Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 764 Bone explosion burial, prejudice

Everyone's faces were filled with fear and despair, and they looked down anxiously.

The whirlpool presented by the Starry River is like a giant mouth of the abyss swallowing life, about to bury all living beings.

"Get out!"

Unable to bear the pressure, a loose immortal flew away from the Xingliu Shenzhou and fled far away.

When other people saw this situation, they were also excited for a moment and followed suit.

Before the latecomers could fly away from the Xingliu Shenzhou, what happened in the next moment left them stunned on the spot.

The Sanxian who escaped from the Xingliu Shenzhou was sucked by invisible gravity and fell straight into the Xingyuan River.

Silver waves rolled, but there was no more movement.

A living life was lost in the endless river of stars.

With the living example in front of them, those who imitated him were frightened, and no one dared to escape from the Xingliu Shenzhou.

Jia Ren extracted the vertebrae, as if he was in the last act of madness before death. No one paid much attention to his death as he approached.

The rolled flesh and blood on the back of the neck has returned to its original state, and the spine has grown at an alarming rate, looking not much different from before.

The bones squirmed like living creatures, gradually turning into a bone spear, and a strange power surged inside.

Everyone finally realized what was unusual about Jia Ren and cast surprised glances.

The skinny Immortal Lord seemed to feel something. The moment he saw the bone spear, his eyes stung, and his abdomen felt a dull pain.

This reminded him of unbearable memories.

The look he gave me was one of shock and annoyance.

Jia Ren didn't want to set foot on the Xingyuan River to fight with the star shark up close, it was too dangerous.

If a high-grade immortal weapon enters the Starfield River, it will lose control, and it will also waste an important treasure that enhances cultivation.

The quality of the bone spear is not inferior to that of high-grade immortal weapons, and the key point is that it can be regenerated.

It is a good choice to use bones as spears to act as a means of long-range attack.

He would also like to thank Kun Mingyuan, the master of Gui Palace, for his personal guidance. The bone spear he threw was astonishingly fast, and the scene of nailing the Immortal Lord was still vivid in his mind.

Jia Ren held the spine spear tightly in his right hand and poured all his strength into it.

The spear body exuded a dark white color, and with a strong throw, it disappeared as if teleporting.

It's so fast!

It was so fast that only Xianjun could barely catch the trajectory.

The star shark was swallowing the water of the Xingyuan River. Before it could react, a bone spear penetrated its body from its mouth.

The huge force forced the body to fall downwards, fixing it firmly on the bottom of the river like a steel nail, making it difficult to move.

The sudden change took the star shark by surprise, and the pain made it scream.

A large amount of Xingyuan River water poured into the wound. They did not damage the flesh and blood of the star shark, nor did they imagine the tragic situation of corroding all the flesh and blood.

The star shark seems to be the darling of the stars and is not affected by the water of the Xingyuan River.

The water from the Xingyuan River flows into the Star Shark's body, corroding the bone spear and filling it with holes at an alarming rate.

Jia Ren's cold and ruthless voice came out: "Bone blast burial!"

The next moment, the bone spear that penetrated the star shark's body suddenly exploded, like a muffled thunder rising from the bottom of the river.

Countless bone fragments spread throughout the star shark's body like a goddess scattering flowers, impacting everywhere.

Each flying bone fragment has amazing vitality. Each bone fragment grows at an astonishing speed, and the interlaced spikes grow wildly.

There is not a single piece of intact flesh and blood in Star Shark's body, and bone spurs are scattered all over.

The silver-white blood almost blends into the river surface, making it difficult to separate.

"This guy won't come back again!"

Jia Ren felt that the star shark still had breath left and was not dead.

The star beast, which is comparable to the Immortal Lord level, has a tenacious vitality and is not easy to kill. Even if it is killed, there will be no benefit.

This move is enough to make it retreat, and there will be no further trouble in the future.

If Star Shark hadn't endangered himself by taking action, Jia Ren would never have taken action.

There will be no benefit in crossing the Starfield River in the future, so why waste your energy solving troubles for others.

"Let's go!"

Star Shark hadn't been seen out of the river for a long time, and everyone was quite frightened.

The Xingliu Shenzhou sailed away, and the Star Shark did not pursue it. They just breathed a sigh of relief and finally got through this disaster safely.

Everyone looked at Jia Ren with gratitude and awe.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for saving my life..."

The survivors were about to thank Jia Ren, but they saw him disappear.

In its place was a pure black coffin, with countless mysterious beings drowning in it, seeming to bury the target in the coffin forever.

"Xuan Shui Ming Coffin!"

Black light surged in the heart of Dry Skin Immortal Monarch's palm, and it was this person who made a sneak attack.

There was a blur above the black water coffin, revealing Jia Ren's figure.

After Star Shark was severely injured, he confirmed that he would not take action. He turned his attention to the Immortal Lord who was in the same boat, guessing that the other party would take action against him.

Facts have proved that everything is as expected.

Jia Ren stared at the skinny Immortal Lord and said indifferently: "Is this how you treat your savior?"

The sudden change was beyond everyone's expectations, and everyone turned pale with fear.

One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen.

Both of them are Immortal Lord-level experts, and a conflict broke out on the Xingliu Shenzhou, with unimaginable consequences.

Jia Ren took action to save everyone. Everyone was grateful and glared angrily at the Immortal Lord: "This man saved our lives, why do you repay kindness with enmity?"

The Golden Immortal of the Xingliu Sect came to his senses and spoke to dissuade him: "Once the Xingliu Divine Boat is destroyed, everyone will be buried here."

"Two seniors, please calm down and don't take action! Even if there is an unsolvable grudge, how about leaving Xingyuan Changhe to resolve it privately?"

The Skinny Immortal Lord snorted coldly: "If you don't take your own life into consideration, how can you take action? I don't accept this favor from you."

"This person is a powerful deceitful demon king, with amazing strength!"

"I can still die with him on the Xingyuan River. Once I leave this place, I am no match and everyone will die."

"In that case, it's better to do it here."

Not to mention that he is still seriously injured now, but he was no match for the Master of the Hall of Guilds in his heyday.

This is your only chance to win!

Seven black beads emerged, each one a Xuanming Water God Thunder. This was the only trump card left.

The Xuan Ming Water Divine Thunder transformed into the shape of the Big Dipper, seeming to form a seven-star thunder formation.

"I'm not only talking about this time, but also about the Black Death Demon Realm."

"If I hadn't lured away the two demon kings, how could fellow Taoist escape?"

The Skinny Immortal Lord looked at Jia Ren in disbelief and did not believe this.

"Impossible, this is definitely the trick of Lord Gui."

It's hard not to be suspicious of two identical methods.

At the end of the sentence, he was speechless.

This method is exactly the same as that of the Master of the Guilty Palace. What is unusual is that the other party's bone spear is a little cunning.

The bone spear that this person pulled from his body was clean and pure, without any weird aura.

Just because two people use the same attack method, it cannot be concluded that it is a trick.

"Do you have any backup plans in the Black Death Demon Realm?"

"Confirm whether the Master of the Hall of Creatures is still in the Black Death Demon Realm. You can determine that he is not this person."

"Fellow Taoist drags a group of innocent people and forces them to die together with me... If the wrong target is killed and the enemy goes unpunished, what's the point?"

The Skinny Immortal Lord was silent, raised his hand, and the black water coffin disappeared out of thin air.

Although he has not dispelled his doubts in his heart, he also understands that this is no longer the time to take action.

If you report any doubts about this person, there will be an Immortal at the level of Daluo Jinxian in Donghua Immortal Domain to find out his identity, so you don’t have to worry about it yourself.

Thinking of this, he handed over his hands and apologized: "I was reckless, please forgive me, fellow Taoist."

Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief when they saw the two men getting back together.

Before they could say anything else, a Star Stream Divine Boat was speeding towards this place.

There were two Immortal Lord-level experts standing on the boat. They finally felt relieved that their divine boat was not damaged.

Two Starstream Divine Boats approached, and two escaping lights just flew onto the boats.

The two Immortal Lords were dressed similarly, wearing Xingliu Sect's standard Taoist robes. One had long and narrow eyebrows, and he was playing with two silver lead beads in his right hand.

Another person's face is like a crown jade, with a pair of red and phoenix eyes.

The former was silent and somewhat indifferent.

The latter's attitude was quite enthusiastic, and he smiled from a distance and said: "Xuanling Immortal Lord, I didn't expect to see fellow Taoist again. I would like to help you."

"This Taoist friend is new to me. He is following the path of proving the Tao through strength. There is only Mingluo Hall in the Donghua Immortal Domain? Are you inexplicably a Taoist friend of Mingluo Hall?"

"It's been a long time since I've heard of an Immortal Lord coming out of Mingluo Palace who has demonstrated the path to Taoism."

A few sentences explore Jia Ren's identity.

The Xuanling Immortal Lord suspected that Jia Ren was a devious Taoist Immortal, which was alarming, and the Xingliu Sect could not let it go.

It’s okay if you don’t know, you can still shirk the blame.

The Xingliu Sect sent a deceitful demon king into the Donghua Immortal Realm, which would be a big trouble.

"I am not from Mingluo Palace, but I have dealt with Yan Yuanwu several times."

After hearing Yan Yuanwu's words, several people nodded.

The Immortal Lord holding two lead beads moved his lips slightly, not knowing how to contact the person, as if to determine his identity.

"This is a thank you gift to two fellow Taoists."

The two fairy bags were thrown over and flew towards Jia Ren and Ganshou Fairy Lord respectively.

The two of them accepted the gifts without being polite.

Jia Ren took a closer look and found that the Immortal Bag contained 100,000 pieces of green immortal jade, as well as a high-grade immortal artifact.

It's a big deal.

Xinghua Immortal Lord looked at Jia Ren and said: "The Star Shark can refine the Xingliu Divine Boat, which is very important to the Xingliu Sect. The two fellow Taoists will slay demons together, and they will also give each other generous gifts."

Can Star Shark refine the Star Stream Shenzhou?

Is the Xingliu Shenzhou that I'm riding on now made by a star shark?

Is this the reason why Star Shark attacked Star Stream Shenzhou?

"I'm not interested."

Jia Ren and Xuan Lingxianjun refused without hesitation. With a bit of regret on their faces, they returned to the previous Xingliu Shenzhou and sailed all the way to the northeast.

Killing the star shark, solving the hidden dangers in the waterway, or building another star stream divine boat are all top priorities.

Everyone returned to the cabin and flew all the way towards Donghua Immortal Realm.

In less than half a day, the ban was triggered.

The person who came was clearly Xuanling Immortal Lord.

Jia Ren confirmed that there was only one person, and he was not worried that the seriously injured guy would pose a threat to him, so he simply welcomed him in.

Immortal Lord Xuanling looked ashamed, raised his hands and apologized: "I have misunderstood the identity of fellow Taoist, please forgive me."

"I just got the news from Fellow Daoist Yan. Fellow Daoist turns out to be the new deputy master of Mingluo Palace."

"You and I are both from the Donghua Immortal Realm. We tried to save my life twice, but instead repaid kindness with hatred. I am unworthy of my fellow Taoist."

"If my fellow Taoist is in trouble, you can come to Xuanming Immortal Sect to find me."

"But if you have something to ask for, you will go through fire and water without hesitation."

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