Gou Zai Shen seeks immortality

Chapter 874: All the traps, chaos trap?

"This is impossible!"

"You have been counterattacked by the long river of time, and the remaining power in the creation power has disappeared. You cannot be safe and sound!"

Kong Ming looked in disbelief when he heard Jia Ren's voice coming from the power of the Creator Lord.

I had planned painstakingly and calculated everything for this day.

Even with the power of the Chaos Avenue Bead and twenty Time Avenues, he could not change his fate.

The backlash brought about by the collapse of the source of the long river of time is too terrifying. This is the most terrifying force. It cannot be resisted if it does not reach the level of the Creator Master.

Jia Ren was cautious about the creation artifact, Kaitian Ax, and used his past clone to open the sky. He did not absorb the power of creation immediately, so he should not be able to withstand the backlash and fall.

Although he could return with the help of the Holy Body of Chaos, he still missed the best opportunity to control the power of creation after who knows how many years later.

During the correction of the River of Time, those who are not in charge of the Avenue of Time will temporarily disappear due to the influence of the River of Time. He only needs to deal with the only unaffected hour.

Although Time is powerful, it is far inferior to Time Avenue in terms of fighting for treasures. The power of creation without a master will definitely fall into his own hands, and he will naturally become the master of creation.

Kong Ming has planned everything, and he should control the power of creation and become the new master of creation.

Why does this deviation occur?

He couldn't accept this result! ! !

Regardless of whether Kong Ming is willing or not, he will have no power to resist Jia Ren, who is in charge of the power of creation.

The energy of chaos emerged from the power of creation and condensed into the appearance of Jia Ren.

Although he controls a part of the power of creation, due to the opening up of the world, his realm is not stable enough and there is a risk of capsizing.

Jia Ren stretched out his palm, and a ray of creation power poured into the long river of time, stabilizing the source of time.

If the river of time is allowed to completely collapse, the past will return to order, and the present will also be corrected.

It's unclear what changes occurred.

He did not fully control the power of creation, and could only be regarded as a half-step creation master. He did not want the previous creation master to truly return due to variables.

Maintain the status quo, truly digest the power of creation, and stabilize the personality of the creator.

This is the most important thing!

Jia Ren used his limited creation power to repair the long river of time. The chaotic dim yellow water was no longer chaotic after being sorted out. After the source of the collapse was repaired, everything was getting back on track.

The palm of his hand was dark, and the wonders of the heaven and earth he opened disappeared, appearing in the Dantian Cave.

This will evolve into a real world!

By then, Jia Ren will truly be firmly established as the creator of the world.

Kong Ming did not leave, watching quietly, as if waiting for an explanation.

Things have happened so far. It is impossible to escape from the fairy world by running away. It is better to die and understand.

"It's better for you to die with your eyes closed!" Jia Ren's palm suddenly dropped with a dark light.

Kong Ming's face showed unwillingness and despair, and it was even more incredible.

He calculated his whole life, used Jia Ren to borrow chickens to lay eggs, ascended to the position of the creator of the world, and calculated all the mechanisms...

The critical moment ended in failure, and my unwillingness reached the extreme and I could not accept this result.

"Tell me the answer..."

The answer Kong Ming got was the flying dim light, and his body disappeared under the dim light.

The power of the Avenue of Time is completely integrated into the dim yellow river, accelerating the process of repairing the long river of time.

Sorry, I have been disgusted with you for so long. How can you calm down your anger without killing me?

If not for the influence of Kong Ming, after destroying Buddhism, Jia Ren could use the creation artifact to open the sky with the axe, and officially ascend to the position of the creator of the world, how could it be delayed until now?

Because of his plan, he almost capsized in the gutter and almost perished with the brand of the Creator Lord.

It would be more in line with Jia Ren's wishes for Kong Ming to die inexplicably.

Jia Ren was able to escape this disaster, thanks to the three corpses left behind.

The Queen of the West Holy Mother told herself that the three corpses were a weapon against the pollution of the Creator Lord, and she kept them. After knowing that the King of the West Holy Mother was a traitor, she once considered destroying the three corpses.

In the end, they were left until the end.

A single thought became the key to saving his life.

Faced with the collapse and backlash of the source of the long river of time, Jia Ren promptly used his connection with the three corpses to steal their identities one by one and replace them.

The three corpses suffered part of the backlash for themselves and were completely destroyed.

Even so, Jia Ren's body still suffered unimaginable damage, and his body collapsed into chaotic energy, which could not be recovered for a long time.

With the three corpses as a buffer, he retained a trace of the True Spirit of Chaos, and returned with the help of the connection between the Chaos Holy Body and the Sky-Opening Axe.

When Kong Ming and Shi Chen competed for Wu Zhu's power of creation, he quietly became the master and succeeded in letting the power of creation taint his own aura.

After initially controlling a ray of the power of creation, he returned powerfully as the master of creation to suppress Kong Ming.

All the tricks of the sky and the underworld were exhausted, and because of just one step, he fell before hope.

Although Jia Ren hates Kong Ming, he has to say that this guy is really powerful.

Especially the grasp of people's hearts, every move he makes is expected by the other party, and he acts according to the plan step by step.

If not for the three corpses left behind, the consequences would have been disastrous.

He is indeed a worthy opponent.

I hope I won’t meet you again next time!

Jia Ren casually dealt with Kong Ming and turned to look at the time in the distance.

This is also a target that needs to be liquidated.

His dislike for this guy goes beyond Kong Ming.

Taking advantage of the situation, he threatened himself with the third Well of Gods and Demons and the safety of the fairy world, and handed over the Chaos Avenue Bead.

If he hadn't acted with delaying tactics, who knows what the outcome would have been.

When I saw that Jia Ren was the final winner, I felt sad that I had missed the biggest opportunity and ran away decisively.

The collapse of the long river of time extends to the past and the future. Time, as the way of heaven, finds the current node based on the connection between the third well of gods and demons.

The Well of Gods and Demons is extraordinary, as if it has existed forever, and has not been affected by the collapse of the long river of time. It resides here quietly.

"Crash it!"

Time triggered his connection with the Well of Gods and Demons, and destroyed the third Well of Gods and Demons.

He had an enmity with Jia Ren because of the Well of Gods and Demons, and the Chaos Avenue Orb was destroyed. He did not gain the power of creation, and had no hope of fighting against it.

There is only a dead end in the end...

Only the Creator Lord can fight against the Creator Lord. He released the power that belonged to the previous Creator Lord and allowed the two tigers to fight.

Even if he was going to die, he would never let Jia Ren have an easy time.

With one thought, the third well of gods and demons was destroyed, and he was forced to bear it as a heavenly being. The differentiated power opened a bronze door.

This door is exactly the same as the Door of Desolation obtained from the Dark Lord.

Both are inactive, just like dead things.


The moment the third Well of Gods and Demons collapsed, the bronze door opened, and Shi Chen escaped into it without hesitation.

Behind the Gate of Desolation is an endless expanse of gray, which is as turbulent as the tide and unpredictable.

This is...chaos!

Shi Chen didn't feel that the third Well of Gods and Demons was destroyed, his face changed slightly, and he walked through the open bronze door without hesitation and entered it.

Today is different from the past. Jia Ren has ascended to the position of the Lord of Creation. Even though he does not control the power of creation, he still has incredible power.

Stopping the third well of gods and demons is not difficult.

The Avenue of Order returns to heaven and earth, and a semi-illusory gray bead remains here.

The Chaos Avenue Bead was transferred into Jia Ren's body. Shi Shi could not prevent this from happening, and he tried his best to only leave a little strength.

This is also the basis for His maintaining the state of heaven.

Because he left the immortal world and entered chaos, the avenue of the immortal world did not follow him, and the remaining power of heaven also remained.

Jia Ren's figure emerged, as if he had been staying here, watching everything quietly.

The third Well of Gods and Demons shone with a dark light, seeming to be fixed by some force, thus cutting off its connection with time.

He knew that this was Shi Chen's only backup plan, so how could he allow the third Well of Gods and Demons to be destroyed?

The previous Creator Master had not completely fallen. The skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and was far more powerful than himself, the half-step Creator Master who had not yet established the world.

This was the thing he feared the most, anchoring the Well of Gods and Demons and preventing its collapse.

Jia Ren confirmed that the third well of gods and demons was in stable condition. With a thought, it seemed that dark power fell and scattered to the other two areas.

Two ancient wells of gods and demons reappeared, as if they had always been here and had never changed.

This is not false, it is real.

The power of creation is incredible. Even if he has not firmly established himself as the creator of the world, it is not a problem to create two wells of gods and demons.

Time is recovering and everything will return to normal.

The powerful power draws away the strange pollution and continuously pours it into the two wells of gods and demons.

It is not only the long river of time that has returned to normal, but also the strange pollution between heaven and earth.

Jia Ren ascends to the position of Creator Master and can manage the world he opens and creates, turning the world into what he wants without caring about life and death in the fairy world.

But after all, he has stayed in the fairy world for many years and does not want to destroy familiar things and destroy many people's homes.

Since I have the energy to spare, I don’t mind lending a helping hand to restore the fairy world again.

Weird pollution was sent into the Well of Gods and Demons, and the hidden backhand behind the resurrection of the Creator Master was cleaned up.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain!

This is the liquidation of the second Creator Master. He will not tolerate the interference of external forces in his own territory, let alone face the ancient Creator Master.

Chaos has been corrected, madness and pollution have completely disappeared, and everything seems to have returned to before the three wells of gods and demons collapsed.

After Jia Ren finished everything, he looked towards the direction where the Heavenly Hour and the Bronze Gate disappeared.

"The second door of disaster?"

The disappearing bronze door turned from illusion to reality, as if it were reappearing in reality.

Then, a bronze door appeared out of thin air in his palm. The two doors were exactly the same and there was no difference between them.

The second door of desolation opens, also leading to chaos.

Jia Ren's realm is different from what it used to be. He felt an unusual atmosphere from the gate of Huange.

Anyone who leaves through this door will be contaminated with an aura of desolation.

There seems to be a twisted will rising and falling in the depths of the chaos. He is closely connected with this breath, and seems to be the will of the master of creation that has fought against it.

Chaos...is also the home of the Creator Lord?

Is entering chaos a trap? !

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