Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 240: Flame Heart Grass and Blue Sky Star

After pushing aside the bushes, a huge stone wall appeared in front of Wang Xiaofeng.

There are two soul beasts fighting here under the stone wall. Broken wood and rubble are scattered around. It seems that the two sides have been fighting for some time.

The two sides fighting were a giant turtle with a green shell and a giant bear covered in black fur. Dark yellow soul power burst out from the collision between the two. It seemed that even if they had not reached the millennium, they were not far away from breaking through. .

The giant bear stood upright, with a very oppressive body of more than three meters tall. It was fat and strong, with two extremely large front paws. The sharp claws were retracted in a pair of fleshy palms. It looked extremely fierce.

The green-shelled giant turtle was huddled in the huge turtle shell. Although it was unclear what the attack power was, the pair of bear paws that could easily smash boulders smashed the turtle shell to the ground, leaving no trace of the turtle shell. The traces can already show the strength.

The black giant bear is very smart, knowing that he cannot shake the turtle shell, so he wants to turn the turtle shell over, but every time the giant bear grabs the turtle shell, ice will always appear on the turtle shell, making the turtle shell slippery. Don't slip away. Moreover, the green-shelled giant turtle will take the opportunity to stick out its head and spray water jets towards the black giant bear's head.

Although the water column didn't have much offensive power, it made the black bear even more aggressive.

"As the enemy advances, we retreat. This giant turtle actually knows the art of war. It's interesting." Wang Xiaofeng watched for a while and lost interest in this boring battle after realizing that no one on either side could do anything to the other.

The sound that sounded suspiciously like a dragon's roar should have come from the green-shelled giant turtle. It seemed that the green-shelled turtle had a trace of the ice-type dragon's bloodline.

However, giant turtles should live in the land of rivers, and something that allows this giant turtle to travel a long distance to get it must be worth a lot of money.

Wang Xiaofeng searched the surroundings carefully and finally found something on the stone wall that caused a dispute between the two.

It was a clump of red plants growing on the stone wall. Except that it was red in color, it looked similar to the Blue Silver Grass that could be seen everywhere.

This is a plant called Flame Heart Grass, also known as Bear Heart Grass. This plant is like catnip to cats, and has a slight stimulating effect on bears.

People can also use it, but Yanxincao must be made into a pill before it can be taken, and only a soul master with the fire attribute can take it, and its effect is only to slightly speed up the practice.

The number of Yanxincao is rare, and there are usually powerful bear spirit beasts around. The risks are not proportional to the benefits, so few people pick this plant.

"Isn't this the Flame Heart Grass? In that case, the giant turtle is not looking for..." Wang Xiaofeng looked around the Flame Heart Grass and quickly found the expected plant.

It was an inconspicuous plant, with dots of small light blue petals, only as big as a child's fingernail, hidden among the green leaves.

If Wang Xiaofeng's vision hadn't been enhanced by soul skills, he wouldn't have been able to hide the blue sky star so deeply.

The blue sky star is a mutation of the gypsophila star. It will only grow around the flame heart grass. This plant is poisonous to humans and will cause chills all over the body after eating it. But for soul beasts living in fresh water, this is a high-energy food, and eating it can increase their longevity.

"That's it? I thought there was something good." Wang Xiaofeng curled his lips and stood up from the ground. This giant turtle may have been hiding in the deep mountains and forests for too long and has never seen anything good.

Although the green-shelled giant turtle and the black giant bear focused their attention on each other, in order not to be taken advantage of by other spirit beasts, they would still observe their surroundings from time to time.

At this moment, he suddenly saw Wang Xiaofeng emerging from the grass. He stopped fighting involuntarily, and the giant bear roared loudly at him as if facing a powerful enemy.

The ferocious aura of the black giant bear combined with the trace of dragon power inspired by the green-shelled giant turtle fiercely pressed towards Wang Xiaofeng.

"What are you shouting for? It's so noisy." Wang Xiaofeng suddenly burst out with soul power and pressed towards the two soul beasts. The frightening pressure directly overwhelmed the two soul beasts like a tide and pressed heavily on them. .

Feeling the abyss-like pressure on his body, the giant bear opened his mouth wide but could not make any sound. The roar that shocked the forest suddenly stopped. Seeing that the situation was not good, the green-shelled giant turtle no longer inspired the impure dragon bloodline and retreated into the turtle shell.

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand: "I'm just passing by, don't worry about me, understand?"

The giant green-shelled turtle hid in its shell and shouted softly: "\u0026*% # " (What is this Ape erectus talking about?)

The giant bear shook his head and said: "¥ @%》" (I don’t know)

When Wang Xiaofeng saw that the two of them made no more attacking moves, he thought he understood his words, and then withdrew his soul power and momentum, leaving them with an unpredictable figure, "You continue to fight, I'll leave first. "

The giant turtle and the giant bear looked at each other. After Wang Xiaofeng's interference, they lost interest in fighting and patted their butts and went back to their respective homes.

It would not be good to go back empty-handed like this. Today happened to be the first day of the Lunar New Year, so Wang Xiaofeng knocked out a toothy wild boar that was almost a century old on the road.

"Get up!" The three-meter-tall wild boar weighing one and a half tons was carried back easily by Wang Xiaofeng.

During the Chinese New Year, you must eat pig-killing vegetables. As the name suggests, what can you do without pigs? It just so happens that soul beast meat is very nourishing for ordinary people, especially the children in the village who have not yet awakened their martial souls. It can lay a bit of a foundation.

Although the innate soul power of martial soul awakening is very metaphysical, it is destined by heaven for seven points and depends on oneself for three points. It is good to have the opportunity to improve the innate soul power.

Wang Xiaofeng was discovered by Wang Feng who had been guarding the entrance of the village before he entered the village carrying a huge toothy mountain pig.

Wang Feng looked at the huge wild boar and said in surprise: "Xiao Feng, what are you..."

Wang Xiaofeng threw the Big Tooth Mountain Boar aside, and suddenly there was a huge vibration on the ground, causing the villagers to come out to check the cause.

"It's going to be a village banquet in a few days. I'm going back to the academy tomorrow and I don't have time to attend this year's village banquet, so I just brought some gifts back."

Wang Feng sighed: "This gift of yours is really a surprise."

Although he can easily kill the toothy mountain boar, bringing it back intact is another matter. After all, the spirit beasts in the mountains will not reason with you.

Wang Feng quickly directed the villagers who came to watch the excitement to tie up the toothy mountain boar. In order to prevent it from suddenly waking up and violently injuring people, Wang Xiaofeng also specially poured a lot of poison to make the toothy mountain pig The pig slept for three days and three nights.

Wang Feng said: "Since you are leaving tomorrow, let's have a nice drink tonight."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Then I will risk my life to accompany you. I hope my sister-in-law will not blame me."

Wang Feng said forcefully: "Hey! She is just a woman, and I am the one in charge of the family."

Although Wang Feng was very tough in front of Wang Xiaofeng, that night, Wang Feng was still drunk and was caught by his wife, pulled by his ears and taken away.


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