Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 198: The Streaming Tiger and the Shadow Cat Demon

In the silent forest, Zhu Zhuqing stood on a tall tree, his vigilant eyes constantly scanning the dark places in the surrounding trees.

The sharp claws on the palms gleamed with sharpness, seeming to be ready to deal with any emergencies at any time.

"Zhuqing, did you find anything?" Wang Xiaofeng shouted from under the tree.

The fourth soul ring on his body shone slightly, providing Zhu Zhuqing with an increase.

Others rested under the trees to relieve their tired spirits. This is the third hour since they arrived, and most of the small forest has been searched.

The small forest here is very close to the border. Not to mention that soldiers will occasionally come to patrol, but there are many kinds of spirit beasts in it, which should not be underestimated, so it is necessary to maintain sufficient physical strength.

This place is far away from big cities, so there are not many soul masters to hunt, so the soul beasts here are relatively old.

Although Wuhun Palace, Xingluo, and Tiandou Empire will cooperate with each other to hunt down soul beasts that are over ten thousand years old on a regular basis, the overall age of the soul beasts here is still very high. Even the soul beasts that are six or seven thousand years old have been seen more than once. One, if Wang Xiaofeng's fourth soul ring had not been boosted and he had avoided these soul beasts in advance, the search speed would not have been so fast.

Therefore, Wang Xiaofeng is still very optimistic about finding a Liuguang Tiger here that is close to five thousand years old.

Zhu Zhuqing jumped down, shook his head, and said: "No Liuguang tiger and shadow cat demon were found. However, there are trees swaying irregularly one kilometer away to the east. I suspect that there are senior soul beasts fighting."

Dai Mubai asked impatiently, "Are you going?"

The east side happened to be an area they had not searched before, and they might be able to gain something.

Wang Xiaofeng thought for a while, nodded and said, "Go."

Although there is a certain danger, it should be fine if you look at it from a distance. If you happen to meet the right spirit beast, you will make a lot of money.

Others also thought it would be better to go and have a look. Dai Mubai, who got everyone's support, took the lead and led everyone to the east.

On the way, Dai Mubai looked at Wang Xiaofeng's bright fourth soul ring and asked with concern: "Xiaofeng, do you still have enough soul power? Do you want to take a rest first?"

In order to ensure everyone's safety, Wang Xiaofeng has been keeping an eye on Zhu Zhuqing since he entered the forest.

The three-hour long-term increase has exceeded Wang Xiaofeng's previous record of increase time. The fourth soul skill is indispensable, so it is normal for Dai Mubai to have such worries.

"Boss Dai, this burden is nothing to Xiaofeng." Ma Hongjun couldn't help but interjected: "In order to help me find the soul beast that I like, Xiaofeng increased the power of me, Teacher Erlong and the master by half. It’s time.”

When Ma Hongjun said this, Ning Rongrong and Oscar suddenly showed different expressions. They knew how heavy the burden on soul power was to assist a soul saint across three levels.

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Don't worry Mubai, my fourth soul skill has a relatively small burden on soul power. If it only increases the power of Zhu Qing, it will be fine even if it lasts for one night."

Ning Rongrong covered her mouth and chuckled: "Brother Feng, the effect of your soul skills is already strong enough, but it still lasts for such a long time. How can we auxiliary soul masters survive?"

Wang Xiaofeng said: "Well, when you and Oscar's child is born, maybe there will be the strongest twin martial soul auxiliary soul master in history."

Oscar agreed very much: "Yes, let Xiaofeng be the master of the children when the time comes. It will be a pleasure."

Ning Rongrong blushed with embarrassment and couldn't help but twist Oscar's waist hard, "Children, do you think I'm a pig?"

Everyone was joking while walking, and with Zhu Zhuqing on guard around them, everyone was very relaxed.

One kilometer is approaching the battlefield in less than five minutes for everyone with an average soul power level of over thirty.

Without Zhu Zhuqing's reminder, everyone could feel the vibration of the tree a hundred meters away constantly collapsing.

Wang Xiaofeng released his senses, and suddenly the surrounding information continued to pour into his brain. Wang Xiaofeng groaned and quickly restrained his five senses.

Wang Xiaofeng rubbed his somewhat swollen temples and faced the concerned eyes of everyone and said, "I'm fine, but I'm just exhausted."

Dai Mubai asked: "Xiao Feng, how are you doing?"

"I have to say that we are a bit lucky, you can see for yourselves." Wang Xiaofeng waved his sword, and six small and dim beams of light shot into everyone's bodies.

Oscar shook his head, "Every time I am amplified by this soul skill, I feel a little uncomfortable."

Ma Hongjun laughed and said: "Who makes you weak? I am very used to this feeling of looking far and affectionately."

"Okay, please keep your voice down." Ning Rongrong said angrily, "It's affecting my ability to watch the show."

After being yelled at by Ning Rongrong, Oscar and Ma Hongjun suddenly became more honest. Everyone hid in a relatively tall tree, looking through the leaves, with a clear view of the entire battlefield.

Under the faint moonlight, the two sides of the battle were immediately revealed in front of everyone. They were actually the Shadow Cat Demon and the Flowing Light Tiger that they had been looking for.

Dai Mubai whispered happily: "It seems that the goddess of luck is on our side tonight."

Zhu Zhuqing had a cold face, but her slightly fluctuating eyes showed that she was not as calm as she appeared.

The battle on the field has entered a fierce stage, and six shadow cat demons are besieging three flowing light tigers. Judging from the color of their soul power, they are all at the thousand-year level.

The shadow cat demon has hair that exudes a faint moonlight, muscles like iron, and sharp claws.

And unlike ordinary spirit beasts, it stands upright and fights. It is a humanoid spirit beast. It is somewhat similar to the legendary monster werewolf in Wang Xiaofeng's previous life, so it cannot be called a monster.

Opposite it, the Liuguang Tiger is pure gray without a trace of color. The blue eyes are full of warmth, and the word "王" on the forehead is white and exudes a faint fluorescent light, which is very obvious in this dark night.

Both sides were very fast, but with the increase in Wang Xiaofeng's fourth soul skill, everyone could easily catch their fighting figures.

"Those shadow cat monsters are quite old. The strongest one should be over four thousand years old, but the weakest one should only be around fifteen hundred years old."

Dai Mubai nodded, "It's the same here, two are about three thousand years old, and one is about five thousand years old."

As the most suitable soul beasts, the Shadow Cat Demon and the Flowing Light Tiger, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai naturally have their own unique judgment methods.

"Since there is a soul beast we need inside, it seems that we have to fight for the advantage." Wang Xiaofeng calmed down for a while, and the pain in his head felt a little better.

"There are many spirit beasts nearby who are just like us, waiting for their advantage, so there should be a big fight later."


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