Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 224 Campus Legend

Time passed and it soon came to noon.

The sound of stepping came from outside the door, and then a creaking sound, "I remember closing the door when I left..."

Oscar opened the door and smiled immediately when he saw Wang Xiaofeng's figure appearing in the dormitory, "You guys are finally willing to come back. How about it? Is Rongrong's house as magnificent as the legend? The tiles under your feet are all Made of gold.”

"Rongrong's family is indeed quite wealthy, but it's not as exaggerated as you think. I think you still have some chances."

Wang Xiaofeng controlled the trembling gourd vine, and with all his strength, he could barely put the spoon tied to the vine into his mouth.

Looking at Wang Xiaofeng's funny look, Oscar suppressed a smile and said, "Really? It seems that if I work harder, I can save decades of struggle."

"What are these on the table?"

Wang Xiaofeng controlled the gourd vine to roll up a paper towel and wiped the corners of his mouth clean, "Those are the local specialties I brought you."

"Let me take a look." Oscar opened the package and looked at it carefully, "Liuwei Kidney Pills? There is also a large box of wolfberry and donkey-hide gelatin, as well as some unknown medicinal materials..."

"Ahem, I took it by mistake. The gift is still in the soul guide. I'll find it for you later." Wang Xiaofeng put these things into the soul guide very quickly, cursing Ning Tian in his heart for being unreliable. , how can anyone regard these things as souvenirs?

"Okay." Oscar didn't think too much, just thinking that Wang Xiaofeng bought it for him to eat. Maybe he was a little weak from spending too much time outside and needed to make up for it.

Oscar was indeed the most gossipy person in Shrek. Within a few minutes of sitting on the bed, he became bored and started telling Wang Xiaofeng about the interesting things that happened in the academy in the past two days.

"You really missed a lot of things by not coming back. Xiaosan has brutally tortured a fifty-eighth level soul king in the past two days. What's wrong with you? That's actually Tai Long's father..."

After saying that, he smacked his lips with endless aftertaste, "Xiaosan is still the same Xiaosan, and the leapfrogging challenge is as simple as eating and drinking. With you, Xiaosan and Boss Dai here, I am even more looking forward to the moment when I win the elite championship."

Wang Xiaofeng said angrily: "Stop dreaming. No matter how powerful the three of us are, we can't beat three against seven. Didn't the fairy grass Xiaosan gave you make up for your slow cultivation speed? If you have time, you might as well practice harder. Half a year should be enough for you to break through level 40."

"Even Rongrong's level is about to catch up with yours. I wonder how shameless you will be to propose marriage then."

When Wang Xiaofeng said this, Oscar's face suddenly turned pale. What he said was indeed very reasonable.

"I've been saying this for so long without realizing it, let's go and eat." Wang Xiaofeng touched his belly and took Oscar, who was in a trance due to being fooled, to the canteen. When the others saw that Oscar's mental state was not right, they asked suspiciously. . Then Wang Xiaofeng recounted the conversation between the two in detail, causing everyone to laugh.

Only then did Oscar realize that he had been fooled again, and he immediately became angry and used the skill 'Punch your chest with a small fist'.

Wang Xiaofeng laughed loudly and used his 'Ultra Chest Muscle' to defend perfectly.

At this point, Wang Xiaofeng obtained the debuff that lasted all day—Oscar’s resentful gaze.

Early the next morning, the news that Tang San successfully jumped up to challenge the fifty-eighth level Soul King was finally spread like crazy by some gossip parties. Everyone, regardless of gender, old or young, knew Tang San's name.

As soon as everyone entered the cafeteria, they clearly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

All the students stared at Tang San, their eyes were very strange, with awe, jealousy, admiration, and many other things in their eyes.

If Xiao Wu hadn't been there to protect Tang San, a bunch of girls would have pounced on him crazily, but that kind of naked look that was about to take off people's clothes still made Tang San a little awkward, but after all, he was the son of destiny. , calmed down a little, and it was the same as usual.

While eating, Ma Hongjun lowered his voice and said, "I really shouldn't have come to have breakfast with you."

Wang Xiaofeng didn't know what he meant, "Why, you want to blame the mistress for attracting the beauty's attention?"

Oscar narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't look at Fatty like this. Let me tell you, he is actually very sultry. A new campus legend has spread in the college these days..."

Ma Hongjun immediately covered Oscar's mouth, "Uh, don't say it, don't say it!"

Everyone didn't care at first, but Ma Hongjun's move made them all a little interested.

Dai Mubai held down Ma Hongjun's head and freed Oscar, "Tell me, Xiao Ao, tell us."

With Dai Mubai's support, Oscar cleared his throat happily, ignored Ma Hongjun's resentful look on his side, and began to speak vividly: "Recently, for some reason, a handsome guy suddenly appeared in the academy. He disappears. He does all kinds of evil, and his favorite thing is to deceive pretty little girls... out of the food in his hands."

Wang Xiaofeng spit out the food in his mouth, "Pfft, hahaha, what kind of fool is this?"

While smiling, he patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder.

Oscar continued: "This handsome guy will not rob unless he is a beautiful woman, and he will disappear without a trace every time after robbing. Many girls in the college have organized people to stop him several times, but in the end they all came back empty-handed."

Speaking of which, no one still knows who the protagonist of the campus legend is.

Dai Mubai joked: "I'm talking about fat man, you can become a handsome boy, why are you only robbing food? It's too embarrassing for me, I have taught you so much... Ahhhh, it hurts, it hurts" .”

Zhu Zhuqing silently let go of Dai Mubai's hand, looking as if nothing had happened.

Ma Hongjun sighed and said in pain: "Oh, you don't know that my transformation can only last for an hour, and it consumes very much soul power. I am so helpless."

Xiao Wu said disdainfully: "Humph, they are all stinky men."

Ma Hongjun nodded and said: "Yes, yes, your mistress is pure and clean, we are all stinky men."

Wang Xiaofeng silently took a sip of the soup and said, "I'm sorry, I'm also pure and pure, and I won't join in with you."

Oscar clutched his chest sadly, "Xiao Feng, you despicable traitor, have you forgotten our original oath?"

Ning Rongrong patted Oscar, "Okay, stop acting. If you don't eat, you'll be late."

Then, as expected, the group of them arrived at the classroom with the bell ringing.


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