Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 716 The middle stage of true immortality, the Chaos Baolian Immortal Body!

After reaching the level of magical power, I thought it was the limit and could not go any further.

I never expected that there would be a higher level than the Tao level.

Jia Ren glanced at the proficiency panel, most of his joy was extinguished, and there was unconcealable regret in his eyes.

Not all magical powers have a + sign for breaking the limit. Only the mysterious magical powers that change their appearance can undergo the fourth limit breaking.

There has been no such change in the proficiency panel, and everything was normal before the birth of Tianbao Transformation Technique.

This result occurred after he was promoted to a true immortal through the ever-changing laws.

This means that the fourth limit breaking of the spell is inseparable from the power of the law!

"No wonder I couldn't break the limit for the fourth time before. That's it!"

After the three thousand avenues turned into three thousand tricks, there was no corresponding power of law between heaven and earth, and the proficiency panel was restricted, staying at the skill level.

Are the prerequisites for the fourth limit breaking corresponding to the rules of the spell?

Do you need to master the corresponding power of law?

Or do there need to be corresponding laws between heaven and earth?

There is not much difference between the two for Jia Ren.

Only if he can enter a world where there is no deception in the world can he confirm the truth.

The most urgent thing is to see the state of skills that are close to the Tao level.

"Break the limit!"

Jia Ren did not hesitate at all and decisively broke the limit for the fourth time.

The proficiency panel becomes blurry again, lasting far longer than expected.

After the tea time, the two limit-breaking secret techniques disappeared, leaving only... the unknown disguise technique (performance level: 0/12800)

At the same time, Jia Ren had new insights in his mind.

There is a difference between the acting level and the Tao level. There is no upper limit for a magic power, it can evolve infinitely, and its power will never end.

The required qualifications are skill limit breaking points and magical powers of the corresponding system.

Using similar magical powers, he has grown to an unimaginable level.

As long as it has the corresponding system's magical powers and skill breaking points, it can grow indefinitely.

Is this acting at the legal level?

Jia Ren was stunned for a moment, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

Acting at the magic level is indeed a qualitative leap, which is completely different from before.

There is no shortage of skill limit-breaking points. The number of skill limit-breaking points accumulated over thousands of years is an extremely huge number.

As long as a large number of similar magical powers are obtained for performing, this method of disguise will reach incredible levels.

"Unfortunately, I only have the power of one law and cannot upgrade other magic powers to the level of magic performance."

After all, people are greedy creatures. Jia Ren has seen the power of the acting level, and there is a huge gap in his heart.

If you want to reach the performance level of all magical powers and secret techniques, you must master the power of all laws!

We can only hope that after Tianbao's Immortal Transformation Skill breaks through the limit, he can use other types of laws to have a chance to achieve his wish.


Jia Ren put aside the acting matters and continued to transform the huge Tianbao fairy power in the Xuantian Town Immortal and Demon Tower.

Wisps of Tianbao Immortal Power were transformed into Tianbao Immortal Power after double transformation with the skills and the natal Xuantian Immortal Treasure.

The newly born true immortal power was drawn and flew into the illusory stars.

The dark and silent 'void' was gradually lit up by stars, shining in all directions.

One by one, the star immortal apertures are filled with the huge Tianbao immortal power, like twinkling stars in the sky.

Time passed quickly, and the stars lit up the night sky one by one, reaching twelve in number.

The twelve immortal orifices flash endlessly, forming a new cycle that starts over and over again.

This is not the end. When the thirteenth immortal orifice is gradually filled with Tianbao's immortal power, the immortal energy far more powerful than before ripples around the body.

At this point, Jia Ren's cultivation has reached the middle stage of true immortality.

All the heavenly treasures and immortal power in the Xuantian Town Immortal and Demon Tower were consumed. A total of twenty-four immortal orifices in the Dantian Cave were lit, but only the twenty-fourth immortal orifice was not completed.

Thousands of years of accumulation were once squandered, and the cultivation level advanced by leaps and bounds.

If the quality of the newly born Tianbao Immortal Transformation Power were not higher, and each transformation consumes more Tianbao Immortal Power, the cultivation level would definitely reach the late stage of True Immortal.

This is already a good result.

The transformation of the immortal power is over, leaving only the Baoguang Body Refining Technique and the Ten Thousand Transformation Beast King Body waiting to be broken.

The Baoguang Body Refining Technique is a body refining technique, and the Ten Thousand Transformations Beast King Body is a special magical power that increases one's body. The combination of the two is even more powerful.

Jia Ren was the first to break the limit with the Baoguang Body Refining Technique, which is second only in importance to the Tianbao Immortal Transformation Technique.

"Break the limit!"

The Baoguang Body Refining Technique has followed the same path as the Tianbao Lingyuan Gong, transforming from an ordinary person to an immortal, and officially promoted to the Immortal Dao Kung Fu.

The advantages of the Chaos Green Lotus Immortal Body and other Xuanxian exercises were integrated to create a brand new Xuanxian body training method.

"Final Dharma Treasure Light!"

Wisps of chaotic energy emerged all over Jia Ren's body. The eight-level magic weapon light absorbed the chaotic energy and turned into gray.

The gray magic weapon radiates out, and wherever it passes, a large amount of fairy spiritual energy pours into the body, and transfers into the heaven, earth, mountains and sea beads at an astonishing speed.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Heaven and Earth Mountain Sea Pearl was quickly replaced by the spiritual energy of immortals, completely changing the world.

From then on, elixirs can be grown in Heaven, Earth, Mountains and Sea Pearls.

Ordinary elixirs have more medicinal properties when nourished by fairy spiritual energy. Spirit fish and spirit beasts can be nourished and grow faster.

It can be said that one person attains enlightenment, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

While maintaining the light of the Mo Dharma Treasure and absorbing the immortal spiritual energy into the Heaven, Earth, Mountains and Sea Pearls, Jia Ren observed his own changes.

I don't know when a vivid lotus appeared on the chest, which looked somewhat similar to the Chaos Green Lotus Immortal Body.

The former has nine lotus patterns, while the latter only stays on the chest, a vivid lotus.

The massive amount of fairy spiritual energy absorbed by the Mo Dharma Treasure Light was divided into a batch and injected into the position of the lotus. The lotus mark seemed to come alive and turned into a white lotus exuding treasure light.

Lotus flowers spread all over the body, forming a lotus armor that emits white light.

Pauline's abilities don't stop there.

"White Lotus Shake!"

Jia Ren recalled the magical notes about Qinglian Yao and Qinglian Crossing in his mind, and subconsciously used them in a similar way.

The white lotus shook gently, and the area affected by the magic weapon light was affected, forming a huge tide of chaos.

Wherever the chaotic gray energy touches, everything will shatter, and nothing can stop it, as if it is going to bring the world into chaos.

The White Lotus Shake is exactly the same as the genuine Green Lotus Shake, with a wider range of influence and more terrifying lethality.

"Is this... fused with the ability of the Mo Dharma Treasure Light?"

The Momo Treasured Light is not only an auxiliary light that absorbs the immortal spiritual energy, but combined with the activated White Lotus state, it has officially become an immortal magical power with terrifying lethality and a huge range of influence.

Not only that, there is no need to consume fairy spiritual power to perform the White Lotus Shake. The fairy spiritual energy absorbed by the Mo Magic Bao can be used to perform this magical power.

This means that Jia Ren's spiritual power is exhausted, but he also retains terrifying combat power.

The Mo Dharma Treasure Light originally turned the land of Mo Dharma on its own. The new Mo Dharma Treasure Light cooperates with the White Lotus Shake to turn the world into chaos.

After transformation, it brings you surprises beyond your imagination.

Bai Lian Yao's cast was successful, and he couldn't wait to try it a second time.

"White Lotus Crossing!"

Jia Ren aimed at the boulder in the distance and used it according to a technique similar to Qingliandu.

What entered the inside of the boulder was not a white lotus, but a huge amount of immortal spiritual energy.

The fairy spiritual energy absorbed through the light of the Mo Dharma Treasure can all be transferred into the target's body as long as one has a thought.

Immortal spiritual energy can improve the cultivation of immortals, but if it is exceeded, it will be harmful and useless.

The spirit fish and spirit beasts in the Heaven and Earth Mountain Sea Pearl have a deep understanding of this.

Bailiandu transfers a huge amount of fairy spiritual energy into the enemy's body in an instant. The amount far exceeds the endurance limit and is enough to burst the enemy.

When I perform White Lotus Crossing, can I add some powerful ingredients?

For example, mixed with strange energy and pollution with strange power?

Or send the pseudo-clone into the target's body using the White Lotus Crossing method?

If the enemy is caught off guard, he will definitely suffer a big loss.

Jia Ren tried the third and fourth moves again, but unfortunately, both Qingliansheng and Qinglianchen failed.

"The new body training technique should be renamed Chaos Baolian Immortal Body!"

On the proficiency panel, the name of the unknown body-refining technique changed to Chaos Baolian Immortal Body.

"The end of magic treasure light can be renamed as the end of magic chaos treasure light."

The birth of the Chaos Baolian Immortal Body means that it will not take long for him to embark on the path of the Mysterious Immortal.

The paths of true immortals and mysterious immortals go hand in hand.

"The power of law is integrated into the body!"

The law of petrification can form petrified skin and enhance the body's defense capabilities. This is the power of the law that is most suitable for body refining among the existing Xuantian Lingbao.

Jia Ren used the Rongbao Na method to condense the Rong Bao Na method furnace, and put the Xuantian Stone Spirit Pot with the power of the petrification law into it.

The body of the pot collapsed and turned into white ash at the bottom of the furnace, and the petrified law poured into the cave of Dantian.


The ever-changing laws that have been integrated with Tianbao's immortal power emerged, and a huge repulsive force was emitted, forcibly expelling foreign enemies from the body.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain!

True immortals can only master the power of one law and are not allowed to have a second law.

This result far exceeded expectations.

Jia Ren tried several times, but was still unable to integrate the petrification law into his body.

The forces of the two laws constantly collided, causing him to be seriously injured.

In desperation, he could only send out the power of the petrified law.

He has no treasure to store the power of the law. The Lingbao and Tongtian Lingbao cannot carry the power of the law. He can only watch the petrified law return to the world.

"What a big loss!"

Because of his own mistakes, Jia Ren had a Xuantian Spiritual Treasure and the power of the law completely destroyed. This was the result of his lack of 'culture'.

If I can't absorb the power of law and integrate it into my immortal body, won't I be unable to go further on my path to immortality?

We can only hope that the Chaos Baolian Immortal Body can be cultivated to the extreme and find a new path.

"Only the last Myriad Beast King body is left!"

Jia Ren found the body of the Ten Thousand Transformations Beast King from the proficiency panel, and was about to break the limit when suddenly, a strong sense of crisis arose.

Touched by a whim, images of the petrified body emerged in his mind.

A strong force of strange laws invaded, and he was about to be permanently petrified here.

Is this a virtual-level petrification trick? !

The incident that he spied made Jia Ren completely confused. His eyes looking at the sky were filled with disbelief.

This won't be...

The petrified law that was just 'released' turned into a virtual level monster, right? !

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