Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 165 The iron-clad Wang Xiaofeng

The Shrek Six had finished their lunch. Except for Xiao Wu who was happily helping Tang San prepare a lunch, everyone else was a little worried.

Because now it has been an hour since Dean Master went to find Tang San.

According to normal circumstances, Tang San should appear in front of them and talk about the experience just now with a smile.

Did an accident really happen?

Dai Mubai said softly: "Rongrong, Zhuqing, you two must keep Xiaowu steady and don't let her do any irrational behavior. As soon as I have news here, I will inform you immediately."

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other and nodded, "Don't worry, we will take good care of Xiao Wu."

Dai Mubai sent the three girls back to the dormitory, while Oscar and Ma Hongjun sent meals to Wang Xiaofeng.

Watching Ma Hongjun and Oscar leave, Dai Mubai shook his head helplessly. Why did Oscar's IQ drop several levels as soon as he was with Ma Hongjun? Could it be that people who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black?

"Dangdang, Xiaofeng, we have brought you a big meal."

Wang Xiaofeng, who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed and concentrating, was suddenly startled by the sound of opening the door, but he was soon attracted by the feast Ma Hongjun said.

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at Ma Hongjun and Oscar, who had empty hands, and asked doubtfully: "Where is the big dinner you mentioned...?"

"Of course it's in the soul guide." Ma Hongjun took out a large food box from the soul guide. "This is a super meal I specially prepared for you. You have to eat it all."

"Are you looking down on my third level of food power?"

Wang Xiaofeng said impatiently: "Open it quickly and let me see how delicious the food in the cafeteria of Lanba Academy is."

Wang Xiaofeng watched Ma Hongjun gently open the food box, and suddenly a bright beam of light shot out of the sky, blinding the three of them.

"Wow, what a dazzling light. Is this the legendary glowing food?" Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help covering his eyes with his hands and said excitedly.

(The above are all Wang Xiaofeng’s fantasies)

Since the martial soul requires a lot of energy to refine Dugu Bo's Jade Phosphorus Snake King Toxin, and Wang Xiaofeng's little soul power is not enough, he can only draw energy from his body to make up for it.

Therefore, Wang Xiaofeng's body was actually in a state of deficit. To put it simply, he was starving like crazy.

The real situation is this: Ma Hongjun gently opened the food box and saw a large bowl of white porridge, a small plate of white tofu, a few eggs and a bowl of clear soup with only cabbage but no oil.

"This, is this the big meal you are talking about?" Wang Xiaofeng said in disbelief.

Oscar chuckled and said, "That's right, this is a special nutritious meal for patients that we specially prepared for you. There is absolutely not a drop of oil or water in it."

Wang Xiaofeng gritted his teeth and said, "I really thank you both."

Oscar picked up the spoon and said humbly: "You're welcome, come on, Xiaofeng, it's time to eat."

"Don't eat." Wang Xiaofeng turned his head to the side angrily, "Even if I, Wang Xiaofeng, starve to death and die outside, even if I jump from here, I won't eat your food that has no oil at all!"

Two minutes later……

"Oh my god, it smells so good." Wang Xiaofeng licked his mouth, glanced at the clean bowl, and said unsatisfied: "Oscar, I'm not full at all, let's go get some more."

"You slapped me in the face too quickly." Ma Hongjun and Oscar laughed.

"Compared to being hungry, a slap in the face is nothing." Wang Xiaofeng said nonchalantly.

"Okay, I'll go to the cafeteria and help you get a few more bowls."

Oscar picked up the food box and walked out of the dormitory.

"By the way, Fatty, has Xiaosan come back? I want him to help me see if the toxins in my body have been cleaned out." Wang Xiaofeng asked casually.

Wang Xiaofeng fell into a comatose state soon after meeting Liu Erlong, and when he woke up again, he was placed in the dormitory.

"I'm not back." Ma Hongjun said without thinking. Unfortunately, he regretted it as soon as he said it.

"You just came to Lanba Academy and you went out for a walk? Did you go on a date with Xiao Wu?"

"Well, that's right, Tang San and Xiao Wu went out on a date and won't be back for a while." Ma Hongjun smiled awkwardly.

"Fat man, your eyes like to wander when you lie."

"No." Ma Hongjun looked at Wang Xiaofeng's serious look and knew that he couldn't hide it anymore, "Actually, there is no news about the third brother."

"No news? What does this mean, the mistress is not with anyone else?"

"Third brother, he is missing."

When Oscar returned to the dormitory after lunch, he saw that the atmosphere between the two was very dull.

"What's going on? I just left not long ago and you two had a fight?"

"Oscar, the fat man said that the mistress is missing, is it true?" Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but ask.

Oscar's hand holding the bowl paused for a while, and then he continued to scoop out the porridge, "Oh, I was thinking that maybe your mistress would come back after you recovered, but I didn't expect that you would find out in advance."

Oscar and Ma Hongjun had agreed early on that Wang Xiaofeng would not be allowed to know about Tang San's disappearance under any circumstances.

After all, Wang Xiaofeng had just escaped from death, and his body was still in an extremely weak state. The ups and downs might have a bad impact, so he didn't plan to talk about it.

And they both truly believed that the master and their dean would be able to bring Tang San back safely.

For this reason, the two of them even made a small joke to divert Wang Xiaofeng's attention.

Wang Xiaofeng was silent for a while and suddenly sighed.

Ma Hongjun was afraid that he would lose his mind and said quickly: "Xiao Feng, don't be impulsive. The dean and the master have already gone to look for her. They will definitely find the mistress soon."

Oscar nodded, "Yes, your most important thing now is to take good care of your health."

"Are you thinking too much? Am I the kind of impulsive person?" Wang Xiaofeng said with some confusion: "I was thinking about what soul beast I should choose for the fourth soul ring. After all, Tiandou City is far away from the Star Dou Forest. , I wonder if there are many soul beasts here."

After saying that, he sighed.

The expressions of Oscar and Ma Hongjun suddenly stiffened. It turned out that they had been acting on their own.

"Oh, it suddenly occurred to me that the trash in the dormitory has not been thrown away. In order to avoid the smell, I went to throw out the trash first."

"Ah, I also thought that I need to discuss something urgent with Rongrong."

Oscar and Ma Hongjun stood up one after another, and disappeared in a flash.

"Hey, why did you leave? I haven't finished my meal yet." Wang Xiaofeng was dumbfounded when he looked at the empty dormitory where he was the only one left.


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