Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 856 The dispute between time and heaven, the truth?

"When I got the Chaos Avenue Bead, I was already being targeted by Time."

"He deliberately changed the time in the past, causing the long river of time to backfire. He was greatly traumatized and tempted me to seize the avenue of time."

"The heavy damage suffered by the time is not false. It is impossible to borrow power from the past and the future. I grabbed the avenue of time without any effort."

"However, everything was as expected by the other party."

"After obtaining the Avenue of Time, I endured part of the backlash of the River of Time on my behalf, and something went wrong when I turned into the Dao Ancestor of Time and Space."

"The time without the Avenue of Time came back and controlled the Avenue of Seizing the Body by some unknown means. When Lao Dai suffered the disaster, Li Daitao mastered the Avenue of Time and Space and the Avenue of Chaos Pearl."

Time Dao Ancestor Kong Ming faintly talked about his past experience, and he was almost wiped out by the time.

Shi Chen suffered an extremely serious injury from the avenue, and used himself as a bait to lure him into the bait. The parasitic avenue he secretly controlled used this plan to become the final winner.

"I discovered that the situation was not good. The Avenue of Space and the Avenue of Chaos Pearl were successively controlled by time. I had no choice but to endure the backlash of the Avenue of Time and fled into the river of time, barely saving my life."

Looking back now, the Time and Space Dao Ancestor still has some lingering fear on his face.

If he didn't react quickly enough and fight for the Space Avenue and Chaos Avenue Beads, he would definitely be eaten up.

The final result of the battle between the two was the exchange of avenues, plus the loss of the creation artifact, the Chaos Avenue Bead.

One became the Taoist of Time, and the other became the Taoist of Heaven.

The opportunity that was his own was taken away from him, and it was reasonable for Kong Ming to form a deadly feud with Shi Shi.

Many mysteries in Jia Ren's heart were finally solved.

No wonder time will become the way of heaven, and Kong Ming will become the ancestor of time. The relationship between the two is very deep.

The subsequent destruction of Immortal Court was a game between the two of them, but judging from the results, Kong Ming pulled the strings.

Jia Ren suddenly thought of something and asked, "Why doesn't Heavenly Dao master the avenue of space?"

He doesn't know if the Chaos Avenue Bead in his Dantian World is the Chaos Avenue Bead. The Chaos Avenue Bead can accommodate a variety of avenues. The other party should master the Space Avenue and not let it wander outside.

Kong Ming glanced at Jia Ren and said with a smile: "The creation artifact is not that easy to master. Each one has its own limitations."

"If you want to completely control the Chaos Avenue Pearl, you must possess the body of Three Thousand Avenues. Otherwise, it will not be able to exert its true power."

"There are not many people in the world who can do it, not me, not even Shi Chen."

"Shichen wants to become the Heavenly Dao that controls the three thousand avenues. Others can only control the avenues he has differentiated. All Taoist ancestors are under his control, and life and death can all be done in a single thought. By then, although he is not the master of creation, , but also controls half of the corresponding power."

"With order as the cornerstone, he influences and controls the other three thousand avenues and incarnates as a pseudo-heaven."

"It is countless times more difficult to replenish the body of three thousand avenues the day after tomorrow. Shi Chen wants to use this to transform into the true way of heaven."

"This approach made many Xuantian Clan feel a sense of crisis. They gave up the power of the avenue and entered chaos to seek a chance of survival."

"No one is in charge of the Space Avenue. This is the time when the incarnation of Heavenly Dao is used as bait to lure me into the bait. In the end, it is Immortal Yuqiong who catches the bait."

The fairy world is indeed dangerous!

In the past, there was the one who became the Dao of Heaven and sought to seize their power of the Dao. In the future, there is the Creator Master who will wake up from unknown time.

Faced with this dangerous environment, giving up the power of the avenue and escaping from this world is the most helpless choice.

If it were him, he would think about running away.

"The collapse of the heavenly order has damaged his strength. The well of gods and demons has been opened. Pollution and erosion have caused Shichen to fall into the deceitful path. The Chaos Avenue Bead is bred in your body. It becomes increasingly difficult for him to maintain the state of heaven. This is what Shichun wants to get rid of you. The reason why it’s so fast.”

The Chaos Avenue Pearl is controlled by Tiandao. Anyone who wants to get involved with the Chaos Avenue Pearl and Tiandao is his enemy.

"I have no ill intentions towards you, and I have no intention of getting back the things from the past. If I hadn't concealed the secret for you, the time would have come to your doorstep."

The Time Dao Ancestor stared at Jia Ren with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes: "To this day, I am glad that I was plotted against by the time. Otherwise, I would have become the Dao of Heaven..."

"I have always been superstitious about the future glimpsed from the long river of time, so I made this choice."

"Time has countless tributaries leading to the future. Everyone is the protagonist of their own life. When the decisions they make come together, there are endless possibilities."

“Nothing in this world remains the same.”

"I don't ask for much. Solve the way of heaven and don't let the creator of the world resuscitate. We are of the same mind on this point."

"By the way, it's okay if you keep moving forward, but I must remind you something."

"You are close to the origin of the Lord of Creation, and it is easiest to attract it to awaken. Do not enter the time point when He is still alive, otherwise, His power will revive in your body."

"He has arranged many back-up plans for resurrection, and I have eliminated many of them. After all, there is still an existence like the Queen of the West."

"When you gain more power, you will find a way to repair the other two destroyed wells of gods and demons."

"I don't want to be contaminated by my former power and turn into a crazy innate god and demon."

The Time Dao Ancestor sighed and disappeared again.

Jia Ren looked at the place where Kong Ming disappeared, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

Perhaps because of his experience with the Queen of the West, he did not completely believe what the other party said and was not sure whether it was true or false.

However, he has one advantage: he always listens to advice on dangerous matters.

It’s better not to miss the time points related to the Creator Lord.

Jia Ren walked along the long river of time and saw different scenery. When the Creator Lord fell, the three wells of gods and demons were sealed by many Xuantian immortals.

He was like a bystander, standing quietly and watching, with a panoramic view of the seal layout of each Well of Gods and Demons.

Each Well of Gods and Demons is arranged by gathering the power of many Xuantian Immortal Clan, and the seals of the three Wells of Gods and Demons are even more different.

Jia Ren watched and studied quietly, not missing any detail.

Maybe it won't be long before he can come in handy.

Unlike three thousand innate gods and demons, as long as he is given enough time, just one person can transform the corresponding power of the avenue and form the corresponding seal.

Unknowingly, all the arrangements of the three wells of gods and demons were in full view.

"You can go!"

Jia Ren had no idea of ​​moving on and turned to leave.

If you go further, you will reach the creation of the Creator Lord. You will definitely get a glimpse of the Creator Lord, which is not a good thing for you.

Follow the dim yellow river water and return to the time node corresponding to you at an astonishing speed.

Next, correct the mistakes you made and re-seal the Queen of the West.

Jia Ren returned to the original time point, a long dim yellow river emerged, and a figure in a green robe came from illusion into reality.

There was a look of exhaustion in his eyes.

It takes a lot of effort to pry into the past, and it is naturally not a problem to be the true Taoist ancestor of time and space.

But the Time Dao he transformed was incomplete, the state was damaged, and the consumption was much higher than that of the real Time Dao Ancestor.

Jia Ren couldn't care less about rest. He just recovered and couldn't wait to find the whereabouts of the Queen of the West.

"Where is the Queen of the West?"

His eyes seemed to be able to travel through time and space, surveying the fairy world, and everything was visible before his eyes.

"Got you!"

The next moment, Jia Ren disappeared on the spot.

Black Death Demon Realm.

A deception demon king in black robes was wandering near the outside of the Black Demonic Forest. He felt that more than twenty deception ancestors were guarding the place, and he couldn't help but frown.

The Holy Mother King of the West used special means to take possession of the Demon Lord of the Evil Way, and the Evil Lord of the Evil Way could not see through it without any special means.

There was an opportunity not long ago. A large number of the powerful deception experts who were guarding here left, leaving only three deception ancestors.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Her strength far exceeds that of ordinary Taoist ancestors, and the three deceitful Taoist ancestors will never be able to stop her from destroying the Well of Gods and Demons.

The Holy Mother King of the West was just about to take action, but as a result, the power of space fluctuated, and a large number of deception ancestors were sent here out of thin air.

Similar things happened several times, and great opportunities were missed.

"Damn it Jaren!"

She knew who was the initiator of everything, and she secretly hated the guy who ruined her good deeds.

We can only lurk in secret and wait for the next opportunity.

The number of guile ancestors gathered near the Well of Gods and Demons increased instead of decreasing, and things became increasingly difficult. She could only hibernate and wait quietly.

The Queen of the West Holy Mother is very patient, otherwise, it would be impossible to perfectly disguise herself in the fairy world for so many years, just to find the best opportunity to break the situation.

If the Immortal Court had not declined and she no longer had the ability to seal the Well of Gods and Demons again, she would not have taken action.

Otherwise, the first Well of Gods and Demons would break open and the source of pollution would be re-sealed into the Well of Gods and Demons, which would do nothing but expose her.

She believed she could still find opportunities.

However, at this moment, there was a strong sense of crisis.

A figure wearing a green robe appeared. He looked at the Demon Lord of the Deception with complicated eyes: "King of the Holy Mother of the West, you have betrayed my trust."

The Demon Lord of Deception stared at Jia Ren, and a female voice came from his mouth: "Fellow Taoist, I have been secretly guarding the Well of Gods and Demons, how can I live up to this?"

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Western Holy Mother King, and then her expression returned to normal.

Not long after the two separated, her strength remained unchanged, and this person became the Space Dao Ancestor.

Not only that, he has a lot of Taoist aura, and he has inexplicable power.

The moment Jia Ren first appeared, the Queen of the West Holy Mother seemed to feel that the Lord of Creation was coming to her eyes.

This is an existence that I cannot defeat.

As a professional actor, her status was not affected much, as if she had been acting in accordance with her own agreement.

Jia Ren's eyes were indifferent and his voice was emotionless: "I have entered the river of time."

The words that the Queen of the West Holy Mother was about to respond were stuck in her throat. Now that the matter was over, she no longer pretended, and her flesh and blood transformed into the appearance of a middle-aged beautiful woman.

Her eyes were slightly fanatical: "Your efforts are just a futile struggle!"

"The Lord of Creation will surely be resurrected from your body!"

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