Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 768: Treat guests well and donate blood for free

Jia Ren held the horns and felt the response from inside. Linghuan's sincerity and the divine omen seemed to be touched.

Tianji Divine Omen and Linghuan cooperated sincerely, and the effect was remarkable, and they could vaguely feel the vague malice coming from them.

This trip won't be too smooth.

A bone sharp cone protruded from the fingertip of the left hand, pierced the tip of the index finger, and then retracted, healing quickly.

Before a drop of blood fell to the ground, it had already turned into a figure indistinguishable from him.

There is a god in the blood, and even if the body is destroyed, the blood can be reborn with drops of blood and rebuild the body.

The clone formed from blood retains extremely powerful combat power.

The blood clone flew towards the area pointed by Qishan Demon Lord. Even if there was a trap here, the clone could lay the ground for him.

The avatar does not have many means at its disposal, and can only use the Mysterious Way and a few corresponding secret techniques of flesh and blood.

It just so happens that the Wanhua True Spirit Body is also included in this list.

The blood clone transformed into a golden-winged roc and rushed towards its destination.

Jia Ren hid behind him, keeping millions of miles away from his clone.

The golden-winged roc transformed from the blood clone was not slow and hurried on with all its strength. After several hours, it finally reached its destination.

Lord Qishan looked at Jia Ren, his bull's-eyes were filled with strange light, and he was more confused.

If it weren't for the aura of horns on the opponent's body, he would have thought that the person coming was a golden-winged roc with noble blood.

The bull demon transformed into a tall and strong man with his upper body bare and black cowhide covering his lower body. He tentatively asked, "Fellow Taoist from Mingluo Hall?"

"Qishan Demon Lord?" The blood clone also looked at the strong man transformed by the bull demon: "I am the deputy master of Mingluo Hall, do you have something important to discuss this time?"

The golden-winged roc bird quickly transformed into a green-robed Taoist.

"Where are the demon clan's skills for sale in Tianze Territory? The more skills that are above the Golden Fairy Realm, the better."

It's rare to meet a communication target and want to get information from him.

Demon clan skills?

Qishan Demon Lord was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: "Didn't Mingluo Palace want to get the blood of all spirits stored there?"

Does it retain a batch of spirit blood?

This really saves you a lot of energy.

"If you have the essence and blood of all spirits, you will naturally not miss it and be willing to pay fellow Taoists."

Qishan Demon Lord was stunned for a moment and heard the reward for the first time.

Venerable Mingluo came to ask for blood essence, but you didn’t give it?

If I beat you and then beg for it, I will naturally give it to you...

This must be a lack of confidence, so he will give himself a small profit.

Recalling the domineering Lord Mingluo and the countless ravages, Qishan Demon Lord's suppressed anger rose again.

"Dear guest, please come with me. I will take you to retrieve the treasure."

Qishan Demon Lord leads the way.

The blood clone didn't know what fear was, and strode into the cave in the distance.

Before he had taken a few steps, he seemed to feel something and looked back.

The tiger demon and the ape demon appeared at some point, blocking Jia Ren's retreat. The two demon beasts exuded a demon king-level aura.

"It does smell like the blood of all spirits!"

"Without Mingluo, old ghost, how dare you come to the demon clan's territory to run wild?!"

The yellow tiger roared, the tiger's roar shocked the mind, the tiger's claws glowed with yellow light, and he slapped Jia Ren on the head with one claw.

The blood clone reacted quickly and transformed into a pure white giant tiger.

The two 'tiger monsters' collided together.

The power of Huang Hu's bloodline is not comparable to that of White Tiger, and he is just a parallel import if he can't stand the people coming.

Bai Sensen's tiger claws collided with the yellow tiger. The pure white giant collapsed at the touch and flew backwards heavily.

"You dare to pretend to be my sacred tiger. You will live or die." The yellow tiger is unyielding when it is in power, and every time the tiger's claws scratch, it will bring up a wisp of yellow smoke.

The pure white giant tiger was covered with bloodstains all over its body. The bloodstains were entangled with yellow gas, and abscesses were constantly forming. The flesh and blood rotted and could not be healed for a long time.

Disease? No, there is hidden killing inside, it's more like a variant of the disease law.

The blood clone stood up unsteadily, and its body gradually collapsed, as if it was on the verge of disintegration.

Dark golden tiger eyes looked around, looking for hidden dangers.

The purpose of coming here this time is to find out the strength of the attacker, and to confirm whether there are any other troubles.

The biggest trouble is only three demon kings, and there are no other strong ones hiding.


The power of the disease continued to spread, and the flesh and blood disintegrated and turned into flesh.

The three of them looked at the carrion on the ground and were speechless for a moment.

The people coming from Mingluo Palace are much weaker than expected...

Can I still eat at this table?

The long-browed old ape frowned and said, "This is a clone, and the person who comes here is not the original one."

Jia Ren judged the strength of the three demon kings and finally felt at ease.

Once you defeat the three demon kings, you will receive high-quality demon blood.

There are many factors that determine the quality of the All Souls Blood Source Pill, not only the alchemist's level of alchemy.

The higher the quality of the demon blood, the better the effect of the elixir.

If the blood of Ten Thousand True Spirits is at worst demon king level, its efficacy will not be comparable to that of ordinary Ten Thousand Spirits Blood Source Pill, and its efficacy will be increased a hundred times.

If he wants to open up the situation in Tianze Territory, he must first subdue the three demons and open up the situation.

In the future, we might even need to use them to collect the essence and blood of all spirits.

"Get out of the way!"

There was a long black stick in the old ape's hand, and he waved it into the wind, showing an iron-blooded killing intent.

The black and red blood tide turned into a roaring giant ape that looked up to the sky and crashed down towards the deserted place.


The black root seemed to be as heavy as a mountain. The moment it was swung out, the black stick turned into a black iron black stick and crashed down.

The stick weighs as much as a billion pieces, and wherever it passes, the space is torn apart like paper, leaving black marks.

Jia Ren's figure appeared at this moment, and the long-browed old ape used some magical power to sense the location of Jia Ren's appearance.

A palm seemed to poke out from the void, and its five fingers grasped the black root. The destructive power that burst out could not crush the fleshy palm.

The white palm has unpredictable power, and the five fingers firmly block it.

The old ape activated his arms, but was unable to make the black stick advance any further, making it difficult to withdraw it.

"Is this how you treat guests?"

Jia Ren exerted force on his fingertips, and there seemed to be suction between his palms. Wisps of essence overflowed from the black stick, and large pieces of iron filings continued to fall.

The right palm seemed to open a huge mouth of the abyss, greedily devouring the power in the black stick.

The old ape's eyes were cold, and he shook the black stick in his hand. The next moment, the black stick was as light as a feather, and his palm was weak, and he watched helplessly as the black stick flew away from his hand.

The rule of severity?

Lord Qishan roared angrily, no longer maintaining his human body, and turned into a black bull with a demonic body and a dark black color, running towards him with all four hooves.

It comes menacingly, and its horns exude incomparable power, giving people a feeling that nothing can resist it.

The law of brute force?

Huang Hu's surging disease energy and yellow smoke spread everywhere, forming a ubiquitous disease spiritual realm, weakening the enemy's strength every moment.

How can three demon kings unite to win?

Jia Ren had no worries in his heart, and the situation in front of him was nothing to worry about.

The left eye was as red as blood, and the right eye was like a black abyss.

The black abyss of light in his right eye flashed and fell towards Lord Qishan. The wild bull rushed all the way into the distance, never to return.

When a demon king leaves the battlefield, the situation is much easier to handle.

Huang Hu raised his head and roared: "You are not the old ghost of Mingluo, but you also want to dominate us. All the bastards in Mingluo Palace will die!"

Before the tiger arrived, yellow smoke filled the sky and struck first.

The air of disease and disease is pervasive, and as long as the fairies, demons and monsters are contaminated at all, their strength will plummet and their strength will be reduced sharply.

There seemed to be a dark black light all over Jia Ren's body, and all the disease and disease energy was blocked out, unable to invade at all.

The power of the body has a strong resistance to diseases.

Huang Hu flashed past and struck.

Jia Ren's palms are dark black, as if there is secret power injected into them, and the palms have a feeling of reaching the sky and the earth.

The power of the heaven and the earth filled it. It did not turn into a giant palm, but returned to its normal appearance, and its internal power did not weaken at all.

Slapping the yellow tiger, its body collapsed, as if it were a false body.

It turned into yellow smoke the moment it was hit?

At the same time, the long-browed old ape attacked with a black stick, and the shadow of the stick turned into a continuous mountain curtain.

Before Jia Ren could resist the black stick, the yellow smoke flashed, as if it was about to condense into the body of a yellow tiger behind him, with a tiger on his shoulders.

At this moment, the two demon kings were under pressure.

The red color in Jia Ren's left eye and the black abyss in his right eye flashed at the same time, and at some point, they completed the three-breath resonance.

This is the most powerful move of Zhuyuan Demon Eye, which can affect time.

The only drawback is that after it is activated, it will take three breaths to take effect.

The time around me seemed to have pressed the back button, going backwards by a tenth of a breath.

The only person in the field who was not affected was Jia Ren.

One-tenth of a breath may not seem long, but it is enough to change the direction of the battle, and has the miraculous effect of setting the stage.

The rhythm of the two demon kings was disrupted. One emerged from the yellow smoke as a tiger shadow, while the other maintained a retreating posture.

The long-browed old ape sensed the crisis and immediately retreated after attacking.

Jia Ren's two palms seemed to ignore the space and suddenly stretched out. He hit the yellow tiger with his left hand and grabbed the old ape with the long eyebrows with his right palm.


The thousand-foot space collapsed, and the yellow smoke in the sky disappeared together with Huang Hu's figure, as if it was completely wiped out with a punch.

Jia Ren retracted his left palm, as if he was not the one who threw the terrifying punch.

In the shattered space, yellow smoke and flesh continued to form, re-outlining the shape of a yellow tiger.

Before the body could take shape, a large amount of essence and blood was extracted and put into the white porcelain jade bottle in the palm of his hand.

The yellow tiger regained its tiger shape, its body shriveled up, like a sick tiger.

When he grabbed it with his right palm, the old ape with long eyebrows also fell into his palm. The opponent's body became smaller, and the sound of broken bones and flesh came from his right palm.

A large amount of blood essence flew out and fell into the second white porcelain jade bottle.

"Your essence and blood are pretty good."

Jia Ren put away the two white porcelain jade bottles and praised them sincerely.

He did not take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill the two demons.

The number of demon king-level monsters is getting smaller and smaller. Whether it is to tame them or save them for later blood extraction, it is a good choice.

Killing them is just a one-time deal and not cost-effective.

"I'm here to help you..."

Qishan Demon Lord had just escaped from the illusion and rushed back to rescue him.

One of the two familiar demon kings almost turned into flesh in the other's hands, while the other turned into a sick tiger and stayed aside.

This seemed to awaken an unbearable memory, and my heart trembled for no reason.

The demon king of Qishan turned into a human form, with a dark light glowing in his palms.

Just when Jia Ren thought he was using some kind of innate magical power, Qishan Demon Lord hit him hard on the chest, and a large amount of blood and essence flew out, and all of it was submerged into the jade bottle.

He quickly handed over the warm jade bottle respectfully.

"Please, True Lord, accept my essence and blood."

"It's been a long time since I donated blood to Mingluodian. This feeling makes me miss you."

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