Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 156 Making Difficulties (Revision)

Dugu Bo simply showed his powerful momentum and suppressed the soul power of the five teachers Flanders and Zhao Wuji, allowing everyone to feel the terrifying strength of the Titled Douluo for the first time.

Meng Shenji also didn't expect that Prince Xuexing would bring a titled Douluo to cause trouble, and he was also a poisonous Douluo with a bad reputation.

The field suddenly became quiet, forming a three-legged force, like the calm before the storm.

But this does not prevent Wang Xiaofeng from making small moves later.

Wang Xiaofeng turned around and said secretly: "Sister Zhuqing, why are you pulling me? If Mubai sees me, I will die."

Zhu Zhuqing said coldly: "Xiao Wu is not feeling well, you stay in front."

"Let's find the mistress. Isn't the mistress a master of dispensing? Ask him to take a look and he will be cured in minutes." Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and was about to hide behind Zhao Wuji, but he was pulled back by Zhu Zhuqing. land.

"Too far, inappropriate." Wang Xiaofeng's anger suddenly turned off when he met Zhu Zhuqing's unruffled eyes.

Tang San, Dai Mubai and Master Flanders were standing together. They were several positions away from Wang Xiaofeng and the other six. They were building momentum over there, so it was really difficult to disturb them. (Hiding behind Zhao Wuji are Ning Rongrong, Oscar and Ma Hongjun)

Mengshenji and the other two Contras looked at each other, exchanged ideas, and suddenly stood up, breaking the silence on the field, and said angrily: "Your Highness, don't go too far, you must know that you only have supervision It does not have the power to directly determine matters in our Tiandou Royal Academy."

Prince Xuexing said calmly: "Excessive? Chief Meng Shenji, your memory seems to be a little bad. Tiandou Royal Academy belongs to the Tiandou Empire, and I, the supervisor, naturally have this power."

"You! Then you can't make such an impossible request. You clearly want to keep Shrek out." Meng Shenji has been practicing for so long and has never seen such a shameless person. The more they communicate, the angrier they become.

If Wang Xiaofeng knew what Meng Shenji was thinking, he would definitely laugh out loud. How could someone who plays with soul power be better than someone who plays with politics? This was obviously to drag him into his area of ​​expertise and then defeat him.

"You are right, I just want Shrek to get out of the gate of our Tiandou Royal Academy." Prince Snow Star said arrogantly.

"Mr. Dugu, I'll take care of you next."

"You all come together." Dugu Bo silently took a step forward, but just this step made Shrek and his team feel like they were facing a formidable enemy, because except for students like Wang Xiaofeng, the other teachers only felt as if they were being pressed down. A big mountain cannot exert 80% of its strength at all.

This is the horror of Titled Douluo. He didn't even need to use his martial soul. He only showed his soul power to suppress a group of soul saints and soul emperors.

This is also one of the reasons why the higher the soul power, the less afraid of the crowd tactics.

Xiao Wu trembled even more under the pressure of Dugu Bo's unconcealed soul power, and tried hard to lower her aura to the lowest level, so low that even Zhu Zhuqing wouldn't be able to sense anyone behind him if he wasn't leaning against Zhu Zhuqing's back.

"Since your academy doesn't welcome us, let's leave. Flanders, take the children and leave." The master patted Flanders on the shoulder and said to Prince Snow Star.

"Xiao Gang, we can't just leave like this, we Shrek..." Flanders wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by the master.

"Fland, do you want to lead the children to fight the Titled Douluo?" the master cursed angrily.

Flanders was immediately awakened by the master's words. Yes, these little monsters behind him are Shrek's most important treasure. In comparison, Shrek's dignity doesn't matter.

Wang Xiaofeng felt a little more angry. This was the second time he felt weak.

Others also clenched their fists, but unfortunately this is the world of soul masters, and the weak have no right to speak.

When everyone was about to leave, Meng Shenji suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Since Poison Douluo is so interested, let us teach you your clever tricks."

Mengshenji and the other two Contras released their martial spirits without hesitation, and a black shadow, a stove, and an ivy appeared in front of them.

Along with this, eight soul rings - double yellow, double purple, four black - appeared on his body. Although there was one less soul ring than Dugu Bo, with the tacit cooperation of the three of them, they still managed to use their soul power to hold up a world that was not dominated by Dugu Bo. The place affected by soul power.

The original three-legged situation was broken and turned into a two-legged struggle for hegemony.

Suddenly, Dugu Bo and Meng Shenji faced off, and the scene was extremely solemn.

Prince Xuexing was also stunned. He didn't expect that these three education committee members would actually stand up for Shrek and his group at this time?

Didn't they just meet each other not long ago? Is there some connection that he doesn't know about?

Xuexing immediately regretted it. You must know that these three education committee members have been teaching for many years, and their students are all over the Tiandou Empire. If Dugu Bo accidentally accidentally makes the three of them lose their weight, it will really be a disaster. game over.

But it is even more impossible for him to back down and give in at this time! This not only concerns his face, but also affects the next plan.

The master stood up again and said: "Thank you to the three seniors for standing up for us, but it will not affect the unity of your academy."

"Let's go." Flanders waved to everyone, puffed up his chest and walked towards the door.

This time, their soul power is inferior to others, so there is nothing to say.

Suddenly the door opened with a bang, and a young girl ran in and jumped directly on Dugu Bo.

"Grandpa, when did you come, you didn't even tell Yan'er."

Wang Xiaofeng was suddenly startled, "Dugu Yan? It's over, it's over. If we meet this crazy woman at this time, nothing will happen."

"Eh, Shrek?" They saw Dugu Yan, and Dugu Yan naturally saw them. When her eyes fell on Tang San and Wang Xiaofeng, her expression changed obviously, and her eyes rolled around a few times. He whispered to Dugu Bo: "Grandpa, Shrek and the others are good or bad..."

Although Wang Xiaofeng didn't know what the other party was talking about, he was obviously planning something bad. He said quickly in a low voice: "Leave quickly, otherwise..."

"Why are you leaving? I haven't agreed to let you leave yet." Dugu Bo's voice came from behind everyone. Wang Xiaofeng patted his head helplessly. It was over. He was indeed a crow's mouth.

"Your Majesty Dugu, do you want to fight to the death!" Meng Shenji and the other three burst out with powerful soul power, and they could barely compete with Dugu Bo.

"Hey, I won't embarrass them. After all, the Titled Douluo in front of me still wants to save face." Dugu Bo hugged Dugu Yan and said nonchalantly.

"I heard that you made Yan'er suffer a little loss. It doesn't matter originally, but not everyone in our Dugu family can be bullied. I won't embarrass you. I suppressed my soul power in Soul Lord. You can pick me up. Just one move."


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