Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 190 Qualification Certification

When the leading girl saw Wang Xiaofeng walking towards the auction house, she quickly stepped forward and bowed slightly: "Can I help you?"

The girl took a quick glance and instantly saw that Wang Xiaofeng's entire body was worth less than one gold soul coin.

However, although the person in front of her was dressed in ordinary clothes and looked nothing special, her professional ethics still allowed her to maintain a professional smile.

Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the milky white door and said, "Is this an auction house? I want to go in and have a look."

The girl smiled and said, "Do you have the bidding qualification certification?"

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head: "Is it something similar to a pass? I don't have one. Where can I get one?"

"The entry threshold for qualification certification is 10,000 gold soul coins." The girl glanced at Wang Xiaofeng and found that he was not intimidated by the huge amount. Then she bowed slightly and said: "Please follow me."

Entering the auction house, the milky-white reliefs and murals were extremely simple and elegant. There were various displays on the first floor, including not only antiques, weapons and armor, but also some pearls and gems. The prices were written on the surface of the cabinet.

Wang Xiaofeng saw a very gorgeous piece of armor and walked over to take a look. The girl didn't rush her, she just stood aside and waited quietly.

It was so flashy that Wang Xiaofeng quickly lost interest in reading it. The girl saw Wang Xiaofeng's impatience, so she walked forward and made a gesture of invitation.

Wang Xiaofeng asked: "This armor is barely usable. Isn't five hundred gold soul coins a bit expensive?"

The girl explained: "This armor is not for combat."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded. If it's not for fighting, it's for attending banquets. Only nobles would wear such armor.

After passing a corner, the girl quickly brought Wang Xiaofeng to a room with a sign saying qualification certification.

There was a row of wooden tables in the room. In addition to an old man lying down and sleeping soundly, there were three teenagers who looked about the same age as Wang Xiaofeng, but they were also dozing off with their eyes squinting and their chins propped up with one hand.

The girl immediately blushed when she saw this scene, bent down and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'll wake them up right now."

"Wake up." The girl knocked on the table, "There is a distinguished guest coming to verify the qualifications."

The boy on the far left woke up suddenly, wiped his saliva and said, "What, someone is coming."

The other two teenagers opened their eyes and saw that there was indeed a man about their age standing at the door. Although he was dressed simply and looked like an ordinary person, the bracelet on his left hand was clearly a soul guide.

There are very few soul masters who own soul guides. After all, this thing is not only rare, but also very expensive. Therefore, soul masters who can have soul guides must be powerful or have a profound background.

Seeing that there was a chance to issue a qualification certificate today, the three teenagers had intense sparks in their eyes. Their master said that whoever can issue a qualification certificate first will be the senior brother. This opportunity cannot be missed.

"Rock, paper, scissors, one punch determines the outcome."

"Okay." "Just what I want."

Seeing that the three teenagers did not come to help Wang Xiaofeng with the qualification assessment immediately, but instead formed a circle inexplicably and tinkered with something, the girl showed an awkward smile and was about to explain when an old voice came from beside her: " If you don’t mind, how about I help this young man with his qualification certification?”

Wang Xiaofeng turned around and saw an old gentleman looking at him with a smile. The girl immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "Mr. Feng, it would be best if you could help."

At this time, the three young men stopped arguing and stood aside with their heads lowered like eggplants beaten by frost.

The old man sat aside and said: "Then, please show me your property worth ten thousand gold soul coins."

"Of course, if the distinguished guest does not have so many gold soul coins, he can still offset a certain amount of wealth by showing the soul master's gift, family crest, and sect token."

"I understand." Wang Xiaofeng nodded, took out a black card from the soul guide and placed it on the table. "This card contains 100,000 gold soul coins, which should be enough."

The gold soul coins in this card are the money earned from the last gambling match. Wang Xiaofeng has not withdrawn the money inside, so this card should have at least 100,000 gold soul coins.

"Wait a moment." The old man put the card under a machine to scan, and the balance of the card was immediately displayed, which contained 123,521 gold soul coins.

The old man quickly opened a linked account under this card. Through this account, Wang Xiaofeng could not only bid for items that did not exceed the amount in the account. If necessary, you can also auction items you don't need, and the corresponding income after deducting handling fees from the auction will also be credited to this card.

"The formalities have been completed. Your authority has been upgraded to Purple VIP. Please keep this card safe. Whether it is bidding or auction, transactions will be conducted through this card."

Wang Xiaofeng took the card and said, "Thank you, Mr. Feng."

After completing the qualification certification, Wang Xiaofeng left the room under the leadership of the girl.

"Teacher, he just showed his property worth 100,000 gold soul coins. Logically speaking, he should be certified as a yellow ordinary VIP."

"If I ask you to accumulate more, you will be lazy. Now you don't understand." The old man cursed angrily: "The black card in the young man's hand is the exclusive stored value card of the Great Soul Fighting Arena. This kind of black card The number of cards is extremely rare and will only be awarded to those under twenty years old whose soul power has reached the soul master level and who have obtained the Silver Fighting Soul Badge."

"Each black card represents the certification of the Great Soul Fighting Arena. As long as you don't die, you will at least be a Soul Saint in the future."

"That distinguished guest looks to be about the same age as us." One of the teenagers couldn't help but said: "Fifteen-year-old Soul Lord?"

"It should be a disciple trained by a certain big family."

On the way to the auction, the girl briefly introduced the rules, such as what should not be inquired about the buyer's information, round-the-clock bidding, etc.

Moreover, the girl also explained that very valuable things usually do not appear in daily auctions.

Only at the high-end auctions in the middle of each month and the super auctions at the end of each year are the chances of valuables appearing greater. A ten-thousand-year-old soul bone even appeared at last year's super auction, attracting a lot of attention from all parties. Fight.

Wang Xiaofeng listened with interest, and under the guidance of the girl, he climbed to the second floor and came to the real core of the Tiandou Auction House.

"In order to protect the privacy and safety of the distinguished guests, please wear a mask before entering the auction house." The girl sent a mask to Wang Xiaofeng. "This is your first time here, so someone will guide you later. I can only Take you here."

After saying that, the girl bowed slightly, then turned and left.


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