Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 860 Eliminate hidden dangers, the door to disaster?

"I can use the same method to smash the avenue of the Western Holy Mother King. If it doesn't work, I will use the sky-opening ax."

The combination of many forces such as the Five Elements Hunyuan, the Avenue of Power, and the Holy Body of Chaos can actually destroy the avenue.

The same method can also be used on the Queen of the West.

What's more, Jia Ren also has a sky-opening ax.

I don’t believe that I can’t kill the Queen of the West.

He also had to find a way to get the bronze gate. This treasure could become his trump card. He didn't want the Creator Master to return and think of ways to escape.

Jia Ren disappeared on the spot, and when he reappeared, he had come to a cage that only existed in a special time and space rift.

Apart from nothingness here, there was only a ball of flesh and blood slowly squirming, and after a while, it gathered into a beautiful middle-aged woman.

The Queen of the Western Holy Mother stared at Jia Ren and murmured: "Have you found my Lord's creation artifact?"

"Do you want to use this treasure to kill me?"

Jia Ren looked at the Queen of the West and said with a smile: "No, who knows what special connection you have with the Creator? I will not kill you with this thing."

"I sent you into chaos and lost the avenue. It will be much easier to kill you again."

Jia Ren's eyes were fixed on the Queen of the West, trying to get clues from it.

King Xi Sheng Sheng’s expression was startled, but she smiled and said: “It can’t be in your hands!”

"The only treasure in the world that can kill me is the Sky-Opening Ax!"

Is this treasure in the hands of someone familiar with the Queen of the West?

Will this person not lend me this treasure? Did she say this?

The only thing in the world that can kill her is the sky-opening ax?

When the Queen of the West Holy Mother said these words, Jia Ren did not dare to show his sky-opening ax in front of him.

Who knows what will happen when the two backhands left behind by the Creator Master meet?

Maybe this is what the Queen of the West Holy Mother is looking forward to.

Jia Ren's fist was filled with the Five Elements of Hunyuan and the Great Way of Power, and he punched the remaining flesh and blood of the Queen of the West.


Both the body and the avenue collapsed into chaos. The life avenue that was crucial to the life of the Queen of the West Holy Mother collapsed, and her god and soul disappeared into thin air.


Jia Ren felt that the avenue of life remaining here had collapsed, and he was not surprised.

The Queen of the West Holy Mother is one with the Avenue of Life, and the ability to combine the Way is almost immortal. After the body is separated, the complete Avenue cannot be divided.

This is the reason why it cannot be killed.

Jia Ren is enough to destroy the avenue with violence and shatter the avenue of life that the Queen of the West lives on. It will be much easier to deal with her.

Cut the grass without eradicating its roots, but it will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

After getting rid of a clone of the Western Holy Mother King, he rushed to another place without stopping.

"My avenue was damaged and my body was destroyed?"

The repressed body of the Western Holy Mother King transformed into a middle-aged beautiful woman, eyes full of disbelief looking at the arriving Jia Ren.

After so many years of living, this is the first time I have encountered such a thing.

Each space-time cage is separated from each other and is in a different space-time dimension. The Queen of the West Holy Mother does not know what happened to the clones sealed in other areas.

"Open Sky Axe?"

The Queen of the West Holy Mother felt the aura of the Sky-Opening Ax from Jia Ren, and couldn't help but frown.

It stands to reason that this treasure cannot hurt yourself...

"You will soon know the answer."

Jia Ren followed the same method and easily solved the second incomplete child body, then the third, and the fourth.

Wait until all the sealed bodies of the Western Virgin Prince are resolved, then steal the opponent's anchor points and beacons so that they cannot be resurrected.

Without the support of the road, without the resurrection anchor point and beacon, how can you still live after the bones are gone?

She is the only one in the world who controls the Holy Body of Chaos, and it is impossible for her to return from Chaos.

"Another serious problem has been solved. It feels so wonderful!"

As long as we solve all the problems behind the resurrection of the Creator Master of the Immortal World, deal with potential hidden dangers, clean up the pollution between heaven and earth, and re-establish two wells of gods and demons to seal them, we will no longer have any worries.

"You also need to find the bronze door that leaves the fairy world."

People without thought, he must worry about.

The Lord of Creation is extraordinary and far beyond comparison with ordinary people. Even if Jia Ren makes every effort, there is no guarantee that he will be able to prevent the Lord of Creation from being resurrected.

You must prepare your own escape route in advance.

This preparation is to escape into chaos.

A method that would never be used unless absolutely necessary.

The bronze gate must be obtained no matter what.

To do this, he spared no expense.

The Western Holy Mother King said that she would not give this treasure to her own people. The highest probability is... to trick the way of heaven.

However, he was not at ease with Time Daozu.

It cannot be ruled out that this guy is a mole.

The safest way is to first find the Time Dao Ancestor and confirm whether the bronze door leading to Chaos is in his hands.

Although deceiving the way of heaven is also a problem that must be solved, but we must always be prepared for backup.

Jia Ren's eyes turned dim yellow, and the next moment, his eyes seemed to span the river of time.

Time Daozu is not easy to find, and his figure cannot be glimpsed in the river of time. As long as he wants to hide it, the marks of the past in the river of time can be erased.

As long as he is hiding at a difficult-to-find time point, it is not easy to find him.

As long as the other party wants to hide, even if Jia Ren controls the avenue of time, it will be immeasurably difficult to find him.

However, so far, Kong Ming has always shown kindness, and there is no need to hide from him.

If he keeps hiding, it will prove that he has a ghost.

There is only a long, dim yellow river here, and the scenery has never changed, whether in the past, present, or future. The river flows into the distance, as if it has existed forever and will never stop no matter when or where it is.

Jia Ren went against the current and rushed upward.

Not long after, we came to the point where the bronze gate disappeared.

"Where is fellow Daoist Kong Ming?"

With the great power of the Time Dao Ancestor, he must have arranged special means. As long as he makes a sound, I believe that the other party must have the means to 'monitor' the river of time and find that he is looking for him.

If Jia Ren had not been blessed by the power of time and had not manifested himself in the long river of time, he could even have seen his own future.

Come here with foresight and wait for yourself earlier.

"What do you want from me, fellow Taoist?"

Kong Ming's figure emerged, coming from nothingness to reality.

This is not Kong Ming now, there is an aura of 'past'.

This is the space and time that exists here. It senses that Jia Ren is looking for himself. The projection of the past that disappeared in the long river of time seems to have come alive, and is in charge of the information of the 'future'.

The way of time has reached its extreme. The past, present and future are everywhere. No matter where in time and space, it is always at its peak.

Jia Ren did not master the complete path of time, otherwise, he would have mastered this shocking power.

Today, compared to the real Time Dao Ancestor, it is still much inferior.

"I would like to ask fellow Taoist if you know about the bronze gate that exists here?"

He wasted no time and got straight to the point.

Kong Ming frowned, his face full of confusion: "What is the purpose of fellow Taoist looking for this thing?"

"This bronze gate is called the Gate of Desolation, which represents the gate of misfortune."

"This world cannot leave this world due to the restrictions of the Creator, with the exception of this door."

"Although this bronze gate can circumvent restrictions, the power of the avenue of those who leave will remain in this realm."

"If it were just that, its name wouldn't be called the Gate of Desolation."

"Beyond this world represents desolation. All those who left through this door have not come back. They are all in trouble..."

Kong Ming talked eloquently and told everything he knew about this door.

Limitations of the Creator?

After leaving this world and entering chaos, the power of the avenue will leave the body. Jia Ren knew this and was not surprised at all.

It's just that those who leave will suffer disaster, but it is unexpected.

Does this door represent ominousness?

However, if you cannot find other worlds outside, staying in chaos is indeed a dead end.

Coupled with the loss of the power of the Great Dao, the Xuantian Immortal Clan will also be greatly affected. It is true that they cannot stay in Chaos for long in this state.

Jia Ren is different. The Chaos Holy Body is enough to make him fearless of chaos.

Even if this door really brings bad luck, he believes that he is enough to deal with the crisis brought about by bad luck.

What's more, this is a back-up method that will only be used as a last resort.

After the creation master was resurrected, it was only used as a means of self-protection.

No matter how great the danger brought by misfortune is, it is better than facing the Creator of the World.

Jia Ren wasted no time and asked, "Where is this treasure?"

"The Gate of Desolation has been taken away by Shi Chen, and I can't snatch him away." Kong Ming couldn't help but sigh.

Compared with hard power, he is indeed much inferior.

If he hadn't been in charge of the most powerful Time Avenue, he would never have survived until now in the hands of Tiandao.

"Fellow Taoist, don't lie to me?"

Suspicion flashed in Jia Ren's eyes, and he used Linghuan's true heart to sense it.

The state of the Time Dao Ancestor is extremely special. Unlike normal people, he cannot spy on the other party's thoughts.

Even if he were to kill him, I'm afraid it wouldn't have much of an impact on his true self.

Jia Ren stretched out his palm and reached out to grab it accidentally.

As a result, the palm was empty, with nothing in it.

The Heaven Stealing Avenue did not steal the Gate of Desolation.

I don’t know if this is because the other party is projecting from the past, or because of other reasons.

"Friend Taoist Taoist!"

Jia Ren returned without success, shook his head and smiled. The next moment, he escaped from the long river of time and returned to his own time node.

Kong Ming faced the direction where Jia Ren disappeared, slightly cupping his hands, but said nothing.

Jia Ren quickly left this place, the yellowish color in his eyes gradually fading away.

"I hope I'm just being paranoid."

"The Queen of the West Holy Mother deceived me, and the consequences were very serious..."

Since he was deceived by the Queen of the West, he naturally lacks trust in others and doubts everything.

The old guy who has lived for who knows how many years is the most fearful, and is more likely to be the back-up man left behind by the Creator.

We can only go to the Black Death Demon Realm in advance to solve the problem of deviousness.

With his current strength, it's not difficult.

The only thing you need to worry about is the opponent's counterattack before death and breaking the last well of gods and demons.

We must think of a safe and secure method.

Jia Ren was about to take action when he looked at Donghua Fairyland with emotion.

Two figures exuding strange auras appeared in the ruins of Mingluo Palace. They were none other than his cheap master Mingluo Venerable and senior brother Kun Mingyuan.

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