Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 111: Drinking Follow-up

Ning Tian saw Wang Xiaofeng glance at the dishes in front of him from time to time. He guessed Wang Xiaofeng's thoughts and left his seat after thinking of a random reason and returned to Ning Rongrong's side.

Wang Xiaofeng saw what Ning Tian did. He was worthy of being a direct descendant of a large sect, and his handling of things was different. Even he couldn't help but feel good about her.

After finishing the dishes beside him, Wang Xiaofeng found that Dai Mubai and others were only focusing on drinking and didn't eat much of the food, so he started thinking about their dishes.

Tang San happily drank with Xiao Wu. This was also his first time drinking. He was not used to it at first, but the more he drank, the better it became. He had heard from Dai Mubai before that the small winery that Wang Xiaofeng and he opened together was quite impressive. Now that he drank the wine, it turned out to be quite good and quite addictive. He had already drank several glasses in a row.

Just when Tang San was holding the empty cup and wanted to take another cup, he realized that the roast duck in front of him was completely gone, leaving only an empty plate.

"What's going on? The roast duck ran away with its long legs?" Tang San pointed at the empty plate in front of him and asked blankly to Xiao Wu beside him.

This was the first time Xiao Wu saw Tang San like this, and she poked his face out of curiosity, but Tang San didn't react at all. He filled a glass of wine and sat there blankly drinking.

"Hahaha, Xiao San, I didn't expect that you would look stupid when you were drunk." Dai Mubai laughed, completely not expecting that Tang San had such a side.

Tang San couldn't bully anyone but her. Xiao Wu lifted the wine barrel from the corner and placed it in front of Dai Mubai's table, "Huh, Boss Dai, you clearly haven't drank enough!"

"I've never been afraid of anyone when drinking wine!" Dai Mubai smiled evilly, picked up a big bowl, filled it with wine, and started drinking with Xiao Wu.

Wang Xiaofeng ate all the dishes in front of Tang San silently, but when he turned around, he saw the dumbfounded Tang San, and couldn't help but asked cautiously: "Xiao San, are you okay?"

"...Ah?...Oh...it's still...good..." Tang San smiled foolishly at Wang Xiaofeng.

Wang Xiaofeng looked awkwardly at Tang San, who was almost unresponsive, and thought to himself: "This is obviously dementia caused by excessive alcohol." This should be regarded as Tang San's dark history, but it was a pity that he didn't have a mobile phone, otherwise he would have taken pictures.

"Plop." A figure fell into Tang San's arms, and Tang San also fell aside.

"Hey, you still want to fight me for a drink with such a low drinking capacity, it's a piece of cake." Dai Mubai stood up unsteadily while holding on to the table. This was obviously hurting the enemy by one thousand and hurting himself by eight hundred.

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing was also pushed to the ground by Ning Rongrong. Seeing Dai Mubai's swaying figure, Ning Rongrong smiled slyly, holding the wine glass and pulling Dai Mubai to drink him.

In the end, only Wang Xiaofeng and Ning Rongrong were still sober and did not fall down. Of course, they drank all the wine without a winner, so the contest was regarded as a draw. Ning Tian? It didn't escape the little witch's grasp at all, and she lay unconscious under the table early in the morning.

When everyone woke up from their drunken dreams the next day, they almost lost the memory of yesterday's drinking, and only barely remembered that Ning Rongrong was the final winner.

Everyone rested for a day, summed up the competition with the master in the evening, and then went back to their rooms to practice.

"Bang bang."

Wang Xiaofeng was studying his self-created soul skills in the room, when a sudden knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Come on, come on." Wang Xiaofeng opened the door and saw that it was the master standing outside the door. Wang Xiaofeng quickly turned aside to welcome the master in.

Wang Xiaofeng was a little surprised as to why the master came to him at this time, so he asked: "Master, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Feng, I just want to ask if your injury is better?"

Wang Xiaofeng rubbed his head in embarrassment, "I thought my acting skills had improved, but I didn't expect that you, Master, would notice it."

The master took a deep look at Wang Xiaofeng, stared at him straight-haired, and then said calmly: "I didn't notice it, it's just that Flanders said your breath was unstable, so he asked me to come over and take a look."

"......Master, what about the integrity between people?"

The master didn't say anything, just looked at Wang Xiaofeng.

Wang Xiaofeng retreated in the eyes of the master, and said quickly: "Actually, I didn't completely resist the martial soul fusion skill yesterday. Not only did the light pillar have the power to dissolve everything, but there was also a kind of scale powder in it that could make people touch it. Those you encounter are contaminated with toxins.”

"Poison? Now you..."

"Reduce the reaction, suppress the five senses, and have a certain psychedelic effect." Wang Xiaofeng said with a wry smile: "Fortunately, with the help of Oscar's detoxifying sausage, I should be able to fully recover in two days."

The master was relieved when he heard that he could recover in two days, but he still reminded: "Martial soul skills are all kinds of weird, there are all kinds of them, don't be stupid and resist and don't hide. Remember this lesson, don't There will be a next time.”

"Didn't I think it was a powerful martial soul fusion skill? Who knew it was a control-type skill?" Wang Xiaofeng muttered.


"Don't worry, master, there will never be a next time." Seeing Wang Xiaofeng patting his chest and responding, the master nodded and prepared to leave.

The master who walked to the door told Wang Xiaofeng: "You don't have to participate in the competition for the next two days, just rest in peace and recover from your injuries."

"I know." Wang Xiaofeng didn't expect that he would still have a vacation, and he immediately became happy. Now he could have more time to practice. You must know that he had been stuck at level 38 for a while, and he had been accumulating soul power before. Now I can run back to the mimicry training ground and break through with peace of mind.


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