicing Baoguang Body Refining Technique. The quality is not enough, the quantity is made up, and a large number of magic weapons are relied on to meet the requirements.

The pseudo-uncanny clone took out a longevity uncanny wheel and absorbed the formed precious light. The uncanny light was sucked away bit by bit and slowly condensed into precious light.

At this point, the life-reducing Baoguang has taken shape.

Jia Ren came outside Lingbao Sect and looked for a place to test.

They are the pollution of the life-changing power, and the influence of the longevity-reducing treasure light. Finally, they are tested to confirm whether their ideas are feasible.


Continue to cultivate the longevity fruit to increase the ability to reduce longevity.


There is no need to continue to waste time and terminate the plan to reduce the longevity of Baoguang.

The test quickly yielded the answer. The simulated power of longevity can reduce one hundred years of life per breath, while the longevity-reducing Baoguang can only reduce ten years of life per breath.

When the two are superimposed, the effect of the life-reducing treasure light is not affected, and the total reaches one hundred and ten years.

The effect is good, far beyond expectations.

When Jia Ren saw that the plan was successful, he couldn't help but smile.

The first life-reducing treasure light condenses and takes shape, followed by the second end-of-life treasure light.

The intensity of the second beam is doubled, and the upper limit of the first life-reducing treasure light is also increased.

By the time the life-reducing treasure light takes shape, the life span reduced per breath reaches forty years. Although it is not as good as the life expectancy, it is already a considerable improvement.

The effects of the two are superimposed, and the life span reduced by each interest is one hundred and forty years.

Shougui can only become stronger through the power of the same source of weirdness, or the simulated shougui reaches its complete form, and the power of the simulated shougui becomes more powerful.

With the subsequent increase in the number of Baoguang, the effect and scope of influence of the Life-Reducing Baoguang will increase. In the future, there may be a day when it surpasses the Lifespan Gui.

Not only that, the pseudo-clone can also be used in conjunction with the life-reducing treasure light to transform into other monsters.

"I need more longevity fruit trees to mutate into longevity fruit."

There are many life-extension fruits in the Lingbao Sect's treasure house, and there are also more than a dozen life-extension fruit trees.

However, as Jia Ren's combat power increased, the enemy became stronger and stronger.

The longevity talisman refined from the longevity enchantment fruit is useless against monsters. Mahayana monks can kill them with all their strength, saving the time of refining the longevity talisman.

To kill a Mahayana monk, at least dozens of longevity talismans will be consumed, and the refining cost is not a small amount.

The longevity wheel is even more useless and useless.

This has also brought the research on magic weapons to a near standstill.

With the appearance of the life-reducing treasure light, the longevity wheel comes into play.

The third life-reducing treasure light is much more troublesome. The effect of the longevity wheel is too simple to support becoming the third power. It also takes a lot of time and energy to refine a more powerful treasure.

Many materials are insufficiently prepared and there are no refining ideas.

In addition, the longevity reduction Baoguang cannot be exchanged for a qualitative improvement, so it can only be put on hold temporarily.

Pause your research and focus your energy on cultivation.

More than one hundred and thirty years have passed, and the Tianbao spiritual power in the Demon Sealing Spirit Tower is not a small amount.

Jia Ren returned to the training room and absorbed all the Tianbao spiritual power accumulated for many years in one breath.

The progress of cultivation has been increasing, and it is close to 95%, and the completion of the integration period is getting closer and closer.

By collecting all the treasures needed to advance to the Mahayana stage, you can take a step further and reach the strongest state in the mortal world.

Jia Ren found a total of three kinds of treasures that can assist in promotion to the Mahayana stage. They can increase the probability of promotion by 50%.

However, the requirements were still not met.

Lingbao Sect has not given up looking for such treasures. Unfortunately, treasures of this level are rare no matter what period they are in.

Although Xuan Jie has recovered a lot of energy after recuperation, it is still unable to give birth to a top treasure of this level in a short period of time.

Although Yaowang Peak has a large number of elixirs and inheritance, there are no elixirs that can be promoted to the Mahayana stage.

If not, Yaowang Peak would not be short of Mahayana monks.

There are no treasures to assist in advancing to the Mahayana stage. If you want to advance to the Mahayana stage, you can only rely on yourself and leave it to fate.

A strong man of this level is something that heaven and earth cannot tolerate. When a calamity comes, it will be too difficult to advance without the aid of treasures.

Lingbao Sect has had many examples of failed promotions to the Mahayana stage. Every monk who has grown to the combined stage is a top genius.

They also fell on the road to the Mahayana stage.

With so many examples of failure in front of him, Jia Ren didn't want to end up in the same end, so he naturally had to do his best to collect similar treasures to avoid failure in promotion and death.

There are no similar treasures in the world of immortality, so entering other worlds of cultivation to find such resources is the best choice.

Jia Ren found a way out for himself in advance: the Qianhuang of Daqian Kingdom.

Emperor Qian is in charge of a realm's resources. No one can advance to the Mahayana stage, and the corresponding resources must be firmly in his hands.

Even if the remaining cultivation progress does not swallow the Xuantian Spiritual Treasure, but only swallows the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure, it can still raise one's cultivation to the perfection of the integration stage.

When your cultivation reaches this level, you must prepare the corresponding treasures in advance and advance to the Mahayana stage at any time.

The sheep have been raised for so long that they are ready for slaughter!

"How is the situation in Qianjie?"

A traceable fairy jade appeared in Jia Ren's palm, which recorded the situation of the three realms.

Qi Ling pays close attention to it, and if any problem occurs, he will know it immediately.

Today, the Traceable Immortal Spirit Jade has recovered most of its condition, which is enough to reach 70% of its peak state. It will not be a problem to monitor the Three Realms for itself.

The picture corresponding to the Kingdom of Qian gradually enlarged, and the picture corresponding to the Kingdom of Daqian emerged.

Emperor Qian took precautions because of prying.

At first Emperor Qian paid great attention to it, and the defense was dozens of times tighter than before to guard against possible dangers.

In the end, it was just a false alarm.

You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no way to prevent a thief for a thousand days.

More than a hundred years have passed, and they have long since given up their vigilance, and everything has returned to its original state.

Jia Ren found the location of Emperor Qian, but did not spy in detail to avoid arousing the other party's vigilance.

"It's time to move!"

"After obtaining the treasure, return immediately without getting too entangled."

Since we have decided to deal with the Death Immortal in the Mahayana period, we will never act in advance to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

This time I went to the Qian Realm just to get the treasure for my promotion to the Mahayana stage, nothing more.

Jia Ren turned into a golden-winged roc and flew out of Lingbao Sect, tearing the void apart and turning into an aurora and flying towards the direction of Qianjie.

In less than twenty days, we have reached our destination.

The dzi bead moves, and the eagle claws quietly open the bridge into the Qian world and enter it.

All the way towards the direction of Daqian Kingdom.

The scene in Daqian Kingdom was no different from the scene he saw through tracing the fairy jade, and everything was calm.

The powers of Deception Pearl, Mirror Flower Shenyue and Nine-tailed Fox are operating to the extreme to avoid being discovered first.

The weak points of the formation in the Daqian Palace had already been discovered by Jia Ren. He quietly entered the Daqian Palace and rushed towards the location of Emperor Qian.

There were no setbacks along the way and it was extremely smooth.

Not long after, Emperor Qian was glimpsed in the inner hall of the palace from a distance.

Take action?

With full combat power, Jia Ren can confidently defeat his opponent even if Emperor Qian has an immortal treasure in his possession.

As long as Emperor Qian is dealt with quickly enough, the Death Immortal will have already escaped with the treasure before his will is revived.

For some reason, Jia Ren always had a bad premonition.

He decided to err on the side of caution and determine if there was something wrong with the man.

Ziyuan Divine Demonic Eyes were powerful, purple light emerged in the pupils, looking at Emperor Qian in the distance.

Although spying on Emperor Qian carries the risk of being exposed, it is better than having problems and stepping into a trap.

Facts have proved that there is no mistake in being cautious, and the situation is indeed different.

The person in front of him is not Emperor Qian, but King Da Qianwu, who is the clone of Emperor Qian.

What do you want to do if you pretend to be the real person?

Jia Ren cast his purple-gold eyes on the bronze armor and finally discovered the clue.

This object has invisible secret power, and seems to have a special energy to communicate with the heaven and earth, forming a special resonance.

Once you take action, the will of the dead immortal will be awakened!

Does Emperor Qian already know that I am spying in secret?

Is this a trap prepared for me? !

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