Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 226 Farewell

The skinny old man smiled and said: "Haha, little princess, grandpa doesn't miss you."

Ning Rongrong said softly: "Grandpa Bone, it's better for you. Unlike some people, they don't even say hello when they see their daughter."

Ning Fengzhi couldn't laugh or cry, but the light from the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda in his hand continued, still covering Tang San's body. Under the injection of colored light, the injuries outside his body were visibly improving.

Xiao Wu wrapped the elixir tightly around her body and surrounded Tang San with everyone to help him protect him.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda was indeed the number one auxiliary spirit. In just a few minutes, Tang San returned to his best condition. No one dared to say whether he was alive or dead, but he should have flesh and bones.

Although the incense had burned out at this time, no one cared about the outcome of this battle and began to argue with each other.

Wang Xiaofeng and the others also took this opportunity to eat hard.

Seeing that they were just talking and had no intention of taking action, Zhao Wuji immediately breathed a sigh of relief. It would be better not to fight, otherwise Shrek Academy would not be able to withstand this struggle.

The conflict came to an end, but the Qibao Glazed Sect suddenly intervened and made things confusing.

Zhao Wuji loudly drove away the onlookers from the academy: "It's time to disperse. What's there to see? You little bastards, don't you have too little homework?"

With the support of all the teachers, the students quickly returned to school in an orderly manner, and Zhao Wuji personally brought the Taitan family, two members of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and Tang San into the academy.

A quiet room was specially arranged for them to talk.

As for Liu Erlong, he had already returned to the academy out of sight and out of mind.

Walking on the tree-lined path, Nydia suddenly hit her right palm in realization, "I said that handsome man looks so familiar. Isn't he the same person who bid with us before?"

Wang Xiaofeng patted his forehead speechlessly, "Miss, your reaction is more than a beat too slow."

Nitya stuck out her tongue, "It's been half a year, so it's normal that I can't remember."

The two slowly circled Shrek Academy and returned to the gate again.

Nitya clasped her hands behind her hands in a cute way, and the light sunlight shone on her white and tender face, revealing the color of coral, as delicate as a spring flower and as beautiful as the morning glow.

"Idiot, I'm leaving. Why don't you say something?"

Wang Xiaofeng rubbed his hair and said, "What's there to say? We won't be able to meet again this time next year."

"Humph, what an idiot." Nidia rushed over angrily. Wang Xiaofeng thought he was going to vent his anger, so he quickly raised his neck to protect his handsome face.

But the imagined fist did not come. Wang Xiaofeng only felt a tightness in his chest, and a sweet fragrance as clear as an orchid suddenly surrounded his body.

Wang Xiaofeng had never seen this formation before, and his body suddenly stiffened.

After a while, Wang Xiaofeng heard someone snickering, and then realized that they were still at the gate. Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, a smooth palm pressed his lips, and a soft voice whispered in his ear: "Don't talk." , let me hug you again."

Wang Xiaofeng could only stand motionless for five minutes, like a stiff old tree.

When Wang Xiaofeng felt sleepy due to the fragrant smell, Nidia left his chest.

Nitya said reluctantly: "Okay, hugs and goodbyes, see you in the elite competition next year."

Although she was eaten tofu, Wang Xiaofeng still forgave her and took out the things she had prepared, "Wait a minute, I'll give you a gift."

Wang Xiaofeng summoned the gourd, poured it gently, and a porcelain bottle suddenly appeared in his palm.

"This is a treasure I got by luck when I was out. Maybe it can be helpful to you when I get stuck."

Nidia opened her beautiful crystal clear eyes and looked at him blankly. Just when Wang Xiaofeng thought that the other party was dissatisfied with his gift, Nidia silently stepped forward and said, "Then I will accept it."

Wang Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief, "Yeah."

Nitya smiled slightly, waved to Wang Xiaofeng, got on the carriage and disappeared into the crowd.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was feeling a little emotional, a voice suddenly came from behind him, "When the wicker branches are broken and the flowers fly away, I would like to ask the passers-by whether they are returning home. What a poem. What a poem."

Wang Xiaofeng was startled by the sudden voice, turned around and said angrily: "Fat man, why are you so invisible?"

Ma Hongjun chuckled, "I was here ten minutes ago. I originally wanted to fill my stomach, but I was lucky and saw something I shouldn't have seen."

Wang Xiaofeng said firmly: "Is there anything I shouldn't see? Where is it? Where is it?"

"Really? Then I'll go talk to Boss Dai and the others now."

Wang Xiaofeng, who was aware of Ma Hongjun's big mouth, quickly grabbed him, and what came out of his mouth would definitely be artistically processed, and by then it would either *or* fall on his crotch.

"I'm afraid of you." Wang Xiaofeng held out three fingers reluctantly.

Ma Hongjun raised his legs and left, "I think Oscar will like this gossip."

Wang Xiaofeng strangled Ma Hongjun's neck fiercely, "Five meals at most, and at worst, both of us will be destroyed."

Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng was turning into a black man, Ma Hongjun quickly agreed, but he said harshly: "Okay, okay. Seeing that you are so sincere, let's have five meals."

On the other side, Tang San learned about his life experience, and Oscar also met his future father-in-law and old man. Although their experiences were different, their moods were similar, with a mixture of sadness and joy.

As soon as Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun came back, they saw Zhao Wuji standing motionless beside the quiet room like a door god.

Ma Hongjun seemed a little happy after receiving five meals from Wang Xiaofeng, but he blurted out: "Teacher Zhao, you have changed your career to be a janitor."

Zhao Wuji's eyes widened, and he hit Ma Hongjun's head hard with his fist, "You little chicken with stiff wings, how dare you talk to me like this."

Seeing that Zhao Wuji was about to punch him twice, Wang Xiaofeng quickly stopped him, "Forget it, Teacher Zhao, it's hard to explain if you beat the dean stupid."

"Humph." Zhao Wuji also knew that he had struck too hard, but how could he, who had always been stubborn, bow to the students and snorted coldly as an apology.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were accompanying Xiao Wu, while Dai Mubai pulled Oscar in the corner and didn't know what to say. Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the closed door and asked in a low voice: "Teacher Zhao, what's inside now?" Condition."

Zhao Wuji said gloomily: "I don't know, anyway, the mistress and the sect leader are talking now."

Zhao Wuji was a little angry in his heart. As the Fudo Ming King, he was really embarrassed that he couldn't protect his students. If only Master and Flanders were here, they wouldn't be so passive now.


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